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Emily Oster? The Emily Oster from Brown that wrote in the Atlantic that the unvaccinated needed to forgive the nasty behavior of the vax Nazis like her? That she did not know any better and were right to get them fired from jobs because we would not take an unknown drug? A drug that only worked for a person if some other person took it? That Emily Oster? The “data driven economist” that clearly did not look at data on Covid but had a vicious opinion? Gag me with a spoon. She is a nasty piece of work.

My subscription just auto renewed without warning and I am pretty distressed about that. The Free Press started out well, but caved quickly into The NY Times and The New Yorker as noted by Glenn Greenwald.

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As a new parent I read her books and they discuss the limited benefits of breast feeding, proper age to start sleep & potty training, and how much alcohol and raw fish you can consume during pregnancy. All of it is supported by research even when it enrages the breast-feeding, organic diaper, gentle parenting crowd.

During Covid she followed the latest research given to us by the government…it was our only source. Years later new evidence showed the research conclusions weren’t completely correct. That’s how science works. You’re literally upset that in 2020 she didn’t provide guidance from information the world wouldn’t have until 2022.

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I recommend you read Scott Atlas' book on his time in the White House covid task force. He got data in 2020 showing CDC data was bullshit. Birx and Fauci knew they were lying. I did research in early 2020 that indicated the government was lying, which it was. Keep listening to the narrative and get the next booster plus the RSV, flu and monkeypox combo Pfizer is selling. Spare your kid vaccines so read RFKjr book on Fauci and Turtles All The way Down. Or not. Oster is a head girl. Look it up.

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You need to correct something here. Joseph Edleman resigned as a trustee of Brown University before the vote (not after) because he belived that Brown was caving to the Hamas protestors. That's very important distinction because he wasn't objecting to the outcome of the vote, he was objecting, in principle to the whole idea. (which is clear in your quotes, thank you)

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Yesterday, the FP reports that George Bush hasn’t followed Cheney’s lead (probably for the first time) to endorse Kamala. And in this book, Bush admits he shouldn’t have listened to Paulson. “I listened to (Hank) Paulson and (Ben) Bernanke and spent your money to bail out the guys who created the instruments in the first place, which is an absolute political disaster,’ Bush said. ‘You wonder why populism is on the rise. It starts with taking taxpayers’ money and giving it to the powerful.’”

Next debate should ask the candidates how they will decide when to listen to advisors.

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Historian Michael Shermer (Skeptic Society) has been writing about holocaust denialism for decades. Here is his take on Tucker Carlson:


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Nellie, somehow you must have a thesaurus that equates “daffy” with “ dumb.” Throw it away, it’s useless. Kamala is dumb. Period.

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I’m a 60 year old conservative elementary teacher (there are not many of us),and I’ve been promoting this site for a couple of years and been so proud of your independence and tenacity. I’m surprised that every one of you is anti-Trump. I get it because you are uberintellectuals (it won’t take my dash between the words)but you also are pro-Israel and pro-first Amendment and pro- real history. I get it because I can’t listen to him speak but for 10 minutes, but he was good for our economy and kept our enemies at bay. We have to bring American pride back. We have the best country in the world! What has Kamala done that could possibly make her the leader of America?

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Just curious Lulu - we had brunch with extended family this weekend, and two were public school teachers (in upper middle class district, but with low income bussed in). They both were adamant that the young children in the family, must not, under any circumstances, be sent to public school. (Last week a 2nd grader gave his teacher a broken nose.). One of the teachers said she LOVED teaching, but spent 80% of her time dealing with misbehavior.

How do you feel about homeschooling/hybrid homeschooliing or private schools?

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Marcia, I appreciate your question and will get back with you tomorrow. If there is wiggle room about home schooling, that is huge!

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Loved the podcast with Victor Davis Hanson!

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I was an ob/gyn for many many years. Most of the books for expecting parents are filled with dross. When our baby (she was 35) became pregnant in California, her ob/gyn recommended Emily Oster's book expecting better. I obtained a copy, and was impressed. There were no unscientific prohibitions place on the expectant moms as the other books did, just to fill pages. It was common sense from the start. I wholehearted recommended it to my patients in Florida. If the podcast is anything like her book, I'm in.

Is it me or does antisemitic rhyme with academic?

