
There's no need to a country or people's pain to inhuman attacks between 9-11 and Israel today. Leave that alone Mr. Ambassador. On a couple of questions. The Israeli military and intelligence communities need to have a good look at themselves and stop believing their own press releases. The Mossad are not omniscient, and technology isn't everything. Letting rage and political grandstanding get Israel bogged down in a struggle which may not be the best battle or theater into which to fight takes some cool thinking. Iran is a master at using a combination of low tech drones to high end technology and good old infiltration on the ground to fight with a multipronged strategy. They are in their multilateral mission for the long haul, and from the look of some of the masked folks on those trucks, mercenaries from many countries are always hungry for a tough fight and good paydays.

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For my comments regarding the brutal attack of Hamas against Israel, please read my column 'No Victors. Just Victims.'

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Tha.k you for your calme response. I knew all that but still maintain that both sides have to considered. It seems clean that the présent policy leads Israel info a deadend. History is never an excuse for bad policy, and accepting to coalesce with the ultra wright orthodoxe party in oder to stay in power is a bad decision and Isreal is paying for that mistake right now. When one reas the content of déclarations of these right wingers, one can see that fanaticism is not the privilège of the palestinians. And where will all this lead? Only to more war. Let us hope that Israel will learn fr this attack ans change course. That might mean that Netanyahou will have to step down and make way to a more moderate (not soft, but moderate) government without participation of the fanatics from the ultra wright wing. I have always stood by Isreal, .however I do think that violence will only beget more violence. This is a relentless cycle and we are wright in it.

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You seemed to have missed my main point: It makes absolutely no difference who is in the Israeli government or whether there are “fanatics” living in the West Bank. The Palestinian leadership—including the alleged”moderate” Palestinian Authority, as well as the overwhelming majority of Palestinians (confirmed in repeated polls going back many years—again, regardless of who held power in Democratic Israel) have never been willing to live in peace with a Jewish State; even one which is willing to give up most of the West Bank. It’s really that simple (I love when the experts discuss the “complexity” of the conflict—it’s hard to face the basic reality that most Palestinians, and much of the Arab and Muslim world, can not tolerate Jewish sovereignty. Hence, no peace. Ever.)

As for the “cycle of violence,” this is a fallacy. There is no such thing. The Arabs attack, and celebrate the intentional killing of civilians. The Israelis respond, always trying, as they are legally and morally bound to do, to avoid civilian casualties. Even now, after suffering the most heinous crimes against civilians by Hamas and Islamic Jihad—with the full support of the terrorist regime in Iran, Israel will not intentionally target Gaza’s civilian population, even though it could burn Gaza and all its inhabitants if it wished.

This war may well bring down the current Israeli government. But a more “moderate” government will be hated no less by the majority of Arabs and Muslims. If only were it not so.

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Short version relating to the modern world, as in the past half-Millenia or so:

1. The Ottoman Empire, with Turkey as its core state, had absolute sovereignty over all the land currently known as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel (and others too) for centuries.

2. The Ottoman Empire collapsed at the end of WWI (1918)

3. Then the land currently known as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel was administered by the UK and France under the now defunct League or Nations. The 1917 Balfour declaration from the UK expressed support for a Jewish homeland in the area of the former Ottoman Empire known as Palestine.

4. This area was at that time mostly Arab Muslims but with a Jewish minority. Obviously, both had been there since before the Ottoman Empire even existed. Zionism is the idea of a Jewish homeland and Jews from around the world started coming to the area to establish a Jewish state. Arabs wanted to have their own independent state. There was violence and terrorism and it was messy and the UK wanted out since they were caught in the middle and neither side wanted them there.

5. After WW2 ended (1945), the brand new UN mandated two new nations in this area, Israel and Palestine to take effect in 1948 (British official exit).

6. Palestine never got started since the first thing that happened was the first Arab-Israeli war where the Arab League (Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, etc) invaded Israel to wipe them out. They lost. There have been other Arab Israeli wars since, same result.

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At a glance - no.

