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I read her comments and think, "If only we had people with vision running for president. If only we had people that understood the value of our culture and thought beyond themselves."

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That was a beautiful, inspirational speech.

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Okay, for now I will accept her comments at face value. But I think anyone whose party actually does descend from the Fascists of the 20th century must accept that many of us remain skeptical, and will be watching her future actions from a place of skepticism. All politicians deserve their fair share of this.

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I compliment your open-mindedness. Of course, as we keep a wary eye on Giorgia, I guess we should hold the Democrats to the same standard (descending, as they did, from the KKK), as well as progressives (descending, as they did, from violent Marxists and eugenicists), etc. In fact, the links between modern Democrats and progressives and these groups is far stronger than the links between the Brothers of Italy and Mussolini. Imagine if every time a newspaper or news outlet said "Democrats" they followed it with ", the party with KKK-roots," --that is what Fratelli d'Italia has to deal with.

OTOH, it is nice to see the media eating a bit of crow these days, admitting that their fear-mongering about Giorgia and fascism was wrong (although they'll never admit that it was dishonest from the start).

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The party "Fratelli d'Italia" was founded in 2012, Giorgia Meloni was born in 1977...The party and Giorgia Meloni have nothing to do with "fascism"; I would suggest to you and the "many of you" to read something else than the "progressive" or "liberal" news paper and start to realize that they consider (also here in Italy) anything that is not "democratic party", "socialist party" or "european popular party" as "fascist". Fascism ended eighty years ago; today there are not the historical, social, economic, geopolitical, whatsoever condition for fascism to come back no matter what you think. People like you should quit that nagging attitude to consider "fascist" everything that comes from the conservative side. Giorgia Meloni has been in power for the last two years now and despite what the usual "liberals" say, me and the other Italians are probably more free than you guys in the States; so relax Mr. David or Stephen, I hope that we in Italy will be able to stick with Giorgia for a number of years so even you guys will start to see that she is just a conservatine and moderate person. Have a nice day

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Great speech. Well worth reading a few times.

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Now that is a leader! And we have Biden and Trudeau.

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Great! All praise to Ms. Meloni!

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Great speech! Clearly articulated view on our values , cultures and path forward.

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As Uncle Billy would say: O boy o boy o boy o boy o boy.

And she mentions the sainted Sir Roger Scruton.

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Meloni’s speech does not sound like the words of a fascist.

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Because she's not. Fascism ended eighty years ago; today, except for a very few nostalgic idiots, there is no, historical, cultural, economical, social chance of its coming back. Sadly for a large part of politics (also here in Italy) anything that is not Democratic party, socialist or at least european popular party is "fascist"...even Putin who is a communist down to his bones...

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Right. "Fascist" has become synonymous with "not progressive/socialist/globalist" according to the media.

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"Well, for me, the West is more than a physical place. By the word West we do not simply define countries by specific geographical location, but as a civilization built over the centuries with the genius and sacrifices of many.

The West is a system of values in which the person is central, men and women are equal and free, and therefore the systems are democratic, life is sacred, the state is secular, and based on the rule of law."

For anyone struggling to understand why the West is important, commit this to memory...right after memorizing the Preamble to the will cease to be confused...g.

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Bravissima! A clear-eyed speech reflecting an all-too-rare appreciation for Western civilization and its values. I especially appreciated the acknowledgement to “Christian humanism” as most secure Europeans seem as though they want to forget their debt to Christianity.

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Oliver , and the other wordsmiths at TFP like a well written speech and thus are quick to throw praise around and they did . Was this speech something we need to hear , I think it was and it was news worthy and thus we have it . Was it a bit over done , yes the intro was , and is it's a report job to heap praise a bit over the top , no it isn't . Does TFP do this yes they do quite a bit .

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Welp, there's now even more insane newsworthy news that I guarantee The FP will ignore:

A whistleblower has come forward with proof that Tim Walz, who you may remember took THIRTY! trips to China (no one takes thirty "trips" to China), is connected to the CCP's direct action to destabilize the government and culture of the United States of America.

I'll be waiting with bated breath for Oliver Wiseman to allow someone here to write about that news.

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Great speech in defense of the West! And in English and practically without notes! Also, not that it matters, but she and Elon are definitely . . . you know.

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lol, he should be so lucky!

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I remember the hand wringing of so many upon her election, referring to her as Mussolini's successor and the like. How has pragmatism come to be viewed as far right rhetoric and a danger to the very existence of democratic nations? Here in Canada, we're starting to see an ever less popular Liberal government make many vile claims about the Conservative leader who will likely supplant our current Prime Minister as soon as an election can be arranged (next October at the latest). There is talk of "far right dog whistles", "simple populist solutions to complex problems", "hidden agendas", and "abortion" (which Poilievre has been adamant he won't touch).

Obviously, as the pendulum in much of the West is shifting away from the leftist, WEC sponsored narrative, those pushing the leftist POV are becoming desperate as more and more citizens are realizing that pragmatism from our leaders is far better than idealism when it comes to governing and especially for our everyday lives.

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I would vote for her. Does she want to emigrate?

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