In short, the Democratic platform will be built on a divisive lie that Republicans are fascist. Meanwhile, Trump did not lock up a single political prisoner or curtail anyone’s rights.

But the progressive agenda have conspired with NGO’s and social media to suppress speech, impose laws to fine people for speech they don’t like; fired, censored and deplatformed countless speakers and academics; imposed by fiat loan forgiveness, eviction moratoriums, vax mandates and DEI pledges of allegiance; reinstate Title IX kangaroo courts at universities; impose equity through unequal treatment; sic the DOJ on school board protestors and Catholics; allowed agents of chaos to riot, burn and loot cities with impunity - the list goes on.

I’m shocked, utterly shocked they’d resort to lies.

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Over the past forty years, the Democratic Party has been transformed and weakened, from the donor top down, by meritocratic, neoliberal Boomers who radically broke with the FDR traditions of the old Dem party based on solidarity with the working and lower classes of all races in order to get as rich as possible. These Dem neoliberals prided themselves on being "socially liberal but fiscally conservative." That meant that in post-60s American they loved being bobos, college-educated elites, often risen from below because of college, who gloried in feeling morally superior to white working-class deplorables because the grads were totally PC on gender, race, and LGBTQ+ rights, which never cost any of them a dime in new taxes to support. The fiscal conservatism of these yuppies of all ages was a matter primarily of backing globalist Dem servants of Wall St. and corporate America, like Clinton and Obama, who were by definition de facto enemies of the working class because they backed the same globalistic political economy that gutted our industrial base by shipping it to China etc. as Reagan and the Bushes. Needless to say, the stock profits and exploding corporate salaries produced by globalization were hugely responsible for the massive wealth gains of our so-called "meritocrats" in both parties. So the second part of the "fiscal conservatism" of these nouveaux riches Dem yuppies (of whom the rise of the Clintons and the Obamas are almost parodically perfect examples) was naturally an aversion to tax increases almost identical to that of their young Republican twins, who only differed from Dem yuppies in not constantly virtue signaing about their devotion to "rights" for the "oppressed" which they could conveniently support tax-free. Long ago, during the Clinton presidency, the Rust Belt got wise to the ways in which yuppie Dem elites like the Clintons were constantly redefining "liberalism" as "helping" women, blacks, and the LGBTQ+, while these same yuppie Dems were as busy screwing over the American working class, mostly white demographically, with globalization as the Republicans any day. NAFTA said it all. Started by Bush, passed by Clinton. Republican Boomers like Trump have been more than happy to exploit the Dem yuppies' betrayal of the white working class by wooing them with incessant culture wars about (what else?) women, blacks, and the LGBTQ+. This was great for distracting white workers from the fact that Republican yuppies were waging exactly the same economic war against the workers Dem yuppies were, and conning white workers into believing only Dem PC yuppies were the "elites" screwing them over economically, when in fact Republican yuppies were just as much class enemies economically of the white workers as Dems any day. Let's hope that younger Dems follow Bernie's lead in trying to get the Dems back to their economic FDR roots as the friends of workers and the poor of all genders, races, ethnic groups, and sexual preferences, as well as being the enemies of the legacy of the Boomer yuppie meritocratic "malefactors" of globalization in both parties. We need a united front of young, progressive FDR ecomic liberals and the workers of all types they are equally fighting for economic justice for. That could unite America again, as it was under FDR, and help the country be as prosperous and powerful for all our citizens as possible. United we stand; divided against China and the rest we fall.

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Bill Maher's been saying for some time now that the Democrats have radically changed, leaving liberals like him behind. The Republicans, meanwhile, have become a cult of personality. There is a real need for more pragmatic political solutions being offered by a centrist party rather than the craziness now on display by Democrats and Republicans alike.

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This article and discussion seems completely out of touch with the current state of affairs. October 7 and the unconscionable praise or affirming silence of many on the left has completely upended the status quo. Many mainline Dems are horrified by what “progressive” identity politics has done to our universities and cities. A large contingent of left leaning voters have been set adrift without a political home - abandoned by the party they thought had their back. This article ignores these facts, which only highlights how out of touch this analysis is.

