You need to give the speech you were prepared to do. Post it on the artist formerly known as Twitter and demonstrate what a person of principle looks like.

The Twitter will run with it and hopefully some news orgs as well. Just a thought on pushing back on the mob.

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Bullying works. Yes, that's why bullies do it. And we need to push back on this immature high school tactic. These critics have a right to be critics. They have a right to be wrongheaded, overly sensitive cowards on Twitter, trapped in their crazy world where, somehow, everyone they agree with was right at every turn about a virus, disease, vaccines, and treatments no one knew anything about five minutes ago.

These people -- including the leaders who caved -- are laughable and need to be civilly confronted, which I will do later today from my official email with an .edu address because they have to hear from people in their own world that they are drunk on groupthink, their heroes on Twitter and at the NIH are not perfect, and that they should be ashamed of their odd fear and loathing of an esteemed speaker such as Vinay and of evidence-based medicine, which has been the driving force in Vinay's work for many years.

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On a personal level, I’ve been reading Vinay and TFP since Bari started it...as I began to tell my Covid scared boyfriend about “off narrative” views he refuted the ideas. He attacked my freedom of wishing to learn...he ended our nice relationship because he didn’t like the change in my views. Yes, it’s his loss says my ego, yet why wasn’t he willing to listen, to hear, anyone questioning the narrative? This is problem we are facing everywhere....a willingness to listen to hear to consider 😞

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This is not only hugely depressing, but just plain weird.

It is my impression that the medical/scientific community had reached consensus that: masking kids and keeping schools closed for so long during the pandemic was illadvised; and that downplaying the concept of natural immunity was just plain wrong - among others.

And of course, we made those mistakes because there was not enough information and discussion, not too much.

So how in the world could there be anyone left in authority who wants to continue to suppress those who wanted (and still want) to use the scientific process to get at better answers. Weird.

I'm not sure the size of the group is particularly germane, even a large group of idiots should not be able to inflict their silliness on the world.

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Appalling, and so dangerous, what this mini-mob could accomplish. Keep talking Dr Prasad!

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I think the more time a person spends in institutions like universities, the more insulated and prone to groupthink they become. These scientists/doctors are like birds in a cage who have forgotten how to fly.

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As I continue to hear and read about the fear, cowardice, and weaknesses of people and organizations who so easily CANCEL a Speaker- someone who is a Professional in their Field- I feel it is no longer "good enough" to just comment on the

Information just as I am doing here. Little effort on my part. Rather, I feel that's it's time we go one step further, take a few extra minutes and respond DIRECTLY to the Organization who made this 'cowardly' decision:


They are also on LinkedIn

Reach out to Alicia Lichvar who wrote the "open letter" - she is also on Linked In and you can message her directly in a respectful way with your comments. Reach out to Michael M - the Director of ACCP who extended the invite.

We are ALL preaching to the same choir here. This is our little bubble.

Thoughts anyone?

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"My job is to terrify cancer cells. But apparently it's not just malignant cells that get uneasy around me." - I love you so much my man. Keep it up.

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When we have a Supreme Court Justice who doesn't know what a woman is, this sort of thing is to be expected.

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Our medical establishment - largely in the grasp and pocket of big pharma - is a disgrace. But no less than our own government that still stands behind and aid and abets one of the largest crimes in history. The Covid-19 virus did not emerge from nature It was created in a lab in Wuhan, with the aid and assistance of Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins and Peter Daszak. More, the Communist Chinese government, which oversaw the lab, lied about the release of the virus, killed or silenced its brave doctors who tried to warn the world and then spread it - possibly due to misfeasance but more likely malign malfeasance. The proper response would be inquiries, trials and reparations. Instead our own gangster government gave us lockdowns, mandates and repeated lies. Such a government has forfeited any pretense to legitimacy.

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This is so disturbing. I know Vinay has a pretty thick skin at this point, but I seriously worry about the quality of our medical care if medical professionals cannot even hear words from someone they have disagreed with previously. My god these people are pathetic.

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Sad that freedom of speech is dead. We can’t have disagreements any more? The world is unglued.

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Thank-you for speaking out, Dr. Prasad, and thanks to the Free Press for providing a platform. I am a new subscriber. Cancellation and bureaucratic control of academics is also an epidemic. I am a retired physician and studied pharmacy in my undergrad curriculum. As a recent retiree in the pandemic, I volunteered giving vaccinations. I ceased doing this when health care workers were coerced by their employers with threats of termination if they declined the mRNA vaccine. That marked the end of shared decision making and true patient consent.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

It is scary. And cowardice is still multiplying. Consider all the top doctors who lost their medical licenses and livelihood simply for prescribing ivermectin for covid. Despite the fact the FDA has since acknowledged that doctors have the legal right to prescribe this drug for covid and has published a bizarrre partial retraction of their "you aren't a horse" campaign, medical licenses have not been reinstated. Why? The real crime was in not obeying the mob. And as readers know, "Cancel culture" is not just a medical issue. Racism with a capital "R" is the new Scarlet Letter (even before George Floyd). It doesn't matter if the charge is true or really causing harm... the Red Queen demands the accused be placed in the stocks or on the rack for public ridicule and harassment and punishment won't let up until the person is impoverished and broken. Not long ago the Free Press included an article by/about JK Rowling who was cancelled and burned in effigy in Hollywierd for stating there are only two genders. This "cancelling" ceremony was upheld by the ungrateful, partially talented, little snits whom she elevated to movie stardom with her incredible Harry Potter books. And naive me...I forwarded the JK Rowling article to my highly educated millennial nieces as all had been great Harry Potter fans. I thought it included interesting perspectives about her life. Good grief! They promptly and angrily texted me explaining she was a horrible person and deserved cancelling (or worse?). So this "disease" of unbelievable intolerance, censorship, cancelling, and condemnation has infected my family, It is frightening just like a cancer. And so much is generational. I recall stories of youth righteously ratting out their parents during Mao's cultural revolution-- instantly destroying not only their parent's lives but their entire family. Yes, please do post your speech. I look forward to reading it and will pass it on.

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When my now-15-year-old entered elementary school, I was chagrined at the immediate and intense nature of the anti-bullying campaigns at the school, not because I am in favor of bullying, obviously, but because the then-superintendent used bullying as a tactic in his administration. I began to notice that in lots of spheres that were increasingly politicized, bullying is the M.O. du jour. What I often bring up in my comments here is “the juvenilization of America.” From our last President all the way down to the school yard, insecurity masked in arrogance and immaturity masked in virtue-signaling rule the day aka bullying. It is way past time for the adults to “re-enter the room” and show the bullies that, while they may be acting out of trauma and fear, this is not how a liberal (in the classical sense of the word) society operates.

New MAGA: Make America Grownup Again!!

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Our country’s COVID response was abhorrent and a thumb in the eye of science and the scientific method. Once respected institutions- CDC, NIH - were enthralled by groupthink and co-opted by politics and failed miserably. The sad thing is, they still won’t admit how wrong they were even as the evidence unfolds and then they try to retcon the public into believing how great they did (see: Fauci).

It has been a consistent pattern that leftists are masters of projection. They accuse all others of “fascism” while cramming societal and behavioral mandates down our throats “for our own good”. They accuse their opponents of corruption while lining their pockets with filthy lucre from our adversaries and the very corporate entities they pretend to despise during their kabuki theatre.

Get the politics and ideology out of science. If not, our society and future is (even more) screwed.

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