I just read this more months later into the war that Hamas wrought on its own people which is obsessively being blamed on Israel....as if Oct. 7th never happened or whatever happened on that day was justified or it pales in comparison to the alleged revenge of the Israelis who the EU says like nazi Germany is using deliberate starvation against the innocent people of Gaza or the NY Times....there is no food in gaza for the iftar so they starve day and night. or Nicholas Kristoff...only one percent are hamas and Israel is starving the other 99 per cent. Yet I see the tons of food brought in by Israel by the WCK , by air drop from the US...food they throw away or sell to others. yes, the Jew Hate of Oct. 7th is only intensified.
Please sign in support of free speech, no matter your position on Israel. I should not be fired because I posted an anti Hamas rant on LI (to a non student) that made students feel "unsafe." Is forcing someone's thinking to do anything other than confirm their bias now a crime. Or is only that way for university approved positions?
Totally unrelated: Mr. Murray, I wonder if, in your “Rememberances” series, you would consider writing about the late Roger Scruton; I know you knew him, and you might be uniquely qualified to provide a literary memorial.
A comment here a few days ago twigged me, someone said 1/3 of all UN employees are involved with Palestinians, which I thought was bogus as there are so many problem areas and so many war refugees.
So I did some quick research on the UN website
I was right, it’s bogus
It’s actually 46%!!!!!!!!
37,000 employees world wide
17000 work with Palestinians
And yet we are told there is no institutional antisemitism in the UN.
If you have a very, very high SAT score you might be able to learn how to block and reverse the waves of sympathy and heartbreak brought on by this beautiful writing. If you try really hard, you can take this empathy and turn it into a weapon against the awe-inspiring culture that Israel has built out of a desert. If you are properly trained, you can use your intelligence to squash your silly moral compass and celebrate the slaughter, sympathize with evil, and even wish for the genocide of the most beautiful amongst us. I am not so clever. I guess I am a sucker. I can’t begin to understand those who side with Hamas.
For those who think Antony Blinken is an empty suit who serves and even emptier suit, this wonderful piece by Douglas Murray should provide all the proof you will ever need that Israel has all the "credit" it needs to carry out its war of annihilation against Hamas. Murray is brilliant, and this piece is heartrending.
Great essay. Douglas Murray is wonderful. Reading the thread below - as a Hindu (not that all Hindus would agree with me) I find all this fuss about abortion amusing when most of the people who oppose killing a foetus are perfectly fine with torturing and killing other living beings to eat them even though they also have consciousness and feel pain, and want to live. It's philosophically inconsistent and unconvincing.
Douglas... you are a life preserver in a sea of morally leaky media... thank you for being here with us in Israel... I don't think you can imagine the strength that your honest reporting and integrity bring to those of us privileged to read and hear you... you are a favorite in the Israeli International women's club whatsApp group...
Submit this piece to The New York Times as they are the people who don’t want to know the truth . The people who read the Wall Street Journal understand the demise the Israelis live with and suffer from
" Nor to the Palestinian workers who were given jobs in these places and ended up acting as scouts for Hamas, passing on information about the families so the terrorist group would know who to kill when they broke through the fence."
Can someone give me a reference for this? Its just too deplorable of an action to be taken at face value. I cant believe that this would happen
"The alternative (to war) is constant massacre." Sometimes a slow trickle of massacre over years by bombing civilians at lunch.
Fantastically sensitive, insightful and littered with hope. Thank you.
I simply despair that we live in a world which ‘in real time’ is denying this Holocaust with the real-time videocam footage by Hamas genocidists.
I just read this more months later into the war that Hamas wrought on its own people which is obsessively being blamed on Israel....as if Oct. 7th never happened or whatever happened on that day was justified or it pales in comparison to the alleged revenge of the Israelis who the EU says like nazi Germany is using deliberate starvation against the innocent people of Gaza or the NY Times....there is no food in gaza for the iftar so they starve day and night. or Nicholas Kristoff...only one percent are hamas and Israel is starving the other 99 per cent. Yet I see the tons of food brought in by Israel by the WCK , by air drop from the US...food they throw away or sell to others. yes, the Jew Hate of Oct. 7th is only intensified.
Please sign in support of free speech, no matter your position on Israel. I should not be fired because I posted an anti Hamas rant on LI (to a non student) that made students feel "unsafe." Is forcing someone's thinking to do anything other than confirm their bias now a crime. Or is only that way for university approved positions?
Totally unrelated: Mr. Murray, I wonder if, in your “Rememberances” series, you would consider writing about the late Roger Scruton; I know you knew him, and you might be uniquely qualified to provide a literary memorial.
Dr. T. David Gordon
Grove City, PA (USA)
Coverage like this needs a wider audience — bravo for the poignancy and the bold confrontation with the horrific —
A comment here a few days ago twigged me, someone said 1/3 of all UN employees are involved with Palestinians, which I thought was bogus as there are so many problem areas and so many war refugees.
So I did some quick research on the UN website
I was right, it’s bogus
It’s actually 46%!!!!!!!!
37,000 employees world wide
17000 work with Palestinians
And yet we are told there is no institutional antisemitism in the UN.
It is to laugh.
I wish that every precious word Douglas Murray wriites, or says could be shared with the whole world.
If you have a very, very high SAT score you might be able to learn how to block and reverse the waves of sympathy and heartbreak brought on by this beautiful writing. If you try really hard, you can take this empathy and turn it into a weapon against the awe-inspiring culture that Israel has built out of a desert. If you are properly trained, you can use your intelligence to squash your silly moral compass and celebrate the slaughter, sympathize with evil, and even wish for the genocide of the most beautiful amongst us. I am not so clever. I guess I am a sucker. I can’t begin to understand those who side with Hamas.
For those who think Antony Blinken is an empty suit who serves and even emptier suit, this wonderful piece by Douglas Murray should provide all the proof you will ever need that Israel has all the "credit" it needs to carry out its war of annihilation against Hamas. Murray is brilliant, and this piece is heartrending.
Great essay. Douglas Murray is wonderful. Reading the thread below - as a Hindu (not that all Hindus would agree with me) I find all this fuss about abortion amusing when most of the people who oppose killing a foetus are perfectly fine with torturing and killing other living beings to eat them even though they also have consciousness and feel pain, and want to live. It's philosophically inconsistent and unconvincing.
Brilliant correlation and so true. You’re a courageous woman to write that here/anywhere. I applaud you.
Douglas... you are a life preserver in a sea of morally leaky media... thank you for being here with us in Israel... I don't think you can imagine the strength that your honest reporting and integrity bring to those of us privileged to read and hear you... you are a favorite in the Israeli International women's club whatsApp group...
Submit this piece to The New York Times as they are the people who don’t want to know the truth . The people who read the Wall Street Journal understand the demise the Israelis live with and suffer from
" Nor to the Palestinian workers who were given jobs in these places and ended up acting as scouts for Hamas, passing on information about the families so the terrorist group would know who to kill when they broke through the fence."
Can someone give me a reference for this? Its just too deplorable of an action to be taken at face value. I cant believe that this would happen
Thank you for your continued support Mr. Murray. Some of the insanity unleashed in recent weeks has been dispiriting.
This is a powerful piece of writing. Thank you Douglas.