I am so sorry for what you went through and hope for your success as a advocate for justice. I think what I got from your essay is to carefully pay attention to the evidence, protect against coercion on the part of the police and justice system and finally be aware of the male/ female dynamics which play out within the justice system. Thanks

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The case against you, Amanda Knox, was entirely without merit but was based on getting a quick ending to a gruesome killing. Your actions immediately after the killing drew suspicion, and you became a suspect. Remembering you in a picture with your then boyfriend you were acting inappropriate, or at least, childish. The fact is, they had no right to question a foreign national without at least notifying the American Embassy and getting you a lawyer.

The remark at the time was that you were the most hated woman in Italy, at the time. That was a bias that came from shoddy police work, and their interactions with the press, which further demonized you.

Ghislaine Maxwell would have done anything to please her lover, Jeffrey Epstein. She adored and idolized him and would do whatever she could to make him happy, even if it meant letting him have pleasure with other women. She was a fool for love, but that does not absolve her of any guilt. She did what she did. But there is more.

Epstein's girls were not the usual innocent schoolgirls. Sure, they were nervous, and sure, there was pressure, but they were picked because they would still offer up what he wanted, and they came back for more. None were tricked into doing anything and they were all paid. What is disturbing is their lack of parental supervision. When I was young, their age, I saw plenty of sexually aggressive girls. These girls were not unique, and it is hard to consider them victims. Each one thought her name was Lolita.

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Reading this brings to mind sage advice given to me as a young man before flying off to Europe decades ago:

Italy is a lovely place to visit; but do not ever be charged with a crime there.

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Wow, so many thoughts... First of all, the account of what you went through, Amanda, sounds horrific beyond words in so many different ways. I'm not on these juries, but my sense is that both women are guilty based on reading multiple articles and "Bad Blood", about the Theranos story. In fact, recent jury trials have vindicated my faith in my fellow Americans - while our government is disastrous, the American people have shown an even-handedness and commitment to our values that I am proud of. Last thought: Jeffrey Epstein knew and cavorted with many VERY famous people who had a lot to lose if he said too much. Am I the only one who doesn't think he committed suicide but rather was offed?

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Amanda Knox's view of her own illegal imprisonment is interesting and I was happy to read it. But it has nothing to do with the trials of Maxwell and Holmes. There is no connection other than they are all female, so this essay makes no sense.

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Amanda Knox was railroaded by overzealous Italian police, no doubt about it. As for Maxwell, she's being tried and convicted in the media of something that may not have actually occurred. Bear in mind that the women accusing her are also suing the Epstein estate in hopes of getting money, a lot of money, for his alleged crimes. I've sort of been following this for years. The media calls Epstein a pedophile but his alleged victims weren't children, they were teenagers who, in most cases, went willingly to give him massages. Yes, he had a thing for being massaged by teenage girls, who he paid an average of $300 a piece for their services. One woman claims he had sex with her in New Mexico after her flying her out there from New York in his private jet, which would be a Federal offense if it actually happened. One accuser, Virginia Guiffre, has been completely discredited in the past. She was employed as a masseuse at Donald Trump's Mar Largo Resort when she was offered a job and a scholarship by Epstein. There is evidence she was actually out of her teens when she took the job. (She could be well in her twenties in the famous photograph of her with Prince Andrew or she could be in her late teens.) The main reason it's too bad Epstein died is that the truth will never be known. When money is involved, people's "memories" go wild.

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Feminism is a terrible drug.

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This post is poorly argued. Its labored attempt to find some commonality and sympathy for all three women simply does not work.

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Thank you, Amanda 💙

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we can't?

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Interesting story and conclusions. What is interesting is the pressure on the lowest rung on the investigative ladder. In your case I don't know the profile of the Italian criminal justice system. A 53 hour interrogation alone should b thrown out and any confession abrogated.

But to get back to my first point. It should be noted that most all horrible crimes come with huge pressures from all aspects of society and the political world to "get it solved" and blame someone --anyone.

Usually the entire matter rests on the integrity and honesty of the individual police making the case. Way too often these traits are sorely lacking and those same police officers fall victim to those above them and society itself's needs, demands and hysteria. Most police actually believe their own concocted explanation for the crime. Those cases are the perfect storm of social coercion, self delusion and rewards for getting the person responsible.

Even Jesus Christ fell victim to this dynamic. That society and its power structure needed a scapegoat and he was preordained before charges were even levied. In these high profile cases there are usually many "victims" with the accused playing the lead in this psychodrama played out in the media and whatever Court system is utilized to validate the "results."

The Innocent Project and the use of DNA has exposed the major flaws in societies mass delusions of the 'fair justice system." Crazy thing is when any innocent person is "convicted" then exonerated no one is held to account nor is an apology offered. Money changes hands and it is on to the next horrific case without much self reflection.

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Ms. Knox, thank you for your perspective on these trials. And I am so glad to hear your life is going well after the horror you went through.

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And were was she? I can't stop laughing. You haven't the faintest idea of how minuscule that apt was. You like the idea of the cute and innocent all American girl prey of Italian macho-monsters. And how convenient an African immigrate was the only one there. You love fairy tales. Good for you and mazal tov.

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She wasn't even there, you idiot. Educate yourself and learn some facts before you post.

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I never thought about it as ‘female villains’ being compelling - but you are right.

Ms. Knox, wonderful article and I also enjoyed hearing you on Joe Rogan. During your time in prison my book group read ‘The Monster of Florence’ about your (evil) prosecutor who was convicted of abuse of office for falsely accusing citizens long before Meredith’s tragic murder. I recommend anyone who doubts Ms Knox innocence read this book. Shocking abuse of power and irresponsible tabloid media are the real villains in her case.

There is a saying in Spanish ‘no hay mal que por bien no venga’ (there is no bad that for good doesn’t come). I truly hope that the falsely accused will benefit from all those ‘bad’ years and that you will have peace for the ills you suffered through your activism.

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First off, i "did not do it". Second, i aint admittin to da crime. just the real me.

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I think there's a very large difference between being falsely accused of a crime you didn't commit and being accused of a crime you did commit with a (male) accomplice. Other than all involving women on trial, I don't see much similarity between your case and those of Holmes and Maxwell. They each continued in their criminal activity for years. Their crimes were their lives. You were falsely accused of an event that happened in an evening that you weren't involved in. I just don't see what lessons for them we can draw from you.

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