"Disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and "villages" that collectively care for each other."

Strong communities don't disrupt the nuclear family structure, nor vice versa. In fact, the nuclear family structure is the most vital aspect to having strong communities. Seriously ask yourself, why would anyone want to actively attack the idea of having a family?

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Totally off topic, but I hope the Google AI image generator is on TFP's radar. It will refuse to show white men under any circumstances and lectures you if you ask to see pictures of white people. It will add the word "diverse" to your prompt if you ask it to show you "people".

DEI racism, coming straight to an AI near you!

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Letter to Bari Weiss:

Dear Bari,

Please up your game. Or I will move on.

I didn’t subscribe to get links to “things Oliver is following”. Behind paywalls.

Content lately has been stale and uninspired.

Signed, one of your original supporters.

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The overall importance of the accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen (that’s correct airMEN and not they them) was that they learned to fly some of the most difficult high performance fighter aircraft of their day. They flew fighter escort missions for their white counterparts among other duties too numerous to mention here, in an environment of extreme discipline. However the most important part of their effort is that they went up on sortie after sortie after sortie to confront an evil system. Nearly 25,000 men (not they them) were killed flying combat missions, and despite horrific losses on missions over Germany they ALL went up, and went up and went up. When we listen to this divisive drivel coming from the XRay thin socialites and their castrated husbands, it is key to ask yourself would I go up day after day? Would I be ready to give my life for an idea and grand experiment. As a Marine Infantry Officer I asked and answered that question…many times. The answer wasn’t as simple as yes, it was Yes, but only because of the Marines around me. One can suspect the bravery and harmony of the Red Tails was that very concept. They also knew something, we all bleed the same color…RED.

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The thing that worries me about AI is we seem to be programming it to have the same self-loathing as the typical woke white person coming out of our university system.

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The AI image generators are biased because the images they're trained on are biased. Type "family" into Google images and see what comes up. Or "two people" and see what color they are.

Big tech is woke, their bias is towards woke themes, and we're training our AI on this biased product. It is unfortunate.

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BLM is important, just not for the kids killed in the inner city. No family structure, no education, life expectancy of maybe 24 and no hope. Yet Mom being a Booty call and Dad moving on to the next Baby Mommy is seen as everyone else's fault. Kids roaming the streets as targets for gangs. The lives only matter if it benefits the grifters and crooks telling everyone they care.

Bullshit artists that have found stupid white lemmings ready to admit they are the cause of all social issues and must be stepped on and punished for those bad things. Reparations to correct injustice. Yet Trillions poured into programs that have resulted in nothing but failure. What that dog whistle is, I want some more free shit and when I waste that, I will demand more until you realize, you can never satisfy the social justice idiots.

The social justice clown in the news yesterday, said we can eliminate crime if we don't call it crime. So car jacking is just unauthorized borrowing, shooting someone is just piercing for future body art, robbing is just satisfying societies unwillingness to meet someones needs. See, all better, no more crime. How did we ever get such F-ing brain dead individuals being listened too?

Here's the truth. Me, my family, and pretty sure all of the FP readers haven't done shit to subjugate or discriminate against anyone. It's all Kubuki Theater ( but the actors in Kubuki have talent) and unfortunately the American people have been dumbed down enough to believe this crap. Doesn't spell well for the future.

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Bravo to Dr Vijay Prasad for calling out the fraud, deception, and despicable behavior in medical academia in general and in cancer “ research” specifically.There is an epidemic of bullshit permeating the medical profession from top to bottom. This is going on in cancer research and early cancer detection, psychiatric publications, pediatrics pushing to neuter children on the woke altar of Trans cultism. Big pharma is playing a big role in all of this, by capturing the regulatory agencies, bribes to big name” researchers” and the rank and file prescribers.

Beware. Question everything .

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I’m so tired of Black History Month. When is it not Black History Month these days?

