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Don't they call that a Hail Mary pass?

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As far as capping prices, the mayor of Chicago has proposed government run grocery stores in the retail deserts left by those that fled retail theft. Instead of fixing the problem, get the taxpayer to subsidize the theft. The US government will collect $4.5 trillion this year, more than half from individual income tax receipts. Pay close attention to which party has the chutzpah to claim our problem is that people aren't paying enough in taxes. How much, precisely, is enough money for Democrats? Also realize that cutting those taxes is not spending. Spending is spending. If we're spending money we can't afford to spend, stop spending it. Overregulation stifles opportunity and is expensive to administer and maintain. Getting rid of it, solves two problems with one stone. As for abandoning Biden for an open convention, go for it I say. As pitiful as Biden's chances are, he polls the best against Trump out of everyone Democrats have on offer. November will be a repudiation of policies, not a person. People are sick of dodging carjacking to get home from their third job to decide between food, fuel and rent this month. Nothing Democrats say or do is going to change their reality before November and the continuous efforts to bribe their base with other people's money is increasingly seen as tone deaf. Frankly, if Republicans put up a sock puppet, they'd be playing Hail to the Chief for President Sock Puppet in January.

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Serious question: Can't the Dem donor class or the federal govt charge the DNC with investor fraud? They knew about a significant liability(Biden's infirmity) but knowingly and willingly hid it to mislead investors and donors. This is a crime everywhere in the country, why not here, why not now?

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Or you could just support Trump, Mark. Especially since you already support a lot of his policies and admit he did a decent job in office.

You're a self-described libertarian who hates big government, yet you have funded every Democratic presidential nominee in the past four elections? Your views on foreign policy also seem to align more with the GOP. Something is way off. Trump hadn't even entered the picture in the election of 2012, yet you chose to support Obama instead of Romney, not exactly a far-right conservative. Moreover, you funded a president who added a gigantic new government entitlement program that bears his name.

Whitman and Corey Booker are mainstream?? You don't seem to get it. You can change out the faces all you want, but no matter what face you put on the party, you can't get past the Soros influence, the Reed Hastings influence and all the other dark money influences that push it to the far left.

The party you support needs to be reduced to an ash heap and built back up again from the ground up.

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For the past 8 years the Democratic party has demonized Trump: Russia gate, impeachment over insisting Ukraine investigates what turns out to be true Biden, classified documents, FBI raid on his house with orders to shoot to kill, lawfare, the list goes on and on. Trump is a man-made and shaped by the Democratic party. Yet Trump is the one calling for unity. Biden is the one proposing radical changes that are obviously unconstitutional. So who is the danger here? Is this not karma as well biting the Democratic party as they so well deserve?

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Mr Pincus,

I too consider myself a Libertarian. For that reason alone, I cannot understand why you would back Obama, Clinton and Biden. Glad you are beginning to see things more clearly, but what is it about the Republican side that turns you off?

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Mr Pincus… I rarely make comment on FP opinions. BUT I must in your case. You are clearly an intelligent man and I will not hurl insults or slam you. Even thought I want to… Yet I have to ask you a question. Are you talking about the same Joe Biden. Politics aside.. Biden has been tripping on stairs and his words since before 2020.. Where have you been? A luncheon., “really” How about the few appearances and at everyone he can’t even articulate a sentence or remember the subject or the person he is talking to or about!! May I suggest a good charity for your money. How about having lunch with Donald Trump as you clearly have the means. Why the FP asked you for your opinion is beyond me. Oh yah, no insults…

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I fail to understand your position. As a large doner to the Democrat Party you had no idea that an 80 year old man could experience “radical decline” from a year ago. The time to change horses passed. The idea that people actually believed that the President’s decline was trickery brought on by deep fake technology is laughable. I strongly suggest you study your American history to understand why voters select their candidate (for better or worse). A deviation from the law and party bylaws at this point presents the existential threat that leftists love to project on their opponents.

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This is the most pathetic article The Free Press has published. By far. Let's get started...

Hmmm, risk... What kind of risk are you speaking of, Mark? Moral risk? Financial risk? Sounds more like Bari is worried about subscription risk, honestly. Since Bari's insertion of "...Trump is a liar..." phrase into just about every piece now looks a bit, um, *dehumanizing*, I guess it was time to step up the level of thought in the opinion pieces to something not quite at the animalistic level to a bit more logical/sane. "Someone we can trust..." is just so much better, well done!

