Where Have All the Democrats Gone?

They didn't go anywhere, but just started showing their true face.

Democrats were never party of "small man" or oppressed, they just hid it well. From their founding (party of slave owners) to today, democrats had always one goal, stay on power.

What we see today is nothing else but true face of todays DNC, on one hand thay will call Republicans racist, while at same time support racist policies toward others (Affirmative Action and its impact on Asians).

They will yell "Trust all women", but it stops at their doorstep (Tara Reade), or what did Bill Clinton exactly do with his buddy Epstein.

Immigrants are welcome, if they are comming to red states and if red states say anthing they are of course racist, but god forbid they start showing up in "sanctuary cities" or at Martha's Vineyard.

They will yell "My body my choice" while forcing you to take vac*ne and if you dont, they will try to get you fired.

Its ok if Hillary Clinton to run around for years and says that elections were rigged and only reason she lost, but if Trump does same its a red line and is is threat to democracy.

Thus democrats didn't go anywhere, they have always been the same.

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Spot on. The party of women dehumanizes them by using terms like "birthing person", while letting men destroy them in sports and invade their private spaces: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-save-womens-sports-riley-gaines

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Yeah. Charlatans and liars. Funny how they demand not just tolerance but now require active endorsement yet don’t feel obligated to reciprocate tolerance for anyone with a differing opinion.

They pretend to denounce being objectified but excuse themselves of lewd and lascivious behavior or dressing like strippers. Here’s a hint girls; if you don’t wish to be viewed as sex objects, try not to look and act like you are one.

They push the sexualization of children because Diversity. If you can’t figure out that it only hurts them and encourages child abuse you are foolish and derelict. Kids generally aren’t thinking about sexual orientation. Most of them can’t even spell it let alone comprehend what that even means.

Stop confusing and misleading them. They think they are clever with their liberal arts degrees and pseudo psychology. They recite the same tired rewritten history narrative without ever seeking the truth about it.

God help this next generation.

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Couldn’t agree more.

I do think there was room and reason for affirmative action in the aftermath of the civil rights era but that time has passed. It is very racist to remove qualifying methods to college admissions and lowering the “bar” for advanced degree professions. The idea that ppl of color can’t be expected to have a valid ID to present to voting polls is another very racist notion. The democrats were the party of the Jim Crow south. They have been racially divisive and have driven the race”bus”

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I have been saying for years, it is the hypocrite party.

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Perfectly articulated!

I'll just take joy in the simple pleasure I'll get from knowing that my one measly little vote for Trump cancels out one for Biden.

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Unfortunately, our votes get processed through the Electoral College. For winner take all states (like mine) that are also one party states (like mine), lots of people can vote for Trump and Biden still gets the state.

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I live in a Blue state and my vote is also mostly cancelled out. That being said, America is a constitutional republic and the Electoral College is still one of the most important part of our constitutional form of government.

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I don't disagree. The Electoral College protects the representation of states with lower populations. It's difficult to see a solution to the problem of lack of representation in Democratic controlled states, other than to allow red counties to form separate governments. The Democrats generally oppose these movements, for no other obvious reasons than that they want all the power.

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Yup. Live in a blue state too. We have a RINO Governor so that’s almost like a centrist dem. Beats leftist nutters so not great but not horrible.

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You might not get to cast a "winning" vote at this point but I still think your vote matters. A lot. I wonder in light of all of the hullabaloo in New York right now how many of her voters have Hokul buyer's remorse. Particularly in light of how well Yeldin did.

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One would hope that people would see their error, but they voted for Hochul when the crime disaster was up and running. Here in Portland a lot of people are sick of it and the local part of the midterms resulted in some improvement in the City Council. The extremists are ramping up a resistance movement now in an effort to elect more pro-crime people next year. I’m pretty sure that a lot of normies are equally fired up now, too, though.

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It is a struggle for sure. My heart aches for regular, working people in Portland. Hokul laughed about crime though and said it did not exist.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

"Hokul laughed about crime though and said it did not exist."

Basically the same story from the local government here, but they have tried to do more to combat the city crime. The state government is to blame in Oregon as well as New York for warring against the police and prohibiting them from acting effectively against criminals. The media and many of the citizens here are still rabidly anti-police.

I was surprised to hear our police chief recently mumble at a press conference that about 50% of the murders are "gang related." I didn't see his entire statement, so I don't know if he also offered information on crimes committed by the so-called "homeless." The addicts are responsible for an enormous amount of theft, and some of the murders have taken place in tent camps.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I missed you Raziel!

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You captured it all Raizel. Well done!

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Well said!

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Congratulations on your English usage and general syntax. MUCH improved!

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Does anyone else notice that this article is merely about "winning"? There is nothing at all about how the Democrat party ought to be good for Americans in some way... And, I do not see how the Democrat party or Biden can publicly condemn really out there positions ahead of 2024 when they are currently promoting them hard.:

"Transgender Your Businesses, Nonprofits, And Schools, Or No Federal Grants For You"


"Lack of ‘Affirmation’ Is Child Abuse: New Biden Rule Applies Transgender Standard to Foster Care"


It is not just that such issues - in this case Radical Gender Ideology - only appeal to a small, weird, likely often pedophile group of adults - they cause the destruction of many confused young people and their families. (If you have ever browsed the PITT substack you will see that).

Plus, the Democrat party is no longer even the party of Free Speech. How are they going to suddenly sound like they are?

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democrats have always used censorship whenever they think they can get away with it. always.

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Your insight is telling-- it is only about winning and staying in powers for the Dems, they have never actually wanted to do good for American people.

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"Does anyone else notice that this article is merely about 'winning'? There is nothing at all about how the Democrat party ought to be good for Americans in some way."

I don't think that's entirely true. For example, Ruy Teixeira mentions, in speaking about Hispanics, that "They want healthcare". Of course that doesn't clarify whether they want a pure government-run single-payer system with no private options, or a combination of government and private providers as the U.K. has, with private doctors and clinics (e.g. on London's "Harley Street") alongside the NHS. And John Judis said "But bringing industry to Ohio, for example, if the UAW starts to organize some of these non-union foreign firms like Honda that have plants there, then I think you could see a lot of movement in certain parts of the Midwest." Of course that brings up the question of whether stronger unions, either public or private sector, really benefit workers or society as a whole.

"And, I do not see how the Democrat party or Biden can publicly condemn really out there positions ahead of 2024 when they are currently promoting them hard.:"

I agree that it will be difficult at this point for the Democrats to back away from their "woke" policies.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Hi Dave,

Ruy Teixeira mentions that Hispanic Americans want Healthcare. Don't we all! To me it sounds like he suggests Democrats should message that they are good on this issue so that they can win? In Newsom's state Medicaid tax dollars go to minor and elderly illegals and soon will go to illegals of all ages. I don't think Hispanic Americans want that! Also, tax dollars go towards pharmaceutical and surgical "sex changes" for adults and children. It is billed as "life saving gender affirming care" but is based on pseudo science with zero long term studies showing the efficacy. Currently, there is a lawsuit against the AAP about pushing this. I do not understand why Admiral Levine still has a job and is not in prison. Oh, I know, there are autogyophiles with great power and they are justifying their choices.

"John Judis said "But bringing industry to Ohio, for example, if the UAW starts to organize some of these non-union foreign firms like Honda that have plants there, then I think you could see a lot of movement in certain parts of the Midwest." Of course that brings up the question of whether stronger unions, either public or private sector, really benefit workers or society as a whole." It sounds to me like Judis thinks that thrashing the union issue will gain votes for Democrats. As you say - there is no discussion of whether stronger unions benefit workers or society. Although, bringing work to a state is good for it. By the way, even FDR did not think there should be public sector unions. He would not have condoned having teachers unions. I once thought they were a good thing when I thought they were about teacher salaries and benefits but these days they push radical theories from the top down into the classrooms - like intersecitonality and gender ideology. It is so much more important to preach "social justice" than learning :-0

"I agree that it will be difficult at this point for the Democrats to back away from their "woke" policies." Do they want to? They would like to bury them for the 2024 election - "nothing to see here" and then proceed. It would be good for us all if the party could dump the Woke policies for real sometime this decade.

