Think about your hatred for Trump and Trump supporters over the last eight years. That's the hatred on my doorstep. That's what made hatred (and dehumanization) acceptable and even enjoyable for liberals everywhere.

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The vast, hypocritical difference in the treatment of the J6 vs BLM crowds by our own government can not be overstated.

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This! American gulags.

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With the FBI mincing about, arresting with massive SWAT teams of bellowing buffoons innocent old men and Catholics in a pathetic reenactment of the DDR's Stasi.

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Odd they haven't released more footage, don't you think?

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The phone videos I've seen of their arrests of unresisting people in front of their children are damning enough.

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The guards opening the doors and leading organized tours thru the Capitol is exactly what I expect a breach to look like.

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the most popular tv journalist of all time was summarily fired as soon as he started showing any of that

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What gulags? J6'ers were arrested, tried, and either convicted or exonerated. It took too long to bring them to trial in some cases, but that's a problem with the entire criminal justice system . . . non J6 defendants wait years in county lockups to get before a judge. There is no "American gulag."

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So u believe that a sentence of 14 years in prison for AIMING, not even shooting, pepper spray at police is blind justice? Ha.

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Since I did not say that, I will take your comment for the irrelevancy it is.

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Gulag was obvious hyperbole, hence deserving no reply from NC. But ur comment to her reveals complete ignorance of the treatment of the J6 defendants. Mark Jackson, charged with second degree murder in the shooting death of David Dorn during the BLM riots, got a 15 year prison sentence in his plea deal. Justice served again.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

American gulags....wow....telling on yourself, NCMaureen

Right. No non J6 people were arrested/adjudicated.


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The Davos overlay of a worldwide CCP style surveillance system is well underway. All perps and totalitarians attempt to silence free speech and opinion. What good is a victim who will not be victimized? Again!! This is A-Bomb 20th Century retro. We've entered a new age and it requires a new vision. The criminals have to subvert it to maintain their grift. The leap in tech/AI and communications made the central banking/D.C. numbered account whorehouse transparent to reality. Reality? Simple. The American citizen is tired of being battered and looted, the perp's don't want to stop, so the citizen, free speech, thought and the American national dialogue must be criminalized. Do we still not understand that Julian Assange is an object lesson?

You are only defeated if you allow yourself to be convinced you are. There is a psyop in place to do that very thing. Why the leap in horror? It's election time!! The kangaroo court Trump persecution continues apace. Now saber rattling and the classic Orwellian silence the citizen with threats of danger and war. Add the focused corporate/bureaucratic surveillance state suppression of free speech and the well oiled DEI/MSM cancellation machine. Voila!! The perfect witches brew for Halloween!! --- Don't think your dangerous to the perps? Then, what part of the Judeo-Christian ethos and the Bill of Rights don't you understand?

The American Republic, the Constitution and the CITIZEN are the only engine's of survival!

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---pardon the typo--should be "you're dangerous"---

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yup and widespread outburst of violence and death were openly supported by the democratic party and the media but now the beast is lose and none of no what to do

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Right. Because no non-J6 were arrested/adjudicated.


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dont you have a demonstration ( peaceful protest) to go to

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If you had 9,487 apples

And 485 were rotten

Would you have "mostly good" apples?

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True. Trump Derangement Syndrome is the root cause of all this madness.

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Rather than the root cause, I would say TDS is the tool power hungry Democrat elites used to gain much power and turn America into a madhouse (where anti-Semitism is acceptable).

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If you think left wing anti semitism is a recent phenomenon, you haven't been paying attention.

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Especially given that the Nazis were demonstrably of the left - hence National Socialist German Workers Party.

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Whoa - the Nazis were NOT on the left. Socialism in the early 20th century was NOT comparable to the socialist mentality we encounter on college campuses in the US - the German Communists were rooted out of German politics by the Nazis and were special targets of the SA.

Joseph Kennedy and loads of British aristocrats, along with Henry Ford, we’re ardent admirers of Hitler’s “socialism”, and they were hardly on the left…

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Bruce is correct, Timothy. What we call the Nazi party was founded by socialist Anton Drexler, who chaired that party until Hitler took over. He even wrote a book extolling socialism and communism. Hitler first came into contact with the party following a lecture on how to get rid of capitalism. The Nazi Party's program included a variety of socialism demands, and they even addressed each other as "comrade" initially. At a certain point they distanced themselves from their Marxist allies because they wanted to focus strictly on the German people rather than a global struggle. So, yes, Fascism's roots are compellingly left, not right. Liberal Americans worry incessantly about the "Far Right", but it's historically the Far Left that takes your freedoms, punishes disbelievers and murders millions, including their gullible supporters, while amassing wealth and power for an elite few.

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Yup, false flags work almost every time. The woke 'left' is in fact the tool of the globalist plutocratic elite who seek to divide and rule by fragmenting the working class. Real commies see this, just as they saw Nazism as the exact opposite of what they were trying to do in the USSR.

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That is true but it was tampeddown pretty well. I think it is naive to not see the connection, both here and abroad, with the get Trump at any cost and by any means crowd, with get Israel, or perhaps more accurately, get Jews.

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Apologies. I left out Hillary Revenge Syndrome.

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When no solutions to problems-many of which were of their own making-were offered, fearing Trump or any other Republican in line to be anointed the newest Hitler became their strategy for winning the minds of voters. Hoping that Americans would prefer the party led by a corrupt senile puppet infested with neocon insiders who have a history of repeated foreign policy failures, regime changing, and flattening the economy and reputation of the US and other western nations, over the party of “domestic terrorism”.

With all the talk of, Russia, China, Iran etc. being existential threats no one seems to be paying attention to the biggest threat to Americans, our government.

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Alas, what is one to do if one sees Trump for the abomination that he is while deploring the Democrats too? Poor me, I have TDS and BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome) at the same time :-(

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Correct it’s an indicator not the root cause.

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Mark R...I totally agree with all your comments here ...TDS opened the progressive's Pandora Box & they've been milking ever since

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No. This madness has existed for decades. TDS is a symptom of the madness. It is not the cause. Nor is Trump the solution. The madness will continue after Trump is gone so long as universities are run by people who do not value Knowledge, Reason and Fairness. Leftists believe that the ends justify the means. This is why the justice system has been politicized.

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This madness has existed for thousands of years, but I suggest this level of madness has not existed before. Social media carries thoughts on the wind with the speed of light and with no filter. The phenomena of Trump and social media woke up a large segment of working class society quietly going about their day-to-day following the rules, working hard for a living and caring for their families under the thumb of corporations and governments. The creep by those corporations and governments taking more and more and more for themselves insipidly brewed under the surface. Trump awakened that beast (later termed the bag of deplorables), and the powers that be became afraid of their veracity. In turn, they used their powers to wake up and mobilize the beast underneath, those at the very bottom and on the fringes (known as the oppressed and marginalized), to turn against their neighbors in righteous indignation of their oppression, so they can overlook the real monster (the elites, whoever they are and become). This is the Game. And, it goes on and on. So, that is the question. How do we stop this Game?

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I think those hard-working people just recognized in Trump someone willing to speak for them. An anti-elite if you will.

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These hard-working people--like you, I use that term with respect, not as derision--need ta better spokesman for their ills. Trump's mouth and demeanor get in the way of his message all the time.

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I tend to agree, plus I think all of this is starting to wear on him..My hope is that he drops out and Pompeo steps in. But I cannot support Haley, Pence or Christie. I like both Scott and Ramaswamy but do not think they are ready yet.

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Exactly right. He is the Huey P. Long of our time. If you aren't familiar, Huey P. Long was a politician from 1930's Louisiana whose Gubernatorial campaign was going nowhere until he decided to start talking to the voters that worked the fields and oil rigs for subsistence wages. Voters that the machine politicians ignored completely. He spoke to them in the same way they spoke to each other and addressed directly the problems they endured. He was elected handily to Governor and later US Senator. FDR once said he was the only politician he was ever afraid of. He ran against FDR in the 1936 election and was assassinated. The assassin was conveniently shot and killed at the scene. The current assassination attempt is bloodless but with the same objective. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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I am from.down South. I know who Huey P. Long was. I sometimes wish Louisiana's Senator Kennedy would run now.

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Insidiously? rather than insipidly? Good post.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Oy, my bad, lol. Both?

