You win a war against America by creating a monetary system that has investors chasing the next word or deed from the Federal Reserve Bank, instead of innovating the production of goods and services. You win a war against America by destroying the energy industry while propagandizing and subsidizing the non-existent "cheap and abundant clean energy". You win... by destroying our stock of human capital with the miseducation and corrupted hiring practices of DEI. You win a war... by teach the citizens that all economic value derives from govt programs, that what the classical economist call "added value" is nothing bu exploitation of people and the Earth.

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I’m a big fan of a16z. Substack is a shining example of one of their portfolio companies. But if American Dynamism is to prevail, as the author framed it in this essay, a16z and other VC’s are going to have to do two things: (1) join the battle against the rot that is destroying our institutions, and (2) find and fund founders to build mission critical technology for the US military, an example of which includes Elon Musk and what he is doing with SpaceX, which crushed the cost plus regime that is the Military Industrial Complex.

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It sounds as if America is already lost. Not only has the Left done all the things on her list of how to win a war against America, they've largely succeeded in those endeavors beyond any repair.

A lot of this comes down to what Americans value, and based on this essay, too many of them no longer value much of anything worth having. It *is* nihilism all the way down.

Reversing this damage would require extraordinary acts of leadership. Not only do we seem to be lacking in leaders, the Leftist media is quick to destroy anyone who threatens their hegemony.

How, in these circumstances, could we hope to win?

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Let's start with rebuilding our education system from the ground up. It is clear that our youth are being misled about our American values and have fallen under the sway of false narratives imposed on them by doctrinaire radicals. Let's get back to the basics and the teaching of civics that emphasizes American exceptionalism.

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We will not win this war so long as a significant percentage of young women want jobs that require lots of money for as little work as possible. See all the articles about girls wanting to be Influencers. And now the influencers have become political analysts weighing in on genocide, apartheid, colonialism, oppression, terms they throw around frequently yet cannot define. Social media has changed the game and unless Katherine and others are able to blunt it or reverse course our new lost generation and the ones to come will continue to lead the nihilistic charge.

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You also win by reasserting universal values and showing that people do do things for the betterment of humanity.

Trevor Phillips in today's Times of London details the recent breakthrough in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia, a condition which concerns him greatly as he is a carrier. Although the treatment cost is currently huge, it will come down and it will benefit hundreds of thousands of people, mostly of West African descent. He points out that in the 8 decades that it took, hardly anyone involved in the quest actually would benefit directly from the treatment. In other words, the scientists cared beyond their tribe as defined by Progressive Separatists and Identity enthusiasts (something which strict adherents of Identity Grouping believe can't happen). They did it in the pursuit of knowledge and for the betterment of the human condition.

The breakthrough has made him rethink the phrase he has used in the past “If you can’t see it, you can’t be it” because it isn't necessarily true in any meaningful sense. He uses the recent Barbie movie as an example. "Yet if the lesson offered by Barbie world is that our role models need to look, sound and behave like us, something is wrong. Our heroes should expand our possibilities rather than shrink to fit our prejudices."

We need to get back to expanding people's possibilities (Something the America of my youth to be rather good at btw ) rather than shrinking futures to fit roles determined by Identity Grouping.

The entire op-ed is worth reading. He quotes Edmund Burke at the end (the quotation which the head of Georgia delegation says in the musical 1776 and something worth considering in these troubled times) https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/sickle-cell-breakthrough-offers-political-parable-pmm0c0h67 or https://archive.is/ktW9b

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I wish I could double love this article! This is the type of company worth working for! So impressed with the two essays I’ve read through the FP. This gives me a lot of hope- thank you!

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I hear a lot of influential people like Katherine Boyle talk big. That's great and all and it's been going on for a while. But who's actually DOING anything about it? Even in this article where she's saying we should push back, she offers no answer. None at all. Just a few short vague paragraphs at the end about building things but completely devoid of solutions. Where's the movement that we the people can get behind? I really, really hate to say this but so far the only one actually offering any movement where we the people can join is the Trump campaign.

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Excellent read. As someone who is in SaaS/ Tech, I greatly appreciate someone influential speaking up on American Dynamism.

Solid examples on the war against America. It's pervasive and sad.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

I had to share this with my grown kids…who all too often think I’m just a Senior Conservative Retired White Dude (i.e. SCReWD) with outdated values…and maybe I am. But I know that the direction we’re now going is far more dangerous than anything I’ve witnessed before. I worry about this not for fear of what’s in store for me but what’s in store for my grand kids…and my country.

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Nothing like an inspiring read on a Monday morning - kudos to the author and thank you very much. I think Musk said it best when he narrowed down to: the current battle is between the Humanists and the Extinctionists. For me, this would be the same as saying Good versus Evil.. It will be a struggle but I hope America's dynamism will be restored.

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No mention of the media?

You win a war against America when you control the narrative; the national discussion; the MEDIA!

The 8th wonder of the world is why won't journalists do their jobs today? Why do they feel a need to destroy one man and protect another, at no cost?

You win a war against America by electing power-driven, win at all costs, corrupt Democrats.

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A great, real, courageous, no-nonsense speech. America is not only defined by its dynamism, it is also a great experiment in the philosophy of government...a real-time application of John Locke's and Montesquieu's ideas on the nature of Man, Natural Law, and why we organize into governed societies. Three cheers for Katherine Boyle...and let us get on with it.

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The tech Cold War has turned hot. E/acc must prevail over ESG/DIE/EA. American dynamism for the win!

Fight for patriots like Hershey Miyamura: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/veterans-day-medal-of-honor-hershey-miyamura

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You win the war against America thru excessive credentialism. Peter Drucker warned against this more than 50 years ago. Himself born in Austria, he said that one great advantage America had over Europe is that here, the important jobs were not reserved for the graduates of 'elite' universities. Today, we have lost a lot of that advantage.

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Going to have to not buy into the war the left is going for with Musk. It’s wrong!

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