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Hi LovingMother,

I should have clarified that I meant that Ruy Teixeira and John Judis did mention real issues (health care and labor policy), even if they were very light on the details and only brought them up in the context of how Democrats could win elections. As you point out, "woke" healthcare policies are undesirable for a variety of reasons (my favorite book about the transgender issue is "Irreversible Damage" by Abigail Shrier). But even the healthcare policies promoted by non-woke politicians are problematic. For example, the following is from Senator Joe Manchin's official website -- https://www.manchin.senate.gov/about/issues/healthcare:

"Senator Manchin believes that every American deserves access to quality, affordable healthcare. He has always said that our nation's current system is in need of repair but we cannot simply repeal without a replacement. Senator Manchin believes that effective healthcare reform should expand access to coverage, while not inhibiting economic growth, and that the most effective healthcare legislation involves support from both political parties."

It's hard to argue with this anodyne statement, but translating it into actual policy would involve a lot of ugly "sausage making" with results that lots of people wouldn't like very much. The truth is that since people still get sick and injured and die even under the most generous healthcare systems, it's not possible to give everyone all the healthcare they need. In fact, the "dirty secret" is that there is no limit to how much money could be usefully spent on healthcare, whether publicly or privately.

I agree that FDR had good reason to oppose public sector unions.

Yes, I think (to be a bit cynical about it) that the Democrats hope that the public's short attention span and limited cognitive abilities will give them a pass on their woke policies for the 2024 election.

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I think that sounds about right.

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please don't use "liberal" - NONE of these people are liberals. They aren't even progressives. They're rich, white, don't-give-a-shitters who will do anything to protect their own (as all animals will). I'll never understand how liberal - believing in individual liberty - got basterdized into a negative when what all of you are actually arguing is that you want MORE people to actually BE liberal.

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Yes, "liberal" became a euphemism for radical cultural left ("queering"/destruction, anti-free speech). We live in a country where all the words are upside down. "Affirming" sex/identity = gaslighting, drugging, and butchering, etc. The Democrat party is not currently a party of classical liberalism.

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True dat. When I first registered to vote I chose to be a democrat. The peanut farmer cured me of that. I became a Republican but am less than impressed with the RNC.

I’d go libertarian but they don’t have enough sway. Might do it anyway. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time but you have to start somewhere.

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White? Ever heard of Oprah Winfrey?

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Thank you, DC.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I have trouble understanding this discussion. Democrats have never been about kitchen table issues; the economy, family, or Public Safety. Who started calling police pigs? Defunders are just the descendants of the 1960's Dems. Who started the Great Society which failed to end poverty but receives higher budgets each year that are causing our inflation? Who pushed for no-fault divorce and subsidizing single motherhood, which has resulted in a generation of youths with no fathers? What we see today is the outcome of the Dem Party platform of the last 60 years. Don't act like the Dem Party has been some benevolent force and has somehow morphed. It is what it has always been.

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Yes and no. The DP of FDR, Truman, and JFK was a different thing than you describe. And many of us remember. But that center left has been overwhelmed by the noise of the far left controlling the universities, media and foundations. Trump is a threat to our constitutional democracy. Ben Franklin.”A Republic if we can keep it.” Both parties stink right now and a successful third party is an illusion. We will have a choice between two bad pathways. My vote will stay with the Ds because that will ensure an opportunity to return to sanity in 2026 and 2028.

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Oh my, a Wonderful & Sacred Mystery, it’s sad you do not see how the WOKE Left Democrats & RINOs ARE NOT THE PARTY OF YOUR GRANDPARENTS!

The fact you will continue to blindly vote D, in the face of ALL the facts of how far the Democrat Party has morphed into a hateful, dishonest, divisive bunch of elites … well, YOU are exactly who they depend on to keep them in power.

Perhaps, high inflation, high gas prices, extremely high grocery prices (if the shelves are even stocked!), dangerous & destruction open borders AND TWO WARS under this Biden Crime Family Regime seems better to you than when Trump was President? Particularly when MSM constantly screeches, “But, but, but Trump is Orange Man Bad”

Personally, I do not care that Trump is a bloviating narcissist! At least our country was SAFE with NO NEW WARS, our economy was thriving, our borders were more secure than in years, and do you remember the Abraham Accords??!!!

My question is, how is your Democrat Party & Biden working out for you? Does Biden’s narcissism, pathological & constant lying bother you? Or are you another voter infected with incurable TDS?

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They don't like Trump because he says mean things. I had to come to terms with that in myself as well. I'll take mean tweets over Biden please.

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You and anyone with an IQ over 75.

Yeah I had a hard time accepting DJT too. I remember ppl noting his opinions on issues in the ‘90’s and early 2000’s and thought “who in the hell cares what Donald Trump thinks?”

But I would have voted for Obama again before HRC. There was a woman I despised on every level. She was a power hungry thug who threw every and any body under the bus who got in the way of her ascent to power. Crooked Hillary earned her rep the old fashioned way, one greedy act after another.

Then I listened to what DJT was actually saying and I heard some very down to earth ideas. After hearing some of the trash HRC was spewing I started feeling better about a Trump presidency. He turned out to be a rare president who really tried to live up to his campaign promises. Then every federal agency just went off the rails trying to destroy him and stop him from doing anything to stop the radical leftist agenda from taking more control.

I never liked his crude rhetoric but appreciated what he was doing.

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The "mean things" idea was started by Republidcans to defend Trump. It's not the "mean things." it's his lack of character, morals, and intellegence, constant lying, and verbally attacking large segments of the population that people dislike. Give us a Republican who doesn't have that baggage and Biden will not be re-elected. They are the 2 worst candidates in my lifetime of 85 yrs. And, as Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

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I completely agree. What is the problem in American politics, that we have to choose between these two defective candidates? Gen X people keep saying that "it's time to pass the baton," but I don't see them putting forward anybody to take it.

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They're waiting for someone else to do the work.

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Scary answer, Newsom, but I heard that the DNC wanted to recruit Michelle Obama. That’s a rumor but so far I’ve not seen any activity that would suggest anyone other than Biden. I think they are happy with Biden because he is so easily manipulated.

He sure ain’t running the show😉

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deletedDec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023
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Oh, Oh, a reasonable leftist. What is this world comming to? Even though I'm a former leftist, now a conservative, in it's original meaning, I agree with all your points. OMG, does that make me a reasonable conservative? Strange times we live in. Biden is, on paper, still the head of the party, and the little he does is too much. Less would be better, and nothing would be best. He's reached the pinnacle of his career and should go quietly "into that good night." If without absolute power, he's absolutely corrupted. I don't like Haley's war politics, but I'd vote for her over Biden, I'd vote for Christie too, but he doesn't have a snowball's chance. I vasilate about Kennedy, still, better than Biden or Trump. This is the worst political season I've seen in my 85 yrs., and I don't think I'll be around for another one, so I'd like to leave on positive note. We'll see.

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Mean things AND they only watch the MSM. Which ignores anything good he might have done and hypes up any gaff.

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Another 4 years with Biden?

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Spare us both Biden and Trump.

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Oh hell NO!

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This is how rumors get started.

“Trump is a threat to democracy.”

Should read;

“Trump is a threat to democrats.”

Stop using auto correct folks.

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Oh my, I'm sorry you're so agitated by an opinion that differs from yours. If you read what I wrote, you know that I know that the current D party isn't what it once was. The fact is that next year we will get to decide if the Rs or the Ds are in power. Most likely Trump or Biden. That's the choice. My frustration with that or your anger will not change that fact. So, when I look at that choice I choose to vote for the one that will ensure there is another election in future years, when maybe things will improve. And I choose to not vote for the one that is telling me that he will overturn the constitution.

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What part of the Constituion does Trump want to overturn? I guess I missed that.

I know the Dems want to change the electoral votes and the number of Supreme Court judges (I know not Constititon material, but a big change nonetheless)

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And do not forget their complaints about the Senate not being representative of the population of each state. According to the Dems, California and New York should have more Senators, MUCH more Senators! And THIS is exactly why the Founders set it up this way. They were afraid of a tyranny of the majority.

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Yes they were. And they created checks and balances. So the popular vote doesn't give you the election. And Congress gets to pass laws. And the Courts may make decisions the majority don't like. Don't worry so much. You'd have to change the Constitution to give some states more Senators. Not easy to do.

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Read in old Jon Lovitz SNL character, "The Liar":

"Um, Constitution changes by Trump? Oh, uh, NAZI, NAZI, NAZI, NAZI!!!" Yeah, that's it!"

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And they are gunning for the Justices as they are too conservative for the progressives.

