
Unlike progressive Democrats, DeSantis actually governs. That is what a governor is supposed to do, not tell people which bathrooms to use or what kind of stove to cook with. Governing means picking up the garbage, enforcing laws, cleaning up and rebuilding infrastructure after hurricanes. Governing is encouraging businesses to locate in your state, not driving them out. There is no mystery about DeSantis's popularity

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The point of starting this piece off in a gentleman’s club was exactly what?

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It will definitely be interesting to see if DeSantis can do nationally what he has done in Florida. For how much talk there is of DeSantis being "Trump-lite" I think there's more that separates them than connects them. If DeSantis is "Trumpy" than its mostly in how he speaks to the Press and the combative rhetoric he uses for political enemies, but his style of governance and the people his governance appeals represent a different brand than Trump's.

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I agree

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I'm a Liberal who abhors drug laws, cages for non violent crimes, loves free speech and distrusts the establishment. DeSantis has provided results while woke deniers have trashed his success as failure. Doublespeek is now the only defense the Progressive Left has and those in denial about their own deceptive behavior must be ignorant of the warnings from 1984 since they are guilty of and have cheered on the zealous propagators of misinformation. Big Brothers birth may have been much earlier but the Patriot Act was the beginning of the end of anonymity and the kickoff of our Totalitarian future.

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And to think that this high-achieving committed public servant, DeSantis, was nearly kept from office in 2018 by the election-interfering Democrats who pushed as his opponent Gillum - a brainless, corrupt, perverted drug addict. Florida’s fate was very nearly a disaster.

We have to fight them in the beaches, in the amusement parks, everywhere.

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Useful to other idiots.

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What was it Biden said..? You aint black?

Kinda sums up the overall democrat attitude on race and politics.

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It's interesting, but not surprising that 'competence' is appealing to voters. Trump got a lot done. A LOT. But you would not know it because he was so hated, that even when he did good things for the American people, it was ignored or repackaged as 'bad'. But DeSantis is not hateful. He just puts his head down and goes to work. As a Floridian, I can tell you that I wanted him to do well, but I was blown away by how well he did and how strong a leader he has been for this state.

We are all pushed to one side or the other today and Party Purity requires multiple litmus tests. But, if you can allow yourself to detach from the self-created loyalty to Party Uber Alles, and start looking for the political leaders who are competent, decent people, who can get things done, instead of looking for them to use only the correctly approved words that usually have no meaning and offer no results, you might find your lives improving.

I think the vast majority of Americans long for a decent, competent leader who can get things done. Of course, principals matter as well. None of us are going to vote for someone who's principals we completely disagree with. But if there are some common goals, coupled with competency, people from all sides will vote for it.

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If it’s Trump v Biden, or my basset hound, for that matter, Trump loses. If it’s DeSantis v Biden/Harris, better get used to President Ron.

It’s that simple. And everybody knows it.

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Meh. the ending was lame. What, exactly, were you trying to convey there?

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I think it is very likely he will win in '24. Keep distancing himself from the Orange Buffoon and he will pull away as his own candidate. The Democratic party only has two choices: a doddering octogenarian or a mute VP who gives people chills when she speaks. There is no match up where DeSantis loses against Biden or Harris. Give a Democrat a hammer and point at the nail and every time they just hit themselves between the eyes. We win with no more than sanity.

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"He’s gotten three doses of the Covid vaccine, and he’s all for transgender rights, but he’s tired of other progressives looking for all the ways he’s not perfect, the wrong words that slip out of his mouth, the incorrect opinions he’s voiced."

The thing is - everyone in our country has rights under the constitution. I even have the right not to agree with a deluded man regarding his fantasy that he actually *is* a woman - not just that he likes to parade about as a cosmetic facsimile of some caricature of a woman. This is the big incorrect opinion of our time.

Why do long hair and lipstick or feelings make one female?

I think it's odd that Olivia did not interview a single parent concerned about radical Gender Ideology indoctrination in the schools. We should not sexualize them and we should also not tell them that Queer Theory is proven science and use colorful unicorns to preach the new religion at them in our public schools.

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Like most people, most of my positions align with one political party but I certainly don’t agree with everything they tout. That is the reason I like DeSantis right now. I believe that he ACTUALLY believes in what he says and I respect that.

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I enlisted voluntarily in 1969, after Tet. It seems President Rtump was smarter than I was. Bush 43 hid in the Texas AIRNG. He had as much chance of going o VN as President Trump did. His decision was just more politically astute for someone contemplating a political future

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Irrelevant to performance as President, past or future. It's because of people like you that we have a corrupt; lying, diddering, senile, drooling old fool in the White House. You're supposed to vote for performance; not personality, fool. God help this country with people like you eligible to vote.

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