This is what we're teaching kids in these hollowed halls. Where once we taught classics and philosophy, then we taught engineering and science, and now we teach calls for violence and "decolonization". We reap what we sow.

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I don't have a gun. But I am seriously thinking of arm myself. It would be of negligible use but at least I would have some means of defending myself, my family and my neighbors. What happened in Israel could happen here- I am convinced of it. The fake race war, invasion of illegal aliens, defund the police and climate lunatics are but some of the factors taking us down the road to anarchy. I fear for our future like I never have. When we were doing drills for a nuclear attack, I never felt we were truly at risk...imagining a mushroom cloud on the horizon just didn't seem possible. But this shit is getting too real people. We need to get a grip and elect leadership who will work together to protect the American people. And I'm thinking hard about praying. Can't hurt.

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Thank you for naming and shaming these death cult Bolsheviks. They twist words to create a nightmarish "utopia". Like decolonization, I have compiled a glossary of modern leftist Orwellian double-speak: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-coin-a-term-part-2

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Excellent article. I wonder what all the American Leftists who talk about how this country has engaged in colonialism would feel if they were raped, their children taken hostage and their friends and parents murdered on social media. That’s the real test isn’t it? Leftists are always talking about how horrible this country is. What if the “oppressed” of the world started to treat us like Israel is now being treated?

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As Nikki Haley said “Finish them”…. Hamas should accept “unconditional surrender “ and war crimes trials … Hamas can extend the war and bring more death to their people…. Japan made this mistake in WW2. Japan doesn’t threaten anyone anymore … make Gaza like Japan

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Invaluable context.

"The New York Times...failed to mention Israeli forces withdrew from Gaza in 2005; that Palestinians elected Hamas to rule them; that Israelis routinely give Gazans notice before attacking to minimize loss of civilian life; and that one reason (maybe the reason) so many Palestinian children have died during Israeli air strikes is Hamas uses them as human shields—the better to generate sympathetic news coverage."


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Wow. They've proven we should take them seriously and literally. The barbarians are at the gate, and given the choice, these folks would let them wreak havoc.

I'm guessing this article and others mention women and children explicitly while Senator McConnell in the WSJ explicitly calls for mourning "the innocent men, women and children the terrorists have slaughtered" because it is beyond ludicrous that the woke anti-colonizers do not care about the safety of women in Israel. Protecting women and tearing down sexually abusive men in the West is their rallying cry. The women at the pro-peace rave would likely be the same pool of women who go to pro-feminist protests. How in God's name do these people justify "anti-colonizers" abusing and kidnapping these women while decrying colonizers' similar behavior? Lunacy.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

"Barbarians at the gate". And this is not about Israel existence, this is about Jew-hatred, deeply engraved in every Muslim brain.

My mother, still alive and remembering, evacuated with my grandmother to the Afghanistan/Turkmenistan border town during WWII, were "met" by local tribes with open calls for their death, and only the presense of Soviet army in the region kept the evacuees alive. It was before Israel as a very compelling reason for its creation.

My grandmother and mother taught me to stand unconditionally by Israel, because without it, all Jews around the world would face grave danger. Not a single state will protect us. Look what is happing even in USA. Apparently, my brethren here in US or Europe have not been taught this lesson or they chose(!) to forget it thinking that it would never repeat itself.

Are you still sure, my dear people?

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Thank you for putting this into words. This horrific evil is a very illuminating event. We can clearly see who people really are by their response. This is compelling evidence of how effective indoctrination and propaganda are. Some of the people celebrating, excusing and moralizing the pure evil of Hamas seem to be unaware of real facts and real history. They literally believe lies. Many of them must have a darkness and hardness in their soul/heart/conscience that is impenetrable. One good thing about these people speaking out this way, is that the rest of us have no excuse to allow or facilitate these people being any where near levers of power or involved in any way in the education or information of our population.

These people should be marginalized

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Scary stuff. Proof that Israel just needs to destroy Hamas and all other groups that wish to destroy it. Jews will be hated no matter what they do. So might as well kill their enemies.

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I made sure to tell my daughter of the massacre—my Jewish daughter, an SJW, LGBT fomosexual—before her progressive school and misinformed friends manipulate her into believing this is a win for those poor victimized Palestinians. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

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It is time to take back America from these lunatics. Do you stand with human decency or with those who celebrate murder, rape and depravity on a scale that would make the actual Nazis blush? We have been silent too long. We have been nice for too long. We have pretended that this is normal for too long. No more. Demand that the Squad be removed from Congress. Demand that those who celebrate this depravity be removed from their positions. Because if we don't we will prove that Nuremburg meant nothing as we descend into a hell where savages run riot.

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It is all just too horrific to even read about. And yet we must. And never forget. For the entirety of my 75 years on earth, I have watched murderers such as these lauded as freedom-fighters by self-styled peaceniks and fools. What a nightmare the world can be.

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It's been about 25 years since I learned that "believe them when they tell you who they are" isn't just some cute slogan. It's a law of safety--a law that may literally make the difference between living and dying.

The Left has just told us--plainly and with no clever jargon to hide behind--who they are. They are supporters of terrorists. They are supporters of rape and murder. Is anyone listening?

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This is a similar tactic the Castros have used in Cuba. Blame the embargo and blame the American imperialism. They export all this propaganda and the leftist elites gobble it up and regurgitate it through the MSM and universities. Little do they know the atrocities and human rights violations committed against their own citizenry every day. Frustrating! We’re with you Israel 🇮🇱🇨🇺🇺🇸

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These terrorists will not spare anyone. Those who defend them and justify these atrocities- they fool themselves. Hamas would use them then slay them. Plugged ears and eyes that will not see.

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