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I'm sick and tired of both parties. They are both deplorable and don't govern to take care of the needs of the people they are elected to care for. They instead care about filling their own pockets, their friends, big pharma's and other self interested billionaires. Enough already! Kennedy will get my vote as the politician who truly cares about changing the wreckage our country had become.

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Fascist is a great word for Dems to run with. With the BLM riots, Defund the Police, and now the pro Hamas antisemitic displays the argument gets thrown right back at them. Any normal Republican ( Haley) will absolutely destroy Biden, as the initial polls clearly confirmed. Trump will still lose to any Democrat.

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Where Have All the Democrats Gone? Some have gone to the Republican party but many, especially younger voters, have moved towards a more populist independent mindset. Many will not show up next year for either of the two ‘old guys’ but those that do will vote for RFK Jr or some other non-party candidate. Both parties will become less relevant as boomers die off and younger voters become the majority.

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I do not see any way that the stealth Kamala Harris for president bit is going to work for the progressives. Not many middle class Democrats of any of the human colors can stomach her. And Joe certainly does not seem to be hitting all cylinders these days. So a vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala. Real.

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Nice try, but pretty much a useless article. The commenters are part of the "professional class" and way too much a part of the problem to be able to comment appropriately on it. Plus they know somewhere between little and nothing about what Republican voters think or what motivates them.

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Neither party has ever been pure. There's extremism on both sides. But the fringe left has a ball-clamp on the Democratic Party. Asian, Hispanic and Black voters are leaving the Democrats in droves. Lefties desperately need the reason for that to be white racism, and minorities voting 'against their own interests,' but the real reason is that the 8% of Americans who identity as 'progressive' (overwhelmingly white, young and rich) dominate the media narrative, and that narrative has become increasingly radical. They're completely out of step with the working classes of all races. The fringe Woke left needs to be excised from the Democratic Party if there's any hope for liberals. A new Obama-style coalition needs to happen. Personally I'd like to see moderates on both sides join hands. But that's doubtful.

Michael Mohr

Sincere American Writing


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It's not complicated. The left decided that an "end run" to social issues was the best way to attack (what they view) as the core injustice within western democratic capitalism - lack of equal outcomes. So they put all their efforts over a generation into portraying every possible identity group as victims of the white, heterosexual male. Because they cannot argue the economic failures of capitalism (they lost that one long ago) - they instead argue that the people running it are doing so only because of profound injustice.

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I cited actions, not words. You tell me to research words alone. You offer nothing to support your initial assertion.

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I viewed Trump as a protest vote in 2016. His election would not be the end of the world, the USA had survived plenty of bad Presidents. When he won I naively believed there would be some form of reflection by the establishment & attempts to address issues which actually affected the ordinary people. Instead most Democrats (& some Republicans) went stark raving lunatic asylum screaming screeching nuts & appeared to have stayed that way. Terrifying.

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Poll after poll says a large percentage of Americans are dissatisfied with both parties and partisan BS. The Trump and Obama presidencies, for all their hoopla, didn't inspire anything like the trust that previous leaders had.

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The 1950s and 1960s liberals solved many American problems, changing our thinking and behavior in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly among people born after 1960. So much so, a mainstream Republican takes for granted so many points raised by old liberals as requiring correction. Color-blind, check; women in the workplace in roles once reserved for men - fighter pilot, CEO, lawyer, garbage truck driver, and at the same pay, check. and so on. Liberals have run out of issue. What they need to focus on are the few remaining problems - a truly decent education for all - teachers’ Unions showed their colors and value in the Pandemic. Education, be it academic or technical, is a civil rights issue, but poor versus rich, not by race. And governance is terrible. Government and the incompetency of our Federal government. Imagine not knowing where $300 billion or more of COVID funds went. Business is skewed to executives rewarded extravagantly for success OR failure. Liberals, it is time to refocus on problems rather than lunatic ideologies. As a man, I will not need an abortion, but then maybe it is because I am beyond MEN-0-pause. Oh, and stop the hate wing-nuts.

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Climate change is an “elitist” issue? Seriously? It affects us all, but low income communities and countries suffer the most from the mounting disruptions: floods, droughts, fires…

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