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True. The progressives hate not being in control as much as Trump does. Thank God you our check and balance system

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On the justices question the Constitution doesn’t provide a number just who nominates and who confirms. There have been as few as six.

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Do a search, you'll find it. He tried on January 6 and failed.

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Yet here we are, and many of those participants are STILL locked up without charges! All the while antifa and BLM thugs run free, even though they burned cities and beat up citizens. The Dem's people at work.

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The world did not begin and end on 1/6. During his administration, Obama stated a policy change on immigration was unconstitutional and then instituted it. He declared he could rule with a pen and phone. Biden regularly gets slapped down in the courts for his appointees' overreach of statutes. Shouting "Trump" is an effective ploy, and Trump's berserk statements since losing give me pause, but dodging a reasonable challenge with the standard ploy contributes nothing. Please cite his unconstitutional actions during his administration.

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And do you really think bringing up J/6 means anything anymore?

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That is the biggest crock of crap out there. He wanted the national guard brought in to protect the capital from overly zealous election protestors but was blocked by Pelosi and the mayor. The J6 incident was nothing like the carefully edited footage and thoroughly misconstrued MSM coverage presented. The Capitol police actually let the protestors in.

The only person seriously hurt was Ashleigh Babbitt.

The J6 prisoners are more political prisoners than anything else. They’ve been denied their rights, been treated worse than any other prisoners and been given sentences that exceed the norm for the crimes they were convicted of all while criminals across the country are wreaking havoc and just being let go.

Our system of Justice has become anything but just and is applied in only one direction. I didn’t think this country could go down this fast but thanks to feckless democrats it is being torn apart.

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Good grief.

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lol even you don't believe that garbage. nobody could watch the footage that's been released and not see what reality is, not even the most propagandized person on the planet.

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Honest question. Do you think there were any problems with the 2020 election?

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Maureen, you’re right! We all know there is no cure for those infected with TDS!

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Do you really think that printing "TDS" makes a case?

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I’m not all that agitated. Nice try but my serenity is never very diminished by the opinions of others.

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Like Maureen, I am not angry, agitated or triggered by your response. You’re misinformed, so that only brings up feelings of pity in me.

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I'm not misinformed. I disagree with you.

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Unfortunately, about half of the Democrats are at least partially opposed to many of the rights and freedoms listed in the first ten Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and it is considered appropriate among Democrats to suggest that the Constitution should be rewritten, by them of course. Young Democrats condemn the entire Constitution as the product of slave owners, and as a document designed to preserve slavery. Don't ask me to explain that line of thought; I have avoided reading their arguments.

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I was trained to be a high school social studies teacher. So the ignorance among young Ds and young Rs and young Is is depressing for me. And of course, it's not much better among older Americans. But that lack of knowledge has been the case through most of our history. It is a concern. But the founders didn't make such knowledge part of the check and balance system that protects our liberty. For example, many young Ds are very naïve about the Israeli - Hamas war. They would either intentionally or through their ignorance hand power to Hamas. But they don't run the government. The overwhelming majority of both parties in the House and Senate, President Biden, and our military leaders are in support of Israel to remove Hamas from power and do that in a manner that tries to limit civilian casualties. The pro Palestinian/Hamas demonstrations are a concern. But they don't represent the government or most Americans. As has been true for every generation of Americans, poorly conceived ideas about restructuring, our government will be put forth and will need to be resisted. That has been true in our past, and I hope it will be true in our future.

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I hope so too, but the young D's are in fact entering professional schools and jobs all over the country right now. And what is happening as a result is that the practice of healthcare, law, education, and every other field is being transformed into the practice of radical critical theory. I am in one of these fields, and I can attest to the fact that professionals are now being trained to indoctrinate people who come to them for help and pay them for that service. The checks and balances built into our government have no relevance and no power to stop the take over of our culture by the authoritarian critical theory cult that leftist young people wholeheartedly embrace. What used to be taken for granted as ethical conduct by professionals is being rapidly replaced by practices that would just a few years ago have resulted in disbarment, de-licensure and civil law suits. This is happening with the full support of all the major professional associations and most university training centers. What used to go on with stupid young people is not what is happening now. What is going on now is more like the Maoist Cultural Revolution and it is destroying our country. Not tomorrow, not in 2024, right now. Voting will not stop it, political parties will not stop it, and the regulatory agencies are mostly aligned with it, not against it. 1984 is coming a bit later than Orwell predicted, but it is now here.

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I would be more far more concerned about the one with the inability to stop the actual overturn of the Constitution by career bureaucrats in the executive branch who are no longer loyal to any duly elected president. That is the genuine threat to the Republic.

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Those of us that took an oath to the Constitution know that means having the courage to resist a president who violates that Constitution.

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Biden clearly does not care about the Constitution when his administration continues with an open border, when his Justice Department actively works to protect his son, when his Department of Homeland Security funds NGOs to censor and punish people with different political views, when his Party won’t even acknowledge the blatant attacks on the First Amendment, etc. Worse, Biden appears to be a mere puppet implementing the policies of a Democrat Party that pushed the grand and debunked, conspiracy theory called Trump-Russian Collusion. This administration is actively working to prosecute and imprison the leading candidate of the opposition party. And on and on. This is a party that won’t even allow debates among candidates in its own party. The Democrats are not a party of sanity, nor a party that respects the Constitution or the laws of the country, despite what the mainstream media pushes.

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That you took an.oath to the Constitution and believe that establishes my point. But let's talk nitty gritty - career bureaucrats in the FBI who relied on a false document, knowing it was false, and used it to obtain search warrants from an already dubious FISA court system? A FBI career bureaucrat who asked for a private meeting with a duly elected President and disclosed the false dossier without disclosing its falsity thereby creating a false impression of loyalty? Then leaking it to the press thereby instituting the Russia collusion myth? If you think that is somehow holy work the disdain I feel for you is palpable. Wonderful and Sacred Mystery my arse. You and your ilk need to go.

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Well, the US is a Constitutional REPUBLIC, not democracy and The Bad Orange Man isn't a threat to either. The democRATs were the party that during the China Virus lockdowns let their true authoritarian/fascist colors fly. Obviously you're hoping for things to get worse in 2026 and 2028 before they get better.

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Sounds like you're getting your talking points from the lower parts of the Orange Man. Yes it is a republic and it is a democracy. You need to catch up.

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It is a democratic process but NOT a democracy in the classical sense. Our founders were well educated men who knew that democracies historically became tyrannical oligarchies.

We have a representative republic ma’am yet we are having trouble keeping it now as Ben Franklin feared.

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Here's a list of democracies so you can catch up with things https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/democracy-countries

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Being on a list does not describe a constitutional process.

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It's awesome that you shared a link to argue why we're a "democracy" and argued with anyone who added qualifiers to the type of democracy and IN THE LINK it adds a qualifier to the US. Pretty impressive. And I'd agree with them, we, like every "democracy" on earth are a "flawed democracy," but we're also a "representative democracy," and a "constitutional republic" and a whole bunch of other stuff. So to bring this full circle, how, exactly, is Trump a "threat" to our venn diagram of republic, democracy, constitution and representation?

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I don't need The Bad Orange Man for "talking points", I just have more sense than God gave a donkey.

But you go right on waiting for The Hair Apparent and/or Cackles for a "return to sanity".

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The “China virus” was actually an American virus. There has been a patent on this by none other than Feckless Fauci since the 90’s. It was not novel or new. We paid the Wuhan lab to continue gain of function research there because the development of biological weapons is illegal here. We placed similar facilities in Ukraine during the Obama admin I’m told for the same reason.

Yeah the workers at the lab screwed up but given the timing and the political Cold War here I am suspicious about the real way and means that it slipped into the local community. That’s why there was this feigned insistence that the lab leak must have been incorrect.

Very dark dealings indeed.

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Wait just one minute! The craziness has WORSENED under Biden's watch! It's not Biden himself, he's just a ventriloquist dummy, it is the people with money behind him. And if you think that will get any better in 2024 or 2028 you have not been paying attention.

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Sorry, I pay careful attention. I'm just not inclined to conspiracy theories.

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Neither am I! Yet you more than likely believe that Trump ordered the storming of the capitol on J6. To date, no court rulings or convictions of Trump. I despise Trump and probably won't vote for him OR the senile old man. I didn't in 2016 either. But the whole Mueller Russian Report conspiracy forced my hand in 2020 so I voted for Trump because of Biden and his 50 years in government. We are all allowed our opinions, even when they are wrong.

