Mar 14·edited Mar 14

"Evangelical" Christians are not at all the same thing as "Pentecostal." Big cultural and theological differences. Using the two categories interchangeably raises questions about how knowledgeable this piece may be.

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It’s a difficult line to tread not disparaging different Protestant denominations, including politely ignoring the ones that have heretical and antithetical beliefs to RC Christianity, but I cannot get behind Pentacostalism.

On the one hand, it’s beautiful to see people on fire for their faith and so involved in building up different ministries to serve the needs of their community where social/government services fail or just aren’t able to meet the amount of demand. However, in the article and what I’ve seen from megachurch type places, there’s a strong focus on “emotionalism” and the feels you get in the service.

To a point this is alright, but there are/can be periods of spiritual dryness—a la St. Theresa of Calcutta experiencing a spiritual depression for decades where she felt nothing. If all your “faith” is derived from what you feel in the moment, that’s not sustainable and you’re simply seeking a high repeatedly—not Christ or a relationship with him.

Susan Cain had a good bit in her book “Quiet” that many Protestant (not all) megachurches are built for overstimulation and extroverts. Perhaps Catholic Mass seems boring but I’d rather take a reserved quiet, reverent visit to the chapel or santuary (or mass) than stand in rock concert every Sunday. Herr Forknspoon pointed it out that the prosperity gospel teachings prevelent in many of these places are heretical—you don’t guarantee a place in heaven or wealth on earth by how much you donate. Did we learn nothing from the Hillsong scandals?

Still waiting to see someone write on the number of Protestants and other groups quietly converting to RC or Orthodox Christianity—those guys are definitely having a moment. A more quiet moment but one nonetheless.

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Most Latinos I know, whether Catholic or Evangelical, are pretty conservative. They don't buy into the gender woowoo nonsense and dislike those who badmouth the country.

My fellow Dems misjudged this group badly.

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Well, this was a sobering article. It looks like the Democratic Party has its work cut out for them...

Time to do to Latinos what they did to American blacks: convince them to abort their children in record numbers, lie to their women and tell them they don't need men in their lives, collect welfare from multiple "baby daddies" and "vote-blue-no-matter-who" en masse and shoot each other in record numbers so that you can justifiably imprison much of the surviving male population. If that doesn't work then convince them that they should burn their neighborhoods to the ground in symbolic protest... because, you know... "racism"...

It worked so well with African Americans...

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“Pentecostalism—which touts itself as “prosperity theology”—promises a road to upward socioeconomic mobility.”

This statement is an erroneous brush to paint across Pentecostals. My entire family is Pentecostal and I have never been to single service which touts this theology. Are there churches that do this, sure. However, the author should make that distinction obvious. There is enough prejudice floating around our country regarding certain groups that doesn’t apply to ALL. To perpetuate this lie is harmful and only feeds into the minds of those who judge an entire group without knowing more than one or two individuals, that in their mind, fit the stereotype.

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It is better to live in a world where people stive to live in accordance with Judeo Christian principles, than otherwise, no matter the religion or the denomination.

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Hmmmm…. I’m surprised by those numbers. I didn’t think there were that many Pentecostals out there. I also dislike the term “Evangelical” because it is extremely broad and could refer to any non-denominational protestant or mainline protestant.

Pentecostals are bat shit crazy.

Check this out:


Just think they put that video out themselves. They looked at that recording and thought “Yes perfect this is how we want to look, people will love this.”

That nonsense gives faith a bad name.

However I would much rather coexist with Pentecostals than progressives.

Democrats will certainly live to regret importing 8 million people from central america. Their values in no way shape or form are progressive.

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This began in the 70s, with the Prosperity Gospel, a lie from the pit of hell, also known as name it and claim it. The only people who prospered were the preachers, who with there mega-churches raked in the dough. The present day Latino churches seem to be more people oriented and offer help to their constituents. So much of what is taught depends on which translation or paraphrase of the Bible is being used. For those so inclined, an intersting excecise is to go through as many new testaments as you can find and write down all the In Him, In Christ, for Whom, in Whom scriptures and compare the transalations. If nothing else, by the time you'e finished, you'll know who you are in Christ, and can't be fooled again.

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I think Selena Gomez got involved in Hillsong Church back when she was dating Justin Bieber. He was baptized by the church’s pastor in 2014.

“And while the congregation at a Catholic Mass is made to sit and listen to a priest at an altar, the evangelical church urges them to speak, shout, share the faith, hug a stranger, join the family.”

No one’s *made* to sit and listen - except maybe kids whose parents dragged them to church. You go to a Catholic Mass with the knowledge that that’s how it works. I’m glad I was raised Catholic, because I’m way too introverted for the jumping, hugging, shouting denominations.

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Democrats like to brag that they have the "college educated" voters. But two thirds of Americans do not have a college degree. And now they are bleeding black and Latino voters. How many "suburban women" interested in abortion are out there to vote Democrat?

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This discussion (debate) on denominations misses the beautiful point of the story - people growing in their relationship with Christ.

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I am excited to see the growth in Bible believing/following churches in the Latino community. May it spread to all people and the entire Earth. We desperately need a spiritual revival

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This is just my opinion, but commenters shouldn’t have to clarify simple things like the differences between denominations, which could be looked up online in two minutes. All I can figure is that the summary here doesn’t do the book justice; also that I don’t want to read it. Despite TFP earning a commission.

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You're just noticing this now?

I noticed this 30 years ago working in NYC among much of the clerical staff in our office.

I also noticed all the storefront "Iglesias de Dios" that had sprouted up.

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"Pentecostalism—which touts itself as “prosperity theology”—promises a road to upward socioeconomic mobility. To reach salvation, there is no need to confess to a priest. Conversion and baptism alone can win it. Neither is there a need to die poor in order to inherit the earth; life can be better right here, on this very ground."

Wait a minute, I go to a Pentecostal church (Assemblies of God) and it doesn't teach this. That's more in line with the prosperity gospel.

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I wonder how this writer defines evangelical. This is a word that is tossed around a lot, but I see few people attempting to actually define what evangelical is. Seldom do I see references to the Bebbington quadrilateral.

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