Biden won't stop Iran. He has been actively pursuing Obama's pro-Iran policies throughout his term.

Now the anti-Israel Leftists are pissed at him because he's appeared too pro-Israel since Oct7.

Even if Biden *wanted* to get serious about the threat of Iran (and I'm not convinced he still has the brainpower for such an independent thought), his handlers would not allow it.

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I don't disagree with the assessment of the true threat. And, I've long wondered whether the Obama approach was motivated by dangerous naivete...or something worse. I do question Biden's long-term resolve, however, because I don't think he's entirely in control of his own administration.

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John Kerry’s baleful influence lives on in the Biden administration.

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Biden is a trojan horse who needs to be removed before he does anymore damage to America and the world. Let's not mince words about this. Whether through malice or his cognitive haze, Biden is a clear menace to our freedom and security.

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Why isn't John Kerry's name mentioned in all of these Iranian articles? Has his supposed "climate work" whitewashed his jonesing for an Iranian deal? To me, he is the most complicit American in our blind eye to this terrorist state.. i suspect personal enrichment for him and Biden clan is at play.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Thank you Ambassador Oren ! I have read so much about this issue and appreciate your perspective.

Your essay has confirmed my worst suspicions about Mr. Obama and JCPOA. So much so that when he recently tweeted his “nuanced” press release about 10/7, I tweeted back and informed him that he was “complicit in seeking JCPOA and in appeasing our enemies.” I feel vindicated after many years of reading various Tablet articles, and other sources as well as arguing with my Jewish friends who supported Obama. I too am upset with Biden, but I really like the way you spoke about this (of course, that is why you were an ambassador) in the context of 10/7. That is: thank you Mr. Biden for standing strong along side of Israel and please eliminate the threat of a nuclear Iran. I couldn’t agree more. My hope is that with the recent events in the Middle East since 10/7 by Iranian proxies, the Biden Administration sees clearly that Iran will never be a “responsible global citizen” and do what it must do once and for all.

I’d be remiss if I did not point out that Obama’s motivation for pivoting to Iran, and away from Israel, as you noted, was the fact that Israel had expanded settlements in Judaea & Samaria. This is where the pestilential child cannot contain his anger and vindictiveness. In my opinion, this is such a stupid reason for making such a catastrophic mistake in pursuing JCPOA. The British Mandate for Palestine clearly has Jewish Palestine sovereignty over Judaea & Samaria. Nothing since has changed this fact. We all can acknowledge that a future Palestinian state may include some of this land, but only if Israel agrees to cede such land in exchange for peace, a security guarantee that it can live with and other items.

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Sadly, America must continually relearn the lessons of the past. Military power is useless unless married with political will.

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There was nothing heroic about Biden standing up to the Hamas crowd. As is becoming apparent, the loudest mouths at the beginning did not represent the American people or their mainstream leaders. As usual, Biden went with the flow, even if the flow was temporarily hidden. Unfortunately, this means he will go with the flow of whatever propaganda next becomes fashionable. Israel and Saudi are on their own until the next administration.

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Remember when Republicans said the JCPOA was wrong-headed? Instead of arguing it on its merits, Dems called them racists. There was no public defense of the JCPOA, really. And of course, the press didn't dig into the details or question the underlying assumptions, it parroted the bigot line. Far easier and more fun than doing journalism.

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The larger point being missed is that we no longer have a POTUS making mean tweets about Rosie O'Donnell at 3:00 AM.

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When GAZA was first established in 1948 it had a population of 200,000 people. That number has doubled every 20 years since then, reaching 2,300,000 in 2022.


1968 – 400,000

1988 – 800,000

2008 – 1,600,000

2028 – 3,200,000 (projected)


If the land area of GAZA were to be doubled next week, 20 years from now the population density would be the same as it is today.




• The number of Christians in the Middle East is 10 percent of what it was a century ago.

• India and Pakistan were partitioned in 1948.

• China maintains re-education camps for its Muslim Urghur population.

• France has numerous Muslim-only No Go Zones, where even police cannot enter without a well-armed escort.

• Toronto is home to North America’s largest Muslim population.


This is not uniquely an Israeli problem. Can you see where things are headed?


National wealth is very closely linked to a country’s average IQ scores. Google ‘Average IQ by Country’ and note how many of the scores for Islamic countries are 83 or less. The Palestinians do not need to have more children, they need to have smarter children.



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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Biden will never do that. Though I don't understand why he would not, I do understand that he will continue to fund both sides of the war with the effect of prolonging it to "forever" class. Trump was right. Obama and Biden are wrong.

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The Iranians or their allies could end Biden's presidency by flooding the world with documents proving his corruption. He is compromised.

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Mr. Oren writes, "But Joe Biden has proven himself no ordinary leader. His courage in the face of domestic criticism, his willingness in an election year to defy parts of his own party, is immense. Israel and the Jewish people will always cherish him." While I respect Mr. Oren's position and experience, that comment is laughable. Yes, Mr. Biden is not an ordinary leader; actually, he is no leader at all. He is a demented old man who doesn't know what is going on from one hour to the next. Anyone who has dealt with a loved one with dementia sees what is going on with the president. A person with dementia can fake it for 15 minutes with someone not personally connected to the individual. Beyond that, it becomes apparent that the person must be reminded of everything currently happening. They cannot process multiple ideas at the same time. They cannot remember things in the short-term (an hour ago, yesterday, last week). They must constantly be reminded of the current situation. They become hostile and frustrated with trying to process unfamiliar surroundings and people. Those characteristics are painfully obvious EVERY time he is shown on TV. Everyone who is participating in this charade should be tried for treason because they are "materially aiding our enemies". I realize that I have strayed from the point of Mr. Oren's essay. Let me jump off my soapbox.

Otherwise, I found Mr. Oren's essay to be full of important information and insight.

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Biden and Obama are cut from the same cloth. Obama thinks he is smarter than everyone and is ten steps ahead. Joe thinks he’s smarter because he was VP for Obama. They are both fools thinking that they can chage the culture rooted in two thousand years of hate.

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I read everything I can from Michael Oren, who is a fount of wisdom and truth. I never fell for the naiveté explanation for Obama's attitude towards Iran. It was contagious and Biden and his people have pursued the same deeply misdirected approaches. I do not want WWIII but Iran must be met with more effective resistance. Sadly, our European allies have been more tempted by potential economic profits and less by clear moral reasoning. Iran has emerged as the most evil of the pack of evildoers. However, the seamless interplay of China, Russia, and North Korea with Iran is obvious. Our young people must be educated on this. Fat chance in today's universities.

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