When I learned that she want to a Karen Summer camp, I expected some lewd pictures.

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I'm not sure these are "Karens", if I had to guess I say they are AWFLs (Affluent White Female Liberals). I wonder how all the woodland creaters feel about the screaming?

Squirrel "Hey Rabbit did you hear that?"

Rabbit "Yeah, what do you think it is?"

Raccoon "I just came from over the hill and there's a bunch of human females screaming for some reason, and no it's not because they saw me."

Bear "Really, I might just pop over and say hi. I heard on TikTock that women would rather meet me than a man out here."

And scene.

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No doubt many people need to release a primal scream from time to time. Going to rock concerts and punk rock gigs generally works for me.

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As long as they are aware it is a scam, it's their money. lol

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Seems like a total grift to me 🙄

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Slow news week????

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How can a nation survive with lunatics like these roaming around ... and voting?

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Just a reminder the term "Karen" was born out of the Incel movement meant to insult middle aged women. Paying for rage therapy is better than having road rage. Good for them.

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Interesting theory about the origin--but completely incorrect

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I am very curious, did you feel better afterward? or was it just so weird you couldn't get into it? It would have been interesting to have a bit of your personal thoughts on the experience. Maybe, it was all implied with the $6500 plus airfare comment. Thanks, fun article.

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Perhaps this helps explain how some among us can actually identify with and envy the monsters of October 7.

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As a counter to raging, there seems to be more and more evidence that continually rehashing your bad life experiences in types of therapies is actually harmful.

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Totally agree with that.

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May 25·edited May 25

This is entertaining slice-of-life reportage, but I would have appreciated at least a little context. The therapeutic mode exampled here combines Arthur Janov's primal therapy (or primal scream therapy) with Alexander Lowen's bioenergetics. Lowen was particularly a fan of his clients beating pillows or mattresses with baseball bats, letting the rage out as they did so. Janov: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primal_therapy Lowen: https://reichandlowentherapy.org/Content/Practices/Categories/Expressive/hitting.html

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If I were a woman, I would be upset too. The internet is filled with porn, sexy tik tok videos of the prettiest girls dancing---Tinder was created just for sex hookups and no ties... and of course there's ONLY FANS which is basically legalized prostitution in various forms from the girls next door. THE PILL has made millions of our daughters unknowing hoes...but man are they "empowered" (and we don't have to worry about the babies). Throw in legal pot and the Prez cancelling my Student Loans for nothing and there's only one conclusion to reach. MEN HAVE WON: THIS IS HEAVEN

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I used to study the behavior of cults and cult leaders when I was in college and all of your article struck those chords. I'd stay away from those groups because their worst is yet to come.

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My wife is named Karen , this label needs to stop really . just stop .

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The "Karen" term was born out of the Incel ,woman hating culture meant to insult middle aged women. The kindest woman I ever met in my life was named Karen. A stranger who helped me when I was very sick. Asked for nothing back.

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Interesting theory about the origin--but completely incorrect

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So says a stranger on the internet. Then it must be true! Let's hear your theory, since you're the "correct" one.

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I'm not going to do the work for you. It's not that difficult.

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Sugarplum, if you can't defend your argument, you don't have one.

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Keep on throwing out your theories and keep on refusing to provide any basis in fact. Bye bye cupcake.

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People love this sort of internet fad/meme/slang. There's fairly steady demand for new ones. If there's been a dry spell, even ones like this will do--ones that aren't quite funny enough to really warrant popularity. No one close to me is named 'Karen,' so it's not personal. I just find it vaguely embarrassing, like any not-quite-funny joke.

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What will your wife's new name be if we may ask?

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Unfortunately for you it's a global pejorative now.

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I read that the name of Karen means " a tower of strength",as in a cairn of rock

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We have the notion of internal vs. external locus of control. This case would be external. So she should lean into it. I would! I'd have a hard time ordering my coffee and saying my name and then saying, "so don't mess it up, I have me Karen wig in my bag." I bet she'd get a lot of laughs...I'd buy her the coffee if I heard her say this in line in front of me!

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I love this. Own it!!! If people treat Karen badly because of her name, she can tell them she's got Bitch Karen in her purse...so be nice to Angel Karen :)

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Karens always ruin it for normal Karens..not dissimilar for Adolf's in the late 40's and on.

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May 24·edited May 24

A bit offensive here are we ? It was the FP that went to the original Karen story and debunked it did you know , but yet it continues .

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May 24·edited May 27

That's it, now you're getting it. That is a very Karen-like response.

The Origin is Dane Cooks standup re: "every friend group has a Karen that nobody likes." Uptight, and snarky woman, no sense of humour, doesn't get sarcasm, unjustifiably entitled, and arrogant, etc.

The Karen haircut, however was derived from "Kate plus 8", which, as I understand it, is just a "bitchy", "I want to talk to your manager" type cut.

Hope that helps shed more light.

It is still unfortunate for nice Karens.

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And I didn't know the backstory you referenced. I though 'Karen' was an arbitrarily selected moniker. It would be interesting to read. Would you happen to have a link handy? Thank you in advance.

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Dane cook Karen origin standup.


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Good standup is so gratifying.

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Interesting you interpreted that as offense. I interpreted it as commiserating. You also seem offended by the term Karen. My name is Don, and I'm not offended that it also means a Mafioso higher-up because I know they aren't personally referring to me. Given that Karen doesn't seem to be leaving the vernacular anytime soon, and assuming you'd prefer to not be offended as frequently as you are, perhaps you could consider thinking of Karen the same way.

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"A bit offensive" ie starting to approach something like unpleasant, there are many meanings of the word . People can lose track of what trigger words can mean , there are around 5 meanings to this word . The current take on it is crazy and can be dead wrong like it seems how you took it thinking how I was thinking using it .

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Plus the written word, try as we might, can't convey what the spoken word can. I'm happy that your use of 'offensive' was lighter than I took it. And thank you for the link. Have a good Memorial Day weekend, Joe.

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LMAO. Laughter is the best medicine. So, thank you "Karen Summer Camp." The best is the person asking what to rage about if they really don't feel rage. This person has too much time on their hands.

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