Those who believe that dark skinned people are always the victim, who are in desperate need to be saved by the self-righteous and hysterical Facebook posts of lily white women, already saw the original NYT headline and have all the validation they needed. This has been happening with race-baiting hate crime hoaxes in America for years now. It doesn't matter that the title is changed or a tiny retraction is printed weeks later. It's not just an information war, it's a war to be the first with the most damning headline, the headline that will inspire the most hysteria.

I saw a post from an ex girlfriend online this morning linking to the NYT article and pleading for America to stand up and stop the genocide of Palestinians. The Palestinians who elected Hamas, whose explicitly stated goal is the genocide of the Jews and who are willing to sacrifice every one of their people to do it. I know my ex to be a truly kind and loving person. But she's now a full blown Leftist and therefore America and light-skinned people = evil. Dark skinned people = oppressed victims. Always and no matter what.

The mind reels at the willful ignorance, rank hypocrisy, and sheer stupidity of the antiSemitic Leftists. After last week, I remain totally gobsmacked and unable to comprehend it.

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Am I the only one who finds it humorous that General Mark Milley said in congressional testimony (probably while wearing pantyhose) that he was terrified of White Rage as the primary threat to all peace-loving people…….and then 72 hours later Muslims declared a Global Day of Jihadi Rage?

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Re the blast at the hospital in Gaza: a simple question, Qui bono? Who benefits. It would be extremely stupid for Israel to sacrifice the sympathy of reasonable people around the world and most western governments for a brutal act of ostensible revenge on Palestinian civilians. It would be a calculated propaganda win for Hamas to blow up a Palestinian hospital and blame it on Israel. Hamas has already shown itself on multiple occasions to callously use Palestinians as human shields and pawns in its terror campaigns against the Israelis. The NYT and its leftist allies are all too quick to buy the Hamas story without further question, making that newspaper of record just a branch office of Al Jazeera.

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Hamas wants to kill Jews, but a person would be naive to assume that a group that commits those unspeakable atrocities would stop there.

When I heard that 500 people had died in a hospital explosion, I immediately thought that Hamas would have no qualms about killing their own neighbors, if they thought it would promote their public relations image.

I'm sad that the editors at the Times are either naive or - well, I'll leave that one to you.

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“So in the space of several hours, it went from an Israeli strike to an ambiguous blast.”


As someone who is an expert on Marxists/psychopaths/Democrats I would like to explain the most egregious manipulative linguistic/framing ploy that they are using right now that everyone is falling for.

We must distinguish between Hamas and ‘Palestine’ because ‘Palestinians’ are innocent and beautiful and Hamas is holding them hostage (ignore the fact that the only reason Abbas doesn’t have elections is because he knows ‘Palestinians’ would elect and even worse piece of shit from Hamas in a landslide).

Conversely, we do *not* need to distinguish between the IDF and Israel at all. That’s why it is called the “Israel-Hamas war” on the CNN chyron and not the IDF-Hamas war.

You see, because those evil murderous *Hamas* people are fighting violently against those………….evil murderous *Israeli* people. Get it? It’s not exactly subtle, but everyone from Ben Shapiro to Bari Weiss is falling for it.

Please adjust accordingly.

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The Free Press is my only hope for the future of media. The hatred of the one and only tiny Jewish state is confirmation of the age old hatred. It seems nothing changes through the millennia.

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There is a real possibility this is going to be an "oops, we made a false story go viral and caused WWIII" moment. What a thought.

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Fox digital reported the following this morning

"I was outraged by the bombing of the hospital yesterday. Based on what I’ve seen, it was done by the other team. Not you," Biden said to Netanyahu. "But there's a lot of people out there who are not sure."

The POTUS says this, yet every other news source I scanned reports the “both sides claim” storyline

But people still wonder why Americans have lost trust in the new media?

Over the last few years it has been the arrogant assumption by all Dems and MSM that any misinformation is generated by the right, their attitude that “of course the MSM can be relied on to report honestly”, and of course it is only the right that introduces “misinformation” and “disinformation”

Maybe just maybe, ever so slowly, due to the hard work and honest reporting done by the folks at TFP and others, more Americans will begin to clearly see the extreme bias in reporting that they have been fed for years.

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A major point that is not mentioned often, is more insidious in my view than open misinformation. It’s how MSM chooses what to report and what not to report. If it is a story that is viewed by them as opposing their ideology, their narrative, then it just won’t be reported on, period, if the public is not informed of any news that opposes the one chosen narrative, then the public will be led to believe that that reality does not exist. When on the other hand, they absolutely go out of their way to publish stories that support their one chosen ideology. Another subtle form of propaganda

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Thank you, Bari, Oliver, Nellie, Jacob Savage, Maya Sulkin and others at The Free Press for your courage and talent! Your voices are among the most consequential in the fight for the frail and suicidal Western civilization.

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Bari, how about a piece or two or your Alma mater Columbia and the role its middle eastern studies department has played over the years with respect to these issues. I was on campus at Columbia around the time you attended and imagine you witnessed and felt it while there. I am sure many of your readers have no idea about the history of all this and the likely impact Columbia has had on so many other ivy and other universities that are relatively new to the jew hating party.

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I can’t help but wonder if the New York Times would have jumped so quickly and printed a headline based on one unsubstantiated source, notably a terrorist organization, if the source was Israeli?

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I no longer believe that those mistakes by the New York Times are innocent. They know that big headlines will sell, even if they are inaccurate. They also know that corrections done later will generate no attention. They did the same during covid.

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There is NO body count from the Gaza hospital.500 being printed as fact within minutes of the explosion is ludicrous on its face. We will probably never know if it was 4 people or hundreds . The entire reporting was a debacle.

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Like an actress in a French New Wave film, Anne Applebaum once again shows us how sophisticated she is by being “bored” by a major topic. Where’s that 19 year college freshman from the Midwest to humiliate her again?

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Of course the NY Times Set the story out taking Hamas's word. Why are you surprised?

I thought MAGA stories were only misinformatiin stories?

The truth is coming home to roost for so many. Thank baby Jesus.

Maybe. Just fucking maybe people will wake up in 2024 and for once in their lives open their eyes and stop voting with their emotions.

Leave your emotions at home for your loved ones.

Emotions do not belong in voting booths.

Emotions get you Hamas massacres. Remember that.

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