Absolutely! All immigration should stop except for very special circumstances which are clearly defined including the reason for the need. This should continue until the location and status of every single illegal migrant is determined and they have either been incarcerated or deported. Hopefully both and in that order. Period.

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Will Cenk keep his mouth shut long enough to hear a counter perspective?

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Our immigration system is not broken. Instead we are ruled by a government that ignores the law when it chooses.


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Fire the Biden administration

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same we all do with the doors on our houses

Close it , lock it, and let people we want in our house have access

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We could start by enforcing the laws already on the books. This is not the Gordian knot or theory of relativity, the problem is people like Mayorkas who do not want to fix the problem

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Perhaps do some reporting on this administration allowing whoever into our country. This administration supported the now failed Prime Minister. This was yesterday. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/2915847/thousands-of-haitians-dumped-in-us-but-dhs-wont-say-where/

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IMO you're part of the problem as evidenced by framing the issue as an "immigration" problem. We clearly have an, illegal immigration problem. Words matter.

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Debate? Should we allow illegal entry or follow the laws of immigration. Game over. We either obey the law or flaunt the law.

Debate? Should back robbery be permitted in some cases or treated as a criminal action and punished?

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Exactly!! My issue is w/ people who hold these societies up as "paragons" for their social/medical support networks, but don't acknowledge that they are able to do this BECAUSE they restrict immigration and they limit citizenship!

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What should we do? The current administration is facilitating this migration, through the U.N. and the I.O.M. They don't care what we want.

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The FP needs a thumb down button. I’d use it on this post.

Rather debate, how about clear instructions on how to get involved locally to make change? How about clear instructions to demonstrate how to write letters, call, knock on doors, etc. to tell the president and Congress what we want them to do? Enough is enough.

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According to the Cleveland Clinic, a SERIOUS hemorrhage can be treated by applying PRESSURE to the wound and tying a tourniquet in the direction of your HEART if you even have one!? 🙏🇺🇸

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Another solution. Vote Republican.

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John - your advice is ncessary but not sufficient. We need to elect the right Republicans, too many incumbents are entrenched and reluctant to close the border, actually lower taxes and spending, reduce regulation, etc. . .

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Generally, I categorize the pro-immigrant side as...

1. Inflationary economic incentives -- you build apartments on the Texas border. Biden gives immigrants a $3000 VISA card, or Texas gives them housing assistance, and they rent an apartment. This transfers money from middle-class taxpayers to you. On the grander scale, this applies to anyone who mostly owns stock, bitcoin, or other liquid assets (also real estate) instead of making salaried income -- immigration is good for the stock market. The top 5% love immigration.

2. Labor economic incentives -- you run a restaurant, factory, etc, and want to be able to hire cheap labor under the table. Once again, the top 5% love immigration.

3. Democrats who want voters. If not today, then long-term. But they often oppose voter ID and are more than happy to get them voting ASAP. And even if not voting, they'll count in the census for areas.

4. Various moral arguments for immigration. Either wanting to help the poor, the idea that borders shouldn't exist at all, etc, etc. This includes the brainwashed, but also some genuinely good people who just think that the right thing to do is to allow anyone and everyone into the country.

5. People who have family or cultural ties to immigrants coming in (usually some subset).

6. Racists who openly want to change America's demographics (eg Van Jones)

The anti-immigrant side can similarly be so categorized as...

1. People who oppose inflation or wealth redistribution. Anyone living paycheck-to-paycheck who don't want to see their grocery bill go up or their tax money be given to some ingrates

2. People who are working or competing in the job market (especially the low-skilled/working-class job market) and don't want to lose their job or have wages depressed.

3. Safety concerns. Concerns about the unrestricted flow of fentanyl, rising crime, possible terrorists entering, Chinese nationals with ulterior motives, etc.

4. Republicans who don't want to lose votes and congressional seats.

5. Sentimentality/traditionalism for American culture that's lost when importing millions of people who have no care for it, or actively are opposed to American history.

6. Racists who just don't like the people coming (in addition to white supremacists there are also other groups like Mexican nationalists who really don't like Guatemalans... we've kinda imported a bunch of sectarian problems from across the world)

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The President has always had the power to shut the borders, he could just ask for proof of good health. When my stepmother came here in the 70's from Poland, she had to undergo a health test. When my grandparents came here from Wales in the early 1900's they had to have proof of occupation and good health. I'm not sure about great-grandparents in the 1880's, but I know the great x5 and more grandparents in the 1600/1700's just got on a boat and came from England. We weren't a country then, but we are now. JB is not doing his job.

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Oh believe me I am. I used to live 20 miles from the border and now I live about 8 miles from the border. The beaches where I live often have ponga boats landing there. Thankfully the beaches are well patrolled by our police and 2 Navy bases are on one long strip of beach. The SEALS don't take kindly to anyone coming onto their bases.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Right on! We are grateful that here in Florida we have a govenor and government that takes federal violation of law at the expense of Florida residents seriously.

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