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I have a 4yr old. I rarely take advice from people without verifying with research. Emily Oster’s books were perfect for me. I’m a nurse so 90% of my coworkers are women. Amazing how flawed their generational mom advice was from what the book recommended.

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Is KD in the cooler again?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

I personally believe Harris has been provided with the questions for the debate tonight, just as Hillary was in 2016. Sadly, I think all we'll learn is: Can Harris memorize answers?


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Actually, I think this time the Harris campaign provided the questions to ABC!

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First item ‘ in the news ‘ was Kamala Harris’ team put her positions on their website the day of the debate. Pragmatic positions.

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Summarized in RealClearPolitics the policies are contradictory and don’t make sense under study:


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As a "mid-cycle" boomer, I'm kind of surprised at Gen Z's focus on retirement. When I (and my contemporaries) were that age, starting out in the working world, social security was the absolute LAST thing on our minds. To this old guy, the younger generation(s) just entering the working world have been unduly focused on leaving the working world. One could argue that they're facing planetary doom, but BITD, the scientists and experts were warning of an imminent New Ice Age and Global Famine due to overpopulation. The mortgage interest rate on my first home (80's) was something like 13%. I'd be interested to hear others' ideas on why the younger generation is more focused on retirement than previous ones.

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Hey, GenZ, the "American dream" should be dead! You of all generations should realize that Earth cannot sustain the American standard of living. It's long past due that we live in "the 15-minute city" instead of energy wasteful single family houses in the suburbs with fenced in yards so the kiddies can play with minimal socialization.

Moreover, it's astounding that you don't resoundingly reject Trump's economic plans, let alone his aspirations for autocrate rule. You want retirement? You deserve it. Trump's tax plans and trade war-guaranteeing tariff policies are sure to enrich only the wealthy and make your retirement an even more remote dream.

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I have heard the absolute most horrific doomsday opinions from the older generation. I was once told by an octogenarian that having children is selfish because our world is such a mess. From an elder?

You people cannot possibly be serious.

15 minute cities are an authoritarian power grab and I don’t think I’ve met anyone in real life who would want to do such a thing.

It seems the real truth is that life has always been difficult for humans, in varying ways and to varying degrees. We don’t live in some unprecedented disaster. Humans have always had to weather tribulation since the beginning of time. The climate has always switched it up on us. Peoples have populated regions and gone extinct. Empires rise and fall. And through it all humans have always kept on.

The birth rate is actually falling and has been for a very long time. Alarmingly so. South Korea will soon be a major tell for how well that works. My guess is that it will not go well and societal collapse will ensue.

We could indeed be less wasteful and less driven by consumer nonsense. We could appreciate the earth and all her inhabitants. We could relearn reverence.

But I am sick to death of hearing from our elders how fucked up the world is.

Enough already.

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Re October Surprise:

If Kamala bombast the debate and or falls in the polls the Big Dem execution squad will go down to Rehoveth Beach to finish the Job on Joe.

Kamala will become president with the power of a few weeks incumbency.

Joes pride and need to protect Hunters inevitable conviction will fall secondary to the permanent new radically transformed America

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Who really cares about the writer's opinions about this debate. Are we the subscribers intelligent enough to make up our own minds? I guess the FP needed to fill some space today.

The only segment that is truly disturbing to me is one you have reported on before. The fact that you even publish as news the Tucker Carlson interview with some nut case guy whom no one has ever heard of, says little about your choice of news worthy items. You one person, Carlson, who is just a conspiracy theory, ultra conservative, cancelled tv personality, interviewing someone who the thought police in 1984 would have locked up and left him there to talk to himself is as far from actual news you can get. And to make matters worse, you have Victor Davis Hanson, a well respected conservative historian in general telling us that he has been on Tucker Carlson show many times and is now commenting on this nut case is discouraging for me. The whole commentary could have been one short sentence. This guy is totally delusional. End of story.

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You're in luck if Kamala wins. All these voices will be silenced.

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I watched some of this debate which in my opinion was useless as they never answer anything and spin the questions. I don't think either candidate is qualified for different reasons. They are all corrupt, liars, power hungry.

Matters little to me who wins except for the geopolitical mess in the world.

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Did Victor's podcast cut out half way through and skip to another one? I can't get it back.

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