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I believe no such thing. I agree we've seen no evidence of that yet. I'll be surprised if there is "a smoking gun." The case will most likely be made on the basis of more indirect actions he took -- along the lines of "who will save me from this troublesome priest." True we all get to have our opinions. And, at least in my life, sometimes I'm wrong. So, thank God for mercy and forgiveness.

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Biden might just be a front puppet but he’s had a long and lackluster career of being a WDC swamp rat.

That’s not to say that he’s not currently being manipulated by some very crooked ppl. He’s not smart enough to concoct the newly corrupted but unified federal agencies or orchestrate the collusion between the military industrial complex, the medical industrial complex, the DOJ and finally the deeply flawed educational system. He simply doesn’t care even if he could comprehend what is going on.

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Since you seem to continue to have faith in the Democratic party, what would a "return to sanity" look like in 2026 or 2028? Perhaps you could opine on such areas as transgender surgeries for minors, defunding the police, ANTIFA, our open southern border and our handling of COVID. I'm not a Republican, but I'm curious what "sanity" looks like to someone who holds themselves out as an FDR/Truman/JFK Democrat.

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Sanity is strong boarders, strong national defense, police being able to go after criminals, protecting minors. One example, when the defund the police proposal was put forward to the democratic voting citizens of Minneapolis. They turned down. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/02/1051617581/minneapolis-police-vote Return to sanity

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Sounds like you're a 50's Democrat. Today we call someone with that definition of sanity - no disrespect intended - a Republican or at the very least an Independent.

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I'm a D just as were the 2021 voters in Minneapolis. Just like the D voters that rejected utopian progressive mayors in NYC and Philadelphia and turned out the DA in San Francisco. That is today's world. The battle in our cities is between utopian progressives and pragmatic center-left Ds. The Rs and Is vote with the the pragmatics.

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Doubling down on silliness. Democrat voters gave us the inner city ruin, the prosecution of people defending themselves and others, open borders, and a host of other insane policies. You can't evade that, try as you may Democrat governance is a disaster.

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Well it's true that the Dems control most big cities and own the outcomes. As you point out, voters are pushing back, but with little overall effect so far on the welfare of those cities you mentioned.

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You can vote anyway you want. If I found a candidate that I really liked more than the candidate of my party affiliation, I would vote for that person. I really like Tulsi Gabbard. If she ran again I’d vote for her in a heartbeat.

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Well .. we can all vote for whoever we want. At least for now. Wasting your vote is one of the privileges of living in a democracy

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And you saying that someone voting for a candidate them believe in is "wasting a vote' is why our choices suck. The people in power have learned that we will vote R or D, even if they put monkeys on the ballot.

You apparently see voting and democracy as a game to be played and won rather than everyone voting their consciences for people they actually like.

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I always vote my conscience. My conscience tells me to deal with the imperfect choices of an imperfect world. The prefect world, for me, is when God's love fills all things. In my view, we get to have a limited taste of that perfection in this life. It's in that world that I vote. And, at times, my conscience has me voting for what seems best among bad choices. I gather your conscience says something else. What I do believe is that we all have a responsibility to inform our consciences and then to act upon that.

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Make no assumptions about someone else's conscience. That is God's responsibility.

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Voting your conscience is never a wasted vote.

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Who could argue with that?

Oh...right. I know. They’ll be responding shortly. Stay tuned.

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“I vote pragmatically”

“You waste your vote”

It’s confirmed. You are a Democrat

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Yes, I'm a D and an American and a Christian. And I know my history. And I'm old enough to have seen a form of this political division before. Those on the right and left can rant on about their fantasies and their conspiracies. My hope and belief is that this amazing nation will once again overcome the haters.

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Define “the haters”.

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In what way is Trump a threat to our Constitutional Democracy? Yes, he worked harder to ensure the vote was fair because there were a lot of questionable things, but he is not different than Hillary in that regard. She still claims she lost b/c of the Russians, misogyny, etc. So does Al Gore.

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"Former President Donald Trump on Monday denied he wanted to “‘terminate’ the Constitution,” two days after suggesting “the termination of all rules ... even those found in the Constitution.” - https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/05/trump-terminate-constitution-00072230

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Do you really think he could do it? I don't. I don't see him as any more threat to the Democracy than Hillary, who cooked up the collusion story to cripple Trump's Presidency.

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Yes, I think he could do it. And many of the people who worked with him think it too. You might take a look at what former chiefs of staff, his Attorney Generals, and his Secretary of Defense. If he gets elected, I hope I'm wrong. He did want to stop the constitutional process this time. VP Pence was loyal to his oath. My fear is that he'll select people more willing to obey him rather than the Constitution and the law. I wish the Ds had another candidate. But I don't fear Biden trying to hold onto power after an election is over.

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The sane, old Ds are now independents or Rs in many places. Don’t vote D because Pat Moynihan was a D. Vote for the most old time D- like candidate u can find regardless of the label. And make sure they don’t then walk the party line like most Congressman, who is likeable, but useless. Turned out, he, a Jew, couldn’t bring himself to censure Omar for antisemitic comments, and now, here we are, in an illiberal place.

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had me nodding my head until the last sentence, but, as my brother says, "That's why they make chocolate and vanilla!" :-)

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From David French - "From David French - "It’s important to recognize that no person or movement is immune to the temptations of bespoke reality. We’re all vulnerable, including me, and we should not presume that we possess the innate character, wisdom and insight to avoid the comfortable falsehood in favor of the difficult truth. Rather, I recognize that I’m vulnerable and take specific steps to try to challenge my priors.That means following as many or more people who disagree with me as agree with me. That means reading the best and smartest people I can find who disagree with me. These practices help both challenge me and humanize my opponents Unless we strive to be self-aware, and sometimes even when we do, we fall prey to our own human nature and the algorithms designed to feed us our expressed preferences. Bespoke reality is the path of least resistance. It’s what feels natural. It’s what feels comfortable. Understanding the real world, by contrast, requires effort. It requires us to challenge ourselves."


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Then go ahead and vote for him. If he wins we'll see how that works out. You should take nothing "on faith" - except God's love and mercy. Read broadly, David French gets it right - It’s important to recognize that no person or movement is immune to the temptations of bespoke reality. We’re all vulnerable, including me, and we should not presume that we possess the innate character, wisdom and insight to avoid the comfortable falsehood in favor of the difficult truth. Rather, I recognize that I’m vulnerable and take specific steps to try to challenge my priors. That means following as many or more people who disagree with me as agree with me. That means reading the best and smartest people I can find who disagree with me. These practices help both challenge me and humanize my opponents. Unless we strive to be self-aware, and sometimes even when we do, we fall prey to our own human nature and the algorithms designed to feed us our expressed preferences. Bespoke reality is the path of least resistance. It’s what feels natural. It’s what feels comfortable. Understanding the real world, by contrast, requires effort. It requires us to challenge ourselves


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No fault divorce did NOT result in the things you mentioned. Single motherhood, no fathers is the result of women stepping up to the plate, and men not meeting us there. How many women work full time and still come home and do a second shift? Where ARE those fathers of single youths? watching video games full time? Smoking weed?

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Its lack of commitment on both sides -- living together, no-fault divorce, subsidies for single motherhood -- all encouraged having children without commitment. Where are the fathers? They were told by women that they weren't needed and the government made sure they weren't. If the wife/girlfriend wanted an abortion, they were told they had no right to demand that it was his baby too. If they contested custody in a divorce, they were discriminated against because, of course, a single mother was better at raising a child than a single father. And if anyone pointed out that certain poor communities are the hardest hit by single parenthood brought on by Leftist policies, the Left called them racist until they finally just shut up. Smoking weed? Another Dem initiative that made no sense and has already caused havoc in some of our cities.

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Steven, I actually agree with most if not all of what you said. The women's movement made a grave mistake in downplaying the importance of men. (That said, I think that men did not do their part in insisting that they were in fact important). I think that our society has its morals and values in the toilet; look at the reverence for professional sports, and the idolization of celebrities; look at our educational system that passes kids who cannot read, and demands very little of them, apparently. Frankly I am glad I grew up when I did with parents who valued education and who encouraged my passion for reading and who made sure I had solid ethics. For this I am very grateful.

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Same. My folks were far from perfect yet we knew they loved us.

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Sorry, hit send button too soon.

I have a hard time understanding women who think that a father is not extremely important. Kids generally respect Dad in a way they don’t as much mom.

