I suspect that dna analysis would show that many Palestinians are descended from Jewish populations that never left after the destruction of the temple and later experienced forced conversion to Islam.

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The "Israel is a colonial-settler state" paragraph is perhaps the most important read for people seeking the truth. I am not a historian; however, I hope that scholars could either acknowledge or refute the historical facts noted in the piece. I do not understand how Israelis are accused of being colonizers when Jewish people settled there 3,000 years ago.

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I suggest a new BDS movement. Boycott, divest, and sanction the Ivy League in particular, but colleges in general. What do they teach? Ingratitude, hatred of America and all its values (merit, effort, pluralism), jealousy, victimhood, conservatives and even some liberals are evil, are just a few of the curricula not so secretly imbedded in college courses. Do you know a kid raised to love America who came home from college with disdain for America? Is he or she a nicer person for it? Is he or she grateful for having American Privilege? Does he or she refuse to speak to parents or other family because one of them voted for Trump? Have you ever seen the reverse, a kid who voted Democrat disowned by his Trump-supporting parents? College is ruining our youth. What has this to do with antisemitism? The antisemites overwhelmingly hate America as well as Jews. Why? They hate the success the two have earned through sweat. Have you noticed the same attitude has turned against students from Asia or of Asian roots? Why? The Jews, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Pakistanis, Iranians who have found success here (and a ridiculously high percentage of them do) earned it through effort and talent. The Left, the great purveyor of Jew hatred, hates the route to success america offers. The Jews are especially representative of the grandeur of The American Dream, and the Ivy League Left despises The American Dream. So, if you donate to your alma mater, DON'T!

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Keep the illegals, deport college students and professors who support antisemitism and genocide.

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How about an author that doesn’t have an Ivy League degree. Strangest contradiction of the Free Press. Hiring out of the cesspools they hate.

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Then, they will claim that their name is Juan, and will just walk back across the southern border.

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Stalin said: One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. Movies like Sophie's Choice and Schindler's List brought the Holocaust down to individual human terms. It is easier to demonize "the Jews" than to hate an individual Jew. Identity politics has put everyone into groups, and then classified those groups as oppressors or the oppressed, the bad and the good. Individualism tries to get us, as Dr. King said, to judge each person by his or her chacter.

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It is quite remarkable that after the slaughter of more than one thousand innocent Jewish men, women and children the first thing that this administration decides to do is to appoint Kamala Harris to undertake a program to fight anti-muslim hatred. Cannot say that I have seen any such thing...a lot of antisemitism, however.

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Has the writer of this been against this all along? There are leftists now (finally) waking up to the evil of the left who have spent the last few years/decades vilifying me and other conservatives. Calling us the vilest of names.

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The first time I heard anti-Israeli /pro-Palestinian rhetoric was from some Brit's I encountered traveling in Eastern Europe when the Berlin wall came down (1989/90.) They had been born right at the end of WW2. They were left-leaning libertarians. Anti-Thatcher, but also anti every other political group in GB. They went on about Dr. Ruth being a sniper for the IDF etc. They def. held a grudge against Israel for its killing of British soldiers during the time of Israel's founding ('48/49). Having grown up in the NYC metro area- I had not heard much anti-Israel sentiment expressed until-- after 9/11 when it seemed we bent over backwards to avoid Islamophobia. I'm just wondering- how much of this pro-Palestinian/anti-Israeli propaganda has come from across the pond- not just academia? (My friends were not academic-at all. No university indoctrination.)

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These are the same Maoist true believers who co-opted the anti-war movement and morphed into anti-America in the late 60's. The message went out, the borg responds, and the Palestinians are now the latest totem.

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They couldn't get to us through our military so they decided to come for us through the inside. I am glad your article mentions anti-white bias also. They are linked. Jewish people are deemed white by these people. So are Asians. It's all part of a bigger picture. The have to take down the white people to gain power. All of them. It's dangerous, racist, and manipulative. They want to divide Americans so Western values fall. I don't know how people have been missing this. Or, maybe they thought they would escape the wrath because they weren't Western European whites. Lol. I think that's exactly what they thought. Now, the scales have been lifted.

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This kind of transaction appears to be misunderstood and even celebrated by the general public. The facade of generosity is enough. This is a superb analysis, and I think the role of smaller nonprofits and those 501c3 entities that establish an education or public awareness arm through a 501c4 also deserve more scrutiny. (A 501c4 is not as restricted by IRS rules as a 501c3 in certain activities.)

This has eroded DeToqueville’s vision as he expounded on in Democracy in America, but nonprofits are far from the quaint associations of a few people gathering to do something for their community.

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Having worked in an administrative capacity for nonprofit organizations, I am heartened by this analysis. Unfortunately, the role of cunning philanthropists and nonprofits is not only rarely mentioned in mainstream media.

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Sad reality that Ivy league divinity schools teach people not to seek the truth and know God, instead they teach people to hate certain parts of His creation.

When do we stop calling them Ivy League and begin calling them Poison Ivy League?

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