I'm so glad I took the time to read this article (and the comments).

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Great interview!I believe you introduced us to this generation’s Thomas Sowell!

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We need a couple hundred Roland’s running this country.

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Thanks Bari, this was awesome !

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Wish this guy could / would run for President. Great interview. Thanks.

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That interview brought tears to my eyes. and I'm so fucking cynical, that's saying something.

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What a breath air of sanity. It gives me hope . The DEI hyper focus on race results in warping of truth and detrimental to race relation progress. What a great economist, regardless of race and gender.

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Ignore Comprof who seems very threatened by the results of Fryer´s study.

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Agreed, I just couldn't resist the contrast with the recently departed 'Dr.' Gay.

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Fantastic! He sounds like a young Thomas Sowell.

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Roland Fryer - one more reason I read the FP. Great job.

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I sure hope Mr. Fryer writes a memoir some day. What a life story! Inspirational.

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My personal impression of Roland Fryer is that he is an insincere demagogue, a full of himself poser who has found his niche playing both sides that go gaga over his 'deep thoughts'. To me, the only positive in his profile was that he was smart enough to recognize the pitfalls of following the 'hood' crowd and making a solid effort to jump on the opportunities opened to him by the 'gaga' crowd instead.

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The interview is brilliant but the sound quality is not professional. It needs better equalization to eliminate reverb and lip smacking.

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Unemployment is injustice, to paraphrase just one of his insights. Makes sense. Glad he remains at Harvard. Maybe he should run the place.

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I love reading about AMAZING. people. Thanks

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