A strong father with a kind heart and who provides leadership is a more scarce commodity in our broken society. I have a niece who married another woman and thru the miracle of modern medicine, they have two beautiful daughters. I think they are cheated an important relationship by not having a father. Saying so makes me homophobic so I keep my mouth shut.

I can pray for them. I can love them.

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The biggest problem is that ppl get married with the gooey eyed foolish notion that your spouse is supposed to make you “happy” and that if it doesn’t work out you can always get divorced. If you marry with that mentality I can guarantee you will divorce. Ppl who divorce when you have children for any reason other than a seriously abusive relationship between you and spouse or spouse and children are simply selfish. It almost always hurts kids. How can they trust your love when they see you unable to love each other.

Ppl grow apart but if you’re patient and truly love your spouse, your marriage can endure. Try to appreciate new found interests even if you don’t share them unless they are destructive like drug addiction or infidelity. My husband liked video games and the kids loved playing with him. I was just never very good at them but saw it as quality time for them. He goes on tangents getting very invested in new hobbies/interests and sometimes we share that but it makes him happy and I seek joy in other ways.

I made a commitment to God when we married. I have and still find that important. If I focus on the things I don’t love about him they become more annoying and conversely when I focus on the things I do love, they grow fruit in my soul. Love is standing firm beside another, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer...

He’s a great but not perfect father and our kids adore him. I’m a good but not perfect mother so I try not to cast stones.

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The problem with people staying together when they are unhappy is that the children learn that unhappiness is the standard in relationships and they in turn have unhappy relationships.

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Amen, Steven

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They were once the party of “Never Trust the Government”. They screwed that up too.

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“Who pushed for no-fault divorce?”

Ronald Reagan as Governor of…..Three guesses and I’ll give you a big neon Blue “C”

His reasoning was to stop high profile divorce blood sucking lawyers from dragging out acrimonious Hollywood Stars and Social elites court battles and settlements depriving each party of $$$$.

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Actually, the most powerful faction in the Democratic Party for many years was about Southern white guys. Another faction was about unions in the Rust Belt. That one had a lot more to do with working people than the current Dems, but mid-Twentieth Century unions had so much money and power they attracted the Mafia and other members of the elite class.

The Dems were not unified in the past as a "leftist" party like they are now, as the Southern Dems were very "conservative." If we were to track the political genealogies of the current block of Southern Republicans back a couple generations, guess what party they belonged to then?

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Political genealogies like Bill Clinton's Mentor Fulbright, or Biden's mentor Sheets Byrd? Face it, the Dem Party is the party of the KKK. There is no one in the Republican Party extolling the virtues of an Exalted Cyclops like Biden. And no one saying that your skin tone dictates how you should vote, like Biden. Or how Obama would have been bringing them coffee, like Clinton and Teddy Kennedy. I know what party they belong to.

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My point was precisely that Southern Democrats were about explicit ant-black racism, as well as anti-gay homophobia, and were all about Southern Baptist type religion. That contingent of people now occupies the so called “right.” I am not arguing that “all Republicans” are in that camp, although the Southern Baptists certainly have enormous control over the Republican Party.

The point I was making is that the current woke leftists are not heirs to the above Southern subculture. At this point the Republicans have absorbed the above subculture instead. I oppose and intensely dislike the perspectives of both the woke leftists and the Republicans who advocate for a theocratic state.

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Dems were at one time explicit about their anti-black racism but they never lost it. It just morphed into paternalism that robbed a Black society, that was gaining economically in leaps and bounds OBTW, of its future. The Great Society programs were sold as a way to get (primarily) Blacks out of poverty but they broke down the family and sentenced them to it. If anyone objected, Dems threw the racism card to shut down opposition. Who is clamoring for segregated schools? Dems. Who says Blacks can't get a state ID with which to vote? Dems. That Blacks can't compete in school or business and need arbitrary boosts to their scores? Dems. That we should take advanced courses from Asians and Whites to help Blacks' self-esteem? Dems. Heaven forbid that the Dems actually fix the schools or denounce uncommitted relationships that cause the disparity in outcomes. Pointing out the problem and who is responsible is (wait for it) racist. Dems were racist in the 50's and they have not changed.

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I agree, it's totally disgusting! I especially hate the silencing of black and white people who try to address real problems being experienced within the black communities. It is so despicably racist to refuse to recognize, discuss, or allow discussion by anyone else of the weekly slaughter of young black men by their peers. The Democrats clearly do not believe that Black Lives Matter, yet they manage to convince half the population that this is what they stand for.

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Excellent post!

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What has always been the case is that liberal elites are 5% people who like liberty and 95% psychopathic communist tyrants who are exploiting the fact that most people think liberty is good.

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Liberty is good. The democRATS of today are more like authoritarians. The think actual liberty is dangerous. They want total control of every aspect of our lives and I think it’s clear we can no longer trust the federal government to act in the best (or any) interest of the populace. They undermine our economy, have decimated our educational system, send BILLIONS of our hard earned dollars to people that are not really allies and have estranged our real allies.

Freakin mind boggling!!

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Liberals were fooled by the left because their worldview was aligned.

Liberals could not see the true left, because they are like fish who don’t understand water.

Now that the left has outed itself, liberals need to get over it and do something about it.

We are waiting.

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This liberal (age 68, lifelong Democrat) started voting straight Republican in 2022, and will continue to do so, and will to try to get as many Republicans as possible elected to office.

And I will do this with my eyes wide open as to the danger of Trumpian fascism, which I think is quite real.

But I prefer Trumpian fascism to the identitarian totalitarianism of the Democrats.

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Welcome, but Trumpian Fascism is just one more scam run by the DNC/Hillary. Like the Russia Collusion hoax started by Hillary, calling Trump a fascist is a tactic, not a fact. Name one Right that anyone lost under Trump? Trump did not call out the Nat Gd on the BLM looters (although he should have). Trump did not investigate journalists like Obama. Go down the Bill of Rights and name just one Right that was infringed. I'd be happy to discuss it with you.

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Asking the Secretary of State of Georgia to find him tens of thousands of votes that he didn’t get; what is that?

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I actually listened to the call and he offered where the missing votes could be found -- in his words there 100k's of fraudulent votes and the state only needed to find 12k out of that number to impact the election. He asked, Georgia officials said no and that ended it. Fascists don't ask.

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Absolutely true - he was basically asking about fraudulent ballots - thousands, and if they could be uncovered or found. He didn't ASK the guy to fake them.

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That would be wrong if it were correct. Media lies loudly and often to support the “narrative”.

Don’t be fooled by the MSM.

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Bridge, did you even listen to that call, or are you just another Democrat suffering with a severe case of TDS?

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One of them put his dirty shoes on Nancy’s desk!!

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OMG!! Is she gonna be okay?

I know AOC nearly died (funny as she wasn’t anywhere near the ruckus) but the Capitol breachers didn’t spray paint nasty epithets, burn anything down and despite the continued claim by the MSM, they didn’t initiate violence or kill anyone.

How is it that Rashida Talib actually did lead a band of angry Gaza’s/Hamas supporters into the Capitol where they attempted to interrupt congressional proceedings, shouted bigoted slogans and made overtures to violence against Jews every/anywhere? She inflamed the mob making false statements about the bogus hospital bombing report even though she knew it wasn’t true. So far she hasn’t faced any real push back but she’s more guilty of what DJT was charged with he was. True story.

Well the DOJ, the FBI & the Biden WH have shown their complete incompetence and unequal application of the law again. Shocking? Not any more though it should be.

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He also took some stamps.

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Well said,

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I agree.

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MarkS. I've got to ask you something in good faith; I really need to understand. Since 2015 I've heard a steady drumbeat of "Trump fascist", Trump literally Hitler" etc. I know a lot about fascism, I've studied this stuff from the time Mussolini first articulated a public definition until today. The key element in fascism is the State working through corporate entities to achieve authoritarian ends. Not to put too fine a point on things but this has been going on for 150 years or more in our country, at a low level. In Trump's first term, there was less of this than over the preceding several administrations. The current administration is, perhaps, the most authoritarian while making use of corporate cronies, in our history. Give me push-back to this statement and I have a lot of chapter and verse to give.

I can't think of any time Trump tried to use corporate entities to accomplish authoritarian ends. My big question is about trump's so called authoritarianism. I'm not a Trump fan, not a Republican (or Democrat), and not a conservative. I can make rather strong cases for him, both pro and con, but I don't see authoritarianism (except for re-authorizing the Patriot Act which all presidents since Bush II have done) in his behaviors and policies.

