Make sure your physician is at least 40 years old.

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It is sad that these new doctors were unwilling to listen to someone with a view point they disagree with. I am sure many of them will go on to have successful careers, but I hope they realize that there is a large number of us that want doctors, not advocates. Just as a doctor can choose to hear or not hear a view point they disagree with, patients get to choose their doctors. I don’t want anyone treating me who puts their political ideology ahead of science. It may come as a shock to them that the patients also have a say.

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LOL!!! You think nonwhite people navigate the world the same way white people do on a daily basis? You probably think women and men experience the same "America" too, don't you?

Same justice system? LOL!!!!! Same opportunities....let me ask you this Gregg, do poor white kids living in Appalachia have the "same opportunities" as Lebron James' kids? Stay consistent now, Greg.

Ah, there it is! The 'ol "reverse racism"/ black people have things in their favor. Lol! Knew you'd get there eventually, Greg. Took you a moment - but you held out longer than most. Kudos! Wait, it the advantage just for the blacks or other POC?

Don't give a f-ck about "white guilt" or "extracting" anything - because you have nothing I want, Greg. All I want is for you and your brethren to stay out of my face, leave me alone, etc. - so you can save your white opinions/input for others, because this geographical land mass that we inhabit is nothing more than land inhabited by a random compilation of individuals all utilizing the free market, capitalist system to gather as many resources as individually possible.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

LOOOL!! You think white people and nonwhite people navigate America the same way on a daily basis? You probably think men and women experience the same "America" too, don't you?

You think there's the same "justice system" regardless of race or class? LOOOOLLL!!!

Ah, they old "reverse racism"/black people get the world tilted in their favor, etc. Is it just the blacks or nonwhites in general? Took you awhile to get there Gregg, but you did it! Knew you would. You held out a bit longer than most, but it always winds up there. Kudos!

Don't five a f - ck about "white guilt" could care less. Just stay out of my face, leave me alone - and save your white opinion/input for your brethren. That's all I ask from this geographical plot of land comprised of random individuals all using the free market, capitalist system to gather as many individual resources as possible.

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I just watched her speech. Amazing. Thank you for sharing this.

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what an amazing speech! I wish I could send it to a few physicians that I have seen or have taken my children to be seen by over the last several years. It might help them find the humanity in their careers again. Well Said Dr. Collier

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This clown? Messages dead on arrival.

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I don't know what my doctor's politics are. I'm 75 and have a lot of doctors. All of them are very good at making me feel like I am their only patient during the 10 minutes I see them once a year. Thank you to one of the few professions that still earn respect today

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Thanks to you, thanks to her. What ever happened to just listening and chatting about it over drinks later? Why the STAND? I guess listening feels banal and pedestrian.

So so sad.

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Marilyn Manson was once admitted to the emergency room after collapsing on stage. He was temporarily refused care because the doctor was a Christian and did not agree with Manson's message.

The Hippocratic Oath means nothing to a possessed ideologue. It may be that the dawning of a new era of deadly intolerance may be upon us, if doctors have become so desperately spineless as to not be able to handle being in the presence of someone who has a slightly different perspective than the narrative prescribed by the hive mind. God help us.

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I do not believe this occurs with any degree of statistical significance. Your example is odd.

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It is still astounding to me that people in the left, of which I am one, do not take diversity of ideas seriously. This is like a mental disease

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Did I assume your ethnicity incorrectly?

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Well done. As a cardiologist for more than 40 years, I found it critical to understand patients and families when making life and death decisions in the CCU and end of life care planning in the office. Treating humans and not machines is the calling. I wonder if the students were relieved of their white coats as they left.

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you go guy! people have become so intolerant. i fear for this country.

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Dr Collier knows of what she speaks. She has lived, cared, experienced. We are blessed to have her as a physician.

Those who walked out demonstrate the smug self righteousness of the non-combatant. They have not been where Dr Collier has been, yet they deem to judge her. Heaven help their patients.

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Dr Collier knows of what she speaks. She has lived, cared, experienced. We are blessed to have her as a physician.

Those who walked out demonstrate the smug self righteousness of the non-combatant. They have not been where Dr Collier has been, yet they deem to judge her. Heaven help their patients.

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