
It was almost certainly unintentional. However, the left-hand image reads "Black Lies Matter". Perhaps the author is subtly attacking his/her organization.

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Oliver, you sound like Phyllis Schlafly, complaining that books showing unmarried people holding hands will be the death of civilization.

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We humans GROOM children for the sex trade and for jihad. Let's call it was it is.

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That Gemini thing with the black Vikings really make me "laugh out loud," but is it really so different than watching a movie made by Netflix or Disney?

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I like your ideas. I just object to your bashing those who want to try to help some of the people who are under water and it wouldn't tale $1.7 trillion to do that. We're all in this country together and I wish we could care about each other a little more. Have a nice day.

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seriously??? their star witness, the one who had all the VERIFIABLE??? information, has been found to be a Russian operative lying and spreading misinformation... who, pray tell, are their other witnesses?

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More than 50 years age (OMG) I was in a very progressive, inner city high school which was very integrated. A fellow student and I were having a heated debate about whose group was more historically victimized.

Our world history teacher (Miss - not Ms Phelan) told us in no uncertain terms, to shut up, sit down and learn some history.

Blessings be on you Miss, not Ms Phelan!

[One interesting thing was that the other person was of African and Scottish descent. He was arguing that the Scots were more victimized]

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My young sons went to PS 321 back when Peter Heaney, an openly gay man, was the principal. My ex-husband had started wearing dresses and make-up and claimed to be me, the mother of our children at that time as well. I had many private meetings with Mr. Heaney, who told me with candor that gay guys do understand this "transsexual" thing at all. This was 1994, and after ex had the surgeries in 1996, our older son told a teacher there that he wished he could jump off the roof and kill himself. We had to get an expensive, court certified psychologist to do the evaluation. My ex-husband refused to participate in any therapy unless it was a special "gender therapist" even though our son had never expressed cross-sex ideation. These revelations will cause the property values in Park Slope to decline. Here's the video in which I debunk "transing children" via "Dutch Protocols"

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Should have read, "do NOT understand this transsexual thing"

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“Feature not a bug” is a phrase that should be used more.

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Not gonna lie. Black Vikings look pretty badass.

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About 20+ years ago, teachers were pushing anti bullying policies at school. The objective was to help ALL children feel good about themselves. People seemed to be getting along better in general back then. Now it seems the teachers themselves (and the whole school system) have become bullies and are determined to pulverize the spirits of white children, just because they are white. From what I read, the teachers unions are pushing this agenda. If white people are so oppressive, how is it we have had a black president? We have many blacks working in our government now, including black Supreme Court justices. Oprah, JayZ, Kenye West are all BILLIONAIRES. We have MANY black athletes, TV personalities, actors, musicians, that are MILLIONAIRES. How is that oppressive? How is it these liberals hate capitalism so much when they themselves have become rich because they have that opportunity? Oprah and Dr. Ben Carson grew up poor and disadvantaged, but somehow they overcame their hardships and succeeded wildly. Many white children are also growing up poor with severe adversities, but I guess that doesn’t count.

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No all teachers, not all districts. I am on a K-2grade web group of teachers and parents discussing science of reading. The teachers on there are incredibly dedicated and concerned. My bet, from the books they recommend, is that they are not concerned with "pushing the agenda". Now as to elite NYC private schools and public schools in large inner cities, as bets are off.

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"Disrupting patriarchal family"... No need to work hard, it has been disrupted, especially for blacks.

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No question our academic and scientific and medical institutions are horribly flawed now. All the wrong incentives. Money, government and politics ruined it. Such a pity

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The coloring book is dangerous for our society. Whomever came up with this idea should be in jail.

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What we are learning since the MSM and the DC swamp lied to us about Covid is that much of the accepted medical narrative is a massive lie to keep the gravy train going for the medical pharma industrial complex. The last thing they want is to cure anything. They want you to be consistently sick so they can milk you for all of your money. You owe yourself to find a Substack called the “the forgotten side of medicine”. It’s written by a doctor in the Midwest who is extremely eloquent in his/her writing is able to bring in past history to show the corruption in the medical industry and the fraud committed by big Pharma in their trials. Is also able to explain the actual medicine/science behind his/her claims.

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Still nothing about the stunning news that the CIA spied on Trump since 2015 and invented the Russian collusion story out of thin air. Come on Oliver how on earth could you miss the biggest story of your lifetime.

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