
So, two weeks later, I’m watching the Sunday news shows talk about how something like 43% of Nikki Haley’s voters in NH were Independents voting against Trump (or that 43% of the Independents who voted for her were actually voting against him - I need more coffee…).

Phillips got 20% of the NH votes, but that was only 2500 voters, since the New Hampshire primary got decertified by the Democratic Party because NH dared to follow its state law requiring its primary to be the first in the nation, which might wreck the narrative the Dems want in 2024. Biden didn’t even appear on the ballot because of this crap but a write-in campaign still netted the incumbent almost 80% of the Democratic ballots.

My question is this: how many Independents voted in the Democratic non-primary anyway, and how did those votes break? Was there a pro-Biden vote proportional to the anti-Trump?

Just wonderin’….

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Incalculable damage done by Biden restarting funding UNWRA rather than exposing the threat

Bizarre interview never addressed UNWRA

UN spokesman clarifies claim global body unaware of Hamas tunnels -

 There will be no more UNWRA”: the confidential discussion in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee

Israel wants UNRWA out of Gaza -

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I appreciated Dean Phillip's tone and sentiments, but couldn't help but notice that he could not, or would not, understand the question about the "why" of Biden's immigration policy, despite multiple attempts to clarify the question. This points to a fault. Perhaps he simply is incurious about this, and this would suggest a lack of politically intellectual curiosity. Or, maybe he did understand the question, and didn't want to answer it because he thought the answer would be too provocative and upsetting even to Democrats.

But, from the right, I think we do know the core animating reason, and it's the woke-progressive view that Americans are undeserving of their ill-gotten, colonialist, slave-profiting prosperity, and belong in the oppressor category of Intersectionality, while illegal migrants of alien citizenship are the oppressed, and therefore, deserve everything. Therefore, to them it makes perfect sense to take a school away from US citizen children, and hand it over to foreign citizens whose first act in this country was to purposely violate our laws.

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Dean, you have no shot. If you do not realize that Talib is an anti-Semite, then you are stupid.

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frustration listening to this aspirational candidate who virtue signals hatred of DJT the liberal mantra greatest danger to democracy then lists Democrat Admin disasters dangers to democracy however interview never touched upon Biden reversing Trump defunding UNWRA, delisting Houthis as Terrorist org , disaster leaving Afghanistan, ending US energy dependence, on and on

As fellow Brown alum requesting if he donated to Brown he should emulate Ackman at Harvard and don’t. Brown under Federal investigation Dept Educ for discrimination of Jews thanks to Trump signing EO re Title VI enables lawsuits to be brought for victims anti Semitism. Beshara Doumani heads bogus Palestinian Studies took off for stint heading Hamas controlled Birzeit U

Focusing on academia disaster would be more productive than pursuing race to run the country. Not happening. His creds re Middle East not provided any insight re W Bank Arabs and he pushes insanity of 2 State solution counting on PA where overwhelming support of Hamas and Oct 7 th barbarism skyrockets

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I liked a lot of what Phillips said until he supported a Whitmer/Warnock Presidential bid! Whitmer is a tyrant as shown through her lockdowns during Covid, yet not applying those lockdowns to her family. She also is pro unions, which do not help workers but put money in the pockets of those in administrative positions. All I hear from Bari and Phillips is their disdain for Trump and how he will ruin democracy. Yet neither EVER give examples of what he would do or has done that makes him a “fascist” or a tyrannical leader. Many of the things that Phillips emphasized, reducing regulations to make building faster and more affordable, going after Pharmaceutical companies to make drugs more affordable, school choice, revamping education…all these are things Trump did and believes in. I agree that I don’t like Trumps demeanor in public, his name calling , his egomania, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have good policies. I would like to hear both Bari and Phillips list their specific objections to Trump as a President, not as a person. And do not say he caused an insurrection because he has never been convicted of that! Both of them have been influence by the main stream media’s attacks for 4 years of lying about Trump. Democrats attacked Trump for 4 years, with 2 unnecessary impeachments and and spread lies in order to bring down his Presidency. The Democrats are the ones who for 4 years were a threat to Democracy by not honoring a duly elected President.

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Bari, how do you call this gentleman a moderate? 🤔

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If Dean Phillips thinks it's possible to make peace with the Palestinians, then we have already lost him to diplomacy and the unicorns.

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I like Dean Phillips and I am working to raise his profile, get the conversation started.

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"Politics is about winning ..."

Right there in the very first sentence is the problem with all of our so-called leaders.

Hard pass.

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I stopped reading when he mentioned that he wanted Warnock for VP - he can't be serious.

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I am sure many of you have seen Bill Ackman's loooooong tweet in the last day or so praising this guy up and down and pledging his support. Poor Bill still has much to learn.

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I am confused about his suggestion that Israel should target individual Hamas members - specifically with his comparison to the targeting of Nazis after the Holocaust. What first put these individual Nazis in a position where they could be targeted? It is a nice thought, much nicer than the reality, but it does not hold.

I also do not understand those who are attacking BW for not being aggressive enough in this interview. That is the great challenge of journalists - they must walk a fine line. If all she did was attack him, we could say goodbye to politicians being interviews on Honestly. I also like to think that it can be left to the listener to hear what he has to say and come to his/her own conclusions.

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Thanks Bari for the most thorough intro to him. Another incentive to remind me why I subscribed. Now the However. My concern and sympathy for him and all my Jewish friends and some family could not be more gut wrenchingly sincere. I’m a forever registered committed independent voter. His defense of Biden is almost as astounding as his friendship with someone who in truth hates his race, his religion and Israel. She denies history and smears the country she supposedly had sworn to protect. How do you “protect “ someone you hate??? Biden to me does not run the White House or this country. Obama and all his followers that were hired by Biden run the country. So if you dislike the condition, the direction, culturally and economically , the International Distain and disrespect that many countries overtly and covertly express you know to whom to point. Not the declining incumbent president who has, when a careful history has been gleaned, lied and told more foolish untrue stories it should be a mortal embarrassment to any reasonable person. How and why he is being boosted and protected just represents to me the glaring weakness and dangerous condition of our present democracy and political condition.

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I listened to your Podcast with Dean Phillips, and for now, I am in. I decided to volunteer. It is sad to see Biden, who has been a good President, fail to see that his age will doom him to fail and lose the election. Although Trump is not much younger, he appears younger and stronger. Of course, he is a danger to our country and the future of democracy; hence, I am sad that Biden doesn't do the noble thing and step down for a younger candidate.

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"Of course, he is a danger to our country and the future of democracy"

So you're new here?

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Worst comments section ever.

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