How much money does Hamas get from U.S. "Black Lives Matter"? On Black Lives Matter Chicago's Facbook page, they announce their support for Hamas and have a series of cartoons with Hamas talking points:





Given the tens of millions of dollars this organization raises--much of which comes from brands we all support--how much is going to Hamas? (One silver lining: A good chunk of their money goes to luxury homes for the BLM executives).

Not that I think it will do any good, but I reported this group to the FBI on their terrorism report page. I think we should all see if our congressmen will be interested in seizing their funds and investigating if and how they're directing the funds they raise to Hamas.

Please, folks, take the time today to go to your congressperson's webpage and send a message asking for a congressional investigation: One simple question: "Are they providing any material support to a terrorist group that kidnaps and kills Americans overseas?" https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

**UPDATE**: They seem to have removed the explicit pro-Hamas information after all the bad press, and some actual Black people coming out against them. For a while they had a half-baked apology up (Something like: "We're sorry we upset (((the media))) but we stand with our brown brothers", and that's down, too.)

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My first instinct--and perhaps it's wrong--is to approach this particular situation as if all the hostages are already dead. That takes away any benefit that Hamas gains from holding them.

In previous hostage situations, the majority of hostages were from one nation and were being held in one place. In this case, the hostages are from many different countries (including Thailand and Nepal, from what I've seen reported), and they don't seem to be being held in any central location. That creates impossible problems, both for hostage negotiations and hostage rescue scenarios.

There is nothing to prevent the Hamas members holding these hostages from killing them at any time, for any reason or for none at all. To tiptoe around in hopes that insane fanatics will negotiate seems deeply foolish.

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Unsurprisingly President Biden presents things incorrectly when he says that the state of US hostages is his primary responsibility as President. The correct perspective is as follows;

His primary job is to have a strong enough foreign policy and deterrence capability to prevent hostages being intentionally taken by our foes. His primary job it to insure that our intelligence institutions are capably run by people and have the nation’s best interests at heart and are not distracted by false enemies like, you know, US Catholics, parents at school boards and stuff like that.

I feel horribly for the hostages and their families. But as other posters have already said, our stance must be that they are already dead and someone needs to pay a heavy price. A wise administration should seek to prevent future hostages. Our current administration looks no farther than the next election.

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You don’t negotiate with terrorists. You demand and the demand must be simple. Either Hamas releases all hostages safely or Iran gets bombed.

Make the sugar daddy pay the price.

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As much as my heart breaks for all of the hostages, especially the women who have been/will be raped repeatedly, I don’t think the existence of hostages can drive the response to attacks if that means the response is tempered.

More people will die and become hostages if Israel doesn’t completely obliterate hamas.

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The priority from now to forever has to be crushing Hamas.

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Notwithstanding the lies of the few Democrat partisans who still defend the Biden cabal the deal with Iran -which funds Hamas - is even worse than reported. First, all lies to the contrary, the $6 billion is available to Iran. "Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said the funds, blocked in South Korea after U.S. sanctions on Iran were hardened in 2018, would be available to Tehran on Monday." Laughably the "deal" asserts that "Qatar will ensure the cash is spent on humanitarian goods and not items under U.S. sanctions."

And, second, it's much worse because as part of the deal "a senior Iranian official said Monday that $10 billion worth of frozen Iranian funds in Iraq will be deposited at the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) and used to purchase goods that are exempted from US sanctions." So the imbecilic Biden cabal, which has opened our borders to terrorist infiltration gave Iran $16 billion to fund the atrocities committed by Hamas.

Can we please just stop the lies and self delusions and wake the F up?

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Free Press and its writers are concise, detailed, contextual and forward thinking. The level of writing is what we had come to expect from other, legacy media outlets. No longer a given. Bari Weiss, you and your team are our go to. Keep it up. May God bless you and your families. Amy

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Yes. The hostages are already dead or soon will be. Sad but true

Israel should do what it needs to do without the US meddling. After all the US has effed up so much under Joey. It’s telling senators Iran had nothing to do with the attack. Our intelligence services have been destroyed by morons like clapper and Brennan and those 51 keying Hunter letter writers.

Blinken is feckless, Sullivan says the ME is stable and we have a president who isn’t there. The US leadership is non existent

Give Israel munitions and materiel and let them do their thing. The US needs to freeze the ransom and try to hack the other accounts. The NSA should be good for something other than spying on Americans.

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Prediction of events:

- Hamas commits hideous atrocities upon innocent people, broadcasting them to the world.

- Israel and a majority of the Western world are outraged.

- Israel blasts Gaza over a long period of time, initially with Western support.

- As time passes, the memory of the initial brutal but brief attack by Hamas fades as it is replaced by broadcasts of Palestinians — women, children — suffering and dying.

- In the West, outrage toward Hamas gradually turns to outrage or indifference toward Israel. Support dries up.

- In the Middle East, outrage toward Israel increases, severing recent steps toward peace and spawning new militant groups bent on eradicating it.

I have no answers except to point out that public opinion in the West is notoriously fickle. The revulsion toward Hamas that sane people feel today must not be allowed to decline into indifference (or worse) during the long war to come.

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When you pay terrorists for hostages you give them an incentive to take more hostages. Simple economics.

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In war the primary objective can never become subordinate to the desire to avoid collateral damage. If any force can save any of these hostages it is the IDF. If they can’t then they cannot be saved without ceding to demands that should not be met.

The US State Department needs to step back and let the IDF handle this situation, our State Department will only hamper them. We should only be providing what they ask for…I don’t think they asked us to send the Spanish Armada …so why are we sending it?🤷‍♂️

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Do you think Hamas intentionally planned their terror attack to raid the music festival in order to maximize taking international hostages?

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how is the united states not at war with hamas at this point. ?

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I see a huge number of comments here somehow making this event the fault of the United States. The reality is the IDF wasn't properly prepared, were caught off-guard, and were perhaps overconfident in their intelligence gathering. Are there complicated background pieces to the story involving multiple countries, including the U.S.--sure.

An enemy is always going to strike when and where its adversary is least expecting it and least prepared. In my own low-stakes world of cybersecurity (by low stakes I mean non-life or death, at least in my industry), we know most attackers will try to hack us on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

For now, we need to decide what we can do to best help Israel root out and get rid of these terrorists. Like 9/11, there will be plenty of time for a commission and a report and armchair quarterbacking. None of that is important now. What's important is seeing if we can save any of the hostages without further weakening ourselves or Israel and helping Israel however we can to root out and eliminate Hamas.

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The weak posture here and Israel influenced by our leftist and Woke ideologies got us here. This tragedy is an opportunity to swallow the “red pill” and see that world as it is.

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