A society like the one being described can not exist as a society long term. Either Canada needs to move back to a system of equality under the law or they will cease to be a unified country. It’s that simple.

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Society will eventually compensate for a dysfunctional criminal justice system. That would include arming itself to self defend against acts perpetrated against them. It will be de-civilizing. People will make the choice that it is better to deter or survive an attack and possibly go to jail, than to be killed themselves. A return to the Wild West. That is not progressive but regressive. Utterly stupid.

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Great idea: let’s solve racism by treating racial minorities like children!

Everything is whitey’s fault and those poor black/brown people just can’t help themselves.

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Great piece Subramanya. I did a quick search and did not find any other US media outlets covering this. This seems to be a road paved to hell with good intentions in a nutshell and an undisguised attempt to racialize the justice system of Canada. What will the trickle down effects be as a result of widespread IRCA use and lowered convictions on real criminals? California may be the microcosm of similar racial justice reform but Canada will be the macrocosm! We are looking at the beginnings of a society on the brink of destroying itself.

What occurred to me as I read this was something John McWhorter talks about in his book, "Woke Racism," in which this type of well-intentioned thinking by social justice activists (and now the Canadian courts) - that Black people cannot be responsible for their own actions because they experience racism directly or are impacted by it through systemic racism - is actually extremely demeaning, belittling, and infantilizing. This "racial justice" thinking is actually the same thing that REAL White supremacists believe about Black (or Indigenous, or other minority) people! It is truly racist thinking to believe Blacks/minorities of all backgrounds and origins cannot reason or take responsibility for their actions.

Does anyone recall the reasoning that some Antebellum slave owners used to justify keeping slaves?! Their "reasoning" to justify enslaving people was that they were inferior, both biologically and intellectually. In other words, plantation owners believed Black enslaved people weren't smart enough on their own and needed to be enslaved for their own good, because otherwise they couldn't control themselves or their behavior. RING A BELL?! The IRCAs is a manifestation of this thinking and perpetuates the very racist beliefs that social justice activists think they're fighting. It would be hilarious if it were not horrifying.

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Wow. This appears to be more straightforwardly racist than anything U.S. federal or state governments have done since the 1960s.

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I’ll bet that 99% of Canadians have no idea that this is how their justice system now works. I didn’t.

There’s a role for compassionate justice in any system but it shouldn’t be based on race. But *anyone* who commits a hit and run causing death belongs in jail.

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Progressives have wrecked Canada and will continue to do so in the name of equity & reparation. Once they’re finished there will be nothing left of the nation but a pile of smoldering virtuous ash.

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Anarcho tyranny. The media also distorts reality by only reporting on one type of interracial crime, but memory holing ones that don’t fit the narrative ie Chicago. Progressives are once again moving society backwards and many innocent people will pay the price in blood, especially in cities.

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Why call out Canada for being idiotic? You need look no further than New York City, where vigils are held for violent black lunatics who die when restrained by passengers whom our resident jackals shriek must be "prosecuted." Our progressive friends have given us race based law. Race based medicine. What's next? Either we have a color blind society or we devolve to tribalism. And, as been shown the world over, that tribalism ALWAYS devolves to violence and genocide. Isn't it patently clear by now that progressives are insane? And insane in a particularly destructive and dangerous way. Sadly, if they aren't brought to heel soon by reason and persuasion, the only solution that will remain is a very violent counter-reaction. Why? Because human nature is immutable, no matter what our progressives idiotically claim.

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Let's see now, you lived in a third world crap hole, father left and cared less. A country welcomes you and provides an opportunity for an education and a decent life. Yet you choose crime. It seems Canada should have provided the norms for what was expected. Maybe kill Mom and a brother, chase them through the country trying to kill them and then you have that good old home feeling. Why take advantage of the opportunities? Oh wait, it might be difficult, got it.

Probably 80 percent of the problems are created in the home. Mom sleeps with whoever and the guy moves on. No family stability, no one to provide guidance, faith, or moral direction. This is now becoming more of a norm for all races and attitudes of people. Simply it's drop kids and let them fight for survival. Then you teach them that they have been wronged by those who have had no part what so ever in their situation and you magically you have robbery, murder, theft, rape, etc. and it's just not your fault. But please get out and vote for your Woke Liberal Representative working on their own wealth and keeping you in misery. Just so stupid and it's like Ground Hog Day and keeps repeating.

According to the Liberal Human Rights Defense Center - Blacks are 13% of population and commit 33% of all crimes, Hispanics are 18% and 24%, white is 60% and 46% of crime. Now poverty is often cited as a reason and probably has a large bearing on that. Then you must blame the Governments that have spent Trillion's of tax payers dollars since the 60"s and gotten nothing for the cost. Crime impacts should be color blind and simply follow the laws. To forgive murder based on being a certain color is absolutely the start of a slippery slope in making society truly hate each other and the end results could be devastating.

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"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization -- including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain -- without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." - Thomas Sowell

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“Correctional Investigator Ivan Zinger saying more must be done to combat the “overrepresentation” of minority inmates.” This seems to me like closing the barn door after the horses are loose. Rather than addressing the issue of institutional racism at the root, through education of children at a young age and during their immigration processes, we arm them for life with a get out of jail free card and raise them as feral children incapable of knowing any better. Wow…if that isn’t systematic racism, I can’t begin to imagine what is.

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Waiting for legislation to help Italians victimized by Chef-Boy-R-Dee ads. Will I be able to rape, loot & murder & play the pizza card?

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I wonder if race will be taken into account when the two children of the man that was killed go a shoot someone or rob some store because they need food? Will they be able to file a IRCA report and claim “victim”. Let’s all together now blame everyone else and everything else from our past for how messed up we all are. This way, no one needs to be accountable for themselves.

This story reminds of the drunk driver suing the bartender for over serving him.


The gambling attics suing the casino in ontario, Canada for “allowing” him to lose all his money.

Now we have the judges and lawyers speaking the language of victimhood.

If it wasn’t true, we’d think what we just read is total BS. Unbelievable how one can play the victim and get away with murder.

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People miss the fact that this is a concerted effort to create more racial tensions, and is fundamentally truly racist. In the US we have school systems that say, the Black people are not capable of the same educational performance as whites or Asians, and therefore implement Laura graduation requirements for them. I cannot think of anything more racist than this.

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Do I intertwine crime with skin color? Yes, when I see a black guy with a hoody and pants around his ass I jump to “this person is bad news”. Just like when I see a white guy in a black hoody and black pants on a 85 degree day. Bad news. We all make judgements based on our experiences because we are human. You can’t take the human out of humans.

But laws and punishment should be the same for everyone regardless of skin color. Otherwise, it’s discriminatory. At work, if I disciplined a white employee more than a black employee for the same “behavior” then I think the union would have an issue. Canada is the leader in insanity.

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