Let's do some really basic risk assessment, shall we?

Every Republican candidate has seen a market increase since, well, since f*ing time started. Dems? The market likes certainty, the GOP almost always provides that.

2008: Obama v. McCain. Unknown v. War Hero. White Dude v. First Black President. Ok, fair enough: an unknown community organizer versus a part of the establishment. Anyone with just a bit of curiousity could see the Saul Alinsky ties here with Obama, though. +1 GOP.

2012: Obama V. Romney. Similar to the above. Obama's clear favoritism to the extreme minority of the country was clear while Romney was an establishment candidate who was also a known. +1 DEM.

2016: Clinton v. Trump. Known political operative and previous office holder v. unknown political chops but certianly known as a public figure. +1 DEM.

2020: Trump v. Biden. Both known, Trump incumbent. +1 GOP.

Scorecard: +2 GOP and +2 DEM. McCain would have been the obvious less risky choice in 2008 since Obama was pretty much completely unknown. In 2012, it would have been Obama. Clinton would have been the more predictable choice in 2016, while Trump would have been in 2020.

The enemy you know is always better than the one you don't: known policies would have been adjusted to, a continuation would have been easier to manage than change...unless you are getting some political deals you are not sharing.

Not partisan? You are full of sh*t.

If you have enough cash to fully max out your donations, there is certainly some financial risk to a different administration in power; this just boils down to some form of morality. Any sane person who watched the separate debate prior to the 2020 election when Biden answered questions from the lady in the audience who was concerned about the gender transition of her son would have seen that writing on the wall. You were happy supporting the mutilation of kids then, why change now?

Lastly, socialism sells. What better way to compete with Zuckerberg's $300M+ yatch when everyone else is getting free stuff? You have removed (paid off) the competition, congrats!

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Wishy washy - what president was better for you and the country?

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Thanks for sharing. You sound like a sane, sensible person which makes your support and donations to the Democratic Party all the more bizarre - especially when you are concerned about possible Trump “extreme” policies like rebuilding American industry, addressing the drugs crisis and securing US borders. Do the Democrats policies on gender, law enforcement (defund the police), energy and immigration seem “normal” to you? Does the fact that 84 year old Pelosi is now leading a coup against the 82 year old incumbent President not remind you of the final days of the Soviet regime (to quote another FP contributor, Niall Ferguson)? Why are you giving this awful, dying, corrupt party with terrible policies that are destroying America your hard-earned cash?

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Today, Blinken said Iran is "a week or two" from getting a nuclear weapon, and that's another brilliant result of this administration. Chances are we won't even get to the point when we will chose a new president. The world (as we know it) will end first.

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Forget support for the “environmental” agenda regarding climate change. It is total nonsense to say there can be a large reduction in human generated carbon dioxide emissions in the next few decades. Maybe it will eventually be possible if we continue to make advances in solar collectors, batteries, and nuclear reactor technology, but this is all a big expensive gamble. The idea that government should do much more than support basic research into climate science is foolish. The government has no clue about what will or will-not work.

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You have one problem Mark- the democrat convention delegates will be the most liberal people in the country so the chance that they will back a contender endorsing the policies you describe is about zero. They will probably pick someone to the left of Biden.

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You took the words from my mind, Dave.

There is no likelihood that a moderate will emerge as the candidate. The shadow figure(s) running the country are leftists and that is why they were happy to have clueless Joe Biden in for another few years while they wielded the power. They only began their 'He's gotta go NOW!' scenario when it looked as if Trump would likely win.

Wake up and smell the coffee, Mark. You've been had.

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Very well put.

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The fragile coalition that holds the Democrat party together is fracturing along generational and ideological lines and the GOP has tacked to the center perfectly. They are scooping up blacks, latinos , jews , suburban women and yes libertarians from silicon valley like yourself who are shocked and horrified about the anti-capitalist (read socialist) agenda of many in the Dem party.

If they can make such headway with a flawed candidate like Trump, just wait until the next election cycle. The Left needs a wake up call, as they abandon the center they face being out of power for a generation.

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Dean Phillips and RFKJ are the only ones you can trust. Please don’t ruin Shapiro by throwing him in this mess the DNC created. The only two, related to this snake of a party, that have any integrity to sell to the American people are the two who called this last year. Watch a Kyle Dunnigan Fresh Prez of DC video ( Can you really pretend you didn’t know this long ago?

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