Bari - We again implore you - a transcript please. Most of us can read far more rapidly than a leisurely stroll down that normal pace of conversation. I'm very interested in this topic - yet another leftist hoax and cancel hysteria - but doubt I'll make it all the way through.

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I am from Canada, and I can tell you that this is the MOST verboten topic of them all, at least here. It is possible that I could have a discussion about trans issues, for example, with someone who disagrees, as long as I were to approach the issue with sufficient delicacy. But the mass graves story is an absolute no-go zone. Everyone here accepts it as gospel truth. Terry is one of my favourite journalists, and it has been painful to watch his eviceration. His work hardly shows up anymore in any of our media outlets.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I love your podcast! You ask thoughtful questions and allow your fascinating guests to share in a deep way. You are doing such an important service to this country by cutting through the crap and stimulating meaningful dialogue. I hope you know how much you are valued and admired for your intellect, determination and courage. Applause applause!!!

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I’m a Canadian expat who has been living in the US since 2014. This story is appalling but a natural progression of what I witnessed in my work for and with First Nations to help get them justice for all the real, actual terrible things that happened in those schools and to assert rights to revenue from resource extraction on traditional territory. My impression at the time was that, while many were sincere in their efforts to improve the socio-economic situation, others were more invested in building their career on grievance advocacy. No solutions; only problems. So I guess it serves their purpose to yell about stuff that didn’t actually happen, while ignoring the present day issues and avoiding any talk of personal responsibility.

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Terry Glavin is a gem. Thanks for a great conversation Bari. It's been horrifying to watch our entire (state funded) media apparatus in Canada push stories that are all narrative and no fact. No attempt to correct the record.

This is Canada's version of luxury belief. Talk endlessly of the residential schools and do nothing about reserves. You should hear the way white progressives in Canada self-flagellate over this stuff. My boss at work read her 'own personal land acknowledgement' this year to the staff. It was essentially a confession of original sin. We were all encouraged to do the same. No one said anything and she moved on.

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We KNOW WHY this happens.

The question should be; What can we do about it?

The media is looking for sensational narratives that push a leftist agenda that believes anything related to western culture (read white European/European derivative) is inherently oppressive and evil.

They are not investigating facts, they are cherry picking, spinning stories to support a narrative, and when they do not have actual facts, they will readily accept a fake fact that supports the story they want to tell.

The "Why" is not complicated.

The means by which we solve the problem is very complicated and any solution hard and made that much harder by the fact that our national and institutional leaders along with a substantial portion of the populace are willing to go along or supportive.

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“In the end, it’s about what happens when the truth no longer matters.“

The great question of our time.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

The media moral panic is responsible for ruining many lives. A great example is the firing of Penn State coach Joe Paterno. In just four (4) short days, the media descended on State College to hang the long time coach, which the Board Of Trustees was happy to oblige. It took a careful investigation by people like John Ziegler to uncover the truth. But it was already too late. Joe’s name was tarnished and his remains were six feet under.

This is but one example, Duke Lacrosse is another. There are many.

I have zero trust in journalism today. It’s a complete farce, zero integrity - with no consequences.

The famous words of Ronald Reagan continue to hold fast, trust but verify.

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Another leftist hoax? Gee, what if we found out that Russia and Ukraine were on the verge - at the very start of the war - of having all Russian troops withdrawn from Ukraine in exchange for a Ukrainian pledge not to join NATO and it was killed by our Senile Imbecile (a fool that Obama's own Secretary of Defense said has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision for decades, including the bin Laden raid). All the death and destruction. All the chaos. All the economic turmoil. All the risk of nuclear war could have been avoided but for Biden? If true, what are you going to do?

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I think "woke" ideology more than divide and conquer by the elite. To me, just like in the USA, if the central government views the majority as a threat it justifies consolidation of power and repression. In addition if the past is full of sin and theft than restituion is required. This further justifies consolidation of power as the elite pick and choose who gets what resources. The fact that white leftists (we would call them Antifa) targeted a Catholic Vietnamese church likely founded by immigrants fleeing repression , a group that is a textbook marginalized community shows how irrational and cruel many on the left have become. As for Tredeau, throwing a few domestic enemies to the lions and inflicting pain on their communities, that simply made good politics, his supports get their bloodlust satiated at little political cost. As for the TRUTH, I know it matters. The reporting on the missing graves is now and forever on the record, and the fact that the only way to deal with it is by blacklisting the reporter testifies to how scared they are. You sir have created kryptonite that frightens whole swaths of powerful Canadian society, sounds like the dream of many journalists to me.

As for the misinformation pushed by the Times and its use by modern day slave states like China that is a feature not a bug. The pro-chinese Canadian elite remind me go nothing more than Germans who ended up on Russias payroll and advocated polices that undermine their own land and empower brutal regimes.

