This is so hard to listen to but so important. Thank you, Bari - the world must know what is really happening. Her description of people being taken from their homes and beds evokes the Holocaust - and the videos on line are like watching the Shoa as a livestream. Horrific but important to lnpt turn away. Without you (and Twitter) - we wouldn’t know. Praying for this mother, for all of Israel - for all Jews, everywhere.

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Two more days until we start reading the "d" word (disproportionate) in the mainstream media. When we do, please remember this.

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The heart aches over these stories of brutality and inhumanity, but these stories must be told for a complete understanding of the nature of radical Islam and Iranian sponsored terrorism.

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Change that to simply orthodox Islam and you will have it right. The three books, Quran, Ha'dith, and Sira, are very clear. What was done is what their prophet wanted. From the slaughter to the rapes, all of it was what their prophet said to do. And it was, in his time, against the mores of his period.

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And Islam encourages lying to unbelievers to cover it's true nature.

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Taqqiya. It's more than encouraged. It is directed.

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This is a gut wrenching episode. I cannot image the terror people are going through wondering what will happen to their stolen loved ones. I can say I do not believe they will fair well. Hamas are murderous islamic terrorists who want to destroy the Jewish people. I pray that I am wrong and all will return home safe. Please stay strong Bari. We are all with you and all the people of Israel. Never again shall good people allow our Jewish brothers and sisters to stand alone. WE ARE WITH YOU. God Bless.

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There could not be a worse advertisement we are forced to hear at the beginning.

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Yes, what is TFP thinking?????

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I don't think that TFP has much, if any control at all over the ads. It's the internet age. Everything is linked but disconnected from control.

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This is heartbreaking 💔 This Gentile is horrified. And angry.

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Thank You Bari for providing this content -- It is a testament to your team of journalists who are bringing unfiltered truth. Keep it up.

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Overall, I think that the effect is to exacerbate rather than help. The "Palestinians" like to hear the lamentations of the women. We see the celebrations m.

"Palestine" is an invention dating to a meeting in Algeirs in 1988. The supposed historical roots are drivel. Judaism dates to at least the 18th century BCE there.

The Greeks called a place in the area Philistia, place of the Philistines. That archeology dates to the 12th century BCE. But DNA has shown the Philistines came from Europe. They're related to Greeks and people of Crete. They were not Semitic people.

The people claiming that identity today are Semitic. They have no claim from then. It's made up history.

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Thank you Bari for giving up your career at the Jew-hating New York Times to speak the truth with eloquence and courage. Are there any more at that worthless rag who value truth over careers?

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Good G-d - do you even know what the commercial before this is? Can you please take it off? I can't share this story with this advertising. It's horrid.

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She probably can't.

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I think it's been removed.

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Seize some kids of the Iranian elite and use them as counter hostages.

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There's no moral equivalencies to be made here. There's no justification for this barbarism. Best of luck in freeing the hostages and reuniting these innocent people with their families and best of luck to the decimation of Hamas and finally freeing the Palestinians from this bigoted, oppressive regime that betrays and terrorizes the Palestinian people.

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Thank you for sharing this with us. I can't even wrap my head around this. This cannot stand. Unfortunately I feel that our current administration is so week that it probably will.

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Israeli WOMEN Want their BABIES BACK,

Palestinians celebrate their own kids blown up into pieces.


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Thank you reporting this. 110% with Israel against terrorism.

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It took me time to collect my emotions and respond.

Only the mothers of Israel and the mothers of Palestine will resolve this madness.

I pray channels are opened that bring the messages of the women together to end the hostage situation humanely.

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