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As a recent retiree living in the south, I have been alarmed by the cost of food today. Before retirement, I would never look at the receipt at the register at the local supermarket, but NOW, as the primary shopper, I am constantly aware of the costs. It seemed as if every time I go to the supermarket, my bill will be close to, if not OVER, $100.00! Every time my wife gives me a list for a healthy new recipe for dinner, that we spend over $50.00 for ONE MEAL. I can fully understand people who make things like collards with fatback, or mac and cheese with tuna or canned chicken as their main meal. Both are relatively inexpensive, the mac and cheese going for less than a dollar at discount stores, and a can of tuns for under $3.00, while collards and fatback or pigs feet or tails can get you a meal for 4 under $10.00. Steak? Forget it! Even the ubiquitous pork butt, one of the most inexpensive cuts of meat can be daunting. So don't tell me how "great" the economy is doing, or how Bidenomics is such a success, at least until I see a change in my food purchases.

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I still have not met an African American who sits home at night and wonders what Al Sharpton or BLM think in my day-to-day life. I think the issue of BLM now is a fringe movement as part of the broader struggle against the intellectual left. ( Yes, I know it is an oxymoron) I would love the Free Press to continue developing the alternative to this nonsense by promoting Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter, and Glenn Loury.

I think a second thing that is needed is a program to educate dumb, intellectually vacant GOP politicians who can go after the movement while not getting sucked into the racism trap. In all political debates, the right yields to the left out of fear of being labeled an "ism." They react rather than attacking the left or defending values. Hughes's current book is a good template for engaging in this battle. The left wins by fear that people don't want to be labeled racists.

If we can attack them for their dumb ideas, then we can deposit this movement in the dustbin of history. Once the veil of moral superiority is lifted from these idiots, they will lose.

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The Left is congenitally incapable of looking beyond the first level. Why are so many blacks not doing well? It's oppression, that's what it is! And we can fix it - not by working on our own lives - but by dragging everybody else down! Let's inculcate THEIR kids with the kind of hatred we force on OURS. How about a nice coloring book?

No, perhaps it's deeper than that. Maybe it's what Thomas Sowell - one of America's two greatest living men, both as black as it gets - says. Maybe it's a culture that celebrates and promotes every form of self-immolation known, whether it's the "gangsta" thing, the "pimp/ho" thing, the "doing well in school is not something to be celebrated; it's 'acting white'" thing ....

When I was a teen, a wise old man told me, "You can't help people that don't want it." When the bulk of the Useful Idiots slaving away on the Soros Plantation want to be free, they can call me. I'll be glad to help; I'm in the book. Until then, channeling a little Floyd, Leave Them Kids Alone.

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Now Biden is paying off the loans of 150,000 college Libs? The Left is pushing me to vote for Trump a 3rd time. I had committed to stay out of this 2024 election between 2 extreme losers.

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Their goal is an American Cultural Revolution by a Long March Through The Institutions. "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." -- Vladimir Lenin

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So much to say on all the topics but today I will comment on the cancer research... the way we stop "fighting cancer" is to stop poisoning our foods, water and air with known carcinogenic chemicals. It's insane!! But it all comes back to the manufacturers profit, the lobbyists and the government agencies who turn a knowingly blind eye because they get huge kickbacks as well.

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https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/teach-your-children-well" America has seen a sharp growth of parent anger and activist pushback against instances of classroom indoctrination - sometimes even at kindergarten age. The trigger was how covid pandemic lockdowns heightened parental awareness of the school curriculum. Opeds like this one are not uncommon: “When schools went remote, parents found out what was actually going on inside the classrooms. Teachers were coaching students to hate themselves, their country and their religious traditions and sexualizing young children.” Most inflammatory has been the ‘gender studies’ fads that leaked from academia’s Social Justice petri-dishes a few years back into the media mainstream and thence into the nation’s public schools. The response to this anger by officialdom has varied by state. In blue states it has mostly been met with pious disavowal from the school authorities. But in some red states - like Florida and Oklahoma - the parents’ cudgels have been taken up by the state executive. And even in ultra-woke blue states like California and New England, organised parental mobilisations - like Protect Kids California and Parents Unite - have sprung into action......"

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