The problem isn't the mindless cesspool of Twitter. It's the cancerous lack of courage by editorial boards, journalists, university administrators, and CEOs who are supposed to be the adults in room and stand up to this crap.

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I should mention that our politics fit the bill: I am a democratic socialist and my wife is a DEI trainer. Suffice it to say, the city felt like a great fit.


Sorry Charlie. No sympathy and I read your whine no further. I guess you didn’t realize from your relative’s experience in Russia that the left eats its own.

PS I feel most sad for your child.

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I’m sorry for you and your family...but you do realize that through your political views..and possibly votes..these are the people that you brought to power in the country, right?

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So the author got the Moms of Liberty treatment. They, too, were "defending Hitler," when in fact it was the opposite: They said that children were indoctrinated into Nazism. And guess which Team of Useful Idiots posted that Moms of Liberty defend the Nazis all over social media?

a) "Democratic socialists"

b) Democratic socialists

c) Democrats

A few more Democrat-run straw men:

1) Jason Aldean wants to bring back lynching

2) Florida's slavery curriculum is a job-training program

3) Ron de Santis hates gays

So, knowing that this party traffics in distortions, willfully, deliberately, and its Red Guard thoughtlessly promulgates this BS, I just can't help wondering why the author expected anyone to understand what he meant. OH! I know! It's because he "identifies" with the "right" people!

The best part is when they immediately assume he's evil because he comes from Rural Georgia.

Regardless, The Seattle Times should not have fired him for "engaging online." And on that matter, I suspect that this "engagement," since deleted, probably escalated to a point where the author made a fool of himself and, in turn, The Godly Seattle Times.


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Seattle, a once beautiful city, has turned into a dystopian sh*thole. Progressive policies and a citizenry too captured to make necessary political leadership changes have created a scenario where middle and middle/lower working class families are now leaving by the thousands. Crime, declining schools, high cost of living, rampant homelessness, high property taxes, and open drug scenes lead the reasons for this exodus. Good riddance.....just please make sure to leave your progressive ideology in Seattle on the way out.....

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It sucks what happened to the author, but he’s a self described “democratic socialist”.

The very policies he supports has created the system under which he was fired, not to mention the Russian and Chinese communist revolutions.

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God help us all, if Seattle is our "most tolerant" city

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Great article, Mr. Volodzko, and as a conservative, I sympathize with your plight. But at least you had the naivete to speak out; knowing now how this kind of thing works, you'll probably edit yourself in the future, so as to remain employable, or you will find employment with a libertarian or even conservative-leaning employer, despite your misgivings. As is becoming clear to many, the left is pushing normal, decent people rightward, not because of ideology, but because of decency. I guess that's the worst thing you can say about Seattle and the left: "At long last...have you no sense of decency?"

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I don’t think it’s possible to hate communism more than I do, but having visited Seattle and seen the statue I think that Lenin is basically in hell. It’s in the middle of an ultra gentrified smattering of artisanal ice cream shops and trendy boutiques. If Dante had conceived of a punishment for Lenin, it would be for that monster to be frozen solid as he was forced to watch normal families enjoy capitalism for eternity.

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Apparently, the author doesn't recognize that "democratic socialism" is an oxymoron.

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“Let me be absolutely clear: actually killing more people, which Hitler did, is more evil. Lenin killed 4 million people, possibly up to 8 million, whereas Hitler killed roughly 20 million”

A very odd way to defend the original statement. So 1 guy killed 4mm and the other 20mm so therefore the guy who killed 20 is worse. When talking about killing millions does it really matter?

If i say the guy who killed 4 is comparable, I get fired lol. The Left love their hierarchies.

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"I am a democratic socialist and my wife is a DEI trainer."

You're also an idiot. If this seems so very Soviet - no surprise! This is the way the Left always acts.

Time to face facts. Leftists are intolerant, hypocritical, lying thugs. If you give them power, this is the way they always behave. So the lesson is - never give them power. Fight them. Don't temporize or collaborate with them. And never forget - they are the enemy because they hate America and they hate you.

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If you, sir, expected tolerance in your Social Democrat paradise of Seattle you are completely clueless and need to take some time off from educating "the proles" with your writing and educate yourself a bit as to reality. Seattle and environs is one of the most intolerant places one could live. I am sure you felt protected by your own left wing ideology but you obviously were not once you, foolishly, engaged publically in taboo subjects. I live in the rest of Washington that gets drug along by the massive vote you cheer in Seattle of very costly virtue signaling that actually effects our lives in a very negative way. Many of us make our livings by farming or logging or mining instead of writing code and when Seattle decides to impose a useless carbon tax or buy billion dollar electric ferries or agitate to tear down the Snake River dams it is not they who bear the bulk of the cost it is those of us unlucky enough to just be along for the ride with the crazies. Maybe you should spend your time thinking about the effects of those leftist policies you so desire upon those whose lives get torn asunder on a whim instead of trying to split the hair of whether Lenin or Mao or Hitler was more evil. Hint, they were ALL completely evil and cared not a whit about those they killed and tortured! Isn't that enough to know?

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A democratic socialist? No sympathy. Far Left politics demand fealty, and anyone who deviates is an ideological enemy. It's been this way for a long time. You were shot by the circular firing squad and it was inevitable. Thank you for exposing the most recent example of madness, though.

PS: the fact that a Lenin statue is standing while confederate statues are being torn is peak hypocrisy.

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I feel for the author, but bro… you moved to Seattle. You can’t go to Seattle and be surprised when you get Seattle-ed. If you set up shop in the cow pasture, you will eventually get shit on your shoes.

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Social cannibalism, intellectual cannibalism, has been evident for a long time, David. The Left eats its own; no one is immune. You've been "mugged by reality" to borrow a phrase. It's regrettable but predictable.

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