Anyone, please help. Either give a good working definition that applies, Several examples of unusual authoritarian behavior in his past, or expected authoritarian behaviors in the future.

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My two cents: democrats paint their enemy with the same color of paint they are wearing underneath their public persona.

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Yes, That's kind of what James Lindsay says.

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I think James Lindsay and Brian Katz are right-- Democrats tend to project. Whatever they claim the Right is doing can pretty much be guaranteed that they have done or are doing and try to point the finger first to distract from being caught.

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Mr Anderson you know the truth as you have just written it. You also know that Trump might be rude and obnoxious, but not a fascist.

Obama could also be pretty rude and tipped his hat during the 2008 election as to how much of a bigot he really is.

If he really believed the oceans will rise so much due to climate change, then why did he purchase a multimillion dollar estate on an island in the Atlantic? Clearly he doesn’t believe in the climate cult trope either.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Maureen, I think Obama did something that was truly destructive. The man was incapable of uttering a sentence without adding a rider about how bad conservatives or Republicans were. Constant gratuitous slander. To me, he set the stage for the horrible polarization we now have.

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Obama policies also set the stage for today.

He did want to fundamentally to change America.

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Prior to 2016, when he was just a Rich Guy and reality TV star, EVERYONE loved Trump. It wasn't until he took on "withHer" that half the country lost it's mind. In fact, people might do well to remember at the time, The Bad Orange Man was accused by some on the right, of being a democratic plant given his long association with the party. Sane people in America saw that his policies worked, but for some reason, being called a "populist" is a dirty slur.

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Hi Chris, I must confess to not being very bright. I've been hearing the term "populist" being tossed around for years, always as a bad thing. To my simple mind, it means doing what the "people" want done. As in "democracy". What am I missing?

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I don't think you're missing anything at all; I agree that being called a "populist" SHOULD be a compliment...

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I'm glad to hear you say that. I wish the ad hominems would just go away.

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Honestly, in good faith, if you really can't see Trump's authoritarianism, especially regarding 1/6, but also in multiple recent statements about what he plans to do if re-elected, I can't help you.

Just like I can't help my fellow Democrats see that it's authoritarian to block all credible primary challenges to Biden.

Everyone is just so so blind to the sins of their own side.

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Mark, thanks for the reply. A couple of quick points. As I said in my original post, I don't have a "side" in this. When I look across Trump's four year term, the only thing I can put in the authoritarian space is the Patriot Act continuation. If he is the great Authoritarian there are a lot of things that I should be able to see, and that you can name.

Here is why this is so frustrating. You make the statement "if you really can't see Trump's authoritarianism...but also in multiple recent statements about what he plans to do if re-elected, I can't help you." Yes, you really can help me. Just name some of the authoritarian acts from the first term that are unique compared to the last five administrations. As regarding the future, I'm not giving him much attention. He doesn't live rent free in my head. Please tell me/us what some of these things are. I hate to say it, but getting a version of "if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you" isn't helpful. I'm not being confrontational here, I just want some verifiable facts/examples.

I don't like "what-about-ism" as a form of argument. Judgement, however, involves comparison, and I can make comparisons to the current WH occupant. Suspension of civil liberties, (mandated lock downs, threats regarding vaccine passports, attacks on medical providers who saw through the "company line"), unwavering support for the criminal oligarchy known as the pharmaceutical industry, weaponizing the "three letter agencies" for political purposes, forcing curtailment of free speech rights by leaning on social media platforms, autocratic support for unproven "vaccines", using executive actions designed to circumvent proper legislative functions, and the granddaddy of them all, attacking fundamental human rights by working to abridge firearms freedom.

I've just modeled the act of providing examples to support a point. What are the examples of Trump's authoritarianism? The reason this is a big deal to me has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with my concept of freedom. One of my abiding principles is "There is no Left, there is no "Right", there is only freedom or tyranny." I want to be on the side of freedom. It hasn't been shown that Trump is a great threat to my freedom, certainly when compared to Bush one through Obama, and then Biden.

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"Just name some of the authoritarian acts from the first term that are unique compared to the last five administrations."

1/6 encitement tweets. Muslim ban. Comey firing. Sessions firing. Barr resignation on principle (unique since Nixon). Attempted extortion of Zelensky. Attempted vote theft in Georgia.

You'll explain all these away, of course. So I don't know why I bother. But there you go. Those are just off the top of my head.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

You are giving me nonsense. There was no Muslim ban. All the personnel items you cite (Comey, Sessions, Barr) are part of his job description. Nothing "authoritarian" here. Please look the definition of authoritarian.

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Ok so you listed 6 potential “fascist” things. Now list all the authoritarian grabs by Biden and Democrats. Let’s see which list is longer....

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I suppose that one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and yet... Trumpian Fascism? Really?

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IKR? Trump, at his own expense, battled the local governance of Florida after buying Mar-A-Largo as it was routine business as usual to deny Jews and blacks to join the country club scene.

Ppl keep calling Trump a bigoted racist and while he can be crude, I have never heard anyone provide a clear (and honest) example of his racist policies.

I’m glad to hear that some democrats are awakening to the leftist(not liberal) tyrannical disposition. They have been driving a deep and dangerous wedge into the fabric of western civilization for decades. We are now seeing the fully outed results.

Now we are seeing the push back here and in Western Europe. I feel it’s not been pushy enough. CRT and DEI fueled Marxism has now crept its way into grade schools. It is a social cancer. It demands group think and conformity and has led to the successful cancelling and firing of too many ppl. We now have Jewish students hiding for their lives on campuses across the nation. This is completely unacceptable. Where are the ACLU? Where are the defenders of liberty? Where are the feds who sent imperial storm troopers to arrest abortion clinic prayer warriors? Why is it illegal for pro-life organizations to employ billboards to post their message but not abortionists?

The political left has been deeply entrenched in our governing agencies for so long that they push an agenda that doesn’t align with the values of most Americans yet they remain in power. How is that?

We live in opposite world. Good is bad, right is wrong, you ARE God, racism is okay as long as it’s directed at the right ppl.

I mean, like WTF?

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"Ppl keep calling Trump a bigoted racist and while he can be crude, I have never heard anyone provide a clear (and honest) example of his racist policies."

It is true that trump wouldn't rent out his properties to black people and true that he stated to the justice department lawyer taking his deposition on the subject:

"You know, you don't want to live with them either."

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/

That sounds pretty racist to me.

I have a question for you:

Why do you think that trump believed that obama was not born in the usa? What kind of assumptions were going on in his head that would cause him to come to that conclusion?

Those aren't "gotcha" questions. I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on that subject.

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I think Trump believed Hillary who said that Obama was not born in the US but it isn't racist to question someone's qualifications for the highest office in the land. I read the first part of the Atlantic article you linked to which lead with an anonymous source -- not a strong case. I just wonder, if he is so racist, why don't journalists quote him correctly? When he said rightly that MS13 were animals, why did the MSM distort that to say that he meant all Hispanics? When he said there were fine people, and I don't mean the neo-Nazis, why did the MSM conveniently ignore the last part? Because all they had was a smear campaign. The economy was booming, employment for minorities was at an all-time low and they couldn't stand him getting credit, especially with minorities. The simplest thing to do is call names, so that's what they did (and made up a collusion story and buried Hunter's laptop). They even ignored that icon of the Left, Jesse Jackson who was effusive about Trump's work on equal rights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5lcART6TTE&ab_channel=DailyGraze

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

If you read the article you would know that it's not an anonymous source. It's a named person who was involved with a lawsuit where trump was found guilty of not renting to people *because* they were black.

"In 1973, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump Management, Donald Trump and his father Fred, for discrimination against African Americans in their renting practices.[3][35]

Testers from the New York City Human Rights Division had found that prospective black renters at Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while prospective White renters were offered apartments at the same buildings.[36] During the investigation, four of Trump's agents admitted to using a "C" (for "colored") or "9" code to label Black applicants and stated that they were told their company "discouraged rental to blacks" or that they were "not allowed to rent to black tenants," and that prospective Black renters should be sent to the central office while White renters could have their applications accepted on site. Three doormen testified to being told to discourage prospective Black renters by lying about the rental prices or claiming no vacancies were available.[37][38] A settlement was reached in 1975 where Trump agreed to familiarize himself with the Fair Housing Act, take out ads stating that Black renters were welcome, give a list of vacancies to the Urban League on a weekly basis, and allow the Urban League to present qualified candidates for 20% of vacancies in properties that were less than 10% non-White.[36][39]

Elyse Goldweber, the Justice Department lawyer tasked with taking Trump's deposition, has stated that during a coffee break Trump said to her directly, "You know, you don't want to live with them either."[6]

The Trump Organization was sued again in 1978 for violating terms of the 1975 settlement by continuing to refuse to rent to black tenants; Trump and his lawyer Roy Cohn denied the charges.[40][41][42] In 1983 the Metropolitan Action Institute noted that two Trump Village properties were still over 95% White.[43] "


Not renting to people because of their skin colour sounds pretty racist to me.