Inspid: lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull. Not exciting or interesting; dull; lifeless.

Insidious: proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.

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Insidiousness masquerading as insipidness maybe.

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I believe that Trump was installed by the forces behind the Democratic party to make it easy for a Democratic win no matter who the candidate is.


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I think that may be true about the 2016 election. I always found Comey's HRC announcement puzzling. Now I think they called her in for a come to Jesus and she refused their demands so they made the

announcement. She still thinks the election was stolen from her. The problem was they overestimated their ability to control Trump. The real constitutional crisis, and it is a huge one, is the control of government by the career bureaucrats in the executive branch. They no longer are loyal to, much less allegiant to, a duly elected president. Any president, but the one now is exceedingly malleable. But that is I think why the get Trump gloves are off. He has their number and must be stopped at all costs and by any means. The republic teeters.

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Again, baseless claims. You are claiming what you think someone else thinks as evidence.

I think you are proving the other side of TDS (trust in Trump as the savior) in a 'Good cop/bad cop' theater.

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Yes, the MAGA "Trump can do no wrong" cultists are as batshit crazy as the TDS Never-Trumpers. Trump was a good president, better than I thought he would be. He was unfairly treated by the media from the git-go. He was also ridiculously petty and often behaved with the unrestrained ego of a toddler. All those things can be true.

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That is incomprehensible.

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Yes. If Trump gets back in, round 2 is gonna be a bare knuckles brawl.

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If Trump wins-- I'll be moving out of this country. With his unfiltered anger, his arrogance, his insanity, AND his wanting revenge, he will create such chaos and possibly violence.

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Not the root cause, because the Left was what it is before Trump. Trump support was the backlash against that.

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I agree. Trump derangement syndrome works on both sides. One is those with so much hate they can't see how everything the democrats do is blamed on him and he is innocent of much of what he is accused of. The other side are the Trump lovers that can't see beyond wanting to have another rematch with Trump vs Biden. They see Trump as our savior and no one else can do it.

Here is an article I wrote with my view of the subject.


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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

It is hardly that simple and to portray it that way is just more elitism - a representation that you in your selfless and infinite wisdom can assess what is wrong with 170,000,000 of your peers. Ugh.

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Before he was elected, there were many possibilities. Now it is clear that what I claim is true. Did you read my article?

Your response was typical for a propaganda believer. You rejected it with an insult (elitism) and claimed that a lot of other people believe the same is reason enough to prove your point. You didn't prove anything though, just name calling and 'I am not the only one' comments.

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I did not read your article as I found your tone in the comment off-putting. I disdain elitism and I stand by my comment.

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You are self censoring because what you currently 'know' can not be challenged.

Elitism - "The belief that certain persons or members of certain groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their superiority, as in intelligence, social standing, or wealth."

I never claimed one people to be better than another. I explained an error in thinking that listening to 'the other side' would solve. You have been programmed to ignore other thoughts that might challenge what you currently believe and apparently feel righteous about it. That makes you the Elitist.

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Does everything have to circle back to Trump?!

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"Does everything have to circle back to Trump?!"

I sure hope so. I’m missing an economy that was growing at 6.3%, an inflation rate of 1.4%, $2.39 a gallon gasoline…the absence of land wars in eastern Europe and the Middle East, the happy voices of 500,000 Ukrainians and over a thousand Israelis that have since lost their lives because of feckless Biden/Obama policies… and a time when our president cared more about the sanctity of our borders than those of foreign countries.

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Trump unleashed will be a scary thing. Think January 6th without sensible, cool-headed individuals. I do not think another Trump presidency will be a good thing.

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"Trump unleashed will be a scary thing"

I recall hearing the same chicken little hysteria when he ran against Hillary and throughout his entire presidency, yet his accomplishments belie the histrionics. Meanwhile, after less than 3 years of the peace and prosperity he gave us people can't afford to buy food and we're on the verge of WWIII. If that doesn't give you nightmares I'm sure another Trump presidency won't affect your sleep.

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Yes. It always circles back to something. And, in our era, it all circles back to Trump and Hillary and the undeclared war between them. Trump called bullshit on everything, loud, clear and in your face. Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, has done more damage covertly and behind the scenes than any figure in history, and I think time will bear that out.

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I think it's a little different. Trump is someone who earns hatred by how he acts. The people who love Trump are the same as the people on the left who hate him. They are unthinking people who think this man can solve all the world's ills. The Trump fringe AND the left are sadly two sides of the same coin. They are unthinking people led by ideology and devoid of reason or grasp of reality. Hatred of Jews is a thousand-year problem where hatred of Trump is easy to come by with how he is as a leader and a person. Conflating the two does not help the cause of defeating the woke.

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I disagree. Listen to the democrat Indian billionaire Bari cited a day or two ago. On his podcast, All In, he said that he was changing his mind, leaning right. He said it was wrong to hate the messenger, so kill the message. He said Trump go a lot of things right. America shot inself in the foot over Orange Man Bad. Now look at the situation we are in. I have heard similar versions of this grudging admission from others on the left. I don’t think Trump supporters like him because of his tweets and brash demeanor. They overlook them because what he was accomplishing was more important.

Now we have hair sniffing bumbling fool snoozing us into WWIII. Bring back the tweets!

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Truth! You can be sure that I voted for him because of his policies not because I loved him! We all knew his personality and reputation way before he ran for President...everyone did! My husband has worked in corporate banking for over 25 years. He used to say that the way Trump spoke and handled things was exactly the way he heard things handled in meetings, on conference calls etc. in corporate America. The Dem’s and media knew it...they were just out to destroy him bc his policies were working. I tell you this....my husband and I surely miss the extra money we had when he was President.

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All that behavior was OK…when he was a NYC democrat doling out campaign contributions to democrats

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I had been familiar with his personality and reputation for decades, which is why I couldn't vote for him (or for Hillary) in 2016.

But between the success of his policies and the fact that Democrats had abundantly demonstrated that they were too bat shit crazy to be trusted with *any* position of responsibility, I had to hold my nose and vote for him in 2020.

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But, I should clarify that if Trump is the candidate then I’ll hold my nose and vote for him.

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I probably won't this time. After seeing what the Left did last time Trump was elected, I don't want to see a repeat.

I will probably vote third-party, which is what I had done in every election from 2004 to 2016. It is past time that we had a new party emerge to represent the rapidly growing group of centrists who have been left behind in the rush to extremism.

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I think many people shared your sentiment. Honestly, for the past few years, I started tiring of him. This time around, I prefer DeSantis...I think we need someone younger. I actually like some of RFK Jr’s positions, too.

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I agree. And, I don't think that everyone who voted for Trump "loved" him as Albert said. Personally, I have never been in love with a politician. Many people voted for Trump because his policies were more sane - not because they wanted him over to dinner. But, remember how he was called Anti-semitic? That made no sense. I liked that he spoke against Santucary cities in 2016 and against transing children - although he became a little too silent about GI in 2020. Biden celebrated it.

At this point, DeSantis is the man for the job IMO. I don't think TheFP has even mentioned his Navy Jag background or how he has flown Americans out of Israel. If I've missed it I apologize as the info has been coming fast and furious. And, look what a great job he has done as Governor of Florida. Haley doesn't care about what is happening with the culture. She wants to focus on reading and never mind if the kids are groomed in the process. I also don't see that she did anything impressive as UN ambassador. The UN is a little sus.

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When it comes to foreign policy Trump administration was much better than previous administrations. No new wars, at the very least a plan to leave Afghanistan, Abraham Accord.

This administration: I don’t Biden has

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Sent too early:

I don’t think Biden has ever sat back and said “you know maybe we shouldn’t send troops”

He’s a neocon. If he gets a second term we will be in a new conflict somewhere. All one can hope is it will not be WWIII

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Your thesis is flawed because you, too, are in the grip of Trump derangement. Trump has many flaws and the notion that his supporters are in the throes of some sort of Mussolini complex is childish nonsense. The vast majority of us wish he wasn't as petulant and churlish but have the wit to distinguish policy from personality. You seem to forget the hatred and similar calumnies that the left fomented against President Reagan and, to a lesser extent, Bush Jr. It's in their playbook. The left always demonizes its opponents, accuses them of stupidity and war mongering and, more lately "racism." It's just what they do and you've fallen victim to their trap.

