
First they came for the anti-vaxxers...

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I read that the IDF put together two hours of actual footage of Hamas terrorists raping, murdering, slaughtering children and burning families in their homes. They had to show this to the international media, who refused to believe this really happened. Apparently some of the viewers had to leave, horrified, right at the start when a friendly dog approached the terrorists and was viciously slaughtered. Just imagine if they'd seen the actual human beings getting killed!

Every university where there have been antisemitic, pro-Palestinian demonstrations should REQUIRE all participants in these to view this two-hour documentary. The professors who've been encouraging this bloodshed should have to witness it too.

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We need to have college reform:

1) All students here on student visas who are engaging in the support of terrorist groups such as Hamas need to be deported back to their home countries (or at the very least kicked out of school). Same for all professors.

2) since colleges/universities have decided to become political organizations and not non-profits, their endowments should be taxed at 40%

3) no student loans will be backed by the federal government - if a student defaults on a loan then the university has to secure it via their endowments

4) all students receiving a loan will also be given a spreadsheet with calculations of how long it will take to pay back said loan, depending on which industry they choose to go into

5) all tenure for professors is revoked

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I totally agree with everything in this article, but I am becoming increasingly concerned and frustrated with how the FP is blantantly ignoring the human rights atrocities that are taking place against - we have to assume some arbitrary portion to not be terrorists - civilians in Gaza right now because of Israel. It is true it is difficult to determine who is a part of Hamas and who is not, but there are families being killed by rockets and missles. How long until that atrocity is reported and called out? We can’t callously just write them off as casualties here because they don’t have anywhere to run within the timeframes Israel is providing.

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Thanks for this article Bari.

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Supposedly clearheaded adults cowering before brainwashed youth. Where have I heard this before?

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It is time for a group of investors and primer movers to attempt to launch a new university that will allow for real academic freedom. They will have a stellar roster of cancelled and disillusioned but not yet cancelled academics to choose from as a core faculty.

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The new left has become a cesspool of groupthink that elevates victimhood to sainthood, censors divergent opinions, celebrates cancel culture, witch-hunts those who simply question, and employs authoritarian and illiberal behaviors in it's quest for cultural and ideological dominance.

When the definition of woman is revised into absurdity, homosexuals are told who are the "new" gays, children are 'informed' by schools teaching age-inappropriate sexual content, delusion-based beliefs are annointed by woke and masked cadres as the 'truth', and comments submitted even unto the NYTimes must be meticulously crafted to see the light of day it is time to clean house!

The plague started in academia and the job to eradicate it must begin there.

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The Free Press has made me proud to be a subscriber. Although my capabilities to support are limited, after the forthright and morally clear stance that you have taken, you will have my support, above all other media, for as long as I can afford it. Thank you.

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This speech is the counter to all the academic Marxist dimwits...g.

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I think you have been fairly consistent in your critique of the "woke ideology" that has taken over US leading academic institutions - this latest episode of the absence of critical thinking - or rather the application of a distorted philosophy/pseudo science called CRT to everything touches close to home. This nonsense has to be stopped in its tracks. Just hope it's not too late.

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This anti-semetic garbage will not stop unless universities fire the professors who are brainwashing these kids.

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Microaggressions are like that subtle change in the GPS lady's tone of voice when you make a few wrong turns.

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What happened last weekend in Israel should be condemned by all, murder and evil in its purest form. The complicated situation in the Middle East is a larger, more complex issue, but no one should equivocate on the barbaric evil that occurred last weekend. Innocent people were raped and murdered. We must all agree murder and rape are evil, full stop.

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Please keep writing the truth about Israel and the Islamic fundamentalists Hamas terrorists. I am in American living in Israel for more than 40 years . I have buried a son here. Jews everywhere are in danger . Every society throughout history who has allowed the hatred of Jews has declined and even disappeared. United States is on the way. Please keep speaking out the truth.

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