
I love this publication. It's the only news source that I trust. Thanks for all of your hard work.

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People were upset by dead Jewish babies, so Hamas (oh, sorry, Islamic Jihadists) killed Palestinians and cried "Look, we have dead babies too! Sick.

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Bari, thank you for the quality, integrity and humanity of your journalism. This has convinced me to upgrade to a paid subscription.

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Thanks Bari. Powerful stories that make one stop and think. You’re a rare journalist. More of a thought leader. Bless you.

Expand full comment can never assimilate enough. You will always be "the Other."

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Person A: Black people always screaming “Racism!”

Person B: Yeah!

Person A: Women always screaming “Patriarchy!”

Person B: Yeah!

Person A: Muslims always screaming “Islamophobia!”

Person B: Yeah!

Person A: Gay people always screaming “Homophobia!”

Person B: Yeah!

Person A: Transgender people always screaming “Transphobia!”

Person B: Yeah

Person A: Jewish people always screaming “Anti-Semitism!”

Person B: ........

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These are hard to comment on. I think the basic finding is that Jacob Katz returned to Israel to fight for it and Amjad Abukwaik didn’t return to Gaza to fight for it nor advise his sons to do so. This is wisdom on Amjad’s part; he left Gaza and came to enjoy the freedom and opportunity in America and he is most welcome here.

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"... Gaza, where 199 civilians are being held hostage by Hamas."

Those are the OFFICIAL hostages.

It doesn't count the entire civilian population of northern Gaza.

(Because, you see, Hamas now holds them hostage too. (In this charged atmosphere, I don't want to be misunderstood.))

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Isn’t it strange how when the Left wants to demonize someone, the call them “the next Hitler”... yet, such a significant portion of them are the ones literally cheering the massacre of the Jewish people?

The left is having their “Charlottesville Moment” on steroids. Except, a minuscule minority of conservatives would be categorized as supporting the KKK, while such a significant portion of the Left cheers for genocide.

Certainly there are “fine people on both sides of the argument” who can disagree on what peace should look like in the Middle East... but it takes quite the mental gymnastics to not see the hypocrisy of labeling everyone as Nazis racists if they advocate for taking pause in rewriting history and tearing down statues, while simultaneously calling for the elimination of a race of people.

Clown world.

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Amjad never mentions Israel or the Nazi like assault on Israel. His omissions speak volumes. We can murder and rape but please don’t make us suffer. We already suffer too much.

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Remember when the lefties screamed Trump would start WW III? Didn’t happen. Now Biden’s weakness is provoking it.

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The Law of Three operates in the universe. Affirming Denying Arising. There cannot be a solution to this very serious issue for the entire world that is Israel-Palestine without the third, Arising.

“Just as it takes three independent strands of hair to make a braid, so it takes three individual lines of force to make a new arising. Until this third force enters, the other two forces remain at impasse. These three lines of action are free of moral judgment and they are neither “good” or “bad” (Cynthia Bourgeault, 2013, p. 26).

Cynthia also says:

“Denying (second force) is never an obstacle to be overcome but always a legitimate and essential component of the new manifestation… The “enemy” is never the enemy but a necessary part of the “givens” in any situation, and solutions will never work that have as their goal the elimination of second force” (p. 29).

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I'm so pleased to see this article, but the xenophobia in the comments is palpable, and gross.

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