Where's Mary Harringon? Or even better, Rabbi Manis Friedman?

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I don't know any of the participants, except Grimes. I am a boomer and, believe it or not, I love her 2015 "Art Angels" album. But seriously, she's a participant in a serious debate? Really? Good Lord!

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I'm only familiar with Louise Perry. Were it a roundtable, Mary Harrington and Mary Eberstadt, would have been welcome additions.

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Hey Bari Weiss...

Here's a thought...

Has the Democratic Party failed?


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Totally interested except for the part where it’s downtown LA. Why not beautiful and still somewhat, sort of sane, and a little cleaner and safer San Diego?

Will buy an online option though!

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Well, we already know what Louise Perry the counterrevolutionary will say. I am genuinely curious about the what others have to say though.

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I'd personally give it a "gentleman's C" myself. It was a mixed bag overall, to be sure, but if anything it didn't go nearly far enough IMHO. Since the 1980s, we in the Anglosphere, and especially the USA, have been stuck in a sort of perpetual limbo or purgatory that has euphemistically been called the "culture wars". Just like the term "work-life balance", such vague and anodyne euphemisms disguise the inherently sexual nature of sexual politics.

Note as well that there was actually more than one such "sexual revolution" going on at the same time or overlapping, not all of which were male-dominated with its notorious attendant pitfalls.

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These all appear to be NBVs.

Without a transgender person there to fully represent the brand, I don't see how this will be a genuine discussion capable of presenting all sides of the issue. There needs to be a woman who was once man who can then trounce all the other women on stage just like in sports!

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I love Louise Perry. If she doesn't kick ass on your panel the deck must REALLY be stacked!

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So, I'm paying $8/month out of my pathetic fixed (retirement) income and I click on TFP to see what the article of the day is and I'm treated to an advertisement. If I fly to the opposite side of the country I can sit in the cheap seats, in a city I wouldn't be caught dead in even if I could afford the trip, to watch the debate.

I haven't been this excited since I read about the interns from Ivy League schools that Bari brought on board. FYI, for those of you who haven't heard, it's possible to watch talking heads talking to/at each other about everything, everyday, for free, on the internet.

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This is the kind of hard hitting journalism I've come to expect from FP. I canceled my FP subscription last week.

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Sounds like it will be a entertaining ax grinding cat fight.

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love Louise Perry, excited to see how this goes!

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I admit. I do not know a single person on this panel.. Tiabbi Brand and Schellenberger. yup..sounds interesting. but who are they. bios might be helpful

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The sexual revolution has been amazing for women and our self-centered ambitions (career, romances, work opportunities etc.)! Not so much for men… or women when it’s time for them to find a parter to actually marry. I got lucky and found a great one. Love this idea. I’ll be there!

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I feel like the sexual revolution has definitely been amazing for some men as well. Had a few roommates from my early to mid 20’s that can verify that (personalities of a wet cardboard box and “game” to match, but would bring home different smart, beautiful, driven women literally every week). But c’est la vie.

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Are these our Titans…? I imagined a titan even in a female form differently.

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Maybe Tits-tans? (Sorry, I actually don't know much about them and have nothing against them but cannot pass an opportunity to make a bad joke).

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Is there going to be a traditional FP article today or just this advertisement? In the past, I have vigorously supported this BBS and Bari's choice of articles but I hope it doesn't become an advertising platform trying to squeeze another buck out of our wallets.

What next? Bud Light advertisements?

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Shall we check the website for a regular article? The other day Bari mentioned that there are more pieces on the website than the one in our email subscription.

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I couldn't find anything. I will have to wait until tomorrow for a new article.

A couple of months ago I emailed Bari to ask to have one of the posters on this BBS to write an article. We have so many articulate interesting people from such varied backgrounds and experiences, I think we could get interesting articles on a variety of subjects. For example, you were raised in the USSR and I am sure you have a perspective on that brutal environment that would interest most if not all of us.

What do you think?

Oh, Bari never answered me.

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Thank you for your interest in my story! I would also love to have an opportunity to listen / read the stories of many people who contribute here in the comments. I think TFP now has a separate intern / editor who goes through comments seeking new trends and topics of interest. I highly doubt that Bari has time to do this, but I d be happy to be proved wrong.

As for my story, I was 12 when the USSR collapsed. I personally didn’t live through any of the Soviet brutalities. So if I start talking as a “communism surviver” I feel that it would be very much like a young black American born into affirmative action and all sort of opportunities, who would talk about himself as a victim of racism. I don’t want to play that role.

Yes, the Soviet past carries horrific heritage. Yes, my family bore the burden of it. Yes, I continue to bear that burden and unfortunately so will do - to the extent - my US born children, because traumatic memories linger and morph into behaviours and patterns that are passed from generation to generation. And yet, as a Soviet immigrant I wouldnt want to talk about Soviet atrocities. That was all already covered by such giants as Solzhenitsyn, Shalamov, Demidov.

If I were to talk about being a Soviet immigrant in the US, I would definitely elaborate on how easy it is to loose democracy and how precious this balance that Americans of the previous generations has managed to build. It is a true miracle! And how fragile it also is, and how easy it is to destroy it and how difficult to build back..

But mostly, I would be talking about living the transitional period if the 1990s, after the USSR collapsed and how much was lost and damaged in the process of that seemingly positive transition. In reality what happened in the 1990s, with the collapse of the USSR was nearly as devastating as the Bolshevik takeover in 1917. Not too many historians talk about it concentrating on the positive side of the USSR collapse. I keep coming back to it in my mind because I see a lot of resemblance to that period on the 1990s in the USSR and what is happening in the USA right now, with the left destroying the existing structure of things believing they are building something truly magnificent. But alas, they aren’t.

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Well said and I agree with your analysis.

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Maybe she didn’t know what “BBS” meant! That acronym dates you! And me!

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