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I am one of the few people who do not either love the guy or hate the guy. I think he is a terrible manager who did what any average GOP President would do. The only reason he was any good was because Obama was really bad. He passed tax reform and removed regulations that the Obama team put on. The rest was the soap opera that surrounded him. I will give that the Russia hoax was a joke, and the media was as bad as ever. But the point is that Trump the person is an ego maniac who wants people around him to kiss his ass. He's a big crybaby. We will need a great leader to unite the country as we deal with foreign problems and the coming economic calamity. He isn't the man for the job. Finally, he is the only person who can lose to Biden. If he runs, the election is about him, not Biden.

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It wasn't only that he was the antidote to Obama. His immigration policy and his opposition to China on trade was spot on, as well. Trump is an egomaniac and chaotic manager - no argument there. But his policies are correct and the chaos that Biden has unleashed is the result of him undoing everything Trump did. So unless we can get a GOP candidate who is more temperate but follows Trump's policies, Trump remains the only option. And the notion that he would lose to Biden is either laughable or America has completely lost its mind and is beyond redemption.

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Do you mean the tariffs he put on without an act of Congress? And I agree that Desantis or Haley have yet to punch through. This election will be a Trump vs. Biden vs. a third choice. My problem with Trump is that he can't forge a consensus. He is so repellant to so many that that becomes the issue, not China, the debt ( which I saw was missing in your praise of him; he spends like a drunken sailor), and cultural rot. Will I vote for him? Yes. But is he the man for the moment? Hell no. He is the only option to prove your point that we as a nation are beyond redemption.

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I believe that if you take out of the equation the trillions he had to spend to counteract the idiotic lockdowns of the mostly Democrat governors (our Constitution does require compensation for takings), his spending was not out of control. And, moreover, I have a nostrum for the damage wrought by the Red Chinese fiends. Cancel our debt to them as reparations for the lives lost and trillions of damage caused.

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The President can enact tariffs up to 50% without congressional approval. It is in a law passed in 1934.

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I voted for Trump. What I saw was a fighter. Sure he had many faults but he loved America. He loved this country. Sure he used it to his advantage. But he was a businessman not a politician. The problem was the corruption in our government had become so bad anyone was better that the status quo. But he was a fighter too! Like I’ve said, the deep state was DEEP. One thing is true, he knows the enemy now. Can he be elected now? Don’t know but a lot of people will vote for him. This country has gone down a rabbit hole and has been since Obummer. Can we recover ? I hope so but it’s a tossup. I just want to win!

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I think it was before Obama though.

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It's the nature of the job. Only extreme narcissists believe they are qualified to be the "leader of the free world."

All of them are self-aggrandizing fools and terrible "managers."

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I can agree that the Left has demonized Trump, but so has a sizeable segment of the GOP itself. 'Never Trumpers' in numbers pale against the MAGA millions of his base, but they make enough noise to be derided as Republicans in Name Only.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Of course the there are extremists on all sides. There always are. The important question is numbers and proclivity to violence. Those on Jan 6 who were violent deserve to be criminally punished. But how many committed acts of violence. And how many Trump voters called for those who broke the law to be punished. Compare that with all the urban riots and the hatred we have seen the past two weeks. And the use of the mega maga extremist label to smear MILLIONS of Americans ( such smearing coming from Biden, his press secretary, members of congress, the media etc and directed at among others parents who dare to challenge the divisiveness that is the hallmark of the DEI agenda found in thousands of schools). If Trump disappeared tomorrow the vitriol towards DeSantis and Haley etc would be on full display. And the DOJ would continue to exercise its "prosecutorial discreton" to go after its enemies on a purely political basis. This is about way more than Trump.

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Taibbi posts today that the Censorship Industrial Complex is alive and well, being funded by the government. So we don’t just have gulags, we have thought police.

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I saw that. Good article.

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95% of everyone I know voted for Trump and I would not call any of them MAGA's.

Never have I encountered any of them smearing anyone on the left.

You've been watching too much MSNBC.

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You missed the point. The MSM likes to call everyone maga because it fits their narrative.

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I agree except about Haley. Haley, Pence or Christie would play fine with the career bureaucrats in the executive branch who are calling the shots.

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Calling Trump supporters "unthinking" twice in the same post still doesn't a) make it true or b) make you a superordinate thinker. They are people who lived thru a tenure that put America first, energy independence, border security, law enforcement, tax relief, jobs, support for agriculture, fair trade deals, military strengthening and peace with hostile nations at the forefront of his agenda. This country did a 180 in record time and much of the world has responded accordingly.

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How often do you drink the Orange kook aid? Thanks for proving my point.

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Another shortcut to thinking.

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All you did was repeat talking points. I don't see any thinking in your post. Trump as an average president who did things that any average GOP president could have done. Your hero worship is noted.

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Few people are going to reply to you seriously after you categorically label sixty million people as "unthinking". I call that projection.

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Is your life better today than it was under Trump?

Is the world a safer place today than under Trump?

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Could have done, *but. And you spelled America wrong.

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Kind of like your average DNC president? Tell why they are so much better now?

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Cheney would be more to your liking? Haley? Pence? Christie?

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I'm a thinking person. I'm also a perceiving person. What you just wrote strongly implies you lack the ability to see. You are describing processes in your head, and of course proportional geometry has an esthetic appeal. But it rarely if ever comes close to describing human realities.

I don't think Trump can solve all the world's ills. I simply think he states clearly obvious truths in a world which denies them, and took common sense measures in support of the well being of the nation he was chosen to lead. And it turns out just trying is enough for prosperity and peace. Joe Biden is not trying. He is allowing to be done whatever the people running and funding him want done, which certainly seems to include the very profitable business of war.

Joe Biden could literally take a dump on the White House lawn and people would figure out how to rationalize it. No: he's a doddering corrupt fool, and this undeniable truth needs to be stated without equivocation.

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I agree it is best not to conflate TDS with the shocking denial of basic facts and dismissiveness regarding the atrocities in Israel.

One common theme, however, is the unprecedented discarding of journalistic principles in the US since Trump's 2016 victory.

Your statements: "Trump is someone who earns hatred by how he acts. The people who love Trump are the same as the people on the left who hate him. They are unthinking people who think this man can solve all the world's ills."

Well, Trump certainly had Iran pegged more accurately than Biden's state department, who now appears to have been heavily influenced - if not infiltrated or even compromised - by Iran. Biden also has been naive, feckless, and incompetent more generally, including regarding China.

But the bigger story is the horrendous state of mainstream journalism in the US.

The press have great power - including the power to make large segments of the population believe lies.

Mainstream media consumed by a vast swath of the public, have done their best to silence Trump and substitute a caricature. The public at large consumes a curated caricature created by the mainstream press. A standard technique has been to selectively edit video, the most obvious example being the editing out of Trump's condemnation of Nazis and white supremacists at Charlottesville. There are still a large percent of voters who believe he never condemned those extremists. And in one of the debates in 2020, the moderator asked him why he never condemned the nazis and white supremacists - a supposedly neutral moderator asking a question containing a long debunked defamatory lie as a premise of the question. If I believed that lie, I would be just as upset at Trump as those who do believe it.

Another technique is to play video of Trump - but not audio - while pundits put words in his mouth.

The unfairness to Trump isn't the point, but rather the sorry state of journalism in the US.

You would expect this kind of filth in campaign ads, and partisan commentary, but in many mainstream sources, straight reporting is almost nonexistent. The whole concept of printing only provable facts and avoiding editorializing seems alien to present day so-called journalists.

Without Twitter under Elon, Substack, and Rumble, it would be much, much worse - with no one holding the mainstream press and US government to account. I fear that without the pressure brought by these three entities, the censorship of opposing views and inconvenient facts would be much worse by now - and the current high levels of incompetence and corruption, makes an adversarial (and professional) press more important than ever.

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Matt Taibbi has an article today you should take a look at.

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I also disagree. In my life I have never seen hatred for one individual, man or woman, equal to the left's hatred for Trump.

All because he pierced the veil of their private, Washington holier-than-thou club.

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I would disagree. The left wants to own your life and the right wants government out of their lives. Difference in a lot of ways is funding from world order types like Soros and the really avid Trump supporters are not financially supported from outside like the left. The left can afford to play the game better based on money and a distorted sense of what is criminal anymore, as they get to use violence.

