I second the recommendation for Peter Santenello. He did a very interesting video on the Germans in the space program in Huntsville, AL.

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Love this Ben! I laughed & felt a little better about America- for a minute.

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I actually think it's easier to hate the "other side" when you come face to face with them, especially when they're myopic pink-haired lunatics screaming so hard that their spittle hits you in the face. Seems pretty easy to hate to me.

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"It’s Harder to Hate the Other Side When You Come Face to Face."

No it's not.

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The west needs to spend more on truthful education, and critical thinking...mind numbing.

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Ben, I know Iowa's time in the political sun is past for another four years, but if you'd like to spend some time traveling the state and interviewing people, I've got a sweet VW bus available!

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I don't buy most of this. People don't like to be labeled. I get that. So you have people who "resist" being called a conservative or a liberal. But ask them about voting and issues and it comes back home fast. Ask anyone about taxes. Do you think billionaires should be taxed more to pay their "fair share" (whatever that is). You'll quickly find out who are the liberals and who are the conservatives.

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To celebrate the 50th anniversary’s of a similar trip I took while in college, along with my wife I went on month-long 3,800 miles road trip from LA to Chicago. My conclusion: once you get away from the coasts, and once you start reading small town newspapers while at breakfast in a diner, America becomes a peaceful, hard working, no nonsense, friendly and wonderful place. Go check it out for yourself.

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I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more of Ben's man on the street interviews. I think this short clip illustrates that most people accept each other and are respecting each other. Many people are frustrated with the mainstream media and their one-sided viewpoints. America is a melting pot of cultures and people. We need to be respectful of each other's opinions or beliefs. I believe The Free Press will provide the balance many of us are seeking.

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I'm glad you don't have to pick ours either! You've got your own...Trudeau.

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BEN IS PERFECT! He strikes the perfect tone between being interested and humorous! I love these segments. More please.

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It is very hard to believe Brin's surprise. Fish rots from the head.

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I was hooked after

“Social Democrats of Chicago”

So looking forward to more of your observations and interviews.

Chicago has gotten even more ridiculous since your post!

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"In Google ludicrum" more like. Did it not tell you Caesar was a nigger? /s

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You need to get away from metro America, go smaller, and talk to those who have to actually live with others. There are too many ways to escape person to person interactions in the city; not so with your town and country population. Learning to live together in daily life is the arena of solutions.

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Isn't Kawaller the guy who was so impressed by the courage of John Fetterman who came out so bravely condemning anti-semitism? Or was that Savodnik?

In summary , Kawaller basically asks "why can't we just all get along?" as if there aren't really huge divides in our country.

How can one side who believes that we should have open borders and no voter ID reach common ground with us who don't believe such idiocy?

After reading the second paragraph, I would add my subjective observation that liberals are always reluctant to admit they are liberals (progressives, lefties...). Conservatives are unafraid of the label.

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