This is not a day to discuss “both sides.” Israelis were murdered in their homes and on the streets by a noxious terrorist organization. I’m a liberal. It is time that those on the responsible left stand against Hamas without qualification. We all feel terrible for Palestinians caught in the crossfire. But all the blame belongs with Hamas. We can argue for a 2-state solution and criticize Bibi on another day. Israel has a right to self-defense. Hamas deserves no safe haven. Talk about generational trauma on both sides muddies what is a very clear situation and moral imperative for Israel. They are at war and have every right to root out Hamas.

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We are left with so many questions: How did this happen? It's perfectly clear how it happened and don't pretend otherwise.

Bari - I put this to you again. Biden gave Iran $6 billion and the BBC just confirmed that Hamas admitted it got aid for this savagery from Iran. Earlier, Blinken crowed that the Biden Administration restored the payments to the "Palestinians" that Trump had cut off.

Are you finally ready to renounce the Democrats and their support for these butchers? Or is "Never Again" just an empty platitude?

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At this point you really shouldn’t even be mad at Hamas; you should just be mad at the global Democrat left. It’s like how I’m not even mad at the criminals roaming the streets. I’m just mad at Democrats.

If your roommate lets a rabid dog into the house, are you mad at the dog? I mean you have to kill the dog first, but your roommate also needs to be dealt with.

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When I initially read about the terrorist attacks on other news sites I came away feeling like this was just the same old story repeating itself.

Then The Free Press coverage came out and I understood how devastating and evil this act was and how the status quo is completely unacceptable. Hamas must be destroyed and its leadership cannot survive in power.

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Great discussion.

This is not a "clash of civilizations" because that implies there is more than one civilization in question here. The reality is that this is one civilization vs genocidal barbarism. Anyone with eyes to see knows this is true.

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“We are left with so many questions: How did this happen? Who is to blame for this catastrophic security failure?”


Maybe devoting all of our resources to destroying evidence in Ukraine and stopping the Oath Keepers was a bad plan.

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Democrats have been pushing for the US to join in BDS in an effort to destroy Israel and Biden has been kissing the Ayatollah's ass to get them to shut down uranium enrichment. Plus, "The Squad" has been engaging in Jew-baiting for years now. The Democratic Party truly is the party of anti-Semitism.

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You guys support Biden and the Democrats. Biden's handlers and the Democrats for all intents and purposes support this evil.

How can you be surprised? This is one of many things I try to understand, but still come up short.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

There are no words to express what is happening. Making excuses for Hamas is like making excuses for a serial killer in our midst. The barbaric attack on women and children is is inexcusable, and the parading in the streets of dead naked people is disgusting. Sort of takes away any sympathy one might have had for the Palestinians who have been screwed over by their own leaders for many years.

The fact that the "squad" and their allies have been spewing crap about this is testament that you don't need any intelligence to be voted into office. These idiots need to be censured from Bush to Tlaib, to Omar to Pressley. Their words are anathema to the values of our country.

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The progressive left’s vacuous hyperbole about hate speech is exposed completely when celebrating in the streets about the atrocities committed in Israel by monsters is considered... understandable or contextual.

May Israel rise to meet this challenge and prevail against such wanton violence. Prayers and prayers. I’ve been reading the Psalms and have been wondering about the poetry of war. Now, heart-breakingly, it’s making more sense.

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I've been sharing Bari and Eve Barlow's articles on social media. Not one response. I'm not surprised though. Americans are so gripped in fear when it comes to speaking up for people in Israel or support the demise of it.

Reading about terrorists going door to door and murdering innocent people really struck a chord with me. If there was ever a reason to have a well armed household, this makes the list.

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To put things in perspective, the US population is some 330 million and Israel’s is about 10 million. That means that what Israel experienced yesterday would be the equivalent of over 19,000 murdered Americans and 75,000 wounded. How would any country react to such barbarism?

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Thank you for this. I’ve been searching for updates and analysis that aren’t filled with moral equivalency and this was just the ticket. I cried through a lot of it. And I sobbed when Michael said “I can’t bare being here when my children are in bomb shelters.” I’m not a Jew, I’m Catholic, but I’ve been deeply pro-Israel since my teens. I know no one who lives in Israel but i have sobbed all weekend. I pray for the dead, the missing, the grieving, the hostages. For those attempting rescues. For those in bomb shelters and those who are mobilizing. I pray for Israel.

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There is now little question that the weak acts of President Biden's foreign policy underline both this war and the war in Ukraine.

The disastrous exit from Afghanistan, the cowardly act of a commander in chief leaving 13 of his soldiers to die, abandoning $Billions of arms to terrorists which will eventually be used against us, sent the world a message that the world's enforcer of law and safety has been morally and honorably defunded. The world is a much less safer place with Joe Biden as POTUS.

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I'll be watching to see if our "squad" from Congress are out in the streets celebrating with the other Hamas supporters.

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I remain intensely Zionist, for multiple reasons. But I have to admit that had so many Jews been massacred in any other nation, I'd be saying: "This is why we need Israel." It's a dark day.

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