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My point with Trump is that he is the only person who can lose to Biden. You need a person who has to keep the focus on Biden and his failures, and Trump always has to be the center of attention. He was an average President who did nothing to solve the long-term fiscal problems and failed miserably during the Pandemic. He started this inflation with reckless spending, and let us not forget how he lost those two GA seats being a crybaby that led to 2 years of democratic spending. He isn't a man for the times. Have a good day.

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Failed miserably during the pandemic? He closed the borders at the onset and was accused of being a xenophobe when drunk Nancy was telling people to go out and there wasn't anything to worry about. He offered aid to cities from Seattle to NY that thought they knew better and refused it. Trump definitely could have done better, in retrospect, his biggest oversight was allowing Fauci to continue, but more people died from the China Virus during Joetato's administration than the Bad Orange Man. You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts.

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How about the Trillions he printed and spent? And his awful communication skills? And letting Fauci run the show wasn't a trifiling thing. But thanks for proving my point about the unthinking love for the man.

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Deflect much? I specifically replied to your comment about the China Virus failure.

You aren't anywhere near as smart or witty as you think you are, but thanks for putting it in writing for everyone to see.

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Totally agree. I wish more people would get behind Nikki Haley. Head to head against Biden she beats him by 5 points in most polls.

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EVERYONE loved Trump when he was just another Rich Guy and TV star; it wasn't until he took on "WithHer" that he became Public Enemy Number One to the leftist half of the country.

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In the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, some people would ask me how I voted. I replied that I reviewed the candidates' policy platforms and agendas and voted for the policies I most agreed with.

Everyone just assumed that meant Hillary.

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"Unthinking people..." my arse. This thinking person understands that no one can solve all the world's ills (much as I might wish for a white knight). As you have no idea why people like Trump I assume the same is true of your assessment of why people hate Trump. I am bone weary of those who see themselves as above the fray. All of them are deadweight waiting to sed which way the wind blows. Pick a lane.

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You missed the vast difference between the “Trump fringe” and the left. The politicized justice system punitively punishes the one for misdemeanors but let’s off blame free the other for burning down cities. So in that sense Jew hatred and TDS can be conflated. They are both connected through being unfairly persecuted.

Hatred is a destructive force for the hater and the hated, implying someone “earns” it, implicitly excuses it. So do tell us what heinous deeds Trump carried out that he earned hatred?

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I disagree. One of those sides hates "colonizers" aka The United States and Israel and Western government. The other side is very protective of all of the above. Being a huge fan FOR your country vs being for the destruction of your country and way of life are 2 ENTIRELY different things. They aren't even the same coin.

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I think the people love Trump more than the country. It is equally dangerous when people love either an ideology or person. People think Trump can do everything and he can't. Plus he was an average President. He couldn't get much through Congress and fell into every trap laid for him. I voted for him twice but he is not fit for the troubles ahead of us

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I think what you think is love towards the person is love for the voice. He says the things many people feel. Not all of it, of course. He's funny, though as you know, his jokes were reported as statements or lies. I prefer DeSantis and Ramaswamy, but I think the way I watched my grandparents be belittled got to me. They had no college degree, but they worked hard so their grandchildren would. I will vote for anyone but a Democrat. They won't open their eyes. That scares me.

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I like Ramaswamy too but I do not think he is ready to be president. My hope is if there is a Republican victory he gets a post.

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He'd be a breath of fresh air somewhere in there, for sure. Yeah, feels like he's a bit obnoxious, but if he could just tone it down and grab a little experience, I think he'd be great. His 10 truths. I love them

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Trump is bad but Democrats are far worse but Trump is a big spender and the economic storm is still coming and it's impossible for him to unite the country. That is why I am against him

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Do you believe the country can be reunited? I do, but it will take strong government to say no, absolutely not, to the rot that has taken root in society, pitting us all as oppressed or oppressor and so on and so forth. Yes, too much money. Way too much. However, do you not feel that without the pandemic, that money would have been easily repaid? I'm not an expert on economics, so I don't know. Who do you believe can unite the country, truly? I'd love to see it.

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I was going to respond, "complete and utter bilgewater." Until your last sentence self-identified as such. Trump supporters and TDSers could not have more different worldviews.

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trump got 71 million votes

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But you still want the government programs that are running up the debt to astronomical levels? I don't know what you are talking about with selling sovereignty? But I do know we need to change how we spend money and Trump failed miserably on that arena.

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But the cost of them, is a drop in the bucket compared to the social spending on social security Medicare and Medicaid, and in the huge growing cost of the interest on the debt. We're in big trouble. And I hear nothing coming from Trump on how to solve it

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Irrational hatred; not based on any facts hatred; stereotyping and dehumanizing friends you have known well for over 30 years as racists and Nazis; silencing friends in conversations should they veer off the narrative...

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Everybody who cast a ballot for Biden bears responsibility for this.

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All 81 million ? !

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Yes. It pains me to say it, but yes. I have heard it said that elections have consequences. And it could get worse. A proxy war in Ukraine and billions in treasury spent there. A live war with an real ally in the mid-east. China pushing the Phillipines. We are being baited and contrary to what JBs promises nary an adult to be found.to handle matters.

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Bari - because I respect you so much and admire your writing so much, it was literally painful for me to watch you ignore what has happened in our country for the last year. You seem to be a truly good person, but when I see you complain about a "lie of omission" which you predict will come from the mainstream media - I can't help but wonder if the Free Press has not done the same over the last year. You guys had nothing to say when the government was weaponized against the American people - we got articles about whether cell phones were bad or comments on dating trends. I don't think the weaponized justice department mattered to you because it was happening to people you didn't care about. When our borders were open and social services were collapsing and fentanyl was killing 100,000 per year people you said little because it was happening in red states or to people who didn't matter. The Free Press didn't seem to care. But here's the thing - I have heard that between 7 - 10 million people have crossed the border in the last 2 years. If any of those (I'm sure mostly good and decent people) crossed the border were part of groups that meant us harm then what?

And most of us here have watched as the House committee hosted whistleblowers who risked everything - their futures, their families, possibly even their freedom - to tell the American people what was going on with the Biden selling influence to countries that don't like us - you squandered the opportunity to make it matter because it was not a narrative you wanted to report on. If a country has sold influence and received money through shell companies from countries that mean us harm, then can they not hold proof of that bribery over the head of the president of the Unite States? If the president is compromised then how does that affect his decision making - because honestly it does not seem that anything he has done since taking office has been in the interest of the American people. If it turns out next week or next month that his influence peddling included taking money from people connected to Iran or Quatar (I don't know if it did but I believe they have barely scratched the surface of what the Bidens have done) - will it matter to you if that has affected his policies in the Middle East? The truth stands on it's own - it does not lean left or right. And if the media cannot report on the truth then I just don't know how we can be a united people as everyone sees a different truth. I mean no disrespect - but this is just my small and unimportant view from someone who admires you greatly and thinks the Free Press can be a huge force for good in the world.

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Well said T..

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This. Exactly. The PRO-crime democRAT left has, by and large, willfully ignored the antics of BLM/Auntieflo and the rest of the ill-mannered children who have had temper tantrums all over this country since Bad Orange Man. Throw in the incompetence of leftist politicians in the majority of metropolitan areas and what did you expect?

All these old parables have strong roots in truth; "when they came for me, there was no one left to speak up". Those words ring even more true today.

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"First they came for the sane, rational people, and I did not speak out, because I was not a sane, rational person."

"Then they came for the left-wing Jews, and I flipped the freak out, because that was me!"

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This right here. No one cares about the vitriol directed at a mostly working class, middle class fusion of people, not at ALL equating the two happenings. Just the motivations behind the happenings and how no one and I mean, no one stood up and said maybe laughing at and denigrating our fellow Americans is not a great idea. I am with Israel in this fight, no matter how others feel about me. Right is right all the time.

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This anti-American, Anti-Western hatred started much earlier than Trump. We are seeing cult behavior. Global warming, pro-abortion, LGB, the over educated, open borders, dem socialist groups are supporting the Palestinian terrorists. Much of the left and a majority of the young act as a close-minded, tribal cult. This feels like 1930s Europe, except there is no USA waiting in the wings to save the world.

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MAGAphobia is by far, the dominant phobia in America.

