
Let me add, food, clothing, and shelter are the basics of life. This is what should matter to voters.

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Perhaps the key word is "credible" so if I interpret it, there were reports, simply not credible.

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Batya Ungar-Sargon is the only one on the panel that even attempts to underdstand the appeal of Trump to the vast majority of the electorate. Given all of the lies told by the MSM Including David Faris and Peter Savodnik about Trump everyday for the last 9 years. If the MSM was even handed in their treatment ( this is an impossibility but we do it to illustrate a point) Trump would win in a vast landslide victory as he is the only candidate since Reagan who's guiding principle is to do what is in the best Interest of the American People. No one in DC is doing that now and that is Trump's appeal. He is willing to take a bullet to expose the corruption in the Capital City. Harris is part of the Corruption and will never do anything to advance the interest of the American people.

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Batya Ungar-Sargon seems to be deep in conspiracy land with some of her statements. She reminds me of kellyanne Conway in her attempt to spin even the weirdest things in favor of Trump or to invent "alternative facts".

It's clear that no matter what Trump does or says, she will still defend him as apparently in her views expressed about experts (apparently she is proud to be none).

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The fact that Trump didn’t grasp the opportunity to deliver a better performance in the debate doesn’t change the facts about his policies during his presidency and the track record of Biden/Harris administration. And I think the latter is far more important than the debate performance.

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The guy that mismanaged Covid, that wanted to nuke a hurricane, that sides with dictators like Putin against the American service man, that made a disastrous deal with the Taliban leading to 5000 of them being released and setting up the base for the Afghanistan disaster after his election loss, the guy who whines about his election loss and instigated an insurrection to overthrow the will of the American people, this guy didn't do a good job. Rather, he did the worst job of any American presidents. Hopefully he will not win again as another term would be much worse now that the adults are no longer in the room to restrain him.

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Nobody cares how well you can do the job if you act like an idiot during the job interview. I agree with you, but that doesn't mean he will be elected.

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A lot of people do care about how well one can do the job. If Americans choose Harris in this election, I can only say that Americans are so dumbed down that they deserve the decline of this great country.

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Interesting to listen today, Thursday, to reality check the pod-casters. But here is thing as others said, partisans have no idea what independents think or react too. From all I've seen, Trump was Trump but had specifics. Kamala was putting on an act. The line graphs afterwards showed Independents more aligned with Republicans than Democrats the vast majority of the time.

Here's the tip off, when Dems are over the moon becasue of something their candidate or said, it will not be viewed favorably by anyone else but the Dem base. Kamala viewed as the status quo candidate and trump as the change agent. Kamala down right refuse to give specifics, just like joe. They throw around words like unity, bipartisanship etc. But if joe proved any thing to us, Democrats are not about unity nor bipartisan acts for the sake of unity.

As one of the news sites posted, she may have won a battle but Trump will win the war.

Oh yeah, I didn't watch the debate either. You will always get more details than you want, or need, the next day.

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As a center right Independent, there is something the two beltway beta progressives missed about us that explains why focus groups show a shift to Trump after his poor showing Tuesday. Most Independents hate the parties as they product party puppets year after year who do nothing after winning. Trump is a fighter as you well discuss and Kamala an empty suit, they both confirmed their worst sides. So, time to choose and that choice is the fighter, remember the pumped fist after the assassination attempt was not for the Trumpers but for others. Bring on the mean Tweets and rebuild not reimagine the federal gov.

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Based on the volume of texts and emails received the day after, the debate winners were the fund-raisers.

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Donald Trump beat the least popular person to ever run for POTUS in 2016 and then barely lost to a dementia patient who spent his campaign in the basement in 2020. But blind Trump supporters say “He’s a great winner!” Haley up by 20. Trump probably loses. Absurd.

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And the biden/kamala sycophants are different how? HRC was further ahead at the same time in her election against Trump, she spent a lot more money, but lost.

Trump didn't beat HRC, she lost to Trump. biden didn't beat Trump Trump lost to biden. As we see in the polls of today, kamala is still not liked as a person, she appears as shallow huckster without any values or specific plans, just broad generalities.

Then one lesson joe learned after HRC, you need to do everything in your power to get elected. The end justifies the use of any means to reach that goal. The republicans learned that yes, the Dems will use everything in their power, legal, moral or otherwise, to win elections.

The biggest regret Trump should have had is when kamala said she is the only one on this stage yada yada. All Trump had to do is say I am the only one on this stage who has served for president and here are my accomplishment and the world leaders I have successfully interacted with. Game, set, match.

