As Brandeis said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. I am nauseated that my own profession has seemingly lost every last vestige of intestinal fortitude, and the pantywaists who claim to be gatekeepers at important medical colleges and publishing houses cringe in fear of the Marxist "activists" whose ultimate purpose is to bring down Western civilization.

To my eye, the importance of this article on TheFP and the one it references cannot be overstated. This is PRECISELY why I subscribed to Common Sense and then TheFP. Well done, Ms. Weiss. Bloody well done.

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My wife, who is a pediatric nurse, has been saying this for years...because she is witness to it. It is more social pressure than physiology.

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First of all, this should be called ‘conversion therapy’ not ‘gender affirming care’.

But aside from that, one thing I haven’t heard mentioned is how the Democrats doing this to children are actually *worse* than child molesters. Someone who is sexually molested as a child at least has a chance to reverse the impacts of that trauma with psychotherapy.

Finally, I would like to see an article that outlines how the specific type of psychological and emotional manipulation represented by the whole

“You can have a dead child or a trans child.”

ploy, is a tactic used almost exclusively by literal psychopaths, and almost all Democrats are willing to engage in this……….

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Anyone who lives in a progressive community can attest to this. I talk openly with my own kids about it and encourage them to observe the patterns around them, which are very clear. This is a trend. A trend that is going to leave huge swaths of people infertile, mutilated, and deeply depressed. I’ll never understand how it’s legal for doctors and parents to intervene and redirect the natural development of a child, not for any medical reason, but because of a trendy feeling.

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In the upcoming long-term survey of adolescent gender dysphoria, I hope you'll also collect data on what psychotropic medications these kids may be on before their ROGD started.

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People can see with their own eyes how deranged it is that so many kids identify as trans yet they all pretend it’s because the kids are finally free to be themselves. All those closeted suicidal trans kids before 2015--where are the bodies? Now it’s the straight kids in the closet because ewww heteronormativity.

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20 some years ago, when my kids were in high school, the local magnet high school (academics and performing arts) had a “thing” going where all the girls were lesbians (whether they actually were or not). Parents told me that while these girls were waiting in the carpool line (not everyone rode the bus), the girls would divide up into couples and make out (lots of tongue) primarily to shock the parents. At least half of these lesbian couples broke up in college and discovered they were actually straight or bisexual and had boyfriends. In their 20’s a lot of them married men. Take those statistics and ask the question, “what if these same girls thought they were trans in high school and had puberty blockers, top surgery and testosterone treatments?” In what universe would subjecting teenagers to mutilating body treatments be deemed okay when it precludes their natural sexual progression to being straight, gay or bisexual…not trans? In other words, the teenagers never change their biological sex but grow into whatever sexuality they were programmed for originally. Am I making sense? With teen girls, a high school fad is often just a high school fad. That it shocks and scares their parents (especially their mothers) is part of it’s purpose. As a final point, in most states it’s illegal to get a tattoo under age 18, but it’s okay to have top surgery? Really?

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It should be obvious at this point that there is a sinister political agenda and that the Democrats are behind it. What else would explain Biden slurring about "gender affirming care" as a government issue? It's one thing if the private sector wants to cut off its body parts, but when a political party promotes and celebrates it -- someone is gaining financially. I suspect that Obama gained financially. This "celebration" started near the end of his presidency. Suddenly we had "gender neutral" bathrooms at the university where I teach. They were handing out pronoun swag and at one workshop, glassy-eyed zealots promoted asking students what gender they are today.

I smelled a rat right away, and have been watching this with my jaw hanging for years now. It's one thing for activists to silence information that they believe is for the common good -- let's say anything to do with climate change. But to silence information that counters the narrative that so many people could have been born in the wrong body? Laws on the table that award custody to the gender-affirming parent? Denying as a "right wing talking point" (the stupidest "argument" out there) that these cross-sex hormones damage the body, that there is no good reason to remove healthy breasts from a teenage girl? That puberty blockers stunt a person's growth?

There could only be one reason why the truth is being silenced: THIS IS CORRUPTION WRIT LARGE. The research that someone needs to do is to find out: WHO's GETTING PAID to PROMOTE THIS. WHO is PAYING to spread this mind virus. WHY did medical principles go out the window on this? Some serious investigative journalism needs to NAIL THESE EVIL PEOPLE TO TO THE WALL.

And don't get me started on the weak-livered parents who actually take their teen to the "gender therapist" -- that's like taking a kid who's done heroin to a drug dealer for more -- Parents who actually go along with this because they are "afraid." MOST PEOPLE KNOW THIS IS BULLSHIT. SO SPEAK UP.

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I think so many people inherently know that these girls are struggling emotionally and less invasive methods should be a first step before the irreversible damage. I’ve followed Abigail Shrier and Lisa Littman, their research and the hate they’ve received for trying to expose the truth. It’s good to know there are more researchers out there doing incredible and important research but horrific that this is being censored. What I don’t understand is shouldn’t these trans activists want to act and advocate in the best interest of these girls rather than destroy lives if they realize it was the wrong intervention?

Thank you for this incredible article.

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Thank you, Dr. Bailey. As a public health professional and parent of an ROGD kid, the frustration of having to remain silent is unbearable. We desperately need this research. The indoctrination of our children and subsequent push toward irreversible, unnecessary, dangerous, and evidence-free “gender affirmative care” is surely the most heinous public health scandal of our time. The medical community must be held accountable. This will only happen when the wider world understands the tremendous damage clinicians have willfully caused to young people, employing emotional manipulation and disinformation to coerce parents into consenting to the medical harm of their children, and the families they have destroyed by pitting vulnerable children against those parents who have pushed back against their pressure campaign to medically transition every child who succumbs to this social contagion.

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Ahh the Bailey paper. I know about this. TFP I've had my frustrations with you for sure but I'm glad you got the scoop to publish this. When this mania/madness/panic is all said and done, the truth will out and it will not be what the establishment media had emphasized and pushed.

Changing gender and gender identification/dysphoria is an issue that requires honesty, compassion, and clear thinking. And that is NOT what we are getting. Instead we get emotional blackmail and manipulation.

May God bless everyone who tries to act with integrity these days. To everyone else, well you know what you can do.

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“On May 5, a group of 100 academic activists and gender clinicians published an online Open Letter expressing “ethical” and “editorial concerns” about the journal and “serious concerns over research ethics and intellectual integrity” of our article”


Are you sure it wasn’t 51 former intelligence officials?

I love “concerns over ethics” from the child penis chopping lobby.

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Brave and important work. Of course, the madness only stops when the lawsuits start. If highly accomplished medical professionals (like your anonymous coauthor) find the social pressure of yielding to this almost unbearable, what chance do teenage girls have?

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Thanks for writing this article, and your commitment to the truth. Is it the times, or have I been asleep for the past several years, but there’s a trail of censorship and canceling accelerating across several disciplines and political agendas that have me worried? Is there any evidence of government involvement in the retraction of your paper, or is it mainly institutional?

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Excellent. Social contagion is real. In addition to parents, perhaps teachers would also be willing to participate in your future studies. Those who are still capable of independent thought see first hand the kids with social and emotional problems spontaneously decide they were “born in the wrong body”.

One of the more frightening facts in your article suggests the largest predictor of medicalization is a visit to a gender therapist. It appears the medical institutions and States with laws that require immediate affirmation are the real groomers.

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“There is ample evidence that in progressive communities, multiple girls from the same peer group are announcing they are trans almost simultaneously”


Not to mention the parents who have a statistically impossible number of transvestite and pansexual kids.

Those people need to be prosecuted with whatever the maximum child sexual abuse charges are.

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