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when your own ox is gored. this happens

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

I suspect, Mark R, that you mean "leftists" everywhere. Liberals largely died out when Trump announced in 2015 that he was running for President. Some leftists later re-converted to liberalism when they got mugged by the reality of wokeness. More will do so since the horror of October 7th. But it's a safe bet that both the pro-Hamas hordes currently overrunning American campuses and the understandably terrified Jewish students on those same campuses have more than their universities in common: they all supported the same Iran-appeasing candidate in 2020.

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Donald Trump made antisemitism acceptable when he reacted to antisemitic chants "Jews will not replace us" with his infamous "there are good people on both sides". When he's confronted with hate from others he's only reaping the seeds he sowed. Hateful people like him are more likely to be hated by others than kind people and therefore I do not feel sorry for him.

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Yours is a perfect illustration of people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Trump and Trump supporters dished out plenty of hate to liberals, progressives, Wokes, news media, non-MAGA Republicans and conservatives, Mexicans, Muslims, "Kung Flu" Chinese, and everyone else they despised. You dehumanized us as much as you claim we dehumanized you, and you loved it---I saw your MAGA rallies.

You don't want us to do it, fine, I agree. You go first and show us how it's done.

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I guess we all have hate at our doorstep in different ways... but it is in no way limited to liberals.

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The progressives are the party of HATE!

We’ve been telling you since Obama came around.

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That is sometimes true, not always! I take offense to this accusation though. I myself, am a progressive & I "hate" no one. Get mad, yes! I am a former GOP who loves Israel 🇮🇱 and those Arabs also living in the region. HAMAS needs to be eliminated, is that a hateful suggestion or one of truth? Where the fuck is nuanced thinking these days? And I will most likely register at s9me point as an Independent... ex-president Donald Trump, is one who promotes "hatred." "The Party Of Jesus," I don't think so.....

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Yet no wars under Trump's administration. What is worse, a President who speaks the language that despots understand, and fear or the kumbaya administration of today who they don't fear, mock and have no issue tangling with. Anti Trumpers have become the war mongers of today. and I am no fan of his but as a world leader with great domestic policies, he was far better than anything today. Evidently to many, words mean more than actions. Evidently sticks and stones are now more welcomed than words.

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More like that of Theodore Roosevelt: "speak softly but carry a big stick."

More Harry Truman & less Donald Trump.

Although, his administration did bring the embassy to Jerusalem...

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Read The Imperial Cruise before you laud Teddy.

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It isn't the early 1900's any more and the threats are certainly more deadly, massacre deadly shall we say, than then. joe uses the speak softly, he'll even use that creepy whisper voice about serious topics, but touts he carries a big stick. Where has that gotten us? 13 attacks, minimum, against our troops in the Middle East in the last week and joe answered but four. That's not a stick but a wet noddle.

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The Arabs "living in the region" almost unanimously support "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" and the elimination of Israel. You love people who want the destruction of the Jewish state and in your own country, you think a president who says "there are good people on both sides" is promoting hatred. You can't fix stupid....

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Yes I shouldn’t have painted a broad brush with that statement. Obviously if you feel the way you do you are not party of that Hate group.

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I am, a Messianic Jew ✡️ 😎! I know, the Orthodox groups "hate" us. I was a Christian b4 discovering my Jewish heritage. I loathe, really, the infusion of politics with any theological treatise. Theocratic regimes are birthed in this way. I strive to hate no one, including those who support Trump, such as my father. "Agree to disagree." The constitution makes it clear- that the separation of church/state or any other religious expression is not applicable w the exception of the 10 Commandments & its role. Religious freedom, only, does our constitution purport. Of course, in the words of Y'shuah: "my kingdom, is not of this world. Trumpian based Evangelicals embrace a type of Christian Nationalism that Jesus would have never approved of.

Rather you or I believe this is immaterial. I do, of course. However, in talking about my faith, I never attempt to proselytizing anyone. I will say that salvation in the cross is a decision we must all make. And even though I'm not your typical church goer, I still see myself as a person who follows the true teachings of the WAY.

Be blessed, Joshua. And I am always praying 🙏 for Jerusalem.

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Thank you for the kind words. I would never proselytize to anyone as well. Stay in peace 🙏🏼

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Toda!!! I so appreciate that!!!

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You make some valid points but you might as well be a pinball.

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Lol 😆 😂 🤣 😄 😜

More like, a pinball wizard w a whole lotta "twist." Thx, I take that remark endearingly. The only right answer: Israel 🇮🇱 must destroy HAMAS & its terrorist cronies which are, al Quds proxies! We can agree to disagree on what American president might be the right man or woman even for the job. At the end of the day however, G-D, still determines when the proverbial fat lady sings. Politicos believe that this matter can only be solved by a two state solution which I will suggest is very much so tantamount to the final solution that the SS had hoped for.......

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That I agree with. All of it except maybe the two-state part. But even with that I see it as Israel's call at this point and I will support it whatever it is. I see His more and more.

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Obama was not kind at all torwards Israel. But he accomplished some good things, domestically. His foreign policy though was a travesty! And especially the way he behaved twds the Jewish nation. Giving Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) a red carpet reception (for the camera 📷 eye 👁 of course); while snubbing the Israeli PM by sneaking him quietly and clandestinely into the WHITE HOUSE... And telling a sovereign country such as Israel what it can and can't do in defense of its boarders is fucking outlandish! We need a Harry Truman in DC.....

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How many peace treaties in the Middle East did Obama create and have signed? Thank goodness conflict over there does not affect us in anyway over here. Half a package is no longer acceptable.

Which do you think is more affective, "don't" or "if you attack us, your life is forfeit".

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So the wind-up toy acting as the WH spokesperson says “we have not seen any credible threats” of a rise in anti-Semitism. This, along with the other new go-to phrase “We have no direct evidence of….”, are the latest Newspeak version of “we really don’t care what you think.” Eisenhower, then commander of Allied Forces in Europe directed the filming of the Death Camps because, as he said, “Some son-of-a-bitch in the future will deny this happened.” Seems he was right. These are the same folks who use anodyne terms like “freedom-fighters” to describe the latest atrocity. It’s time we used a more accurate term: Nazis. The goals and tactics are identical.

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Eisenhower also famously warned us all of the military industrial complex. Wise man. Damn I’d give anything for leaders like that.

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We have an election coming up in a year. Unfortunately a lot of damage can happen in a year.

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My dream.candidate is actually Pompeo.

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Excellent points. My one disagreement is the left and Dems have been calling anyone they disagree with Nazis for so long now that the description has lost its bite. We need a new term. (unfortunately)

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I have to wonder what experiences Eisenhower had in his past that helped him to peg that truth so quickly and clearly.

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An apt student of human behavior, I expect. Our soldiers get a close up look at the potential depravity of the human species.

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WWII up-close-and-personal, maybe? A Meaningful Emotional Experience, by any definition.

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It usually takes a very painful personal experience to realize that some people are, irrationally and inexplicably, capable of denying something that happened right in front of them.

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??? The response concerned General Eisenhower vis a vis the military industrial complex. Generals do logistics more so than strategy and/or tactics. I don't think that he required the ol' 2x4 between the running lights to see the antics of Big Business and the evolving revolving door.

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I was referring to Eisenhower's decision to film the reality of the concentration camps: “Some son-of-a-bitch in the future will deny this happened.”

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He was right a few times. Also famously wrote two letters for the day after the D Day invasion. The second was in case the invasion failed.

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He could see what was building within the military after WWII. He could see that many major US corporations had joined the effort and made the weaponry that won the war. But now saw what a lucrative business it was. Those are the people who wanted to pick a fight w Cuba and then escalate the war in Vietnam that was JFK’s undoing.

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I think that was the old school manner of thought. The creation of the predecessor to the CIA was very carefully considered and tightly controlled for fear it would be used against American citizens. What it has morphed into is stunning.

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A well read copy of Major General Smedley Butler’s “War Is A Racket”?

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I agree except with your use of Nazi to describe the terrorists. Let's just say terrorists each and every time we reference them. That's what they are - people who engage in vicious acts of brutality and barbarians to terrorize a populace for a political advantage.

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Well, in all fairness, she could've just boooed and repeatedly yelled, "Shut up!", and shook her head, which was what the GOP Conferenced did when a reporter asked their new Speaker nominee about his leading the amicus brief to overturn the 2020 election.

I loathe Jean-Pierre with a passion, but I'm giving up on them lot of politicians. They've lost all sense of professionalism and I expect it to continue to deteriorate.

