Three excellent pieces. Keep it up, Free Press -- you are ROCKING it!

Two comments on Tuesday's election results. First, though it's being widely reported that Democrats notched three big wins, did the Beshear/Kentucky election result really come as a surprise to anyone? The guy's approval rating was 68% in pre-election polling. Although the mainstream media made the contest sound like a horse race that could go either way, the reality is no incumbent with a 68% approval rating loses an election. It just doesn't happen. Dems notched notable wins in Virginia and Ohio, but it's not like they pulled one out of their hats in Kentucky.

Second, as a resident of northern Virginia, I must have endured 600 TV commercials in the months leading up to election day. Approximately 580 of these ads were about abortion. A few of them noted Youngkin's proposed 15-week period, but most deliberately did not, and went right for the GOP candidate's jugular as one who supports a total ban, even in cases of child rape.

About 400 commercials in, I asked my two twenty-something daughters if they knew the details of Youngkin's proposed "ban." They did not, and assumed it was 6 weeks or less. It's not clear that Virginia voters knew the details of Younkin's proposal, or that most GOP candidates for the state legislature had signed on to it.

Time will tell if the 15-week proposal might get a better reception nationally, but it seemed to have been drowned out by the Democrats' constant, and much louder, doomsday ad campaign.

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The strong pillar of the Progressive/Socialist Party is their willingness to abort the unborn. Other than that abhorant desire and expressed right, they have nothing.

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The wisdom of Sasha Stone strikes again:

“ In other words, if the abortion debate begins to shift to celebrating mothers and women in general for this miraculous thing they and they alone can do, it might become something more than just a debate about whether or not women can abort their babies. It can be about the one thing the Democrats have abandoned: the celebration of women specifically. ”


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Hey....this might sound weird and totally random, but....does anyone here have any experience with flying Apache helicopters?

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Holy mackerel, @thefreepress - this us quite a response!

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It's not just abortion, although that counts for a lot with the suburban vote that has oscillated back and forth between the parties since the 1968 election. Even in states like Michigan and Massachusetts, where abortion is unlikely to be restricted much, the MAGA-fication of the state Republican parties is highly polarizing, attracting some rabid Trump fans, while repelling larger number of independents and Democrats. Plus turnout in these elections is usually pretty low, amplifying the clout of smaller groups of voters motivated by single issues or fringe causes.

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There's little difference between the slaughter of innocent Jewish civilians by Hamas and women celebrating the right to kill their babies. How sad for any society to celebrate death. Attempts to justify killing of the innocent by claiming the alternative to be unfair, "Jews infringing on Palestinian rights" or "govt infringing on women's rights" are equally false and atrocious. Abortion is a tidy word for murder, but not before being tortured. Drilling a hole into an unborn baby's skull, (nerves, fingernails, DNA and heartbeat develop with first few weeks of conception, so they get to feel everything), sucking out their brains, dismemebering their little bodies, then being discarded or used for research. This is why there's such animus against the The Heartbeat law, ensuring the woman hears her baby's heartbeat before deciding to kill it, and why so many women "choose" to give birth rather than kill the baby. The abortion industry has mesmerized women into believing any effort by anyone to challenge abortion is sending women back to the stone ages or trampling on their bodies. Yet, the opposite is true. With Freedom comes responsibility, to oneself, to society and to life itself. If we put as much effort, advertising and financial support into supporting life - women who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, adoptive families and children needing families, while revamping our foster care system, I'd say our society has a chance at enduring the ages. Otherwise we're just as barbaric as third world countries. We just may dress better.

For those that like to throw arou d words like CHOICE and WOMAN'S BODY, here you go... a woman has every right in the world to do as she pleases with "her body", including the "choice" of 23 or more contraceptives, right up to conception, and then she has another 15 weeks to "choose" whether to kill it. But it's never enough is it? In the 60s women wanted to compete with men, have sex with everyone. "Free love". Motherhood and family became the primary casualties. 70s brought high divorce rates so women could choose careers and became single moms. Day cares began raising society's children. Now, we have a society with massive mental health issues and women who need to be able to kill their babies right up to the time of birth to feel "free".

