Another month goes by, and no news. Anyone?

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Where can I read what you received? I wrote one for you.

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What are the results of this contest? I submitted and essay. Curious

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When will results be announced?

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Breathlessly awaiting results, LOL!

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it's 8:06 central on Nov 20th and I also had trouble with the submission form. it said it was closed, then it seemed to accept my essay--but didn't receive a "got it" response. Now what? i'm happy to re-send if something went awry.

erik fraser storlie, efstorlie@gmail.com

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today is Nov 20, but submission via the form is closed?

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Just submitted my Essay competition. Emailed it today on on the portal provided on the day the competition was announced. I didn't get a "got it" response so now I'm nervous. I am 80 and not good at technology. How can I know that you received my contribution?

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Me too

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Give us Gen Xers a go!

We have thoughts.

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I cannot wait to read these! Can y'all do 20-somethings next?

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I was so excited until...what about all of ussss?!?!

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I just missed the age cut-off. Too bad because I have lots to share! I hope there is a third contest.

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Whew! Finally I am too Young for something! A few more months to go though. But I do still feel like a dumb kid anyway. I need some advice! Medicare, retirement, errant children and grandchildren, arthritis, dead friends, resignation... advise away; I'm am listening even though my wife says still I don't.

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Six months short of the minimum age here, I'll try to hold out for the next round.

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We should get Joe and Donald to send their essays in. Their prize if they get published - don’t run for President next year.

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My fingers were raring to go, then I saw that you're starting at age 70. Why not make it a Boomer contest?

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