Also, you should probably read this:


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My recollection regarding the origin of Obama not being born in the US actually originated from the bio that accompanied Obama's first book where it stated he was born in Kenya.

"Obama's former literary agency misidentified his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991."

This was then picked up at some point by the Clinton camp when she and Obama were running against one another in the Democratic primary.

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One's got nothing to do with the other. Stop seeing things though your "us versus them" tribal lenses.

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Wow. But "IKR!" Drove me to DDG with that one. I didn't know that anyone outside northern NJ would use such an expression!

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I had kids late in life and that keeps you better hooked into current trends like that. I listen to music most of my peers have never even heard of too.

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We be outliers. Whilst my peers were discovering the Beatles, I was discovering Beethoven. (I remain convinced that I got the better deal.) Fast forward... my late son was a metalhead, who tried valiantly to introduce me; in the emotional wreckage that followed his death, my daughter went from I'm not sure what (Ace of Bass, maybe?) to embracing the gift of her grand opera-grade voice. The few times that I've been in attendance at the Bar & Grill trivia night, I cleaned house until it came to the music section.... during which I answered all the questions "Beatles" and sunk out of sight.

All the best...

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

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Trouble in all directions.

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Please explain what Trump did that can be defined as Fascism. Please.

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Trump presidency in 2016 to 2020 help to delay The Great Reset by a few years. Most don't realize this, but someday we will look back and be thankful for that extra time to organize. Now that The Cabal has taken back control over America, they can move forward with their plans for The Great Reset which will be helped by installing Newsom.

Trump and even RFK are the only possible options to further delay the Great Reset but our media is helping The Cabal in poisoning the American populations minds to these two options.

If you know not what I speak of, you're lucky and uneducated on this particular topic. Lucky still.

Voting in 2024 isn't going to matter. They, the Cabal will never relinquish the White House again.

It's a selection not an election. To think otherwise is foolish.

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MarkS, you do realize the “Trumpian Fascism” is a term coined by the WOKE Left Democrats & RINOs who are SO infected with TDS, they would rather see America FAIL than STOP with their “MAGA Deplorable Fascism” Rhetoric!

The WOKE Dems & RINOs are rabidly hateful politicians (the best money can buy!), and because Trump (an outsider!) dared to run against Hillary … OH MY GOOD GOD … and WON … HOW DARE HE!

And to add insult to THEIR injury, Trump couldn’t be bought & wasn’t paid for! And, he called them out for being the DC Swamp Dwellers they are! Plus, he outed the MSM for being their Propaganda Arm!

NOW, they are desperately trying to convict him of crimes that are either 1) same as what other politicians have done & still do, and 2) some “made up” bullshit crime that has no merit, but you’d have to be a business person to understand how businesses work!

It’s all a WITCH HUNT! A political smear campaign! And although I was not a Trump supporter in the past, if it comes down to a choice between Trump & Biden, you can bet I WILL VOTE TRUMP!

What’s ironic is the Dems. have no clue how many Americans they have literally pushed to support Trump!

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Well said.

But elections are a strange things these days.

I have zero confidence in the process.

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How is Trump a "fascist." Sorry but that's idiotic. You may not like the guy but grown up. How many political enemies did Trump hold in solitary confinement with out trial? On how many did he sic FBI SWAT teams? If Trump is a fascist dictator, he's the most incompetent at fascism imaginable.

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Why do you call trump a fascist? I really don’t understand this slur. Please help me understand.

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Your actions are commendable. Well done. It might take a while, but I’m confident that when you learn more about the truth, you’ll moderate your point of view about Trump being a fascist. If we are lucky, Trump may not be on ballot, it may be Halley or someone else. Important point: not a democrat. You can still be a liberal and want to control the southern border, improve the economy and make our cities safer.

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If Trump was fascist, he would have sent thugs to take out all the journalists and pundits and talking heads that continue to malign him and blame him for everything. The facts that He never even tried to censor these people let alone take them out shows he is no fascist.

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Please define "Trumpian Fascism". Actions define fascism, words are just bullshit.

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Great point, Brian. I would add that leftists are simply liberals with stronger convictions.

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And wasn’t Communism once defined as Liberalism in a hurry?

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Yes -- what a great line!

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I just love your line”they are like fish that don’t understand water”.

That is the most succinct statement I’ve ever heard about the liberals of today. They are very disconnected to what the DNC has become in the last 15 yrs.

I think the vote is still out on whether they can regain control.

I’m not convinced so I’ll believe it when

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Thank you. I cannot claim originality though.

I don’t even believe liberals are aware that there is a fight.

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The party who’s history is the KKK, anti-integration, antisemitism, against women’s right to vote, for abortion (4 to 1) of predominantly blacks, history of violent protests on any issue, one’s predicting everything under water 10 years ago, and history of stating shooting conflicts, that Democratic Party? They are still here, just now supporting Hamas, anything anti US, trying to mutilate children, divide people, and spending our future on phony green energy that makes their friends richer.

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Ruy is wrong and in denial. The problem is far deeper than he outlines. This is a top down cultural revolution. Pure and simple.

And to make things worse, they're busy training the next generation to be leftie foot soldiers.

There is no way back for them in the long term. None.

The only positive thing I can think of is that us normies are learning to see how full of shit these people really are.

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I first thought, "Wow! This is going to be an insightful analysis and an honest appraisal of Democratic tactics and motivations!" Then, it became just another list of excuses to stay with the Party.

I was Democratic all my voting life. Then Clinton forced me into registering Independent. Then Obama pushed me even further Right, even though, in reality, I've never changed my liberal views.

I believe corruption is rife in both parties, but this Administration and the damage they have wrought upon America in only two short years has cemented my will to NEVER vote Democrat again.

Open your eyes, Free Press, and Walk Away.

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I thought it would be, too! Was disappointed in the article. I wish they would have defined the "craziness of the Republicans" or whatever phrase he used.

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Agreen 100%!

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The idea that the Democrats can win another term, not by being a competent force or by offering up policies that help the American people, but on pure hatred for the other party, built mostly on lies and propaganda, illustrates what is horribly wrong with America and her politics. God Help us!

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Agreed. Sadly, I think this is also true of the Republican Party. They need to stop focusing just on the craziness of the Democrats right now and start talking more about the positives that they can help bring about. Create a vision that will motivate people, not just scare them into voting for you.

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Yes. The entire framework is broken and the sheep masses don't realize it. No one stops to question why we are okay with voting for the lesser of two evils when the lesser evil of the two hasn't given us any valid reasons to vote for them other than that they are the lesser evil of the two. This mentality is ignorant and highly flawed.

It's like the Dems are saying; we are going to destroy America, but vote for us because the Republicans are going to destroy America more. (juvenile sarcasm here)

And the people say: Alright. That makes sense. I am on board with that. Let's go! As long as we can kill the babies while America is destroyed. We will be happy.

Keep in mind, I don't think we have an active two party system - we have a uni party controlled by the global elite / cabal. The uni party used to have hold of both parties entirely. They still have some of the RHINOs but for the most part they had to decimate the Democratic party because Trump took over the Republican party. Which is why the Democratic party looks so very different now than it did prior to Obama.

The Cabal is getting ready to usher in the Great Reset and do away with politicians for good - instead we will have figureheads like Bill Gates and Charles Schwab running things...the Global World Government. This is why they are making such a mockery of politicians (see Biden and Harris - Our office of the Presidency used to have stature). Soon the public with be clamoring for a new system - one that omits the lying politicians - the Trumps, Bidens, and Newsoms alike.

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What do you think that "new system" could look like and what would it do?

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I don't think it matters where all of the Democrats have gone, they are still winning elections. 2022's red wave was barely a sprinkle. The last off year elections have seen the Democrats either making headways into a Republican majority, or become the majority in a state's legislature.