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2 million in Gaza

Squad 8

Equals 250000 get immigrated to the 8 squad politicians who are on the Muslim payroll

Aoc, Omar,Presley, talib,bush, etc

Problem solved

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What was the federal law which made it a felony for any American to give aid to the new state of Israel in 1948?

It was in the movie about the Israeli air force and how it was instrumental on the invasion of Israel in 1948

Thanks for help

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A surprisingly fair(ish) The Morning from NYT today (10/9). David Leonhardt is probably going to get eaten alive for daring to hint that 1)America becoming weak and relinquishing international leadership may have contributed to this and other recent global upheavals, 2) Biden f***ed up with Afghanistan 3)"Hamas brazenly attacked Israel" 4)they did it in part to provoke massive Israeli retaliation which would turn international opinion against Israel, undermine the Abraham accords, strengthen Iran and prevent a reassertion of American leadership. Maybe after he's tarred and feathered, he'll come to The Free Press!

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CNN talking heads, instead of looking glum while Palestinian apologists explain how "the occupation" somehow justifies barbarism, need only read aloud the Hamas charter which calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.

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But yes, one has to discuss both sides. Nothing can justify the brutality of Hamas, but one cannot call this a war of aggression when at the same time Palestinans are attacked and dispossessed in Cisjordania without much judicial protection, when at the same time the Israeli government with its ultra-orthodox wing is openly preparing and creating the conditions for the annexation of what is still called the "occupied territories". Isreal under this new governmen,t is and was in a state of war against the Palestinians. So if aggression there is, it is a defensive aggression, some sort of a revolt against an overwhelming foe. I am not saying that this is an easy or clearcut situtation, that what happens on this side hustifies the horrors of the other side, but one thing seems certain for me: as long as Israel is following its present political trajectory, thi,ngs can only get worse, not only for thje Palestinians, but also for all those in Isreal who do not share the orientation of the present Isreali government and its ultraorthodox wing. So yes, we have to condemn Hamas and its brutalitoes which are inexcusable, but we should also remember the wrongs Jewish settlers are inflicting on Palestinians in the "occupied territories. As of yet , these do not belong to Isreal. There Israel is a sometimes brutal occupying force the exactions of which have not been reported on much by the Free Press, to my great regret.

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Before you suggest discussing “both sides,” might I suggest educating yourself with the history of the conflict. Dan Gordis’ “Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn” is an objective, dispassionate and reasonably comprehensive primer. And the later chapters briefly recount the undisputed facts detailing how Israel, under Labor (“left-wing”) governments, repeatedly offered the Palestinians generous terms for peace, including the return of over 90% of the West Bank (which, let’s recall, only came under Israeli authority in 1967, when five Arab states declared a war of annihilation against it). The Palestinian response, both before and since, has been unrelenting terror and hatred, no doubt germinated in their schools (Palestinian children are taught from kindergarten to hate Jews—Google “Palestinian Media Watch” to learn of indoctrination tantamount to child abuse). As for the settlements, they would have largely never even been built had the Palestinians and their Arab supporters simply accepted the tiny Jewish State with secure borders. So Israel’s current government is totally irrelevant to the idea of peace with the Palestinians, and the Palestinians (and Israelis) will have to live with the consequences of utter Palestinian intransigence. That is the sad reality.

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Do we all feel comfortable now about all those illegals who crossed the border from all over the world?

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Oren gave all of us a tool to identify the apologists for barbarism in our domestic media. When some ignorant TV host tries to tie Hamas's behavior to the inability to negotiate for a Palestinian state, we can dismiss whatever else comes out of that host's mouth.

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MSM already starting to sanitize the facts. Neither CBS or NBC will use the term terrorists. Instead calling these animals militants or fighters.

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While I understand that many are referring to 9/11 to try to get Americans to understand, I wonder if it is wise. What is happening in Israel is a multi-front attack; the only airport is closed and a target; missiles are still falling, the terrorists are still within the walls, hostages are being held in he tunnels, which are normally used to secret terrorists into the country, and there is a possibility of an other front: hezbollah from Lebanon which has over 100,000 missiles. There is literally no comparison. Israel fights for her life; that was not the case here; no chance America would not survive.

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Thank you for this incredibly important and absolutely heartbreaking "listen."

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