For the record, my comment is not about the election itself. But I think the reporter's question was valid, and I was immediately turned off by that new nominee (whatever no-name they're pulling from the bottom of the barrel now) smirking and not answering the question like a professional grown up should, and the clowns around him dismissing a legitimate question. This is what we citizens and taxpayers are getting now. Changing the topic to evade the questions, or just out right refuse to answer and use the mob to shout down reporters and anyone asking questions they don't want to answer.

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To dwell in the past is to never forward. would she ask the same questions of HRC and Abrams and all the other congressional Democrats who contested elections? The majority of Americans who decide elections, Independents, don't care any more. The system worked, If one can not accept that, one can not accept the type of country they live in. Maybe they should push for an answer to the overturning of this country by all the illegals, and terrorist, coming in across the southern border.

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So say that. A serious leader could've said what you said, whether one agrees or disagrees. Did you see the clip? The bunch of them acted like village idiots. They were an absolute embarrassment. They were in the Congress, not the beer hall.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

They all act like village idiots as they mirror the electorate. I don't watch JKP any more. The lies, the deceptions and the sidestepping by the most transparent administration ever is nauseating. They only time Trump haters need to worry about Trump is in the general election if he is the Republican nominee. For those who pay attention, every time the the left attacks him in any form, his numbers go up. The left created him, the left keeps him alive and in the fore front of the media, the left can not exist without him. The left will hopefully pay a devastating price for being so hateful and ignorant of the consequences of that hate. As for those who count, we've moved on. MAT 6:34, "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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I really don't know where we're disagreeing in your latest comment. I'm just sick of the shirking of responsibilities, the refusal to answer to the people, and terrible behaviors and all these apply to both sides. Soon we're gonna to KJP copy the Congressional Republicans and flat out tell the reporters to shut up. Yeah let them all race to the bottom. It's all a shit show anyway.

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Put that way we seem to be more in agreement than not:)

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The sock-puppet president, his spokesperson and Obama have turned their backs on our greatest ally in the Middle East. Shameful.

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It is very easy not to see the glimmers so I am going to share two:

1. This excellent and powerful essay by writer and documentary maker Phil Craig apologizing to 'Eddy' a survivor of Belsen for allowing anti-Semitism to spread. https://thecritic.co.uk/dear-eddy/

2. The October Declaration which has been spearheaded by Toby Young of the Free Speech Union and is a declaration about standing with British Jews. Started on Monday, it now has over 50,000 signatories including former PMs Boris Johnson and Liz Truss as well as actors like Tom Conti. It is certainly worth a read to see where people like me stand -- not whispering where no can hear but saying loudly and proudly -- I stand with British Jews and condemn all forms of anti-Semitism wherever it occurs in the world. https://britishfriendsofisrael.org/

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And then there was Douglas Murray's brave and stirring London speech, where he declared "I am a Jew."

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Great call, Bruce. Could not agree more. Very moving, particularly "If they come for the Israelis, then I am an Israeli. If they come for the Zionists, then I am a Zionist. If they come for the Jews, then I am a Jew." If you haven't seen it already, do yourself a favor and look it up

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It was reminiscent of the heroic stand of Sgt. Roddie Edmonds who, when ordered by the Nazi POW camp to single out the American prisoners who were Jewish, replied "we're all Jews." Thereby saving hundreds of his fellow American soldiers.

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It's not easy to see the glimmers. I'm grateful whenever I see them. But I came to the conclusion last night--after seeing far more people expressing hatred of Israel and Jews than the number speaking up against that hatred--that I'm going to have to take a break from Twitter.

The bad guys are beginning to win the war for hearts and minds. Despite the fact that I've read the book and know how it ends, watching it happen right in front of my eyes is shocking, disturbing, and heartrending.

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Stepping away from twitter is a good idea. And yes there is a distinct and determined campaign. One has to ask quo bono? and the answer is the men of violence from Hamas who are backed by Iran. It is well funded and has been in the works for a long time.

Any ceasefire should come from Hamas and should begin with all hostages being unconditionally released. Why should Israel forego its right to defend itself with Hamas giving nothing in return? Giving Hamas a bloody nose as Biden called it in 2021 did not work.

It is up to Egypt to set up any humanitarian corridor. They can do it. There are two countries which border Gaza. One of which is at war with Gaza. They don't want to because they don't want a long term refuge camp in the Sinai which already has immense problems.

The humanitarian aid should go to the ordinary citizens, rather than being stockpiled by Hamas.

Israel has the legal right and obligation to defend itself. A return to the military stalemate which preceded 7/10 will only make another 7/10 inevitable. And right now, that appears to be what certain people think should happen. All I can see is more blood shed and destruction unless Hamas is destroyed.

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And in defending herself Israel's goal is not vengeance, but rather deterrence.

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Well said.

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I am you, Celia. I, too, feel it in my heart and mind. I’m glad that I gave up most social media shortly after the 2020 election when I noticed that all the “good” and “kind” people I knew were behaving like f*cking savages. (I’m probably being too harsh on savages.) I’ve been telling my bunny-mate for years that this is a terrible time to live in, way worse than the ’60s...

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Virtual hugs CM.

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What has impressed my consciousness is the degree to which the primary source of the madness in the US is the educational system. The poll numbers of Gen Z are stunning:

“...the Harvard-Harris poll revealed that 51 percent of 18 to 24 year olds said Hamas's violence against Israeli civilians was justified, while just 49 percent don't think so.”

“Here's where things get... strange. In the same poll, 62 percent of young respondents agree that what Hamas did to Israel was "genocidal." So, a hefty chunk of young people in this country believe that genocide against Israeli civilians is justified.”


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But those same people also say that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is “genocidal”. So maybe this is just an age cohort that throws around the word “genocide” like they’re saying “hello”?

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I stopped looking at Twitter a year after it started. It's a wasteland full of mental patients that would get punched in the face 30 years ago if they said what they say to peoples faces.

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You're not wrong. But for the past couple of years, Twitter has been the only outlet I have for sharing my rage against what I see being done to our society.

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I understand. You have to get it out somewhere, I really despise Twitter because it became the left wing hive mind. I loved when Elon bought it and the left freaked out., Was very satisfying watching all of that. Even if it fails, I will be happy.

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Some have pointed out that if Elon had not bought Twitter and dismantled the government-"requested" censorship system, it is likely that we would not have learned the details of the horrors the happened on 10/7.

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It is not dismantled. Far from it. The Twitter files just unequivocally confirmed its existence.

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Laura Dodsworth was one of the organizers of the October declaration. Sadly, on her Substack, the comments about the declaration were extremely negative and anti Semitic to the point where she had to add a note in the comments. One step forward, two steps back?

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The October Declaration is a start. It is not the end. Badenoch's comments yesterday were also good. Public services have to do more to foster good relations. https://twitter.com/KemiBadenoch/status/1717236624390508652

Some of it has to be education. For example, taking the time to read Whispered in Gaza and to learn about what the conditions are like for women and the ordinary Gazan under Hamas, something I suspect many people are in blissful ignorance about. So yes, free Palestine...from the totalitarian regime that is Hamas and its repressive ideology.

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I'm waiting for KJP to say that October 7 was a "mostly peaceful protest".

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She is the worst. Why wouldn't the White House Press Corp boycott all briefings until she is fired.

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Notice how more often we are treated to John Kirby (a clown in his own right) vs KJP. She is in the job for the boxes she checks, not her merit.

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Merit? That's racist!

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Because except for a few they are her choir.

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I honestly don't know whose worse between her and Jan Psaki.

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Psaki was much better at her job than KJP, so IMHO that would make Psaki worse.

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She says she “misheard” the question. Is it possible that she doesn’t know what anti-Semitic means, and thought the question was about Muslims? I wouldn’t be surprised at that level of incompetence; she’s shown it many times.

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I am pretty familiar with the 1938 in history books, but I never dreamed that I would get to live it. I have a really bad feeling about all of this; there seems to be a genuine shortage of national will and courage.

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To say we have our own Neville Chamberlain doesn’t even start the conversation. We have a traitor in the WH. We have a bunch of woke idiots controlling the levers of government. We have Nazis in Congress and people loyal to Iran in the State Dept.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

It’s really shocking to see the idiots in this administration try to handle this situation. Not one of them in this admin has strength to lead! KJP is a joke, needing direct evident of everything and creating more division because she can’t talk about hate! Meanwhile republicans are making fools of themselves and doing everything they can to make themselves unelectable in 2024. If we ever needed strength in the White House in terms of foreign affairs, it’s now. And the way Democrats have put emphasis on ideology over everything, there is no way we will have strength withanother democrat president, senate, and congress.