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Transcripts please! They don't need to be perfect but being able to read these would be wonderful.

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The truth no longer matters. Much of the news are contrived narratives for click bait or to achieve a political end. It is no longer possible to believe anything coming from a news source.

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I am compelled to comment on this podcast because I am all in on the concept of coming together and finding common ground rather than fighting.

The podcast was excellent concerning the issues of journalism and truth. The best quote being that it isn’t just that the truth doesn’t seem to matter but that the truth not mattering doesn’t seem to matter. A truly frightening thought as that would signal upcoming catastrophe.

Yet, I cannot let go the comment that Native Americans were exterminated by Europeans, mostly through disease. Two points: one, NA were obviously not exterminated, they are alive and well today; two, there was no deliberate introduction of disease to the Americas. Small pox was endemic in Europe and caused the deaths of about 20% of those infected; brought to these shores it was inevitable that it would do worse to those without herd immunity. How could this have been avoided; is it credible that no European would ever visit the Americas? Even the tale that NA were deliberately infected through army blankets has been disproved.

In addition, it was stated that the “Indian Wars” were wars of extermination. This is obviously not true. With few exceptions NA were defeated in every encounter with Europeans and eventually put on reservations. If the government had wanted to exterminate them it could have easily done so; they didn’t though they obviously did not live up to the treaty obligations.

There were horrendous massacres on both sides but neither side was exterminated; the NA didn’t wish to exterminate the Europeans either, just to drive them out.

Regarding Canada, compelled assimilation is wrong but I doubt that the people who wished to assimilate NA were evil in their intent. Unfortunately time and time again evil people will migrate into institutions with good intentions. The reason religious personnel (Boy Scout leaders, Priests, Rabbis, etc.) are involved with molesations and pedophilia is not that the underlying institutions are evil, rather it is that such positions of trust and power attract those who will abuse them.

However, assimilation is often the best strategy for a conquered people. NA in general do not do well on reservations (other than exceptions where some do very well off casinos, cigarettes, etc.). NA who have integrated into our Western American Society have tended to do quite well without losing their cultural heritage; just as Greeks, Irish, Mexicans, Italians, etc. have.

NA on reservations in the US are citizens and have the right to vote in federal and state elections, however they are also members of a sovereign nation within the US borders. Non-NA citizens of the US cannot vote in tribal elections. My opinion is that NA should choose to be either under tribal rule or be citizens of the US. While dual citizenships are tolerated for some other individuals (Irish, Mexicans, Israelis, etc.) these cases are few and far between and shouldn’t be allowed.

As to reconciliation and restitution, this works best and makes the most sense when the offended group is compensated by the offenders in the same generation as the offense. While not perfect, the examples of this are South African whites compensating SA Blacks; US Government compensating Japanese-Americans interred in WWII; and Germany compensating Jews. The worst instances are when the descendants of the offenders are made to compensate the descendants of the offended. Quite often people who have no relationship to the offense end up paying people with little relationship to the offended. Why should the people of Canada, many (most) of whom weren’t citizens of Canada at the time of insults to NA compensate the descendants of NA who were not directly affected?

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I concur with every word Donna Partow described before me. The only thing I would add is my disbelief that everyone doesn’t listen to your podcast. I am so appreciative of your work and spread the word to anyone who will listen. If you want objective facts, open dialogue, respectful dissent and on and on. Thank you for what you do!

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Mr. Glavin refers several times to the people who now occupy the places formerly occupied by the left. He decries an epistemological shift. Ms. Weiss wonders how so many people got the story wrong.

What is missing is a unified theory of the left. The left is a body of bad ideas that will lead even the best people into bad outcomes. The left has always been about acquiring power by any means. The new epistemology replaces classical ideas of truth ( which are, BTW, not simplistic ideas, but deep attempts to grapple with difficult philosophical problems) with power relations. For the civilized and enlightened, the purposes and methods of language is to reveal the truth, to mediate reason and to communicate our best understanding of the truth. For the left, the purposes and methods of language are to deploy, acquire and consolidate power. Mr. Glavin uses the brilliant phrase "the problematizing of truth". Many good people believe the new epistemology, and this has resulted in the decay and destruction of our most valuable cultural, intellectual and political institutions which have been built over millennia to safeguard our freedom and dignity. This is the agenda of the left.

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The first paragraph can be applied to so many stories that fueled the flames of the riots of 2020. The term "George Floyd effect" has more to do with the huge settlement the family received than by racial injustices. Journalists have become some of the most dangerous influencers in society and I don't know how the reporters and particularly the editorial boards can sleep at night.

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