And what the f are you all doing? Drinking your frappuccinos while you comment on Substack? You all make me sick.

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So the march by Neo-Nazi group calling themselves "Blood Tribe" in Nashville two weeks ago didn't happen. The march in by the same group in Madison, Wisconsin in November didn't happen. Their appearance in Orlando shouting at people in September didn't happen. The Proud Boys don't exist. The Goyim Defense League doesn't exist. The Atomwaffen Division, The Nationalist Social Club, The Folks Front, The National Alliance and more don't exist. Most states have one group or more or another present in them. You're just being naive. Are they in our faces like the current wave of ignorant Hamas supporters, no. But they are a clear and present danger, not to mention better armed, threat to Jews and other groups across the country.

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I had to look some of those up and yes, the "Blood Tribe" thing did happen. The Nashville March looked like a solid 15 guys. Probably 2-3 at least are federal infiltrators. I also checked and they are accused of zero rapes and murders. I didn't look up all the other groups, but I have heard of the Proud Boys before, they are not Nazis. That word gets thrown around a lot.

All of these groups are fringe with little support and few resources.

Meanwhile, illegal aliens number in their millions within our borders and are associated with numerous murders, assaults, rapes, drug smuggling etc. The Biden admin and local govt entities are allowing them in, flying them around, giving them shelter and cash cards.

You can see why the latter are much more of a concern to most Americans.

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As a Trump supporting conservative, I'm used to being called a fascist and a Nazi myself. Rick Steves of PBS even felt it necessary to produce three hour long programs on fascism. 'Cause we Trump supporters are so, so scary. The real fascists in this country are Antifa, today's brownshirts, and all the judgmental, anti-free speech denizens of academia. Consequently, I am unimpressed by this article.

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I think he would do more good if he were to go after antifa and other extreme leftists

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

It sounds like this guy is doing fantastic work. Hats off to him.

At the same time, I'm careful about vigilantes (aka "I'm a real-life activist like my professor taught me to be!"). When someone gets a deluded Savior Complex, they can easily think they're doing some sort of divine work when they're really chasing phantoms and false-positives...such as parents speaking at school board meetings because they're merely worried about their kids. No...these parents aren't really "Nazis", no matter what multiverse you live in. You could easily be destroying real and innocent lives for absolutely no reason at all. And isn't this something that the Nazis were guilty of?

So kudos to this guy...just please keep the definition of "Nazis" limited to real Nazis...not the half of all Americans (including folks who might *gasp* drink beer and have purchased a bible at some point) that some progressives go on and on about.

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Point taken; but who are you, or any of us, to dictate what "real problem" this gentleman should focus on? It's his thing, so unless it's adversely affecting anybody here at TFP, maybe the critics need to lighten up.

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This is the most amateurish, fawning piece of writing I have seen on The Free Press. A poorly researched and incredulous puff piece, especially when the author tried to associate the subject with "Special Forces" based on his beard and haircut choices. Or the various untested and dubious claims from the subject - undiagnosed PTSD, treatment by the military, the account of his suicide attempt, complete with magic marker messages on his arms. I guess that, between this and the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell, the military is just as susceptible to brainwashing by the media as anyone else, perhaps more so. It's funny, Bushnell's claim of genocide in the Gaza Strip is one that has been uncritically trumpeted by so many on the political left, ad nauseam, for months. So, congratulations media elite! You have helped to create martyrs out of mentally disturbed individuals. Great job on radicalizing the mentally vulnerable among us!

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Love it. Agree 100 percent with his statement about the alignment between jihadists and Nazis: “Too few Americans understand that jihadists and white supremacists are willing to work hand-in-hand, that their movements have been aligned for decades—to kill Americans and attack our national interests,” Goldsmith says.

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“Certain civilian rights, such as the right to bear arms. Under federal law, those receiving a dishonorable discharge from the military lose their right to possess firearms.”

There are a lot of pertinent facts missing in this story. A lot.


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Aren’t the physical descriptions and photos counterproductive to the undercover infiltration efforts?

I’ve never seen a Nazi. A family member was murdered by a black street thug less than 3 miles from my home. Since, according to this article, we need to guard against dangerous racial threat categories- guess which one I’m more concerned about here in the real world?

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I am not sure I'm buying this. Glad to see others may be skeptical. I know there are Nazis out there but you just don't see it like you see the level of violence like you see with Antifa, Cop City, the Jihadists. And don't tell me because these supremacist crackpots are smarter or better organized. I know the Buffalo supermarket shooter was a white supremacist but was he part of some underground organized effort or simply a lone crazy gunman. Rather than hearing a couple of stories and Nazi sounding groups, it would be helpful to get more details on who is doing what, with whom, and where. Something seems off here. But if there is something, I'd like to learn more.

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A neo-Nazi story? Seriously? More people died of allergic reactions to shellfish last year than to the threat of neo-Nazis.

I wonder, do you know you’re being played like a fiddle by the Govt when concocting and writing up these stories? My mother-in-law doesn’t need new bogeymen created for her to fear at night. She’s still working on the bullshit you guys shipped with Trump.

Kindly fuck off.

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My kid is also into computer games.

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Antifa is a far larger threat than white supremacists. I suspect black supremacists may be a larger threat than white supremacists also

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Click-baity story. Explain what this person is doing better than local, state and federal professionals.

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As usual it’s the veterans doing the heavy lifting. Thank you for your continuing service, Sarge

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