I thoroughly enjoy your writing.

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Is there a resource that describes the number of schools/school districts in which have curriculum derived from CRT? I am looking for information about numbers and content - there have been some well written articles in Common Sense about the impact in a few select schools - I am trying to determine how wide spread the impact upon curriculum, teachers, and students has been nationally. Thanks

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Very interesting guest opinion in the NYT about the vote in Minneapolis about policing. It was black neighborhoods that voted down making major structural changes in the police department because they were afraid that they'd be left with fewer police, not better policing.

Today is Nov.9th. The author of the essay said there were definitely problems of racism in the police department and the black community wants improvements and accountability for abusive officers. It was a good article and I think a number of people in this comment section would find it interesting.

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The corporate media have settled on this approach to CRT: Critical Race theory is a right wing conspiracy theory, but if it exists, then opposing it is racist.

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It is part of what I call "Psaki - ism" :

What you say doesn't exist,

If it does exist, it is not a problem

if it is a problem, it's Trump's fault

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Why do you call the purveyors of CRT a "highly educated class"? This is mythology perpetuated by the Left akin to calling themselves "Liberal".

What is so educated about a degree in gender studies, colonial studies, or cultural anthropology?

These supposedly "highly educated" class have no education in the sciences, in philosophy, in economics, or history or math. That is the definition of a person lacking an education. Stop calling the elitists with ersatz college degrees as "educated". How educated is it to believe that humans don't have a nature and are blank slates? Or that all is socially constructed? Or that collectivization improves general happiness?

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Leftists project. They always, only, ever project.

The very people claiming that opposing voters are being frightened using imaginary bogeymen are themselves the ones guilty of this, as they see "white supremacy" everywhere.

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It seems many underestimated how upset parents are about things happening with school systems in Virginia, they made their voices heard that they were not going be silent and just sit down and take it anymore, and Youngkin was the candidate who is listening. Considering public education (and private) is funded by taxpayers/parents, it should make sense to everyone that they get value for their money, but also know their kids are safe and treated respectfully within the school systems. The situations happening in Virginia and elsewhere have gone too far, and the side that lost needs to take note that it was not due to a failure to pass a spending bill, it is about the fact the voices of these parents and community members are not for sale.

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McAuwful is -- as Glenn Greenwald said -- almost too sleazy for the Clintons. Almost...

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As someone who still listens to NPR & other news sources that commenters here would disparage; I never read or heard that CRT isn’t taught or doesn’t exist. Only that it isn’t taught at the K-12 level. Every time.

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Right on all accounts. Brilliant!

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I never thought of it that way, but Batya is on to something. That would explain why all the wealthy elites, concentrated in a few deep blue areas like New York City, North Virginia, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, etc., are the largest fomenters of hate and division. If they can succeed in dividing people of different skin pigments, rural vs. urban, create new genders, suppress free expression, etc., no one will notice as they grow richer, hobnob with one another, and create an invisible fence that protects their privileged way of life. They are merely using the African-American community and the Gay community, among others. If push ever comes to shove, they will throw these "oppressed peoples" they claim to champion under the bus so fast it will make your head spin.

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Bari, your friends and associates are as talented as yourself. So much value! It's a pleasure to support this kind of content. In a perfect world, you'd be the editor of the New York Times.

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I have long hypothesized that the primary difference between D and R is how they define "self interest". For Rs, the "self interest" test involves comparing a possible decision to their internal values. If there is not a match, the decision gets a "no". For Ds, the "self interest" test compares the individuals relationship, mainly in terms of power, with others impacted by the decision. If the decision results in a degradation of the relationship (power moving away from decision maker), the decision gets a "no".

So, how does this work with the reaction of Ds to their recent election debacle?

They can decide to blame it on either "racism" or "bad policies". If they choose the latter they will end up hating themselves because it threatens their perception of themselves with the reality of themselves - moving power from perception to reality. They would not be able to handle that truth.

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"And here’s the crucial point: The “Critical Race Theory isn’t real” meme is not about race. It’s not about politics. It’s not even a culture war, really. It’s about class. It’s about one class—a highly-educated chattering class—using highly specialized language to tell normal parents that they lack sufficient intellectual capacity and are imagining things because they’ve been brainwashed. A highly-educated progressive media has used its educational advantage—92 percent of American journalists have a college degree—to gaslight working-class parents of all races. Under the guise of fighting racism."

Journalists need to realize this crap needs to stop... they need to sit down and watch that film, Parasite. Every time they act like this, I'm reminded of that scene where the father finally loses it over the "what's that smell" comment and stabs the guy in the neck. I'm also reminded of the Commissar Cletus and Jamal green text meme as well... One of these days the morons are going to realize they're the bourgeoise, unarmed anti-second amendment bourgeoise. There's clips of when protestors destroyed a bunch of the media's camera equipment and tried to set it on fire during the Jan 6 riots. Those actions felt more just to me than what happened inside the capitol. The gaslighting needs to stop.

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As a lifelong Virginian, I can't tell you how excited I and my family and friends are about this outcome. The main reason that Virginia has been blue for the last decade or two, is that the Federal Government, where most employees vote left, gets bigger and bigger, and has been bleeding into northern Virginia for years. Two of the most populous counties in the state are Washington suburbs. I contend it's actually purple, not blue.

I would guess most of Virginia is center or center right. Those of us that live in the Richmond suburbs have watched how Democratic policy has destroyed the city. The schools, the crime, the taxes...I can't remember a time when it wasn't under Democrat control.

Hopefully Youngkin can really do what he says he wants to. This is finally our chance to show that is all about the policies.

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PS - I just read where Youngkin took 55% of the Latino vote as well.

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This is an under-reported fact that is not limited to VA. I live near San Antonio where in a highly hispanic district they just replaced a D with an R. And this is happening all over the place, from what I read.

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I really do have to keep reminding myself that the extremes on both sides are not the majority and not the norm -- they're just louder. Much, much louder. The vast majority of people are center-left or center-right and have a lot more in common with one another than with the kooks on either end. I don't care if it's a Bernie rally or a Trump rally -- I can't stand any politician who holds "rallies" in the first place. I want politicians who bore the shit out of me. I want to elect nerds who get off on policy documents. I don't want a politician that will give me an ecstatic experience and make me break down in tears at a tent revival in either party. I want them to just do their jobs invisibly and quietly, geek out over 260-page policy documents, and otherwise keep the hell out of my sphere of awareness.

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