For the record, everyone who runs the New York City public schools is a Democrat. These children are being indoctrinated by progressive madrassas and imams, not educated. Welcome to the woke Jihad: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-wage-a-woke-jihad-part-2

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This is exactly how Hamas has poisoned generations of Arabs living in what is called "Palestine". And we allowing it to happen with little consequence. Jewish blood will be on the hands of these so-called "educators"!

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U.S. educational institutions and government agencies should be barred from accepting foreign money.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

When people ask how ordinary German citizens could have allowed the Holocaust to happen.....

Well now we know.

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Solid work FP! It looks like US education has stage 4 cancer. Not sure how to cut the rot. Parents are going to lose their children to Marxism and the woke mind virus….

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I am SHOCKED by this. The virulent antisemitism in America is getting worse, and is now being given to children, with zero consequences. We need to rally 'round our Jewish friends and community members in the days ahead. It is TRULY ugly in this country right now.

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That’s nonsense. I LEARNED Arabic while studying in Israel. Jerusalem dialect taught by Mr. Othman. Leaving Israel off a map of Arabic speaking countries is like leaving Switzerland off a map of French speaking countries.

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As always, “follow the money” rules.

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In a broader sense our open society is being exploited to undermine support for our capitalist democratic republic. The exposure of widespread anti-semitism by the events of Oct 7 shocked the country but it has been spreading quietly in our schools for a long time. Arab countries aren’t the only ones engaged in this underground assault on this country. China has infiltrated much of our educational, financial, cultural and government systems as well. We are under assault not just through open borders but through our open, welcoming society. The true challenge is how do we defend ourselves without giving up our freedoms in the process.

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This is what the left does. Start with the children.

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Go to the bookstore and open any children's geography book to the page on Israel. The entry is usually 1/4 the length of every other country and calls the most of Israel's land "disputed territory." Then look up France and Spain, where the Basques want independence, no mention of "disputed territory." Look up Iraq, no mention of independence movements of the Kurds. It goes on and on.

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Silver lining: this reprehensible should serve as an illustration of just how much land the “Arab World” occupies, yet they still want to wipe Jews off the map and have it all.

They could add a legend showing how many hundreds of thousands of Jews each Arab country expelled before and after 1948.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

So the NYC schools teach elementary school kids Arab and Muslim history. Do they teach these kids American history, other than the 1619 revisionist version?

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Sounds like old Soviet work where the Balkans were erased too. Madness.

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Antisemitism is too soft a term. It's Jew hatred and it's genocidal to its core. The Jew haters do not want Israel to exist. It's not a long extrapolation to suggest the next step is the annihilation of Jews. This is what big city union-run public education looks like. I am a public school teacher for 27 years and I see it seeping into the burbs, especially among the most pro-union teachers. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark and I regret to say it's formal education - it's seeped into the private schools as well. PARENTS: HOME SCHOOL YOUR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There is a bumper sticker, “If You Think Education is Expensive, Try Ignorance.”

I’d amend it to say, “if you think private school is expensive, try letting your kid turn into a woke, Jew-hating, gender-confused communist.”

Not all public schools are bad. Just make sure you think about schools before you move or buy a house. The best money we ever spent was Catholic school for the crucial formative grades of 5-8th, versus our local schools. A better public high school was one of the major reasons we moved before our kids started high school.

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