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“They’re eating the dogs!” The new catchphrase for this debate. Last one was “I finally beat Medicare.” My son listened to it and said “Okay Boomer,” and that basically confirmed for me Trump’s chances will now fade in Midwest. The hanger ons are expecting one last great performance out of this old QB, but he’s no Tom Brady and even Brady went out after 8-9.

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I see very few groups, except for partisan, who were impressed enough with kamala to move the needle in her direction. It's not about Trump it's about kamala, the MSM and I wished he had been sentenced to jail. The dumbest line to date, he is a convicted felon. They turned him into the oppressed martyr. And this country loves the oppressed and under dog.

As Frankenstein learned, you can build them but not always control them. The Dem party being Frankenstein.

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Swing voter here. Yes we’re very real. It’s easy when you don’t like either person. I think a big thing thats being missed in the critique of Trump is that its been eight years. He’s highly polarizing and we all already know what he’s like. I think the debate was much more important for Kamala Harris to introduce herself than for Trump to magically stop being a loose cannon.

It was a good night for Kamala since Trump couldn’t stay on task well enough to paint her as a far left progressive. That being said anyone who would be off put by Trump’s style and his total absence of expertise in his presentation is already a Kamala voter at this point since again we’ve met Trump before and he’s never changed.

I don’t think this debate will move the polls. Trump showed zero personal growth after being shot and my opinion of him remains the same. Kamala didn’t do enough to convince me that she isn’t pretending to be moderate in order to get elected and go back on her word.

I’m still voting for Trump as the lesser of two evils. Kamala didn’t successfully pin the immigration problem on Republicans. I’m libertarian and don’t like socialist price controls or government hand outs like debt cancellation and money for a house.

Unfortunately for Kamala the game isn’t to make Trump look bad. It’s to convince the moderates that she is one of us, and I don’t think she has enough time to do that. So if i’m forced to pick an extreme, its the one to the right currently.

Too bad they didn’t nominate Shapiro

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There is no question that Kamala achieved the objective she set out to do - get under Trump’s skin. But that was the wrong objective. The poll preceding the debate implied that independents aren’t committed to her because they don’t know where she stands. But in the debate, there were only two policy positions she described clearly - pro-abortion and tax credits for new parents and start-ups in YRI. Strategically, these don’t plant a flag as the change candidate. Abortion is an old story and the fastest path to success are the amendments.

Regarding the latter, it’s “hot air” - you have to make enough money to pay taxes to benefit from tax credits. Neither new parents nor startup founders (in year one) are likely to fall in that category. For the few that do, they are filing a return that allows them to deduct and amortize business expenses over multiple years (so the startup tax credit has no value) and the negative value of a tax on unrealized capital gains “trumps” (pun intended) the remaining positive value tax credits for childcare.

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I couldn't bring myself to watch the debate, so, can someone tell me, was Kamala challenged on her former assurances of Biden being 100% cognitively capable to not only be the president now, but to be a competent president for the next 4 years. This was her lie to the entire world. She should have been challenged on it.

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Sam Harris the patient with the most severe case of TDS, nevertheless wrote a piece a while back, titled, "The Lie That Will Not Die"

As much as I despise Sam's take on Trump, he can make correct predictions at time. And sure enough, despite his plea to drop the "There are good people on both sides" trope, Kamala employed it and of course it went unchallenged by the so called fact checkers.

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When will the GOP take their party back from this madness? Why do republicans want this? If the GOP had a candidate like, Liz Chaney, Romney or Haley. They would run away with this election

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Sarcasm right? Except Haley.

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They prefer to lose. GOP special.

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That is true.

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I thought it was a fair, balanced podcast. Everyone agreed that Trump was given an easy layup to win the debate - hammer home her record after four years - and he completely flubbed it. Harris said nothing but vague platitudes, which told us nothing. And the moderators were utterly horrible, reconfirming why trust in the regime media has cratered. Looking back, it was all so predictable.

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I thought the issues in Springfield, OH were raised by residents in a public meeting. Maybe those were then shared on social media, but that doesn't mean they aren't true. Why were these podcast participants, especially Michael and David, so dismissive of those issues that, as far as I know, were brought out by real people who have witnessed those events. Is there some evidence it was all made up, if so, tell us. Don't just quote the city official who doesn't know anything.

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Also- there are many videos, including police body cam, that validate the killing and abduction of cats, geese by the Haitians in Springfield.

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I do know today Gov Dewine of Ohio is sending the guard to help in Springfield, a city completely overwhelmed. If it wasn’t an issue, why send the guard?

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