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I agree except I think that is the way the GOP house is being portrayed by the MSM. Please do not just accept that at face value.

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I would agree. At least we got what looks to be a decent Speaker, at least that’s what I see in him.

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I watched the vote. He was very well received. Lots of cheers and applasuse pertaining to certain votes. So now we will see what his leadership skills are. The Biden-Harris campaign spokesman , Ammar Moussa, immediately said Johnson was extreme MAGA and Trump's footsoldier. Not an ounce of sportsmanship, much less class, on that side.

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I’ve heard him speak in hearings and he’s very smart…no showboating like the others. I thought his speech was excellent!

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I lack good history background, even I know something is serious wrong here.

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I find it absolutely stunning that so many on the left are aggressively supporting a group of people (Hamas/Islamic leaders around the world/Hezbollah/Iran, etc) who treat woman as their possessions and as cattle; who hang gay people; who torture then kill transgender people). And it’s not hidden. Their women are covered and there are actual laws on the books against gay people.

They do not believe in democracy; they are ruled and have been for thousands of years by the people with the most weapons; and who have shown zero tolerance for anyone who is not a religious Islamist. Or as they call them, infidel pigs.

You all know the famous quote Pastor Martin Niemöller. “First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist; Then they came for the Socialists; And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists; And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews; And I did not speak out; Because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me; And there was no one left . . . . . To speak out for me

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The left is OK with the totalitarianism of Islam because they envy it, they admire it.

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And despite their treatment of women as noncitizens, Palestinians are supported by leftists who claim Palestinians are victims of apartheid.

Muslim women in the Middle East are not even allowed in the public sphere. Only their faces, or sometimes only their eyes are allowed to be shown.

How does that even work, mentally, to support Palestinians, only half of whose own population are allowed civil rights?

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I really like your statement. My only issue is that I want to take back "transexual" as "transgender" embraces an entire ideology. Of course, people who choose to live that way, having made a decision with full information as adults (not because of cult belief in Gender Ideology) should be treated as respect, And the rest of us should not be compelled to agree that they are another sex. Transing the children is another matter.

"EXCLUSIVE: American Academy of Pediatrics Named In Bombshell Detransitioner Lawsuit"


"The lawsuit not only goes after the doctors who treated Ayala, but also the American Academy of Pediatrics, where Rafferty and his colleagues worked to publish a now-infamous policy statement advocating for aggressive gender treatments for children. Lawyers for Ayala say the policy statement laid the groundwork for an “entirely new model of treatment” based on “outright fraudulent representations” of scientific proof."

And, point taken, transed-out people are not victims in the US. In Iran gay men are forced to receive "gender affirming care" and live as women. I'm not sure exactly what they do with gay men in Gaza except maybe throw them off off root tops.

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Great TFP post today Bari. So sorry that you and your staff are going through all of this.

What's going to be interesting in watching how you, Nellie and your staff (who by majority lean left), position yourselves politically over the next 13 months.

I'm witnessing several of my left leaning Jewish friends going through all sorts of intellectual and emotional gyrations trying to figure out how they are going to continue to support the Democrat party in the face of progressive politicians, business and religious leaders and social influencers that are either totally silent or sheepish in their support of Israel to respond to the October 7th massacre.

I keep hearing that there is going to be a massive shift to the center or center/right, but so far I'm not really seeing it.

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Will your Jewish friends even talk to you about this? Mine have demured, said, oh, let’s not talk politics. Lalalala.

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None of my Jewish friends that are left leaning are wanting to speak on it that's for sure.

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I’ve shifted the minute we left Afghanistan.

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Thank you, Evan W, for reminding us to acknowledge how terrible it must have been for Bari's staffers to walk into that scene. It must have been terrible and scary, and I hope they will get through this ok but am afraid they may not I am afraid for them and for all of us. And, I'm not a person who is easily scared. I tend to be a protective warrior and defender. But, this hate can only be stopped by the opposing force, so what are we prepared to do? How will we fight this beyond the unhopeful two-party, two-sided divisive systems that have perpetuated for centuries? The right of people to exist in harmony with one another is brutally taken away by sadistic minds creating sadistic governments and greedy, blood-sucking corporations based on age-old conquering structures using humans and animals and resources and all of nature as its chattel, at its mercy. The entire world is screaming mercy. So, what will we do?

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Ride at dawn.

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The congresswoman mocked as an idiot by the left, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is going after the democrat Nazis in Congress. Maybe Bari etal should revisit their opinion of her.

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How American govt and MSM tolerates the hate from R. Tlaib and I. Omar but go after conservatives has always been a mystery to me.

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Tolerate? They celebrate.

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It isn’t. They’re cowards. They won’t attack a leftist because that means risk. Twitter mob. Bad press. Even the WH might attack including use of DOJ.

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Does anyone have an idea on how we can petition to have Tlaib and Omar expelled from Congress?

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We can’t nor should we be able to. We have elections that is the duty of her constituents.

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It is the duty of their fellow Democrats in Congress to censure them for the antisemitism they've expressed quite openly. Until that happens, I will not believe that any Democrat in Congress genuinely supports Israel.

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Agreed....but what does censure accomplish?

These ingrates will wear it as a badge of honor.

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It demonstrates that their fellow Democrats don't secretly agree with them.

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Exactly. If Raskin can caucus with Omar, Tlaib and Sandy Cortez, then he's a self-hating Jew, and can't be trusted to stand up to antisemitism. He'll be the first to convert when Torquemada comes back, even with that silly schmata on his head.

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You mean the same Marjorie Taylor Greene who believes in Jewish Space Lasers?? Come on...

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Maybe you should stop swallowing lies and read Greene's actual twitter post. Although I'm not a huge fan of hers, she never used that phrase., although it's an oft-repeated lie. Her post refers to the confluence of interests in CA and the CA wildfires. Goofy it may be but anti-Semitic it is not.

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I haven’t “swallowed” anything. I read her original Facebook post and no she didn’t say “jewish space lasers” together. She does talk about space lasers and then proceeds to repeat tropes about the Rothchilds and banking. She has said many dopey ignorant things about Jewish people in the past. I’m not going to list them all here- although comparing mask wearing to the horrors of what happened in the Holocaust was a doozy. And now we’re supposed to give her credit for capitalizing on what’s going on in Israel? She is a typical politician and not a very bright one.

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I agree that she's not very bright. And her twitter post was idiotic. But you're also wrong about her "repeating tropes" about Rothschilds. She merely pointed out that a director of PG&E was also a director of Rothschilds. But since you conceded my point that her post didn't say "Jewish space lasers" you made my point. It's very dangerous to repeat unquestioningly the lies of the Left.

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I think it is naive to think she was merely “pointing out” the link to the Rothchilds but we can agree to disagree. She has said many ignorant things against Jewish people previously and they are on record. Comparing having to wear a mask to the numbers that Jewish people had to wear in Nazi Germany. Is not just stupid it is dangerous and shows no understanding of history. There was a piece in the Jerusalem Post highlighting all her outrageous comments about Jews and yes they are antisemitic. The definition of antisemitism is not just to show hatred but also hostility towards Jews. So she has that in common with the Squad. I appreciate you wanted to make your point but she has said far worse things to prove she is an antisemite.

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Oh, look! Another mind reader whose gift assures him all the people he doesn’t like are really thinking terrible things they never actually say out loud. You know how I know they don’t say them out loud? Because you couldn’t offer a single quote. Just vague assurances that you just know what she really thinks.

Maybe you’d have a happier life if you used this skill to predict lotto numbers or something. lol

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"Comparing having to wear a mask to the numbers that Jewish people had to wear in Nazi Germany. Is not just stupid it is dangerous and shows no understanding of history."

Not exactly.

“You know, we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany,” Greene said. “And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about.”

Stupid? Arguably. But hardly dangerous. Or anti-Semitic.

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I bet you believe Trump told us to drink bleach too.

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Hi did imply that it could be injected, and was very unclear about whatever point he was trying to make while he was standing at a microphone during a press conference during a pandemic. Whatever you think of Trump, that was not his finest hour.

