She's Biden/Bribem in a pantsuit, another neocon owned by the Mil-Ind complex.

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Interesting... Haley outperformed the polls significantly. That's rare.

Trump generated about 10k of his 34k lead from the towns immediately bordering Massachusetts from Nashua to the Atlantic - those are the towns that have grown to support commuting into Boston in part. He crushed her in those towns.

That's not exactly Republican country. This tells me the Democrats are running the Oz strategy on the man himself - they want no part of Haley in the General.

I don't think this race is over. The media wants it to be over. Trump's new besties want it to be over so they can move on and contemplate their rewards if Trump wins. Trump probably doesn't want it to be over because he loves the attention. But it's one-on-one now and I think we'll see a lot of movement in polling nationally this week.

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Agree, though the “no expansion” bit is Russia’s ex post facto construction - there was never any such promise. Agree also that the EU (except Poland and the Baltic states, who know the Russian bear better than anyone) were asleep and riding on the US’s coat-tails, but not any longer. They are all-in except, mysteriously, France which has delivered almost no help to Ukraine. Nothing justifies Putin invading an entirely blameless Neighbor though, however much blame we can allocate elsewhere.

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"people who long for politics the way it used to be, before it became so ugly"....Seriously? Politics, the struggle for power, has ALWAYS been ugly. It doesn't get much uglier than assassination. Remember John Kennedy, Julius Caesar, and many many others? Anyone who has ever studied history would know that.

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Haley will lose New Hampshire.

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Too bad, she would make a decent President. So would have Hillary. But not Kamala, she's lame. I'm a never Kamala-er.

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Both sides are afraid of RFK.

They never cover him.

He’s against big pharma and big business and has been his entire career.

He’s an old school democrat; who an also personally pro life; tho he believes in the constitutional rule of law. He’s not perfect but he’s not them.

A shame that fear mongering over a third party has worked on the US

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I don't think she has much of a shot. Several years ago, maybe even in 2020, I thought Haley would be a good candidate for the GOP nomination. I still like here more than most of the other Republicans, and of course, I would sign up for two terms right now if it was a guarantee that Biden would be sent packing. However, she HAS shown herself, more and more, to be another McCain, Bush, Romney, Kasich type of Republican. She simply is not conservative enough for my tastes. If she's the nominee, of course, I'll vote for her. I was planning to support DeSantis, but now I feel I have to go with Trump. Let us not forget, as well, that despite all The Donald's b.s. the country was safer and stronger and the world was safer while he was in office.

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She can only beat Biden because Biden is proven worthless and Nikki is an Administrative state pawn like Biden and all the RINO's. Nikki has not demonstrated that she understands the threat of the leftist. She can slow their advance but is not willing or informed enough to turn this around and save America. She still thinks more government is a solution, so long as it is her in charge. The fallacy of the leftist.

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“Everyone knows that the typical MAGA voter is white, rural, and working class” - this is no longer remotely true. Trump had more black votes in 2020 than 2016. Furthermore, over the last 3 years he has won over more minority voters and some of the suburban moms who MSM scared off in 2020. Lastly, using MAGA to refer to a Trump supporter is lame and lazy.


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Is this all serious? Who is Nikki Haley? A great schmoozer, no doubt. But a candidate to defeat Trump? Come on!

I used to have a Dean who, when confronted with the thing he hated most - a decision - was fond of saying “I am playing the long game”. In the Helleresque tradition he never stated what the long game was.

Haley is a stalking horse (look it up if you are not familiar with British politics) and is not meant to be taken seriously.

Some Republicans seem to think she has a purpose but nobody can say what that is.

Get over it. Trump will be the next President, unless the Democrats decide to start a civil war. Anybody who thinks that Biden and Harris have constructed a viable electoral opposition to that event is naive or has some extraneous motives for pretending such.

Another American neologism is ‘Get real’.

Its meaning is lost today. Too many observers are playing a long game or stoking fires of discord. Let’s get real. Democrats should be saving the Constitution, not gambling with it.

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If you want the same ole GOP, then vote Haley. She’s backed by the uni-party - the same people that decided Biden would run unopposed with no debates. It’s all the same people.

This article would have been better if it put Haley’s platform against Trump’s and then backed it up with results.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

No mere woman is qualified to be our Commander in Chief. They will never protect us from evil dictators. They will always role on their tummies and get raped by the bad man. No mere woman will ever be qualified to run the US military force.

Only a man can do a man’s job. No Americans should seek a RINO who cares nothing about common Americans. They only care about their global corporations interests. This is Haley.

I greatly prefer Governor Ron DeSantis, the absolutely best Governor in the USA today. Ready for the Potus office right now. Extremely competent. But this time, it looks like Trump will sweep it all.

My view now for 2024 is Trump/DeSantis. We will see what happens. DeSantis is very young. And very ready to lead us, right now, today. Ask an actual Floridian 🐊 who know him well 🦩.

Go gators.

Now think about Kamala . Can she tangle with Putin, Chairman Xi, the Ayatollahs, or Chairman Un? What a joke.

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Reese Witherspoon's "snow salt chococinno.” The only thing worse that eating snow is ingesting dihydro-monoxide. A town in CA has even outlawed it for the entire town.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

She does these vanity pieces because her little poodle dog pretty girl routine is dead and over.

Grow up Reese. You come from good stock, who helped very much to create the United States of America. Please go back to your roots. And pay attention.

Her schtick is parody and not interesting at all. Ditch the poodle and go deeper in more interesting characters Reese. You have the talent and DNA to do much better.

I don’t know. Becomes a new detective like Inspector Morse. Or a musical act like “The Music Man” the possibilities are endless.

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"I agree with a lot of those policies too. But there’s a better way."

Exactly how my wife and I feel.

We would love to see Nikki get picked up by the No Labels movement if she (likely) doesn't overtake Trump.

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No. Moving on.

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