When a society values and celebrates life and innocence even more than self indulgence, that's when a society can claim be civilized. Until then, God help us.

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400 comments as I write this. (!) We are sleepwalking into WWIII. We have two loaded-to-the-hilt aircraft carriers and maybe three (for sure one, traversed the Suez Canal) tactical nuclear armed submarines in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea. We have a sadly aged-out, senile President, an armed services hemorrhaging talent being driven out by culture-shattering wokeness, and the most important reason to vote is to protect a right to murder the innocent unborn. No wonder too many of this same political party applaud Hamas's slaughter, rape, torture, and kidnapping of women, children, and grandmothers.

Some say there is a heavenly, catastrophic decree hurling at our beloved nation for our wickedness. We rightly sent the abortion decision back to the states -- to the people (where it clearly belonged constitutionally), and the majority is choosing to prevent human life -- divine souls, created in God's image, from incarnating to this world. This is the very perfection of rebellion against our Creator.

A people capable of killing the unborn are so desensitized to the value of human life they are capable of anything. Hamas has illustrated the natural evolution of such dehumanization.

Human beings are holy creations, every individual a precious responsibility. That's the world I choose to live in -- the ultimate pro-choice.

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Sounds like you are celebrating. Be careful what you wish for. You get the same results that you’ve gotten the last 2 1/2 years high inflation, foreign wars started all over the world and a woke culture that is destroying America. The GOP must stop listening to abortion abolitionists and propose a reasonable compromise. I think what Youngkin in Virginia was proposing was reasonable.

Unfettered abortion up until birth is morally indefensible. Europe has it right.

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"How many politically homeless voters might be voting Republican by now were it not for the salience of such a polarizing issue?" Some for sure.

"But is the issue enough to paper over the many problems troubling the Democratic brand? Problems like an aging president dogged by claims of nepotistic corruption... Or a progressive wing that has disgraced itself in the weeks since the October 7 attack on Israel?" Yes. In critical areas where a few votes make a big difference, yes.

"And which party should be more worried about 2024?" Sadly, the GOP

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I find the Democratic position on bodily autonomy very odd. Abortion rights—a woman’s right to choose, I understand. But we just went through a pandemic where mainly democrats insisted citizens be injected with a novel, emergency-use-authorized (less research, no long term testing) vaccine which prevented neither infection nor transmission. Thousands of people were fired from their jobs over this absurd requirement. At the moment, we have a worldwide increase in excess deaths which could be and most likely is linked to vaccine side effects. No one in legacy media shows the slightest interest in reporting on this “black swan” (extremely rare) statistical event. Meanwhile teenagers are filmed having heart attacks on soccer fields. Sure, that happened before but not in current numbers. I would like to see some consistency here. If you have bodily autonomy, it includes Pfizer (previous payer of 2.3 billion dollar fine) not having the right to inject who knows what into citizens with no liability. Wake tf up,

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This has been loads of fun kids but as a person who did choose life, I have a family to care for. I thank God for that. Y’all have a splendid day❣️

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

It's a mystery to me that while the electorate is more and more secular—church attendance has hit a new low post-Covid—the GOP keeps putting deeply religious weirdos like Mike Johnson in a position to impose abortion limits that even conservative young women find to be egregious government overreach. Even Trump says this is a political liability, the GOP would do well to focus on jobs, law and order and reasonable limits on abortion.

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Encouraging comments. Many see Trump for the opportunist that he is and even if they'd vote for him over Biden, it's not because Trump has them fooled, it's because they think Biden would be worse for the country. Perfectly legitimate thinking. It's the fools who really believe that Trump is on their side that disturb me. Democracy relies on a critical mass of the voters having some sense.

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