It's fine to publish articles and produce podcasts about the heartbreaking situation in Israel, but you could accomplish a lot more by looking at the 2020 election and acknowledging the truth: The United States and the world were far safer and more stable under Trump. Look at what we've gotten under Biden so far: a disastrous pullout from Afghanistan that put the Taliban -- who may have helped Iran along with Hamas plan the attack against Israel -- back in power; a full-blown invasion of our own country through open borders; Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, and Hamas's barbaric invasion of Israel. Tell your readers how you will vote in the 2024 election if it comes down to Biden vs Trump. I can hear some say, "How dare you exploit this tragedy for political purposes?" I don't care about the timing. I care about putting an end to the reckless and immoral foreign policy pursued by the Democrats. I don't care about a woman's rights to abortion on demand, either -- not nearly as much as I care about the survival of our own country and the safety of innocent men, women, and children everywhere.

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Thank you

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It’s starting to feel like the prelude to WW III.

I wonder whether Bari and her democrat pals will now realize what the rest of us have known-- that this situation is the result of an enabling relationship between Obama/Biden and Iran. The democrats own this disaster. Bari---wake up!

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I cancelled my NY Times subscription. I couldn’t continue to support corrupt journos feeding on the pain of Israel by rationalizing and even minimizing the horrific terrorism of Hamas.

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700 Jews. Is there a death count for the Palestinians in the Israeli response?

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Muslims don’t care about Palestinians. Not Hamas, not Egypt, not Iran. not Saudis. They are just pawns in the Muslim world.

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Wait I guess I can’t ask this question because another FP article states: “And anyone insisting upon asking this question on a weekend when more than 700 noncombatants were murdered, women raped, and babies kidnapped has a marked inability to acknowledge the suffering of others. Or maybe just of Jews.”

So just like questioning sex assignment surgery makes me a transphobe or anything to do with critical race theory makes me a radiant, now asking about the affect of Israeli rule in Palestine makes me an Antisemitism?

I fear TFP has lost its way.

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Today’s INSANE SPIN from the MSM, which is nothing more than the Propaganda Arm of the Democrats, was truly unbelievable!

They are saying, “NONE of the $6Billion tax payer money Biden just sent to Iran was used to support Hamas! THAT money was in exchange to get 5 hostages released, and was ONLY for humanitarian aid! And, any money Iran uses to support terrorist is from their sale of oil to Korea”.

That is BULL$HIT! Iran even said ON TV for all to see, “WE WILL DECIDE HOW WE USE the $6B America gave us! For medicine, or food, OR HOWEVER WE CHOOSE”. To doubt Iran isn’t funding Hamas is ridiculous! They have made no attempt to even pretend they wouldn’t bomb Israel into the ocean if they could! “Death to Israel! Death to America!” is their battle cry!

Is it a coincidence that in short order AFTER receiving the $6Billion, Hamas is well armed & invading Israel?? It is believed the millions of dollars worth of military equipment Biden left to the Taliban in Afghanistan, is also being used by Hamas!

And yet MSM is trying to convince whoever still tunes in to watch / read their propaganda that Iran will do what Biden intended with the “humanitarian aid” ! And they deny Iran even had enough time from receiving that money, being held in a bank, to help Hamas in this latest attack! They can not be serious?!! We know they can’t possibly be that naive, or expect us to be!

And of course, finally today - Day 3 - Obama post that we should support Israel! What an insult! Where has he been until now??! Oh wait, we all know. Obama, like Biden, has been a cheerleader for Iran and the Palestinians! I wonder if he attended the big BBQ Joe & Jill hosted on the weekend?

To be clear, HAMAS is not for the Palestinians, or for a peaceful resolution! They are bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorist and they terrorize & control them, too! Plus, they hide behind them as human shields! To call them “Freedom Fighters” as the WOKE Democrats & MSM are doing is asinine!

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Children are entitled to be children, not kidnapees. Shame.