In my opinion...As long as the remaining Democrats keep abortion rights as their focus, it doesn't matter how anti-semitic, hypocritical, or crazy progressive they are. They will continue to win elections. Because the Republicans are their own worst enemy.

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Sadly ure right. Shout abortion and they come running. The world could be on fire (and in many areas actually is) but they will vote Democrat EVERY time.

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Said it before: This is the hill on which we die.

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I agree with this and want to amplify it. Regardless of what any Trump supporters think about what he really did or didn't do, what a threat to the republic he really is or isn't, the fact is if the Rs don't oust him and run a candidate that is more palatable to all these disaffected Ds, they're not gonna win.

I know why it's so hard to be centrist/moderate on "my side" (former "woke" progressive, here), but I don't know why Rs can't see the Trump albatross and jettison him for good.

***Again, doesn't matter what you perceive of as what Trump "really" is, what the "real issues" are, it's about winning and it seems highly unlikely with him as the R candidate. And MAN, if Rs could move back to center (and really mean it) and dump him, they could solidify power in all three houses and in state gov't. for at least a decade. Do they really not see that?

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There's no longer a "center," MM. That's the problem.

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Rs are the center.

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You are correct and I am not "tired of winning yet" but very tired of losing since 2016.

Here is my simple answer. 1- thank DJT for job well done until Nov 4 (no I do not think he incited an insurrection) and beg him to go away. He ignites the opposition, which I like about him but I am in the minority.

2- respect differing opinions loudly on the abortion issue and note that the voters in each state are able to decide in a democratic fashion. Abortion is such a thorny issue with great passion on both sides. Reasonable people can disagree but Republicans will continue to lose if they are not reasonable and respectful of those that disagree with them.

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That and they have a bigger war chest to churn and smear opposition. Republicans aren’t as good as being dirty either. They don’t call ppl deplorable. I’m not advocating for that though. Some one has to take the high road.

The democrats are better at fear mongering too. They are normally guilty of anything they claim the opposition does too.

I’m less than impressed at how the Republicans have performed too.

So much so I have considered switching to the libertarian party.

The federal government has become such a bloated and ineffective behemoth that it needs some meaningful scale back. The office of Homeland Security has never fulfilled its mission yet 20+ yrs after 9/11 it’s still here. Why?

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That, and ballot-harvesting.

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Nothing could convince me to vote for a party that blames "white supremacy" for any problem. Hearing Joe Biden slur that and the bullhorn about "gender affirming care" is so blatantly evil, it's all anyone can hope for that they Pied Piper themselves off the nearest cliff. The Democrats are fomenting WWIII with their racist, patronizing, insulting, family-destroying crap. Add to this hiring people for top positions by skin color, sex, and sexual orientation. Screw them. Go away. I wish I could retract my naive, blind votes of the past. I recoil in horror at having voted for Obama, who I strongly suspect is living large on kickbacks from the trans-medicalization lobby.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

"I recoil in horror at having voted for Obama" Same here. I voted for him once.

"Add to this hiring people for top positions by skin color, sex, and sexual orientation"

But it worked so wellll with Sam Brinton. And, his bud Richard/Rachael Levine. Most Americans likely think he is a woman.

Great photo of the two here: https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/rachel-levine-sam-brinton

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After reading Obama's book, Dreams of my Father, I thought about voting for him and sent him an email, saying, "I hope you are who you say you are." The reply I received said, send money. I didn't vote for him.

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Never vote based on skin color no matter how good it might feel. It’s a superficial move and disregards intelligence & patriotism.

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So the guys that were so correct about the "emerging democratic majority" now think they can identify what happened. I loved this part of the interview:

"JJ: I used to always hear Democrats saying, “The election was all just Trump’s racist appeals,” but I actually went to the rallies in 2015. He would talk about bad trade deals. He promised to bring back Glass-Steagall, which is the bill regulating finance. He talked about health insurance. He was going to do a plan that actually would cover all Americans and wasn’t going to be like a rat’s maze. And if you compare the ads, his ads were overwhelmingly more policy-oriented than Clinton’s. She was really just attacking him as a bad guy and it didn’t work."

I wonder, did he say that at the time or did he reflexively call trump a fascist like every other democratic party hack?

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Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, Trump never produced those results. If he had, he'd still be President and gone down in history as one of the best.

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Actually he did generate the trade results. He renegotiated a number of trade agreements. Even peter zeihan has admitted such. His economic growth, coming on the heels of 8 years of "recovery" is actually quite good. He should go down as one of the best based on economic performance.

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They didn’t go anywhere, they transitioned into a Progressive. The same pressure to have angry wacko’s on the right is the progressive base doing it to Democratic Party. They want angry Progressive politicians. They love E. Warren, Bernie, Mazie Hirono, crazy people like those on the Oakland City Council....The incentives for wanna be pols, are to be on the extreme side, that is because the bases have been ginned up with conspiracies, fear and loathing of the other Party. Oooh, aren’t they are scary.

America has descended into to a bit of dystopian hell.

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This. The article is essentially the pot calling the kettle black. Both parties have been lost to their extremist members, while moderates on both sides who care about this country and use to be willing to work together to compromise and find solutions are left floundering in the center with no strong leaders. And as an aside, I disagree with labeling climate change an elitist issue. Confronting it would do an enormous amount of good for everyone ESPECIALLY the working class, both white and non-white.

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What is "extremist" about attempts to focus on the values that got us here? Or upon having a functioning border? Or about returning energy and other critical industries to the fore? I sorta get the pox-on-both-their-housesism, but drinking the climate change Kool-Aid? The only issue that might possibly be a bigger looser than wokeism.

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Exactly, Casey. Today, in the Democrat party, extremists ARE the mainstream. In the Republican party, they're the fringe.

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And the fringe is creeping closer toward the mainstream of the party.

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The climate change has been captured by those who want to fundamentally change America. To them it is equity. They want to do a whole host of societal, cultural changes. Climate change is just a facade similar to naming a climate bill the Inflation Reduction Act. It is profoundly unserious.

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Come next August or September Google will turn on the algorithm, Zuckerberg and the like will dump hundreds of millions into the race, and you know who will squeek out a win.

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Republicans are crazy??? Who are the ones trying to convince everyone that a biological man can actually be a woman? If that ain't crazy, then what is?

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Democrats have already realized this and instead of the painful job of shifting course have instead decided on a dual strategy of open border policy + no id for voting to stay relevant.

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What neither conservatives nor 'traditional' Democrats saw coming was the ever-expanding power of the academia-media complex over several decades now. It has emasculated our cherished Western democratic pluralism because most ambitious young people (however intelligent and talented they may be in other respects) are intellectual/philosophical sheep. “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” (Saul Bellow). They emerge from their 'higher education' sheep-dipped in the latest 'Progressive' fads. Genuine political/philosophical independent-mindedness is the exception not the norm

And academia is (and always has been) a magnet for faddy and obsessive malcontents. Meanwhile our political classes have been naively obsessed with 'winning power' at the ballot box..... even though this being 'in power' has become progressively less meaningful in the face of an identity-obsessed Progressive 'long march' through all the permanent civil and governmental institutions of society. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Good quote. Among these institutions are medical schools and medicine generally.

These "fads" are super profitable:

"U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Gender Transition (Male To Female, Female To Male), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030"


The American Academy of Pediatrics is a gender pusher:


There are some truly horrific doctors:


We need to talk about girls on SSRIs and Synthetic Testosterone:


It's like "fads" out of Germany in the 1930s:


Oh, here is one specifically regarding CA Democrats which begins with a discussion of Eugenic Sterilizations in the 20th century:


"With laws like AB665 (lowering the age of consent to 12 for gender counseling and residential shelter, without parental consent or even notification) California's leaders (Newsom, Bonta, Wiener, Thurmond) have allied with the real-life Child Catchers and Comprachicos. [4][5] (Erin Friday is on the case: “The parents will have no idea what happened to their child. Imagine their fear and anxiety. These parents are criminalized without an accusation, evidence or trial.”) With SB107 (giving CA custody of out-of-state children who come to CA for gender-affirming care, with or without a parent) California's leaders are becoming Child Catchers and Comprachicos. The stuff of nightmares. They seem immune to shame; will they be shamed by the predictable outcome of these laws? Which one, faced with the enormity of repeating California's historic crime, will be the first to say “no more”? "

Probably, Admiral Levine should wind up in prison for his huge role.

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