And who at The Free Press thought TODAY was the right time for this article? Since we’re already living in a Theater-of-the-Absurd world, perhaps the 911 memorial is a fitting place to display the art of terrorists who were responsible for it.

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I wonder if the Jan 6 detainees will be allowed to create and sell art?

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I writer this with a heavy heart, but Ms. Weiss, if you're reading this, what the hell are you doing?

Maybe I'm just tired and empathy-fatigued today after working a hellish weekend in emergency medicine, but you pick TODAY to run a story about GITMO detainees? REALLY??

I respect the hell out of what you did. Leaving one of the top posts in your field to start something on your own. That takes some serious brass ones.

But, I have to say, more and more I am seeing the lefty-sensibilities creep out of the editorial decisions of this paper. I get that you covered stuff that the MSM doesn't touch. Good stuff, I applaud that.

But THIS? For those of us that LIVE here in the NYC area, 9-11 is no abstraction, it's a REAL thing. I thought you knew that, or at least empathized with it. You're exhibiting the same sort of tone-deafness that you accuse the NYT et al. of doing. Come ON Bari... I mean REALLY?

For as much as I respect your courage - and I do - I fear that you are building a new NYT/WP. I want news coverage that is DOWN THE MIDDLE and exhibits RESPECT for it's subject. For the REAL America that doesn't live on the UWS or LA. For the truck drivers, the nurses, the convenience store workers, the everyday people that make our world run. EVERY DAY.

I get that as an gutsy entrepreneur you are supposed to lead/create the market. But man this one stung. GOD BLESS those who died on 9-11 and their families. And GOD BLESS America.

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An interesting story - thanks for telling it. It led me to wonder, how many captives from prisons run by Al Qaeda, the Taliban and other radical Islamist extremist groups were similarly cared for and allowed to develop their artistic skills, then ultimately set free. Let me know if you need a calculator for this one.

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The timing of this article is in extremely poor taste. This is the first time I’ve been disappointed by the free press but man is it a doozy.

Freedom of speech is one thing. Releasing an article about prisoners who orchestrated and carried out the most horrific terrorist attack to try and make us feel sorry for them on the anniversary of the attack is a whole other level.

Rethinking my support of FP now.

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Someone please send artist Hunter to Gitmo before it closes. There's a future for him after all.

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Wow Bari. Could you imagine a story about how Nazi guards created artwork at Auschwitz?

This story is totally inappropriate as people who’ve lost loved ones are still suffering.

Gitmo is the Ritz compared to those who burned to death or jumped to their death to avoid fire or were on those planes knowing they were going to crash and never see loved ones again or Firefighters who gave their lives.

For all the great stories you’ve had, you just lost me as a subscriber.

Some things are just beyond the pale and this is one of them. So long.

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Next September 11th you should do a puff piece about Hunter Biden’s paintings that depict his father’s successful withdrawal from Afghanistan and Hunter’s unsuccessful withdrawal from that one stripper from Arkansas.

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Wow. I know you guys are young. And I know you're kinda in that Ivy League bubble with its warped lens of what is "insightful" or "profound", but really? Publishing this shallow, vacuous, pompous piece on 9-11? Do you somehow think this is "brave"?? There's no bravery here. It's way beyond tone deaf. I can't find the word for it.

I was at my trading desk in Chicago early that morning. I'll always remember the horror of that day. At first everyone thought a small plane had hit the first tower and we were comparing it to similar incident in Chicago years ago. Then......the second plane hit, and you knew what this was. The choking smoke; the flames; the people sticking their heads out broken windows gasping for air. Some deciding they'd had enough and jumping to deaths marked by pink spray as they hit the ground. They never found any bodies because as the towers fell, the people inside were in a meat grinder, being ground to bits too small to be found.

I'd used the term "mind-boggling" my entire life; but I told people I never knew what it truly meant until I saw the first tower fall. It was surreal. I was 1500 miles away and I wanted to get up and run somewhere.

I knew people in those towers. I'd been in one of the towers for conferences. And you guys somehow think it is cute to publish this insipid puerile piece today??? It almost seems cavalier. Classist, as in "the people who died there were less important than we who have these wonderful credentials.

Go talk to the survivors of the first responders of that day. The secretaries who died because they went to work that day. Tell them why you are so clever in choosing today to publish this sophomoric piece.

Shame on you. You're the same age as my daughters, so I get the immaturity. But, still, shame on you.

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WTF?? An article about those poor, suffering, oppressed TERRORISTS at GITMO on September 11th - of ALL DAYS(!??)

I'm sure the rally cry "Never Forget" meant something entirely different.

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Remember how Obama fought to get those terrorists tried in NY to get them easier sentences and then closed the National Mall on Veterans Day and made a special exception to reopen it for an illegal immigrant parade?

Obama does not get enough credit for being a sack of shit who hates America.

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I was a guard at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in 2007-2008. It was my first duty assignment after enlisting in the US Navy. I was trained to be an avionics technician, but they were desperate for anyone and promised lots of bonus pay and early promotions for volunteers to go to Gitmo.

I do not associate names with any prisoners because that information wasn’t really available to us, but Rabbani’s face looks familiar to me. He and the majority of the inmates (“detainees” as we were supposed to call them, which was reduced to “tainers” in camp slang) were quiet and compliant. A handful were actively belligerent toward the guards, including one elderly man who punched me in the face as I was releasing him from a chair used for intubated feeding. He was on hunger strike, so it was actually more of a love tap than a punch.

My year in Guantanamo was probably the hardest year of my life, and that was as a guard. I don’t know if anyone deserves to be there, even the hardened Jihadists. As an American I believe that all humans have a right to due process. But having seen the people there with my own eyes, and read some of the intelligence reports available on the camp network, I am fairly certain that many were wrongly imprisoned and that weighs heavily on me.

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There may be a place and time for this story, but that time was not today, September 11.

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Why are we romanticizing about Guantanamo and on 9/11 no less? These guys should have been tried already in a military court. Sentence them to life in prison or hung. They are all guilty by association. We are probably treating them better than they would be if they went back to their home country. The fact that their home country doesn't even want them should be evidence enough that they are dangerous men. I am insulted by this article on 9/11. Is nothing sacred, Bari?

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Two things I don’t believe:

-anything about Gitmo

-anything about Jan 6

I’ve got 22 years to save up for an Enrique Tarrio painting. Maybe he can paint a recreation of that BLM graffiti that he was arrested for vandalizing.

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today?? really? ? what were you thinking?

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