I hope you will write a proper article about the biggest scam in history. In the last decade, the Democrats have become the party of corruption. There is your headline.
If these DOGE boys had been minted McKinsey, KPMG, Accenture, BCG, etc "proper" consultants, we wouldn't be hearing a single word.
When Al Gore wanted to reinvent the Fed bureaucracy, we heard nary a peep, even when each cut resulted in the rise of the 3rd Party Contractor empire.
When OPM says that it defines the rules for RIF, it forgets that the Federal Government wrote the rules for private company RIF with a heavy hand. And when the administration proclaims that having unionized workforces fixes the problems of bad management they forget that the "market" has a way of responding that benefits the shareholders first (Delaware), the taxing entities, and everybody else later.
And it only gets worse as you drill down to the local level where accountability gets even more muddy.
Sadly, a lot of people wearing golden handcuffs assumed it would last forever. Whether or not there is a rationalizing of the workforce, we should now ALL wake up the fact that evil capitalists are no worse than pigs at the trough.
The US has to cut cost or increase revenue. The path of least resistance is remove fat (by someone's definition) or increase the cost of taxes and services. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I'm supportive of this whole effort, but the firing of IT security people for refusing to hand over servers access without proper authorization is just plain wrong. They're literally doing their jobs.
That's bullshit. They have proper authorization. Getting the directive directly from the head of the Executive Branch, of which USAID is part, IS their authorization. It literally supercedes anything else.
That's like you saying the CEO of your company can't tell you what to do, only your direct report can tell you what to do. Don't be retarded.
So many diversion tactics going on right now and the fp is taking the bait hook, line, sinker. USAID accounts for $32B (.47%) of the 2024 US fiscal budget, yet 100% of the focus of media and onlookers. Cocaine dogs?! Given the need to find $1T of cuts, these measly line items are pure distraction from cuts that will hurt AMERICANS. In the spirit of AMERICA first how about we start thinking about where the lions share of substantive cuts will come - programs which serve lower/middle class AMERICANS: Food Assistance, Medicaid, Rental Assistance, Job Training, VA Medicsl Staff, social security disability programs. Then there’s cuts to staffing in general in a gov whose employees are already spread thin. Sure…find inefficiencies, and even cut foreign aid if you want, but the majority of the $1T will be largely an exercise in kicking AMERICAN people who are down. AKA people in your communities. PS: Dem leaders are such suckers for taking the bait on this. They learned nothing. Focus on AMERICANS morons!
I saw a post from an acquaintance who was organizing a “resistance” protest. She was calling for people to donate to impacted charities to help weather the storm…. Wouldn’t it be great if a consequence of reducing government funding was an uptick in contributions from interested citizens? Maybe Trump should rethink tax deductions to incentivize giving.
Government needs a state dept and military. Dump the rest and end this 90-year experiment in growing government to solve all problems and control citizens. We are broke and in 36 trillion in debt.
The fact that USAID was the first target for DOGE is a red flag it was a fat target. Any govt agency doling out money will have some bad apples, but USAID appears to have a truckload of them. Hoping the guilty go to jail.
I have never doubted that the US government wasted most of my money. My taxes are the largest item on my personal budget, nothing else comes close. Cut, cut, and keep cutting. We're just at the tip of this hideous corrupt iceberg.
My ask is that they are open about what they cut and who requested the program in the first place! This is the information the voters need, lets all follow the money! So far the transparency has bee very good, Keep it up to the end. Also who are the "contractors" getting paid and what are their work product? Uncover the kick back and impact to cost increase on projects. Living in DC for years it was clear that the "deep State" is actually an army of lawyers and folks doing studies that add no value!
It would be helpful to know over what period of time each of the many grants were given, when each grant started, and who was monitoring use of the money.
As usual the reality is so much more complicated than these little politicized sound bites that are being tossed around as red meat for the base, tree lizards etc. USAID has been an instrument of US soft power and political influence around the world for half a century or more. Most of the money goes to projects within the US in any case. If anything it's the host of private contractors in and around DC that are the real corruption story but they all have good lobbyists so you won't hear much about that. In any case, there's really nothing new here. All the information is findable if you want to spend the time looking for it. "Do your own research" lol. It just happens to have hit the news now, hence all of the newly minted "experts" on the matter commenting here and elsewhere. Agree that it could use some oversight, but oversight by people that actually have some understanding of the various issues involved. Elon, although obviously a very good engineer, is not really that person I feel.
Yep. It’s surprising to me too how many readers here, and politicians for that matter, are taking the bait. We should be focused on the cuts that are going to hit average americans hard, and of course the very large amounts of waste that surely exist. This is all Elon trolling the left, as usual, as if there were no republican led pork barrel projects found as yet??
Even if DOGE doesn't succeed in saving a penny it has the potential to reveal to Americans what the journalism establishment has utterly failed at: informing us of what is actually going on in our government. A media complicit in covering up presidential disability cannot be trusted to illuminate the machinations at agencies like USAID. Hopefully, DOGE will be analogous to the "Twitter Files" scenario when Musk opened up our awareness to the subversion of social media in the service of radical progressivism.
I hope you will write a proper article about the biggest scam in history. In the last decade, the Democrats have become the party of corruption. There is your headline.
If these DOGE boys had been minted McKinsey, KPMG, Accenture, BCG, etc "proper" consultants, we wouldn't be hearing a single word.
