One thing that really stood out to me was the fact that they chose to shut down the Tube at a low-income neighborhood, which likely disrupted the lives of many poor people and did nothing to fight climate change. It’s the path of least resistance. Spoiled trust fund brats that want to “change the world” via meaningless protest are actively harming poor and working class people. I’ve noticed that this describes most young protesters in general.

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If the author had bothered to carefully look at the “data” prior to starting this crazy journey, she would realize that the planet will warm about 1.5 Celsius in the next century, and we will adapt and be fine. See Lomborg, Shellenberger, Koonin, etc. Climate activism doesn’t have a “cult” problem, it is a problem all by itself.

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The founder of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, turned on the organization once he realized it wasn’t about saving the environment, it was about power. It always comes down to power.

These environmental cults fill the void left by the abandonment of religion. Funny how they have all the same elements--original sin, guilt, penance through sacrifice. But there’s never forgiveness. In Christianity there is forgiveness and reconciliation. But in cults, there can’t be. The cult leaders must keep their followers wallowing in guilt. That’s how they get more power. I saw Al Gore has made hundreds of millions of dollars these past several years. Doing what other than scaring kids? Meanwhile we are having bake sales at my church to raise enough money to repair the roof.

Everyone in an environmental cult needs to read Unsettled by Koonin. He uses IPCC’s own data to show that climate change is not the big scare it is made out to be. And the cultists need to visit countries of the third world and understand the devastating impact of their intentions on poor people.

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I have young kids. I believe climate change is real and requires thoughtful and prompt action, and like Zion, I also believe that the solutions have to take us towards a future of human flourishing. I am deeply troubled that due to rhetoric like that espoused by XR, it’s become commonplace for mainstream publications to refer casually to a “dying world,” and to toss around the possibility of complete societal collapse. There’s a deeply anti-human, nihilistic strain in all of this. But if you want a better future - if you want solutions - you have to inculcate hope, not despair. If you think you won’t see thirty, you won’t lay the groundwork for a better world. You won’t have children or pursue education or try to build deep community. Because why should you, in the face of this apocalyptic future?

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15 years ago I had done this debate--that of global warming, which I will remind all is the ACTUAL conjecture not being debated--so many times, I CREATED my blog to do a systematic treatment of the topic. Even though many of the links are long since defunct, the basic logic holds even today: https://moderatesunitedblog.com/2008/01/

Here is the core problem with the science: there is no non-trivial measurable prediction being made which can be validated or falsified within anything CLOSE to the time intervals in which they want us to make ENORMOUS, extremely destructive decisions that IN THEMSELVES will cause famine and death if implemented with anything approaching seriousness. The Dutch destroying their farms is not serious; many provinces in China and India alone generate vastly more CO2 than the whole nation.

The Earth has been without ice and covered in ice; everything in between is within normal climatic variation. And we need to understand that there is ZERO scientific basis for claiming that the warming that is supposedly happening is "without precedent". The resolution of the ice cores they are using for historic temperature reconstruction is perhaps a 1,000 years or more.

Formally, Anthropogenic Global Warming exists as a conjecture scientifically. It was relabelled "Climate Change"--which amounts to "weather"--for this reason.

But if anyone wanted to take the idea seriously from a truly SCIENTIFIC perspective, it requires differential warming in the upper Troposphere, which is about one mile up. Most heat retention lower than that comes from water vapor, which absorbs about 70-90% of the Earth's radiant heat on any given day. CO2 can only absorb about 12% of the frequencies in play, and for this reason its effect is inversely logarithmic. Each doubling only matters half as much, because at some point it will be absorbing 100% of the heat in the frequencies where is matters, and then an infinite amount will do nothing but help plants.

But to claim that CO2 produced by humans is causing warming REQUIRES differential warming in the upper Troposphere. As it happens, we have very reliable readings from satellites, and we are able to avoid the problems of fluid dynamics up there since it is a relatively uniform mass, at least compared to the surface level.

A TRULY scientific hypothesis would be that "Atmospheric CO2 is excess of what would normally be expected caused by the combustion of fossil fuels will produce differential warming at the altitude where CO2 has most of its effect. Such warming will be local, such that that zone is warming relative both to the layer above and the layer below." That is what a TRUE scientific hypothesis would look like.

But they don't do that. Why would scientists not want to validate as well as possible their own predictions? Why? Seriously? Are you even asking that? THIS IS A METHOD FOR POLITICAL CONTROL OF THE PLANET. None of this is defined by honest science.

I have to get going, but I can debate this all day long. The whole thing is a ridiculous farce, and the worst thing about it is people are being hurt for no reason--like Dutch farmers--AND WE COULD BE SPENDING ALL THIS MONEY ON BETTER THINGS, LIKE GETTING PLASTICS OUT OF OUR OCEANS AND KEEPING THEM OUT. That is a real problem. Global warming is not. It's a big freaking joke.

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Even Atheists need a religion, and they have turned to worshiping politicians.

They have angels, demons and saviors which they worship beyond all logic.