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This is a moment when all people of good will must stand up against the spirit of Satan. I mean that in a figurative sense, of course, but one need not be a religious believer to perceive something diabolical in the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas.

I’m just a guy living in northwest Indiana, and you may well ask what the hell I know. Well, I’m 74 years of age and I’ve lived through some history, which I remember. As a matter of fact, my high school senior prom coincided with the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Later on I was a United States soldier and saw a few things. In fact, I wore the uniform for 28 years. Along the way I obtained a BA and an MA in history. All that experience and education lead me to the conclusion that whatever the rights and wrongs of history, the slaughter carried out by Hamas demands an iron-handed response. Let’s hope so.

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Fly everyone in Gaza , on the American dime, to Tehran. Let the Ayatollah embrace their fellow man and woman. Turn Gaza into mid east Monte Carlo. Anyone who wants to stay and contribute stays.

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Israel Loosens Strict Gun Control Laws To Arm ‘As Many Citizens As Possible’


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These Palestinian terrorists are subhuman. Rape and murder is okay with therm? Desecrating the bodies of the innocents that they murdered is acceptable? Parading the around like specimens from a hunting expedition is admirable? They needed to be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin that they are.

The Israelis only want to be left alone. Their values are completely opposite of the Palestinian roaches. They were not raised to hate. They were not raised to kill. To paraphrase Golda Meir- It is only when they love their children as much as we love ours will this stop. Had these people been raised with love, and not taught to hate, this wouldn't have happened.

The Biden administration including Blinken are apologists for these scum. Don't think for one minute that the 6 billion is assets that were freed had nothing to do with Iran's involvement.

Israel will prevail. Bank my words on it. They will go from building to building in Gaza, and root these subhumans out. How disgusting was it to watch the videos of the people in the streets celebrating the death of innocents whose bodies were paraded through the streets. Let's see what they do when it is their participants in the celebrations who are dead.

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These two sides have been at war since 1948. Your side has received hundreds of billions of dollars of aid from the money I pay in taxes, instead of supporting the Rust Belt. Don't wanna hear any more of this crap. Thinking the nation of Israel is run by war criminals is NOT the same as being anti-Semitic!

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"These two sides have been at war since 1948"

Actually it goes back farther than that. Muslim Brotherhood founded in 1925. We could go back farther than that if you want.

"Thinking the nation of Israel is run by war criminals is NOT the same as being anti-Semitic!"

Something Anti-Semites say All The Time. What War Crimes? Cite Sources.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

The DNA information company 23ANDME had their DNA for Ashkenazi Jews hacked and the data is available on the dark web. At the same time a Japanese Geneticist (can't recall who) is screaming about having researched the DNA of Covid strains, and discovered that the spike portion of the virus DNA is evolving faster than the non-spike portion. He's upset because this implies that the new strains of Covid are being engineered instead of naturally evolving in the 'wild'.

What this means is that enough information is available publicly for those same gene engineers to construct a virulent Covid strain that particularly targets Ashkenazi Jews.

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Am I the only one that finds Biden's sudden decision to build more border wall just before this attack on Israel, to by suspicious? Did the USA suddenly get wind of possible terrorist infiltrations to our country, similar to the early infiltrations into Israel?

I hope I'm wrong, but this gets my dogs barking . . .

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Yesterday I wrote that this 'intelligence failure' was deliberate if WSJ knew in 1 day that Iran planned it. My post received silence. But I kept asking myself why? Well, like most explanations for riddles, the answer was simple. The Biden regime has done everything in it's power to undo and good that came out of the Trump presidency. SO the Abraham accords were all that was left. So some meddling to undo this blew up. The Biden regime geniuses don't even know it's coming here. What do y'all think?

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Add Larry Summers to the list of people getting exactly what he's spent his life wishing for and being horrified by it. https://twitter.com/lhsummers/status/1711421307227607255?s=46&t=1VeJZCmqDPYcpAdbJnExdQ

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