Google is an awful company. When will DEI and wokeness get purged from the company?

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DDG is a honeypot and not a pro-privacy alternative. Their true nature was revealed in 2019 and only getting worse by fooling the public to believe that it is private and not tracking you.

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The same Google whose woke Gemini AI completely misrepresented historical depictions of just about everything? They're arbiters of "truth" in the same way Facebook's "fact-checkers" were when it came to ivermectin. Leftism is part mind-virus and part cultish religion at this stage and social media is a key tool in their indoctrination arsenal. When poll after poll shows majority and even super majority outcomes on virtually every issue it's not the country that's divided. It's a credentialed extremist elite driven by a postmodern religious fervor who are trying to steer, gaslight, and indoctrinate their way into permanent power. The good news is people from all walks of life are starting to figure it out.

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Postmodernism continues to be alive and well and embedded in Google.

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Winslow Homer was such an amazing artist; perhaps some people have difficulty recognizing his talent.

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This is why I don't use google.

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Randomly I was watching Matlock on TV. You know half watching something that is from the late 80s is kind of interesting. How it was paced, the lack of technology, a show set in Atlanta (which is kind of rare now), and just kind of interesting how ungritty it is.

One thing I noticed is there is a confederate flag on the right of the judges bench in the courtroom.

I was not surprised by the flag - it makes sense in the context - but more by the idea that Amazon had not somehow AI'ed it out of the show to avoid anyone being confronted by history...

I also pondered complaining to them about it being there to see if anything happened...

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I don't think what you saw was the confederate battle flag. Georgia incorporated the "stars and bars" as part of the state flag (made up about 2/3 of the overall flag design) from 1956 until 2001.

Matlock, like many shows and movies created in the 80's, captured society at that time. If people are offended, they should avoid watching Matlock. A lack of viewership is a sure-fire way to get replays of Matlock cancelled.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Honestly, I don’t think that should be taken out of Matlock retroactively, but I also think a confederate flag doesn’t belong in a US courtroom. Some of these “woke” changes are for the good.

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hmm Google. Aren't they the company whose AI generates images of black vikings and other politically sanitized, if factually inaccurate, renderings of the past. So this current censoring fits, right? At least they are consistent.

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Google, and the rest of the”misinformation” zealots, don’t really care about reality. They want us to only see and hear their version of reality. They, like the Biden Administration, continue to demonstrate that they are the ones pushing misinformation on the public.

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There are future free helicopter rides to the littorals for multitudes of leftists.

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My dream

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These very same extra-governmental, unaccountable entities who coldly and algorithmically condemn a nearly two century-old drawing are the very same ones who downplay or ignore the atrocities of 7-October while embracing and amplifying calls for the destruction of Israel and the death of its inhabitants.

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The past has to be erased.

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May 24·edited May 24

No need to worry, this is well under way. In another generation -- two at the outside -- the fabric of our nation and our culture will have been completely ripped away and replaced with a population of compliant drones who download their ideologies and opinions fresh each morning from their chosen Social Media Big Brother.

We will be the generations who let it slip away.

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I'm sorry. This is the most moronic thing I have ever read. At least today.

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Those who control the past control the future.

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The Google Chrome browser has begun blocking access to a number of Conservative and Right of Center sites. Mainstream stuff, not Alex Jones or racist craziness. And my bank no longer permits me to use my bank debit card to subscribe to or purchase articles online from sites critical of Communist China. We are the frog in the pot, being boiled slowly so we don't notice.

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They have been doing this for years.

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Google and the DNC hate America and hate freedom.

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Google is Communist.

This is the least of their crimes. They are banning all Trump ads on YouTube, claiming they foment hate and are disinformation, but all DNC ads will be allowed.

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