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“One 24-year-old girl, Louise, climbed atop a crane on the highway. “I’m here because I don’t have a future,” she exclaimed between sobs.”


I know we are supposed to have sympathy for her because the reason she believes all of this is because she has been subjected to intense psychological manipulation and an unrelenting propaganda campaign from modern day Nazis like Al Gore and Rachel Maddow.

Regardless, I still kinda just think that Louise is an idiot.

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If they sound nuts, it's because they are.

Replacing fossil fuels is fine - IF you have a realistic replacement. But here's the rub, if you ban oil and natural gas for home heating, anytime soon, you hate poor and working class people. Why? Because the alternative of electric heat pumps is unaffordable to them. Tear out a perfectly good furnace, spend $20,000 to install ductwork and then pay four times or more as much to heat your home? With electricity production we do not have and will not have with solar and wind. Unless we begin a massive investment in next gen nukes. And don't get me started on electric vehicles.

These people are crazy and they hate you. They think nothing of destroying our most cherished and mutually shared and loved art treasures. They want you to die in the cold and dark. They sow chaos and ruin. They are not your friends. They are your enemy because they are stealing your children's future. Treat them accordingly.

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It would be helpful to provide an article on all the everyday products we use made from fossil fuel. If we focus entirely on the automobile and electric grid we miss out on much of the issue. We all want clean air and water, but we also need heat in the winter, food, shelter clothing and so much more that none of the climate activists offer solutions in place of fossil fuels. How about accounting for the sun’s impact on warming and climate change? At the end of the day it seems this is all a manipulation by a few to gain riches at the expense of the masses. Al Gore being the ring leader with John Kerry and other politicians.

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It makes me furious to see morons attempt to harm or destroy priceless works of art. These fools don't have any skills, can't create or build anything but they sure are quick to destroy.

The only thing they seem to have in abundance is arrogant moral virtue preening.

If they had any education at all they would know the Earth has been changing since the very beginning. There are quite a few excellent documentaries that show this vividly so these fools wouldn't even have to be able to read. Two I particularly liked are "Australia," and "Voyage of the Continents."

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Fascinating perspective coming from the inside of one of these organizations. I can only really see the outside of that. Online I can see the push of the fear porn and the shouting and the protests. But I've never seen or read what kind of manipulation does go on behind the scenes. Thank you for the great piece!

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I couldn’t help but think of Jim Jones as I read this. All the earmarks of a manipulative central figure conning the naive and vulnerable into following a path of insanity.

Is the climate changing? Uh, yes. And has been for millions of years. There’s a reason they’re called “fossil fuels.” But the solutions are not all or nothing. Think Buffalo, NY. How many people have to be sacrificed on the altar of climate alarmism before people realize we can adapt, and even thrive in new and different ways. For anyone who hasn’t already figured this out, there is a class of hucksters going back to Al Gore who have figured out how to instill fear and profit from it.

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People are misguided to believe we have the ability to impact the earth climate to the degree politicians and activist suggest. Even if the west stopped all fossil fuels today the impact will be negligible. Energy is necessary for prosperity, fossil fuels will one day be exhausted or diminished to the point that the material will have more value for things other than fuel and use as fuel will be priced out of the market. Prosperity is necessary for people to care, for people to thrive and for the extreme poverty that still impacts significant numbers of people to be diminished. Prosperity is necessary to allow us to adapt and innovate as climate changes. People forget that there was once ice sheets from the Pole to the central USA and they retreated long before fossil fuels existed. Human activity did not cause the ices sheets or the retraction. The plains used to be roamed by mammoths, saber toothed cats, Pterodactyls, and were lush green places that we read about in books that seem unreal. The continents shift and move, huge volcanic eruptions can cause decades of cooling. All of this is beyond human control. Our experiences is but a blink in geologic time. Even from the birth of Christ until now is miniscule on a geologic scale. I won't even start on how an society dependent only on electricity cannot be free and cannot have national security. One bomb on the power grid and all economic activity and transportation stops. The Afghan and Syrians wars show how much power there is in Toyota trucks fossil fuels and AR rifles. The afghans held off the Russians and the USA. If they only had EV's and no guns they would now be enslaved. The Energy sector needs to educate and tell the honest story of the success and wonders of the world that was only enabled by fossil fuels. And currently most of the electricity come form fossil fuels. Those nuts like John Kerry selling fear with lies do nothing to help us move forward with the sound diversified energy policy needed. Glad this lady at least party woke up to reality she still has a bit to go.

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The Planet is not at risk. You are being manipulated for political control.

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“All these stories feature young members of a movement that claims to fight climate change by demanding their governments stop using and producing fossil fuels immediately.”


The number one emitter of carbon on earth is the US military. All of these people also have “Glory to Ukraine” in their bio.

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It's good to see that one person has abandoned the most extreme foolishness and anti-science of the global warming cult. However, she has a long way to go to learn that the entire AGW 'science' is bogus, based on failing models and outrageous projections.

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