
I am in school for counseling, and I don't know how many times I've returned to this article. I am so grateful for this piece and for the resources shared within it. The Critical Therapy Antidote community has helped me feel less alone in my ideas whereas I felt a bit ostracized in school.

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This is my biggest problem with the profession. As a therapist my work is to meet my clients where they are at and to as much as possible not impose my values on their process. The APA have betrayed men and centrists alike and in doing causing widespread harm.

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Sane therapists in states that forbid gender-exploratory (i.e., "conversion therapy") should explain to their clients/patients who are interested in such, even to those that aren't, really, that "state law prohibits therapists from doing anything other than affirming your trans identity." They could talk about why that might be. But I can't imagine just "affirming" or turning patients away.

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I stopped trying to teach graduate students in psychology at a professional school long before the young colleague noticed a sharp change, which, per this article, was in 2015. The public has no idea how incompetent the clinical arm of the profession is, quite apart from the political bias. Prior to the identity-politics takeover, there was the takeover of a particular business model. It ensured that people who were incapable of understanding science, but who wanted to be secular priests, got to obtain their degree in psychology, often a doctorate. I witnessed first the voluntary exit of the excellent, highly credentialed trained faculty I had learned from and, just within a few years, I did the same, quitting while ahead and before I got cancelled, which was inevitable. We saw the disaster happening 10 or so years earlier than indicated above. By now, the school in question has been purged of all male faculty and the advertised qualifications of the faculty now consist of their "decolonized praxis" and identity markers. The state board has issued a requirement to obtain continuing education in social justice for all licensees. I literally have the credentials to prove that I could teach such CE but that's why I understand that requiring such a thing is illiberal and coercive. Not that I possess the identity markers that would permit such activity, mind you...

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What does it mean to be committed to social justice and are white people not deserving of it? Are they always in the wrong simply by virtue of their whiteness? Does this 26 year old writing tutor only tutor people of color because white people are not deserving of help? You say she knows she is a lesbian but now identifies as non-binary because being a 'cis woman identifies with white supremacy. This is lunacy. This woman is highly suggestible and may soon identify as any number of weird things, animate and inanimate, if only someone can convince her they are associated with whiteness. I hope she seeks medical attention right away.

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Medical attention won't help.

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This is worse than criminal. It’s evil and immensely harmful both on an individual and societal level.

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I am aware that most people who seek therapy are not up for a fight. First of do your due diligence and find another therapist. Using a data base as one of the people in this article did is probably the worst possible approach.

When you have found a open minded therapist who can help you. Report the original CRT pushing therapist to their professional body or you local health department if they have sight of them. While your complaint will probably not be upheld. It will hang an albatross around their neck and responding to it will eat into their billable hours.

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I finally finished this. Now I think we need an article about what’s going on in schools of education and teacher training programs. I hear and assume it’s very similar.

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Though late to comment on the article, I found it very helpful. Many I know are seeking therapy. It is like a social media phenomenon. Reviewing this article, you can understand why more are confused and not finding a remedy to their toxic thinking. Regardless, there is hope and help all around us. Finding human connections rather than the technocratic machines is the key to finding a solution. Life is a struggle for all of us. We must embrace it and discover the tools we need to overcome. Believe me the answer is out there, seek it out daily and you will find it! Just maintaining that outlook will transform your perspective.

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The truth is probably worse that what the author writes. In 2021, at Yale, a talk was given on 'The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind'. The speaker (Dr. Aruna Khilanani, a forensic psychiatrist and psychoanalyst) explicitly fantasized about killing innocent white people and then was offended because Yale would not give her the recording. The following is from her speech.

“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a fucking favor. (Time stamp: 7:17)”

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Everyone needs to have their own purity test: If a therapists supports CRT, intersectionalism, etc, they don't get your business. If a clinic or hospital hires therapists that believe in that anti-theraputic dogma, tell their board they are supporting malpractice and racism.

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Perhaps a good question is "Are you willing to work with Trump supporters, Christians and Satanists?"

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Therapy might help a little. Probably not at all. take psychedelics.

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As a psychologist who graduated with my PhD in 1993, I am appalled by what is going on in my profession, and am especially concerned about the "woke" training many graduate students are now receiving. Not only is the so called "therapy" described in this article not therapeutic, to "fire" a client for not being as "woke" as the therapist should be considered malpractice, as should automatic gender affirmation of a minor.

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I don’t trust therapist for me or my family. I’ve had some help over the years, but also had some loons

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I guess this is one way to ensure you have patients for life.

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The Mental Illness is and has been a moral enterprise labeled and marked as medical, the consequences of which are: 1-monitary income for the industry workers; 2- endless increase of the health insurance premiums; 3-population control; 4-endless increase of the incidence of "mental illness" and mental; "treatments"; 5- profound culture corruption.

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