God bless you for this! I have two kids at Ivy schools. While I am horrified and sickened by Hamas’s depravity, if there is a tiny ray of hope in any of this, it has been that my kids, especially my youngest, now have their eyes wide open to the pro-Palestine propaganda rampant on their campuses. To see their classmates rally on the side of terrorists, in what amounts at minimum to tacit support of the demonic violence that was visited on innocents in Israel, woke them up like nothing else probably could have. They see the ideological brainwashing for what it is. My eldest noted: “it’s the same message at Harvard and Hamas; taken to extremes, it makes monsters who rape and murder innocent people.” All of us of good conscience have to push back on this bankrupt ideology—hard. The time to sit on the sidelines is over.

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Thank you for articulating this so incisively. What is happening on university campuses right now is nothing short of failure — failure in regards to empathy, failure in regards to being humane.

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I’m not sympathetic as this is the same university that threatened and gaslit the women’s swim team into accepting a biological man as an equal. Penn went a step further and suggested that if any of those women took issue with it, that they should be the ones to seek mental health treatment rather than the aforementioned disturbed biological male.

But I will grant you one thing; this is an institutional and top down problem.

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I couldn’t access the National Review article but just in case it didn’t mention it: Cornell University’s President Martha Pollack initially issued a statement entitled “World Events”, did not mention Hamas, antisemitism, or terrorism but did include a paragraph discussing all tragedies including weather and earthquakes. She revised her statement twice but it is still weak. We closed our checkbooks to Cornell two years ago when they failed to address antisemitic incidents on campus in 2021 until badgered.

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The Jewish community overwhelmingly votes for Democrat candidates and contributes significantly to .Democrat Party candidates. However, only thirty-four percent of Democrats support Israel. Why?

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Hamas is isis.

It is that simple. The US must support Israel. If we do not, the West is lost. The EU must support Israel. If we do not, the West is lost.

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When my son was a senior in high school, he sent applications to various universities here in California, including Stanford. When he received the inevitable rejection letter (He just isn't the right demographic), I was upset and sad for him. Today, when looking back on that event I think "Whew, dodged a bullet"

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And don’t forget the anti-Semitic incidents at Hillel and Chabad at Penn just before the Palestine Writes festival. Not necessarily linked - but goes towards the atmosphere on campus. I stopped giving a long time ago because of various administrations’ politics. I’m glad people are waking up.

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Marc Rowan I was given a copy of your deeply important call to action and I shared it with the Free Press since it wasn’t being published by the DP. Bari Weiss and the FP are an incredible community of the most open and free forum for good faith voices. I hope I did right by your transformative message that needed to be heard.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

Don’t close your checkbooks! Move financial support to the University of Austin, TX. With that kind of money it’s possible to quickly build a world class institution. https://www.uaustin.org/our-principles

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And fellow Jews, take down your BLM signs if you ever were stupid enough to have them. All these people would dance on our graves.

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Colleges exist - first and foremost - as a BUSINESS. They won't care until enough rich people close their checkbooks. It's that simple. And maybe not even THEN for a while. Many of these places have enough money to last 3 lifetimes.

They allowed hate against anyone who was even VAGUELY Trump-supporting for years. Hell you didn't even have to support Trump, all you had to do is not repeat the liberal nostrums. These places are so corrupt and hypocritical it makes me want to vomit..

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Been waiting for years praying for people to wake up. We have been warning about this for YEARS. Sadly, the saying is true- "when they came for the______, " (after they already came for others)

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Not just anti-Semitic rot. Rot.

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I’m almost certain this is a very naive question but can someone tell me why there is so much hatred in hearts for the Jews? I know it goes back to early Biblical times in the Mideast, but what has sustained it for so many generations and expanded to other parts of our world? Unfortunately I understand how it can be passed from generation to generation in the Mideast, but why in other countries? I’m a Christian but I appreciate the solemn beauty of the Jewish religion and enjoy friendships with many. No group of people have been more persecuted and yet they thrive and are some of the most industrious people in our communities. Is it jealousy? The support for Hamas in the US terrifies me not only for our Jewish friends but for our democracy as well. If the Klu Klux Klan was doing this it would be instantly shut down if only by public opinion. . Barri’s remarks about the “rot” in our academic institutions might be a most appropriate starting point.

Just had to get this out there hoping if we understand where the hate comes from we maybe begin to address the root of the problem, even if it’s baby steps. It seems we all should have a role to play.

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thank you. Standing up isn't easy in 2023, but it is necessary.

Still, I'd take it a step further, and ask major donors to request their money back. What happened at Penn, at Harvard and no doubt at other schools (the NYU student law president's hate-filled screed comes to mind) is a case where donors probably didn't fully grasp what was actually happening -- and many will not want to have any part in it.

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