Easy to blame BiBi but somehow you are not considering the pressure on Israel, not least from Biden and Obama’s administrations and especially their state departments to play nice with the “poor “ Palestinians. The UN, the EU have all made sure the world sees Israel as the regional bully to be held in check. Israel could have bombed Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza back to the Stone Age after the first and second intifadas but were constrained by world opinion - the same world that did nothing to help Jews during the Nazi era. I hope Israel takes this latest horror as a sign that pleasing the world doesn’t mean as much when you people are at desperate risk of death - or worse. The image of the little boy captive in Gaza being harassed by Palestinian children will stay with me - they can’t even leave innocent children alone.

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I've been reading accounts of this attack all day and not one mention of John Kerry and his ilk loving up Iran. He deserves to be dragged into this discussion.

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The Israeli's have been screwed big time. This is madness on the part of Hamas and will visit more death and destruction on their own people. WTF is wrong with these people. It get's to the point where the Israeli's would be fully justified in removing this threat- ROOT AND BRANCH. This is obviously a huge intelligence failure and I have to imagine that it was also an inside job- there had to be internal actors. It's going to be bloody and difficult to stay out of. How do we help the Israeli's when we already sent all our weapon's to Ukraine? Fortunately we are lead by that master of stategery Uncle Joey. We are screwed too...perfect time for the Chinese to take Taiwan.

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For decades the big lie about the Mideast was that the key to peace was to settle the Palestinian issue. This was reiterated forcefully by John Kerry only a few years ago to undermine Trump's successes in the region. This absurd idea empowered and enriched Arafat and his ilk. It's been blatantly obvious for decades that there has never been a good-faith effort on the part of the Palestinians to reach a peace. They are committed only to the exploitation of the cynicism, naivete and cowardly anti-Semitism of many Western leaders to further their sadistic criminality.

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So, how many here in the US are now willing to vote against the party that always takes a knee to Hamas and Iran? NY? FL? Los Angeles? How will you all vote?

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That Israel didn’t have an inkling is bad. That all her allies ALSO didn’t know is very hard to believe. That’s the question we should be asking.

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This is a raid from medieval times. Barbarians raiding villages, killing women and children and taking captives back as hostages. The response should the IDF going in and taking over the strip. Eliminating the Hamas leadership as a first step.

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"There also needs to be an accounting here in America of our role in setting the table for this disaster. Today should mark the end of the Biden administration’s dishonorable effort to reenter the Iran nuclear deal and its string of disgraceful and one-sided concessions to Hamas’s biggest backer. " Indeed.

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Bari -- You totally hit it with your analysis and predictions on propaganda outlet treatment of this. I am not Jewish, but I spent my first twelve years of school in a predominately Jewish school, run out of residential homes in SoCal. I *love* both Christian and Jewish culture and morals. Enough about me.

"Within two or three days, the media narrative will change, as it does every time, and the grisly invasion that started the war quickly will be minimized into a half sentence of euphemistic dishonesty in press accounts (“an incursion by Gaza-based militants”) so that the focus can turn to prosecuting Israel."

Yes. But over the years, since my childhood, and especially after I matured in my twenties, I have been mystified by observations of my Jewish friends and acquaintances who seemingly blindly go for leftist concepts. These people help fuel the media narrative by seemingly blind belief. Aren't a good fraction of the people at higher levels in the media Jewish? What the hell?

Many of my childhood friends were children of refugees from Eastern Europe, Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany. I heard plenty of stories from the elders. Yet, incongruously, people whom I otherwise respect seem to blindly go with the leftist narratives. It's a disconnect. Jewish boys are groomed and pushed by their mothers and Rabbis to excel on all fronts. And it works. The "Men from Mars" out of Eastern Europe took physics to a new level ... yet they, and a few Europeans and Scandinavians like Lise Meitner and Niels Bohr, just kept on with "One World, a world without war". Fairy tale, contrary to basic humen instinct.

Yours confused....

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The Palestinian point of view is that Israel must be destroyed and all of the Jews must be murdered. Why would you want to listen to that?

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My heart goes out to these people.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

All day, I've been trying to imagine what this would feel like if it happened to me in America. All I can find is incandescent rage. I've been to war. I've seen friends killed by complete pieces of shit. In my darkest moment, I wouldn't have imagined harming defenseless women and children. I cannot understand or reason with someone who thinks that rape, deliberate murder of unarmed innocents, and taking children hostage are legitimate tactics in the pursuit of any cause.

Those things write you out of the human race. I suspect Hamas has sown the wind on behalf of Palestinians. I wish the IDF good hunting.

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I'm not a middle eastern expert, but I noticed that both Obama and Biden's executive branches are more pro-Iran and anti-Israel. And as a result, their mouthpieces such as NYT are also pro-Iran and anti-Israel. This attitude is also prevalent among the more liberal wing of Jewish folks in the US. I never understood why. Is there something deeper culturally going on, or is this simply part of the progressive movement (but why are they connected anyway)?

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God, make me the prime minister of Israel for one day. That's all I ask: one goddamned day. I'll make the firebombings of Tokyo and Dresden look like a Sunday picnic.

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This goes back to Haj-amin el Hussieni, the British should have strung him up but instead made him Mufti of Jerusalem even though he came in 4th or 5th in the election (1921?).

He looked good standing beside Hitler.

There were plenty of Palestinians who wanted to work with the Jews but the Islamists then were no different than the ones now.

They insist on all or nothing so they will continue to get nothing.

Hopefully the gloves come fully off this time.

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The Jewish community in America should disabuse themselves from thinking that Biden can do anything right. Sending money to Iran expecting it to buy food and medicine and play nice with the infidels is Biden at the zenith of his ubiquitous stupidity. He finally reversed his position on the border wall. Will he reverse his stance on Israel? Or Ukraine?

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