I can’t believe there are so many people in my generation that defend the actions of Hamas. The woke brainwashing runs deep.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Your father would be proud of your moral clarity. Thank you for elevating your voice when you are hamstrung by a war caused by Hamas. I hope your truth can be an inspiration to all Palestinians who “have reached a time when nearly everyone in Gaza is saying Hamas caused the death of 20,000 people in Gaza and the injury of 50,000. I pray that you will soon be reunited with your father.

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If the author reads this, it’s my deepest hope that your father comes back safe and sound. May Gd keep your family safe.

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In memory of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, another who stood by humanity. May peace prevail and your father be returned to his family and once again minister to his people.

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Wow! A brave and moral man. His story needs to be shared everywhere. Required reading for all university administrators, faculty, and students. And media writers and broadcasters. Free Gaza - from Hamas!

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This is the sort of thing Amnesty International used to do, back when it was a credible organization run by decent people. This article could literally save his life.

And I will add that I admire his courage. I admire all stubborn people who refuse to cooperate with evil and live within lies.

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My friend, I'm very sorry for your loss. Your father sounds like a good man. One of the worst features of the human condition is the distressingly common hypocrisy of those who claim to follow god but had better hope he, she or it doesn't exist.

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I am so sorry for your loss, and for the losses in Gaza at the will of Hamas. Thank you for standing up for the truth as your father requested. You honor him in doing so.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

Well this triggered a rush of emotions. And tears. Tears of sorrow. Tears of rage. Tears of resolve. God, mine and yours, bless your father. He is noble. He is the tip of the spear pointed against Hamas and you are our hope. Stand strong. The only comfort I can offer is that there are things worse than dying and things worth dying for.

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Think the BBC or NYT will pick this story up ? Uh....no way. It doesn’t fit the narrative.

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This is precisely why the Islamic Fatwa Council condemned Hamas back in March of 2023.

It has consistently committed human rights violations against its own people. See:


The council, which includes Shia, Sunni, and Sufi clerics ruled that is “prohibited to pray for, join, support, finance, or fight on behalf of Hamas.”

To steal a line from Cato: In ceterm autem censeo, Hamas delenda est....

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I am a Jewish NYer/educator and used to teach online in a program for Palestinian and Israeli students. It was a beautiful program but was wiped away when Hamas came into power; they cared only about destruction of Israel and of innocent Palestinians. Hamas has done a disservice to Muslims everywhere but especially to those in Gaza who are innocent and want to live a peaceful life. Gaza must be freed from Hamas.

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“I know that if Hamas kills my father, they’ll say that the Israeli army did it.”


This reminds me of the Palestinian burial of blue body bags I saw on CNN. Civilians killed by Israel was the idea. It was about the exact number of people who would die of natural causes in a population that size in a few days……

It reminded me of the freezer trucks at the NYC hospitals during COVID. Very scary. Then it turned out they only needed the freezer trucks because they closed down the morgues……

Anyways, I hope it works out.

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Thank you for your bravery. May the Lord protect your father, you, and your family and destroy Hamas.

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Read Son of Hamas for another Palestinian take on the depravity of Hamas. Son of one of Hamas's founders.

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This story is tragic and exemplary of the reality of Hamas vs. the sickening false propaganda that has been bought hook line and sinker by the American left. But what I don't understand is that the writer says that the prevailing sentiment on the street is that people hate Hamas and blame the organization for their woes, yet article after article I read claims that if elections were held today, Hamas would win, and that a majority of people in both Gaza and the West Bank prefer Hamas to the PA or any other party (which is one reason why Abbas has not allowed elections in so long). Which are we to believe: A majority of Palestinians supports Hamas or doesn't? Because the current problems can only end when the public ceases to support the agenda of the extremists and acquires sufficient power to change course.

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