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The comments were made during a discussion of novel methods to kill viruses, like UV light or substances INHALED into the lungs.

The President is not medically or even scientifically trained, and used the word, INJECTED, which suggests a needle going into a vein. That is what the media ran with, of course, but that is absurd. If the media were fair, it would have realized Inhalation was the mode of administration under discussion.

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If you weren’t an idiot you would know it wasn’t just a “press conference” but it was explicitly about the use of disinfecting UV light therapy. “Inject” was not the correct term of art, but the context was clear.

What’s funny is that instead of offering helpful context (or even making fun of his possible misuse of a specific term for delivery) they invented the word “bleach” which was never even said or alluded to.

Anyone who tries to pretend it wasn’t entirely clear what he was talking about is a liar or a useful idiot. Which one are you?

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Ummmm, it was a press conference. I know that they discussed light therapy, which the President did refer to, but then he pivoted to discussing "disinfectant" and used the word "inject." You don't inject light, so thanks for agreeing with me that he fumbled that exchange. Please go to the tape, because right after that he starts making a wiping motion with his hand. No one in the world thinks this was entirely clear. Now, you should probably get back to doing your homework because your parents probably wouldn't like it that you're on a big people website talking about things you don't understand.

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From what I recall of the actual video, he was asking whether there was something *like* bleach that could disinfect people's lungs. Clearly the guy's basic medical knowledge is lacking, but the question he was asking was not unreasonable if you lack that knowledge.

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Watch the video again. It was unreasonable for the President of the United States, off the cuff with microphones and cameras on, to conjecture about this. He was asking a question about injecting bleach at the same time that he was talking about Covid damaging the lungs, so it was very unclear what he was getting at, which he really didn't clarify. But then he was also making a wiping motion with his hand, which seemed to indicate some type of external application to disinfect surfaces, which is what the presenter had been talking about. You either clarify what you want to say before the press conference or you don't make such a confusing statement in the middle of it. I'm not saying that he was instructing people to drink bleach, but a reasonable person may have concluded that he was asking about injecting it. I'm saying he should have been more careful with millions of concerned Americans watching him.

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No I don’t believe that. I know that was the legacy media not putting his full statement out for full context. But he has said some pretty dopey things without any help from the media.

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Bari missed this one. UN Secretary General Guterres asserted that the Hamas attack “did not happen in a vacuum,” after which he went on to enumerate Palestinian hardships, claiming that they were what led to the horrors of October 7. Israel’s foreign minister promptly and properly canceled a planned meeting with Mr. Guterres saying “Hamas is the Nazis.” But, in dramatic contrast our rock star wannabe, the pathetic Secretary of State Blinken praised Mr. Guterres, gushing “Mr. Secretary-General, we’re grateful for your leadership at this incredibly challenging time,” he said.

I ask again.....how much longer are we willing to tolerate this freak show and comedy of an Administration led by the Senile Imbecile, himself, who is now, increasingly, being shown to be nothing by a treasonous grifter as well as an incompetent fool?

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I was in a European country recently, seated in a restaurant. The waiter, who didn’t speak much English, recognized we were Americans, pointed at my husband and asked him, Please, you---be President. Biden---Idiot! Hand gestures and facial expressions of disgust.

We have become a laughing stock.

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The UN has become a mockery. Its representatives come from morally bankrupt and autocratic nations, and its corruption is almost laughable. Remember, when Muammar Qaddafi was head of the UN’s human rights commission in 2015? Ha! It hasn’t gotten any better since.

This is not the 1940s United Nations!

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Looking for reporting on this. Closest I could find seems to include most of what you cite. https://abcnews.go.com/International/blinken-backs-israel-unsc-humanitarian-pauses-considered-protect/story?id=104253042

Blinken continues to say all the right things about Israel. He does not seem to accede to the “but” qualification that is so abhorrent. I think it is an overreaction to condemn a diplomat for being diplomatic.

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"UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres indirectly criticised Israel for ordering the evacuation of civilians from the north to the south of the Gaza Strip. He also said Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7 did not happen “in a vacuum” as the Palestinians have been “subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation”."

Is Al-Jezerra good enough for you? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/25/israel-to-refuse-visas-to-un-officials-after-guterres-speech-on-gaza-war

Justification for beheading babies and burning them alive?

Guterres is a fool And Blinken's fawning over him is vile.

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People were so dazzled by Obama’s silver tongue, they failed to notice it was forked. He made the left’s moral relativism official policy re: Israel. I still don’t understand the fixation on giving money to Iran.

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Obama was the Manchurian Candidate

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The Teheran Candidate I think.

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His chief advisor Valerie Jarrett is from Iran.

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You know she just left the Biden Administration right?

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Therefore what? The Biden administration I argue is nothing more than Obama 3.0.

Valerie Jarrett is a big reason Obama/Biden protect Iran

(remember the pallet full of cash?)

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I am not disagreeing with you. I am just skeptical about the timing. Mission accomplished?

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The McWhorter article jumped out as it speaks to the sheer stupidity of the white progressives, especially the female ones. I read somewhere that a person who protested the right-wing government in Israel and the policy toward the Palestinians was slaughtered and kidnapped just like those who were supporting it. The point is that no one on the other side cared about your morality; they just wanted you dead. The same is in the cities when we have a national nervous breakdown over the death of a druggie loser for resisting arrest but don't care about all of the people killed in the crossfire of allowing gangs to run roughshod over everything.

I will be very interested in seeing how this is pushed back in the coming days and weeks. But sadly, who will go back? The GOP is entirely of people who are told what to think by the donor class, and Trump is such an ego-maniac crybaby that he can't lead a movement. To win, you have to beat an evil with something, and sadly, there is no one rising to the moment to fight this clear and present danger.

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"The GOP is entirely of people who are told to think by the donor class" --- What?

Quit while you're far behind, pal. You know not a thing about conservatives.

Take your comments to CNN or MSNBC.....they need fools like you.

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You are so right. I am no match for an intellect like yours. You are sadly not conservative. You are more like those who love dictators and pucker up those lips and put them on Trumps ass. I admit I am an American from the Reagan school. Class competence and results. Do you have a picture of Trump in your bedroom?

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Dozens of attacks on US forces in the region. Blinken: “If Iran or its proxies attack US personnel anywhere, we will defend our people, we will defend our security - swiftly and decisively.” Defend them with what exactly, another release of $6 billion?

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It’s already happening in the ground against our forces in the Middle East, so why do they keep using the future tense?

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Give the man a break. He may, though it is not yet conclusive, have figured out on whose side he's supposed to be.

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And Biden's "Don't." Stimulating stuff there.

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Hillary, Obama, and the entire left wing is supporting and helping the rise of tyranny and Hitler policies and governments. The stupidity of the foot soldiers thinking they are morally superior and everyone else actually deserves re-education or even death is astounding. They are the true Brown Shirts. Once they can eliminate the Jews; who is next is the main question.

They are desperate to eliminate free thinking and those who choose to live their lives as individuals. The threat to the world today is not MAGA or Meloni type politicians, but what they represent. A great big screw you and a giant F__k you to the dictatorship and soul stealing policies of the left. They are the ones dragging the world towards war and not the right. The right are the people who have had to clean up the shit shows the others created.

Old saying, Better to die free on your feet than live on your knees!

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I almost wish this happened when Obama was in office so the veil could have been ripped from my eyes. In '08 I was naive and thought Obama was the second coming of Kennedy, whatever that means--a handsome suave celebrity president... and now after watching KJP pivot on that question I want to punch her in the throat. Knowing what I know now about my former party... this country is in so much trouble and my teenage kids and all their friends have it all so backwards. Wait until their luxury "needs" all get taken away under the socialist regime they are unwittingly building. They'll appreciate democracy and our western civilization then. If I could go back in time, prevent their indoctrination and vote red I would.

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Obama is nothing more than a used car salesman in a new suit. A gift of gab slick enough where only a community organizer can BS his way to the WH just because he's half black.

Had a chance to watch him in Illinois - all hat and other people's cattle. And a card carrying socialist.

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I was taken in by the performer as well. Damn, he was slick. What we are now observing in the Middle East is the direct consequence of his Iran policy, and it is more than likely that he is the one currently pulling Biden’s puppet strings. Clearly Biden isn’t cognitively capable of making the decisions required of a president, so someone else is.

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