Why do you always post negative comments on Bidens age but never for Trump ?

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Who is running against Biden? You forget RFK, Jr. tried as a Democrat recently and finally switched to Independent when the Democratic gatekeepers refused to allow any Demo dissent. And now they are trying to say he isn't allowed on any ballot as any candidate. Looks like the Dems have a serious issue this year.

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Mr. Hughes,

Nice read. I have read about “epigenetics” before. I have also read (a study I believe) about “micro aggressions” on pregnant black women and how it leads to higher adverse outcomes for them. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on that.

Your grandfather’s story was great! He would be about the same age as Tom Sowell today, who as you know writes about similar socio-economic-racial-ethnic examples you gave in your article. I hope you are able to meet him as I would love to read your future work in 5, 10, and 20 years from now!

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"The issue is not democracy but effective, relatively humane administration."

This is a very WEIRD and secular view of the problem. A more accurate view is to ask whether the problem is really administrative or religious? Are you prepared to find an authoritarian regime that tries to repress the violent and antisemitic elements of Islam by force? And how will you do that when Wahhabism is funded by Saudi petrodollars and the Muslim Brotherhood controls large portions of Egypt?

These ideas rather echo the common theme that "inside of every terrorist is a secular liberal yearning for freedom". There is no evidence that this is true, and a good deal of evidence now that it is false. Continuing to make policy on this delusion is dangerous.

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Oh, Coleman’s working it.

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As a white native of Atlanta who has proudly seen my city's black and white elites work together for sixty years to make the city the best place for blacks to get prosperous in the history of the world, I think Hughes, like American Fiction, will be a landmark in catching white liberals up on the realities of black success in America today, and the consequent fact that it's a massive error to think of "blacks" as people with automatic special needs. I'm a Bernie progressive economically, so I believe we need a massive colorblind government emphasis on improving the economic lives of all Americans who are struggling either in the working class or in outright poverty. That said, we should be totally colorblind now across the board in America. More than fifteen years ago, the great Andy Young told Tom Brokaw straight up that Atlanta had already achieved "Martin's dream." America has largely achieved it for college-educated blacks nationwide now. We had fifty years of affirmative action, which was a great and hugely successful idea. Now educated blacks have been given all society owed blacks on the college level. They can sink or swim just like everyone else. But the truth is that blacks are succeeding in unprecedented ways all over the country, and the future of equal opportunity is quite bright. Blacks, just like whites, have to either work hard to get an education or expect to live miserable lives in the rest of this century. The opportunities will grow and grow, but only for those prepared to meet their challenge, whatever the race, gender, or sexual preference.

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I like some of your sentiments but can’t help thinking that this “ Blacks, just like whites, have to either work hard to get an education or expect to live miserable lives in the rest of this century” doesn’t jibe well with Bernie-ism which fought for the right of working-class, non-college-educated Americans to a dignified and financially secure life.

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No conflict with "Bernieism" at all. Bernie wants all Americans from the working class down to have a fair shake and a bigger slice of the American pie, largely through taxing the rich to pay for Medicare-for-All, etc. He just wants a fairer, more European playing field for all those of all races willing to work hard.

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I agree with you. I wouldn't put in McWhorter or Loury in the same category. I always enjoy listening to their ideas and perspective on issues. Thomas Sowell is in an entirely different category. One of the first early voices of sanity. I heard a brief talk (less than five minutes is all I could take) by Kendi, and it was embarrassing listening to him try to explain what racism is. He literally couldn't without repeating racism over and over again. To me, these are just the modern day race hustlers who are doing quite well financially.

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Douglas Feith was a primary designer of the Iraq War idiocy. Why would you offer him even an ounce of credibility? He’s as bad as Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc.

Something else I need to get off my chest. Been bugging me since Prop 8 failed in California (Bari and Nellie would not be married if not for the California Supreme Court). What was so frustrating about that defeat was the lack of support from black and Hispanic voters. As a straight, white man, product of a 2-parent home, good education, wonderful family, and very successful business career, I’ve never needed much boosting. But non- white, LGBTQ+, and other groups need as much support as they can get.

So why the hell would members of oppressed, non-dominant groups not support each other? The votes of blacks and Hispanics was the margin of defeat for marriage equality.

I get just as pissed when I see similar examples. Hughes believes in a color-blind world that does not exist, but offers no support for other blacks. And the attacks on diversity and inclusion routinely in these pages is just as half-asses. And I won’t even get started on Jews who feel they are the most oppressed people on earth, and yet refuse to recognize the oppression of Palestinians by Israel.

The white men who run everything have no worries, as the groups they subjugate don’t even support each other.

If you are a member of one of those non-dominant groups and actively do not support (or worse, work against) other such groups, don’t come whining to us about your problems with The Man.

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Muslim reformers have short lifespans in that neck of the woods.

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We keep doing the 'Marshall Plan' without doing the necessary work of removing the evil that caused all the devastation in the first place. The 'Marshall Plan' worked because Hitler and his government were defeated - DEFEATED - a word that ridiculously has been removed from the vocabulary for about 80 years now. Nothing can be built up, and no people, including the Palestinians, can live healthy, happy lives until the evil people running things are destroyed and their governments dismantled. Only after that hard work is done does it make any sense to provide the kind of aid we have routinely provided/wasted for years.

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I think any hope for Palestine requires regime change in Iran. The money flow to Hamas and Hezbollah needs to be definitively cut. Once that is done, rebuilding should begin but with all the requirements of nations that benefitted from the old post Bretton Woods Global Order. Take it our leave it Palestinians. You can remain a miserable hating culture of poverty, or resolve to join the modern industrialized world that demands peace and security.

Along with this we require a UN resolution that defines and bans all forms of international terrorism.

Hamas targets and kills innocent Israelis. Israel targets and kills Hamas terrorists and in the process, mostly because the Hamas cowards hide behind innocent Palestinians, Israel inadvertently ends up killing some innocent Palestinians. This is 100% of the difference and everyone siding against Israel should be branded a terrorist sympathizer and antisemite.

There should be zero global tolerance for international terrorism NOR antisemitism. The fact that they both are tolerated is a sign that the Global Order is worthless.

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Uh... “black intellectuals today, led by voices like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi”... really, Oliver? Have they accepted Coleman’s/Loury’s/McWhorter’s multiple invitations to debate? Is this not what public intellectuals do?

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Yeah. If I were a Black intellectual, I’d be pretty peeved to hear who the FP thinks my leaders are.

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What is a "state" in the two state "solution"? There is already a Palestinian flag. Would adding Palestinian postage stamps be enough? Being democratic obviously is not anyone's criterion for being a "state" in the modern world. Using that criterion, China isn't a "state". The usual answer I get is that a "state" has "self-determination." But what does that mean absent some kind of democracy. What self gets determined absent democracy? Hamas' self? I recognize that in diplomacy sometimes ambiguity helps get agreements. But you still need some kind of idea of what you mean by a "state" before making everything depend on it.

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I really think those managing Biden have a candidate in the wings and if necessary will not announce until the convention denying Democrats the opportunity to vet their candidate.

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Meanwhile, 5 potential Democrat contenders if Biden pulls out:






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Whitmer is top of that list for me. Michelle’s never going to run. Kamala’s the fly in the ointment.

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Since 1948 they lost everytime

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