When Al Gore wanted to reinvent the Fed bureaucracy, we heard nary a peep, even when each cut resulted in the rise of the 3rd Party Contractor empire.
When OPM says that it defines the rules for RIF, it forgets that the Federal Government wrote the rules for private company RIF with a heavy hand. And when the administration proclaims that having unionized workforces fixes the problems of bad management they forget that the "market" has a way of responding that benefits the shareholders first (Delaware), the taxing entities, and everybody else later.
And it only gets worse as you drill down to the local level where accountability gets even more muddy.
Sadly, a lot of people wearing golden handcuffs assumed it would last forever. Whether or not there is a rationalizing of the workforce, we should now ALL wake up the fact that evil capitalists are no worse than pigs at the trough.
The US has to cut cost or increase revenue. The path of least resistance is remove fat (by someone's definition) or increase the cost of taxes and services. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I'm supportive of this whole effort, but the firing of IT security people for refusing to hand over servers access without proper authorization is just plain wrong. They're literally doing their jobs.
If Kamala had won and she appointed a team, we all know they would not have said a word.
That's bullshit. They have proper authorization. Getting the directive directly from the head of the Executive Branch, of which USAID is part, IS their authorization. It literally supercedes anything else.
That's like you saying the CEO of your company can't tell you what to do, only your direct report can tell you what to do. Don't be retarded.
How much money has The FP taken from USAID, Bari?
How about a story on POLITICO sucking off the public tit for years?
So many diversion tactics going on right now and the fp is taking the bait hook, line, sinker. USAID accounts for $32B (.47%) of the 2024 US fiscal budget, yet 100% of the focus of media and onlookers. Cocaine dogs?! Given the need to find $1T of cuts, these measly line items are pure distraction from cuts that will hurt AMERICANS. In the spirit of AMERICA first how about we start thinking about where the lions share of substantive cuts will come - programs which serve lower/middle class AMERICANS: Food Assistance, Medicaid, Rental Assistance, Job Training, VA Medicsl Staff, social security disability programs. Then there’s cuts to staffing in general in a gov whose employees are already spread thin. Sure…find inefficiencies, and even cut foreign aid if you want, but the majority of the $1T will be largely an exercise in kicking AMERICAN people who are down. AKA people in your communities. PS: Dem leaders are such suckers for taking the bait on this. They learned nothing. Focus on AMERICANS morons!
I saw a post from an acquaintance who was organizing a “resistance” protest. She was calling for people to donate to impacted charities to help weather the storm…. Wouldn’t it be great if a consequence of reducing government funding was an uptick in contributions from interested citizens? Maybe Trump should rethink tax deductions to incentivize giving.
Government needs a state dept and military. Dump the rest and end this 90-year experiment in growing government to solve all problems and control citizens. We are broke and in 36 trillion in debt.
The fact that USAID was the first target for DOGE is a red flag it was a fat target. Any govt agency doling out money will have some bad apples, but USAID appears to have a truckload of them. Hoping the guilty go to jail.
I have never doubted that the US government wasted most of my money. My taxes are the largest item on my personal budget, nothing else comes close. Cut, cut, and keep cutting. We're just at the tip of this hideous corrupt iceberg.
My ask is that they are open about what they cut and who requested the program in the first place! This is the information the voters need, lets all follow the money! So far the transparency has bee very good, Keep it up to the end. Also who are the "contractors" getting paid and what are their work product? Uncover the kick back and impact to cost increase on projects. Living in DC for years it was clear that the "deep State" is actually an army of lawyers and folks doing studies that add no value!
It would be helpful to know over what period of time each of the many grants were given, when each grant started, and who was monitoring use of the money.
There's now way you can move that much money around unaccounted for without some YUGE corruption. Waiting for indictments.
As usual the reality is so much more complicated than these little politicized sound bites that are being tossed around as red meat for the base, tree lizards etc. USAID has been an instrument of US soft power and political influence around the world for half a century or more. Most of the money goes to projects within the US in any case. If anything it's the host of private contractors in and around DC that are the real corruption story but they all have good lobbyists so you won't hear much about that. In any case, there's really nothing new here. All the information is findable if you want to spend the time looking for it. "Do your own research" lol. It just happens to have hit the news now, hence all of the newly minted "experts" on the matter commenting here and elsewhere. Agree that it could use some oversight, but oversight by people that actually have some understanding of the various issues involved. Elon, although obviously a very good engineer, is not really that person I feel.
Yep. It’s surprising to me too how many readers here, and politicians for that matter, are taking the bait. We should be focused on the cuts that are going to hit average americans hard, and of course the very large amounts of waste that surely exist. This is all Elon trolling the left, as usual, as if there were no republican led pork barrel projects found as yet??
There should not be an autoplay video with audio on linked as a regular article from the front page.
Even if DOGE doesn't succeed in saving a penny it has the potential to reveal to Americans what the journalism establishment has utterly failed at: informing us of what is actually going on in our government. A media complicit in covering up presidential disability cannot be trusted to illuminate the machinations at agencies like USAID. Hopefully, DOGE will be analogous to the "Twitter Files" scenario when Musk opened up our awareness to the subversion of social media in the service of radical progressivism.
Minus any findings that hurt trump and his loyalists. Nobody’s talking about pork barrel projects for instance. Why???