
“YouGov polling for The Times found this week [Jan 18 2025] that Farage’s party was effectively tied with Labour, with the Tories trailing in third on 22 points.

Farage also came out top when voters were asked who would make the best prime minister on 20 per cent, with Sir Keir Starmer on 19 per cent and Kemi Badenoch of the Conservatives on 9 per cent.“

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This is the reason I subscribe to The Free Press. It's the place where I learn about interesting, smart, and thoughtful people who are part of a new future, before I hear about them anywhere else. Kemi Badenoch is the medicine that ails the British Conservative Party, a dead, managerial governing class who has lost its way; Liberal Lite, aka RiNO's, or in this case CiNO's.

Heroes often come in unlikely forms and from unexpected places, Thomas Sowell, Margaret Thatcher, Donald Trump, Kemi Badenoch. I will watch her journey with great interest and always know, I heard about her here first.

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There is an interesting contradiction in that the intellectual and rhetorical quality of British politicos (and of their legislative process) is so superior to our own, and yet the caliber of their overall public debate on a host of issues (energy, public health, gender, regulation, etc,, etc,) is just as bad or worse. It's not a little weird.

That said, Badenoch is brilliant. Fair winds and following seas, lady!

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Such a good interview. Kemi's is brilliant. Bari, I wish you had followed up with a question about all the people who will lose work once the state has been shrunk. It's a nice thought that all those freed bureaucrats will get productive, but how? This new blood in the government is exciting but never a thought or mention about the common good in real terms.

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Dear Brain-Dead Liberals: For those who think Conservatives would never vote for a black woman. WRONG! 99% would vote for Kemi Badenoch any day, over any white, male, modern-day Democrat. (As well as a lot of Republicans) Can we get this woman to defect to the USA?!

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This was a great interview. I never heard of Kemi Badenoch before I listened. She is incredible and I hope that she accomplishes all that she has set out to do.

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This was a great interview. I never heard of Kemi Badenoch before I listened. She is incredible and I hope that she accomplishes all that she has set out to do.

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I have one piece of advice for Brits- move! Sorry, but she did nothing but make excuses for why things are as they are and offered only new laws and regulations as a solution. The part about the police was appalling. The fact it was her constituent is unforgivable. She must have missed the part of Basic Economics (starting on pg 1!) on managing scarce resources. If Orwellian thought policing is the best use of that resource they either have too many police or warped priorities. We all know it's the latter. Being agnostic unfortunately shows she may not appreciate eternal truths, which form the basis of civil society. She's not exactly the convervative model expounded by Scruton.

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Very good interview, I wish we could get a candidate like this leading a ticket in the US.

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Honestly, I did not expect to have to listen for six minutes before Bari began the actual interview. Yikes.

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Bari- you ask a very important question, softly, quietly, - I'll paraphrase here from what I remember but - you ask her something that is baffling us all, why when our Western Society lives so well, has so much opportunity, more combined then many of the civilizations before us, is there so much despondence, depression and desire to protest the values that give opportunities to the most amount of people possible...A desire to tear down, instead of keep deepening the culture and building on what we have.

Then I was standing in the bathroom, where I do all my best thinking, and this song came to mind, I think it sums up what is happening here in our Western Cultures and can help us to understand why this is so important to the brilliant Kemi:

"Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til' its gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot, mmm bop bop bop."

Its simplistic yes, but I believe its possible, that human beings are wildly flawed in that safety quickly becomes stagnation if there is no purpose. And some purpose even if misguided feels better then no purpose. I fear that is what you are seeing in the Western Cultures on some levels. People always need something to fight for. It's part of human nature, or something to resist against. And this song rings true that maybe many people don't realize how bad it could actually be, and that our free society although imperfect is something worth fighting for at all cost. Thank you for this amazing interview. Let's keep our Free Paradise.

One more thing, having experienced that kind of Orwellian culture where everyone is brushed with one stroke, and gaslighting through phrases and words becomes the norm, like calling people "brother" or "sister" when they aren't even your friend -it is very easily recognizable when you see it happening around you, the condescending tone of "knowing better" or the subtle put down, of pretending people are unintelligent and uneducated is sickening and deplorable and has no place in our American society. .

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A suggestion for what to call the perverse evolution of the "Political Correctness" movement which was already getting started in 1972, my last year at University, and has since morphed into something like Mao's Chinese Cultural Revolution but with more online mobbing and less beating people physically to death: "Pseudo Woke". It highlights the fact that the movement is actually achieving the opposite of what it claims to support.

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I believe it is important to the free world that the UK get its mojo back, and that Kemi Badenoch is just the right person to do so. It would also be a delicious pickle in the eyes of all those erstwhile "progressives" who will have fits trying to figure out how to demonize a black woman.

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Sadly as John McWhorter and Thomas Sowell have found, the Pseudo-Woke have no problem demonizing anyone regardless of identity. If you're white and disagree with their insane dogma, you're demonized as a nazi. If you're not white, you're a race traitor.

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True - but it is a LITTLE harder to play the race card.

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I struggle to think of two women in today’s world that I admire more than Bari and Kemi - could listen to them all day. Bari will be the savior of the modern day press, and Kemi of 21st century Britain. We are very fortunate to have them.

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Yes, The Free Press has far more credibility than the New York Times these days.

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Was going to give a "brief" listen to Bari's interview of Ms. Badenoch; ended up being mesmerized by her and listened to the whole thing.

I wish this brilliant woman luck. How wonderful it would be (or to have been) to have someone of her intellect run for president.

Also, can't help but observe the profound difference between her level of intelligence and ability to articulate and our most recent presidential candidates (particularly, of course, the female one).

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Exact same sentiment…ended up watching the entire interview on YouTube!

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The choice of Harris was totally bizarre. The fact that so many people actually believed or pretended to believe that she wasn't speaking gibberish was insane.

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